path: root/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/hstore_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/hstore_test.rb')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/hstore_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/hstore_test.rb
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index 0000000000..4b061a9375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/adapters/postgresql/hstore_test.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "support/schema_dumping_helper"
+class PostgresqlHstoreTest < ActiveRecord::PostgreSQLTestCase
+ include SchemaDumpingHelper
+ class Hstore < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "hstores"
+ store_accessor :settings, :language, :timezone
+ end
+ class FakeParameters
+ def to_unsafe_h
+ { "hi" => "hi" }
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
+ enable_extension!("hstore", @connection)
+ @connection.transaction do
+ @connection.create_table("hstores") do |t|
+ t.hstore "tags", default: ""
+ t.hstore "payload", array: true
+ t.hstore "settings"
+ end
+ end
+ Hstore.reset_column_information
+ @column = Hstore.columns_hash["tags"]
+ @type = Hstore.type_for_attribute("tags")
+ end
+ teardown do
+ @connection.drop_table "hstores", if_exists: true
+ disable_extension!("hstore", @connection)
+ end
+ def test_hstore_included_in_extensions
+ assert_respond_to @connection, :extensions
+ assert_includes @connection.extensions, "hstore", "extension list should include hstore"
+ end
+ def test_disable_enable_hstore
+ assert @connection.extension_enabled?("hstore")
+ @connection.disable_extension "hstore"
+ assert_not @connection.extension_enabled?("hstore")
+ @connection.enable_extension "hstore"
+ assert @connection.extension_enabled?("hstore")
+ ensure
+ # Restore column(s) dropped by `drop extension hstore cascade;`
+ load_schema
+ end
+ def test_column
+ assert_equal :hstore, @column.type
+ assert_equal "hstore", @column.sql_type
+ assert_not_predicate @column, :array?
+ assert_not_predicate @type, :binary?
+ end
+ def test_default
+ @connection.add_column "hstores", "permissions", :hstore, default: '"users"=>"read", "articles"=>"write"'
+ Hstore.reset_column_information
+ assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "articles" => "write" }, Hstore.column_defaults["permissions"])
+ assert_equal({ "users" => "read", "articles" => "write" }, Hstore.new.permissions)
+ ensure
+ Hstore.reset_column_information
+ end
+ def test_change_table_supports_hstore
+ @connection.transaction do
+ @connection.change_table("hstores") do |t|
+ t.hstore "users", default: ""
+ end
+ Hstore.reset_column_information
+ column = Hstore.columns_hash["users"]
+ assert_equal :hstore, column.type
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback # reset the schema change
+ end
+ ensure
+ Hstore.reset_column_information
+ end
+ def test_hstore_migration
+ hstore_migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) do
+ def change
+ change_table("hstores") do |t|
+ t.hstore :keys
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ hstore_migration.new.suppress_messages do
+ hstore_migration.migrate(:up)
+ assert_includes @connection.columns(:hstores).map(&:name), "keys"
+ hstore_migration.migrate(:down)
+ assert_not_includes @connection.columns(:hstores).map(&:name), "keys"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_cast_value_on_write
+ x = Hstore.new tags: { "bool" => true, "number" => 5 }
+ assert_equal({ "bool" => true, "number" => 5 }, x.tags_before_type_cast)
+ assert_equal({ "bool" => "true", "number" => "5" }, x.tags)
+ x.save
+ assert_equal({ "bool" => "true", "number" => "5" }, x.reload.tags)
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_hstore
+ assert_equal({ "1" => "2" }, @type.deserialize("\"1\"=>\"2\""))
+ assert_equal({}, @type.deserialize(""))
+ assert_equal({ "key" => nil }, @type.deserialize("key => NULL"))
+ assert_equal({ "c" => "}", '"a"' => 'b "a b' }, @type.deserialize(%q(c=>"}", "\"a\""=>"b \"a b")))
+ end
+ def test_with_store_accessors
+ x = Hstore.new(language: "fr", timezone: "GMT")
+ assert_equal "fr", x.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", x.timezone
+ x.save!
+ x = Hstore.first
+ assert_equal "fr", x.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", x.timezone
+ x.language = "de"
+ x.save!
+ x = Hstore.first
+ assert_equal "de", x.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", x.timezone
+ end
+ def test_duplication_with_store_accessors
+ x = Hstore.new(language: "fr", timezone: "GMT")
+ assert_equal "fr", x.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", x.timezone
+ y = x.dup
+ assert_equal "fr", y.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", y.timezone
+ end
+ def test_yaml_round_trip_with_store_accessors
+ x = Hstore.new(language: "fr", timezone: "GMT")
+ assert_equal "fr", x.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", x.timezone
+ y = YAML.load(YAML.dump(x))
+ assert_equal "fr", y.language
+ assert_equal "GMT", y.timezone
+ end
+ def test_changes_in_place
+ hstore = Hstore.create!(settings: { "one" => "two" })
+ hstore.settings["three"] = "four"
+ hstore.save!
