path: root/activerecord/lib
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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
index ed652e26aa..36ce49d518 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/integration.rb
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
included do
# :singleton-method:
- # Indicates the format used to generate the timestamp in the cache key.
- # Accepts any of the symbols in <tt>Time::DATE_FORMATS</tt>.
+ # Indicates the format used to generate the timestamp in the cache key, if
+ # versioning is off. Accepts any of the symbols in <tt>Time::DATE_FORMATS</tt>.
# This is +:usec+, by default.
class_attribute :cache_timestamp_format, instance_writer: false
@@ -51,24 +51,16 @@ module ActiveRecord
id && id.to_s # Be sure to stringify the id for routes
- # Returns a cache key that can be used to identify this record.
+ # Returns a stable cache key that can be used to identify this record.
# Product.new.cache_key # => "products/new"
- # Product.find(5).cache_key # => "products/5" (updated_at not available)
- # Person.find(5).cache_key # => "people/5-20071224150000" (updated_at available)
- #
- # You can also pass a list of named timestamps, and the newest in the list will be
- # used to generate the key:
- #
- # Person.find(5).cache_key(:updated_at, :last_reviewed_at)
+ # Product.find(5).cache_key # => "products/5"
- # If ActiveRecord::Base.cache_versioning is turned on, no version will be included
- # in the cache key. The version will instead be supplied by #cache_version. This
- # separation enables recycling of cache keys.
+ # If ActiveRecord::Base.cache_versioning is turned off, as it was in Rails 5.1 and earlier,
+ # the cache key will also include a version.
- # Product.cache_versioning = true
- # Product.new.cache_key # => "products/new"
- # Person.find(5).cache_key # => "people/5" (even if updated_at available)
+ # Product.cache_versioning = false
+ # Person.find(5).cache_key # => "people/5-20071224150000" (updated_at available)
def cache_key(*timestamp_names)
if new_record?
@@ -77,6 +69,11 @@ module ActiveRecord
timestamp = if timestamp_names.any?
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish)
+ Specifying a timestamp name for #cache_key has been deprecated in favor of
+ the explicit #cache_version method that can be overwritten.
@@ -99,9 +96,21 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Note, this method will return nil if ActiveRecord::Base.cache_versioning is set to
# +false+ (which it is by default until Rails 6.0).
def cache_version
- try(:updated_at).try(:to_i) if cache_versioning
+ if cache_versioning && timestamp = try(:updated_at)
+ updated_at.utc.to_s(:usec)
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns a cache key along with the version.
+ def cache_key_with_version
+ if version = cache_version
+ "#{cache_key}-#{version}"
+ else
+ cache_key
+ end
module ClassMethods
# Defines your model's +to_param+ method to generate "pretty" URLs
# using +method_name+, which can be any attribute or method that