path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
index ccb0ab18ae..55fd0e0b52 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ require "active_record/relation/query_attribute"
require "active_record/relation/where_clause"
require "active_record/relation/where_clause_factory"
require 'active_model/forbidden_attributes_protection'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/string/filters'
module ActiveRecord
module QueryMethods
@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Returns a new relation expressing WHERE + NOT condition according to
# the conditions in the arguments.
- # +not+ accepts conditions as a string, array, or hash. See #where for
+ # #not accepts conditions as a string, array, or hash. See QueryMethods#where for
# more details on each format.
# User.where.not("name = 'Jon'")
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# allows you to access the +address+ attribute of the +User+ model without
# firing an additional query. This will often result in a
- # performance improvement over a simple +join+.
+ # performance improvement over a simple join.
# You can also specify multiple relationships, like this:
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# User.includes(:posts).where('posts.name = ?', 'example').references(:posts)
- # Note that +includes+ works with association names while +references+ needs
+ # Note that #includes works with association names while #references needs
# the actual table name.
def includes(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:includes, args)
@@ -152,9 +151,9 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Forces eager loading by performing a LEFT OUTER JOIN on +args+:
# User.eager_load(:posts)
- # => SELECT "users"."id" AS t0_r0, "users"."name" AS t0_r1, ...
- # FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" =
- # "users"."id"
+ # # SELECT "users"."id" AS t0_r0, "users"."name" AS t0_r1, ...
+ # # FROM "users" LEFT OUTER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" =
+ # # "users"."id"
def eager_load(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:eager_load, args)
@@ -165,10 +164,10 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Allows preloading of +args+, in the same way that +includes+ does:
+ # Allows preloading of +args+, in the same way that #includes does:
# User.preload(:posts)
- # => SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" IN (1, 2, 3)
+ # # SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" IN (1, 2, 3)
def preload(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:preload, args)
@@ -181,14 +180,14 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Use to indicate that the given +table_names+ are referenced by an SQL string,
# and should therefore be JOINed in any query rather than loaded separately.
- # This method only works in conjunction with +includes+.
+ # This method only works in conjunction with #includes.
# See #includes for more details.
# User.includes(:posts).where("posts.name = 'foo'")
- # # => Doesn't JOIN the posts table, resulting in an error.
+ # # Doesn't JOIN the posts table, resulting in an error.
# User.includes(:posts).where("posts.name = 'foo'").references(:posts)
- # # => Query now knows the string references posts, so adds a JOIN
+ # # Query now knows the string references posts, so adds a JOIN
def references(*table_names)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:references, table_names)
@@ -204,12 +203,12 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Works in two unique ways.
- # First: takes a block so it can be used just like Array#select.
+ # First: takes a block so it can be used just like +Array#select+.
# Model.all.select { |m| m.field == value }
# This will build an array of objects from the database for the scope,
- # converting them into an array and iterating through them using Array#select.
+ # converting them into an array and iterating through them using +Array#select+.
# Second: Modifies the SELECT statement for the query so that only certain
# fields are retrieved:
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# # => "value"
# Accessing attributes of an object that do not have fields retrieved by a select
- # except +id+ will throw <tt>ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError</tt>:
+ # except +id+ will throw ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError:
# Model.select(:field).first.other_field
# # => ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: other_field
@@ -259,22 +258,23 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Allows to specify a group attribute:
# User.group(:name)
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" GROUP BY name
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" GROUP BY name
# Returns an array with distinct records based on the +group+ attribute:
# User.select([:id, :name])
- # => [#<User id: 1, name: "Oscar">, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar">, #<User id: 3, name: "Foo">]
+ # # => [#<User id: 1, name: "Oscar">, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar">, #<User id: 3, name: "Foo">]
# User.group(:name)
- # => [#<User id: 3, name: "Foo", ...>, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar", ...>]
+ # # => [#<User id: 3, name: "Foo", ...>, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar", ...>]
# User.group('name AS grouped_name, age')
- # => [#<User id: 3, name: "Foo", age: 21, ...>, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar", age: 21, ...>, #<User id: 5, name: "Foo", age: 23, ...>]
+ # # => [#<User id: 3, name: "Foo", age: 21, ...>, #<User id: 2, name: "Oscar", age: 21, ...>, #<User id: 5, name: "Foo", age: 23, ...>]