+ hstore.reload
+ assert_equal "four", hstore.settings["three"]
+ assert_not_predicate hstore, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_dirty_from_user_equal
+ settings = { "alongkey" => "anything", "key" => "value" }
+ hstore = Hstore.create!(settings: settings)
+ hstore.settings = { "key" => "value", "alongkey" => "anything" }
+ assert_equal settings, hstore.settings
+ assert_not_predicate hstore, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_hstore_dirty_from_database_equal
+ settings = { "alongkey" => "anything", "key" => "value" }
+ hstore = Hstore.create!(settings: settings)
+ hstore.reload
+ assert_equal settings, hstore.settings
+ hstore.settings = settings
+ assert_not_predicate hstore, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_gen1
+ assert_equal('" "=>""', @type.serialize(" " => ""))
+ end
+ def test_gen2
+ assert_equal('","=>""', @type.serialize("," => ""))
+ end
+ def test_gen3
+ assert_equal('"="=>""', @type.serialize("=" => ""))
+ end
+ def test_gen4
+ assert_equal('">"=>""', @type.serialize(">" => ""))
+ end
+ def test_parse1
+ assert_equal({ "a" => nil, "b" => nil, "c" => "NuLl", "null" => "c" }, @type.deserialize('a=>null,b=>NuLl,c=>"NuLl",null=>c'))
+ end
+ def test_parse2
+ assert_equal({ " " => " " }, @type.deserialize("\\ =>\\ "))
+ end
+ def test_parse3
+ assert_equal({ "=" => ">" }, @type.deserialize("==>>"))
+ end
+ def test_parse4
+ assert_equal({ "=a" => "q=w" }, @type.deserialize('\=a=>q=w'))
+ end
+ def test_parse5
+ assert_equal({ "=a" => "q=w" }, @type.deserialize('"=a"=>q\=w'))
+ end
+ def test_parse6
+ assert_equal({ "\"a" => "q>w" }, @type.deserialize('"\"a"=>q>w'))
+ end
+ def test_parse7
+ assert_equal({ "\"a" => "q\"w" }, @type.deserialize('\"a=>q"w'))
+ end
+ def test_rewrite
+ @connection.execute "insert into hstores (tags) VALUES ('1=>2')"
+ x = Hstore.first
+ x.tags = { '"a\'' => "b" }
+ assert x.save!
+ end
+ def test_select
+ @connection.execute "insert into hstores (tags) VALUES ('1=>2')"
+ x = Hstore.first
+ assert_equal({ "1" => "2" }, x.tags)
+ end
+ def test_array_cycle
+ assert_array_cycle([{ "AA" => "BB", "CC" => "DD" }, { "AA" => nil }])
+ end
+ def test_array_strings_with_quotes
+ assert_array_cycle([{ "this has" => 'some "s that need to be escaped"' }])
+ end
+ def test_array_strings_with_commas
+ assert_array_cycle([{ "this,has" => "many,values" }])
+ end
+ def test_array_strings_with_array_delimiters
+ assert_array_cycle(["{" => "}"])
+ end
+ def test_array_strings_with_null_strings
+ assert_array_cycle([{ "NULL" => "NULL" }])
+ end
+ def test_contains_nils
+ assert_array_cycle([{ "NULL" => nil }])
+ end
+ def test_select_multikey
+ @connection.execute "insert into hstores (tags) VALUES ('1=>2,2=>3')"
+ x = Hstore.first
+ assert_equal({ "1" => "2", "2" => "3" }, x.tags)
+ end
+ def test_create
+ assert_cycle("a" => "b", "1" => "2")
+ end
+ def test_nil
+ assert_cycle("a" => nil)
+ end
+ def test_quotes
+ assert_cycle("a" => 'b"ar', '1"foo' => "2")
+ end
+ def test_whitespace
+ assert_cycle("a b" => "b ar", '1"foo' => "2")
+ end
+ def test_backslash
+ assert_cycle('a\\b' => 'b\\ar', '1"foo' => "2")
+ end
+ def test_comma
+ assert_cycle("a, b" => "bar", '1"foo' => "2")
+ end
+ def test_arrow
+ assert_cycle("a=>b" => "bar", '1"foo' => "2")
+ end
+ def test_quoting_special_characters
+ assert_cycle("ca" => "cà", "ac" => "àc")
+ end
+ def test_multiline
+ assert_cycle("a\nb" => "c\nd")
+ end
+ class TagCollection
+ def initialize(hash); @hash = hash end
+ def to_hash; @hash end
+ def self.load(hash); new(hash) end
+ def self.dump(object); object.to_hash end
+ end
+ class HstoreWithSerialize < Hstore
+ serialize :tags, TagCollection
+ end
+ def test_hstore_with_serialized_attributes
+ HstoreWithSerialize.create! tags: TagCollection.new("one" => "two")
+ record = HstoreWithSerialize.first
+ assert_instance_of TagCollection, record.tags
+ assert_equal({ "one" => "two" }, record.tags.to_hash)
+ record.tags = TagCollection.new("three" => "four")
+ record.save!
+ assert_equal({ "three" => "four" }, HstoreWithSerialize.first.tags.to_hash)
+ end
+ def test_clone_hstore_with_serialized_attributes
+ HstoreWithSerialize.create! tags: TagCollection.new("one" => "two")
+ record = HstoreWithSerialize.first
+ dupe = record.dup
+ assert_equal({ "one" => "two" }, dupe.tags.to_hash)
+ end
+ def test_schema_dump_with_shorthand
+ output = dump_table_schema("hstores")
+ assert_match %r[t\.hstore "tags",\s+default: {}], output
+ end
+ def test_supports_to_unsafe_h_values
+ assert_equal("\"hi\"=>\"hi\"", @type.serialize(FakeParameters.new))
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_array_cycle(array)
+ # test creation
+ x = Hstore.create!(payload: array)
+ x.reload
+ assert_equal(array, x.payload)
+ # test updating
+ x = Hstore.create!(payload: [])
+ x.payload = array
+ x.save!
+ x.reload
+ assert_equal(array, x.payload)
+ end
+ def assert_cycle(hash)
+ # test creation
+ x = Hstore.create!(tags: hash)
+ x.reload
+ assert_equal(hash, x.tags)
+ # test updating
+ x = Hstore.create!(tags: {})
+ x.tags = hash
+ x.save!
+ x.reload
+ assert_equal(hash, x.tags)
+ end