# Passing in an array of attributes to group by is also supported.
+ #
# User.select([:id, :first_name]).group(:id, :first_name).first(3)
- # => [#<User id: 1, first_name: "Bill">, #<User id: 2, first_name: "Earl">, #<User id: 3, first_name: "Beto">]
+ # # => [#<User id: 1, first_name: "Bill">, #<User id: 2, first_name: "Earl">, #<User id: 3, first_name: "Beto">]
def group(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:group, args)
@@ -290,22 +290,22 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Allows to specify an order attribute:
# User.order(:name)
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."name" ASC
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."name" ASC
# User.order(email: :desc)
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."email" DESC
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."email" DESC
# User.order(:name, email: :desc)
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."name" ASC, "users"."email" DESC
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."name" ASC, "users"."email" DESC
# User.order('name')
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name
# User.order('name DESC')
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC
# User.order('name DESC, email')
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC, email
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC, email
def order(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:order, args)
@@ -357,15 +357,15 @@ module ActiveRecord
# User.order('email DESC').select('id').where(name: "John")
# .unscope(:order, :select, :where) == User.all
- # One can additionally pass a hash as an argument to unscope specific :where values.
+ # One can additionally pass a hash as an argument to unscope specific +:where+ values.
# This is done by passing a hash with a single key-value pair. The key should be
- # :where and the value should be the where value to unscope. For example:
+ # +:where+ and the value should be the where value to unscope. For example:
# User.where(name: "John", active: true).unscope(where: :name)
# == User.where(active: true)
- # This method is similar to <tt>except</tt>, but unlike
- # <tt>except</tt>, it persists across merges:
+ # This method is similar to #except, but unlike
+ # #except, it persists across merges:
# User.order('email').merge(User.except(:order))
# == User.order('email')
@@ -410,12 +410,12 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Performs a joins on +args+:
# User.joins(:posts)
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" INNER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id"
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" INNER JOIN "posts" ON "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id"
# You can use strings in order to customize your joins:
# User.joins("LEFT JOIN bookmarks ON bookmarks.bookmarkable_type = 'Post' AND bookmarks.user_id = users.id")
- # => SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LEFT JOIN bookmarks ON bookmarks.bookmarkable_type = 'Post' AND bookmarks.user_id = users.id
+ # # SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LEFT JOIN bookmarks ON bookmarks.bookmarkable_type = 'Post' AND bookmarks.user_id = users.id
def joins(*args)
check_if_method_has_arguments!(:joins, args)
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# than the previous methods; you are responsible for ensuring that the values in the template
# are properly quoted. The values are passed to the connector for quoting, but the caller
# is responsible for ensuring they are enclosed in quotes in the resulting SQL. After quoting,
- # the values are inserted using the same escapes as the Ruby core method <tt>Kernel::sprintf</tt>.
+ # the values are inserted using the same escapes as the Ruby core method +Kernel::sprintf+.
# User.where(["name = '%s' and email = '%s'", "Joe", "joe@example.com"])
# # SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Joe' AND email = 'joe@example.com';
@@ -566,12 +566,17 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Allows you to change a previously set where condition for a given attribute, instead of appending to that condition.
- # Post.where(trashed: true).where(trashed: false) # => WHERE `trashed` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0
- # Post.where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false) # => WHERE `trashed` = 0
- # Post.where(active: true).where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false) # => WHERE `active` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0
+ # Post.where(trashed: true).where(trashed: false)
+ # # WHERE `trashed` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0
+ #
+ # Post.where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false)
+ # # WHERE `trashed` = 0
- # This is short-hand for unscope(where: conditions.keys).where(conditions). Note that unlike reorder, we're only unscoping
- # the named conditions -- not the entire where statement.
+ # Post.where(active: true).where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false)
+ # # WHERE `active` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0
+ #
+ # This is short-hand for <tt>unscope(where: conditions.keys).where(conditions)</tt>.
+ # Note that unlike reorder, we're only unscoping the named conditions -- not the entire where statement.
def rewhere(conditions)
unscope(where: conditions.keys).where(conditions)
@@ -580,8 +585,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
# argument.
# The two relations must be structurally compatible: they must be scoping the same model, and
- # they must differ only by +where+ (if no +group+ has been defined) or +having+ (if a +group+ is
- # present). Neither relation may have a +limit+, +offset+, or +distinct+ set.
+ # they must differ only by #where (if no #group has been defined) or #having (if a #group is
+ # present). Neither relation may have a #limit, #offset, or #distinct set.
# Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 2"))
# # SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE (('id = 1' OR 'id = 2'))
@@ -601,12 +606,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
- private def structurally_compatible_for_or?(other) # :nodoc:
- Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS.all? { |m| send("#{m}_value") == other.send("#{m}_value") } &&
- (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:extending]).all? { |m| send("#{m}_values") == other.send("#{m}_values") } &&
- (Relation::CLAUSE_METHODS - [:having, :where]).all? { |m| send("#{m}_clause") != other.send("#{m}_clause") }
- end
# Allows to specify a HAVING clause. Note that you can't use HAVING
# without also specifying a GROUP clause.
@@ -654,7 +653,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Specifies locking settings (default to +true+). For more information
- # on locking, please see +ActiveRecord::Locking+.
+ # on locking, please see ActiveRecord::Locking.
def lock(locks = true)
@@ -685,7 +684,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# For example:
# @posts = current_user.visible_posts.where(name: params[:name])
- # # => the visible_posts method is expected to return a chainable Relation
+ # # the visible_posts method is expected to return a chainable Relation
# def visible_posts
# case role
@@ -730,7 +729,7 @@ module ActiveRecord
# users = users.create_with(name: 'DHH')
# users.new.name # => 'DHH'
- # You can pass +nil+ to +create_with+ to reset attributes:
+ # You can pass +nil+ to #create_with to reset attributes:
# users = users.create_with(nil)
# users.new.name # => 'Oscar'
@@ -752,15 +751,15 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Specifies table from which the records will be fetched. For example:
# Topic.select('title').from('posts')
- # # => SELECT title FROM posts
+ # # SELECT title FROM posts
# Can accept other relation objects. For example:
# Topic.select('title').from(Topic.approved)
- # # => SELECT title FROM (SELECT * FROM topics WHERE approved = 't') subquery
+ # # SELECT title FROM (SELECT * FROM topics WHERE approved = 't') subquery
# Topic.select('a.title').from(Topic.approved, :a)
- # # => SELECT a.title FROM (SELECT * FROM topics WHERE approved = 't') a
+ # # SELECT a.title FROM (SELECT * FROM topics WHERE approved = 't') a
def from(value, subquery_name = nil)
spawn.from!(value, subquery_name)
@@ -774,13 +773,13 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Specifies whether the records should be unique or not. For example:
# User.select(:name)
- # # => Might return two records with the same name
+ # # Might return two records with the same name
# User.select(:name).distinct
- # # => Returns 1 record per distinct name
+ # # Returns 1 record per distinct name
# User.select(:name).distinct.distinct(false)
- # # => You can also remove the uniqueness
+ # # You can also remove the uniqueness
def distinct(value = true)
@@ -1076,8 +1075,8 @@ module ActiveRecord
# Example:
- # Post.references() # => raises an error
- # Post.references([]) # => does not raise an error
+ # Post.references() # raises an error
+ # Post.references([]) # does not raise an error
# This particular method should be called with a method_name and the args
# passed into that method as an input. For example:
@@ -1092,6 +1091,12 @@ module ActiveRecord
+ def structurally_compatible_for_or?(other)
+ Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS.all? { |m| send("#{m}_value") == other.send("#{m}_value") } &&
+ (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:extending]).all? { |m| send("#{m}_values") == other.send("#{m}_values") } &&
+ (Relation::CLAUSE_METHODS - [:having, :where]).all? { |m| send("#{m}_clause") != other.send("#{m}_clause") }
+ end
def new_where_clause