path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/reflection.rb')
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "active_support/core_ext/string/filters"
+require "concurrent/map"
+module ActiveRecord
+ # = Active Record Reflection
+ module Reflection # :nodoc:
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ class_attribute :_reflections, instance_writer: false, default: {}
+ class_attribute :aggregate_reflections, instance_writer: false, default: {}
+ end
+ class << self
+ def create(macro, name, scope, options, ar)
+ reflection = reflection_class_for(macro).new(name, scope, options, ar)
+ options[:through] ? ThroughReflection.new(reflection) : reflection
+ end
+ def add_reflection(ar, name, reflection)
+ ar.clear_reflections_cache
+ name = name.to_s
+ ar._reflections = ar._reflections.except(name).merge!(name => reflection)
+ end
+ def add_aggregate_reflection(ar, name, reflection)
+ ar.aggregate_reflections = ar.aggregate_reflections.merge(name.to_s => reflection)
+ end
+ private
+ def reflection_class_for(macro)
+ case macro
+ when :composed_of
+ AggregateReflection
+ when :has_many
+ HasManyReflection
+ when :has_one
+ HasOneReflection
+ when :belongs_to
+ BelongsToReflection
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported Macro: #{macro}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # \Reflection enables the ability to examine the associations and aggregations of
+ # Active Record classes and objects. This information, for example,
+ # can be used in a form builder that takes an Active Record object
+ # and creates input fields for all of the attributes depending on their type
+ # and displays the associations to other objects.
+ #
+ # MacroReflection class has info for AggregateReflection and AssociationReflection
+ # classes.
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Returns an array of AggregateReflection objects for all the aggregations in the class.
+ def reflect_on_all_aggregations
+ aggregate_reflections.values
+ end
+ # Returns the AggregateReflection object for the named +aggregation+ (use the symbol).
+ #
+ # Account.reflect_on_aggregation(:balance) # => the balance AggregateReflection
+ #
+ def reflect_on_aggregation(aggregation)
+ aggregate_reflections[aggregation.to_s]
+ end
+ # Returns a Hash of name of the reflection as the key and an AssociationReflection as the value.
+ #
+ # Account.reflections # => {"balance" => AggregateReflection}
+ #
+ def reflections
+ @__reflections ||= begin
+ ref = {}
+ _reflections.each do |name, reflection|
+ parent_reflection = reflection.parent_reflection
+ if parent_reflection
+ parent_name = parent_reflection.name
+ ref[parent_name.to_s] = parent_reflection
+ else
+ ref[name] = reflection
+ end
+ end
+ ref
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns an array of AssociationReflection objects for all the
+ # associations in the class. If you only want to reflect on a certain
+ # association type, pass in the symbol (<tt>:has_many</tt>, <tt>:has_one</tt>,
+ # <tt>:belongs_to</tt>) as the first parameter.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Account.reflect_on_all_associations # returns an array of all associations
+ # Account.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many) # returns an array of all has_many associations
+ #
+ def reflect_on_all_associations(macro = nil)
+ association_reflections = reflections.values
+ association_reflections.select! { |reflection| reflection.macro == macro } if macro
+ association_reflections
+ end
+ # Returns the AssociationReflection object for the +association+ (use the symbol).
+ #
+ # Account.reflect_on_association(:owner) # returns the owner AssociationReflection
+ # Invoice.reflect_on_association(:line_items).macro # returns :has_many
+ #
+ def reflect_on_association(association)
+ reflections[association.to_s]
+ end
+ def _reflect_on_association(association) #:nodoc:
+ _reflections[association.to_s]
+ end
+ # Returns an array of AssociationReflection objects for all associations which have <tt>:autosave</tt> enabled.
+ def reflect_on_all_autosave_associations
+ reflections.values.select { |reflection| reflection.options[:autosave] }
+ end
+ def clear_reflections_cache # :nodoc:
+ @__reflections = nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Holds all the methods that are shared between MacroReflection and ThroughReflection.
+ #
+ # AbstractReflection
+ # MacroReflection
+ # AggregateReflection
+ # AssociationReflection
+ # HasManyReflection
+ # HasOneReflection
+ # BelongsToReflection
+ # HasAndBelongsToManyReflection
+ # ThroughReflection
+ # PolymorphicReflection
+ # RuntimeReflection
+ class AbstractReflection # :nodoc:
+ def through_reflection?
+ false
+ end
+ def table_name
+ klass.table_name
+ end
+ # Returns a new, unsaved instance of the associated class. +attributes+ will
+ # be passed to the class's constructor.
+ def build_association(attributes, &block)
+ klass.new(attributes, &block)
+ end
+ # Returns the class name for the macro.
+ #
+ # <tt>composed_of :balance, class_name: 'Money'</tt> returns <tt>'Money'</tt>
+ # <tt>has_many :clients</tt> returns <tt>'Client'</tt>
+ def class_name
+ @class_name ||= (options[:class_name] || derive_class_name).to_s
+ end
+ JoinKeys = Struct.new(:key, :foreign_key) # :nodoc:
+ def join_keys
+ @join_keys ||= get_join_keys(klass)
+ end
+ # Returns a list of scopes that should be applied for this Reflection
+ # object when querying the database.
+ def scopes
+ scope ? [scope] : []
+ end
+ def build_join_constraint(table, foreign_table)
+ key = join_keys.key
+ foreign_key = join_keys.foreign_key
+ constraint = table[key].eq(foreign_table[foreign_key])
+ if klass.finder_needs_type_condition?
+ table.create_and([constraint, klass.send(:type_condition, table)])
+ else
+ constraint
+ end
+ end
+ def join_scope(table, foreign_klass)
+ predicate_builder = predicate_builder(table)
+ scope_chain_items = join_scopes(table, predicate_builder)
+ klass_scope = klass_join_scope(table, predicate_builder)
+ if type
+ klass_scope.where!(type => foreign_klass.polymorphic_name)
+ end
+ scope_chain_items.inject(klass_scope, &:merge!)
+ end
+ def join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) # :nodoc:
+ if scope
+ [scope_for(build_scope(table, predicate_builder))]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def klass_join_scope(table, predicate_builder) # :nodoc:
+ relation = build_scope(table, predicate_builder)
+ klass.scope_for_association(relation)
+ end
+ def constraints
+ chain.flat_map(&:scopes)
+ end
+ def counter_cache_column
+ if belongs_to?
+ if options[:counter_cache] == true
+ "#{active_record.name.demodulize.underscore.pluralize}_count"
+ elsif options[:counter_cache]
+ options[:counter_cache].to_s
+ end
+ else
+ options[:counter_cache] ? options[:counter_cache].to_s : "#{name}_count"
+ end
+ end
+ def inverse_of
+ return unless inverse_name
+ @inverse_of ||= klass._reflect_on_association inverse_name
+ end
+ def check_validity_of_inverse!
+ unless polymorphic?
+ if has_inverse? && inverse_of.nil?
+ raise InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError.new(self)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # This shit is nasty. We need to avoid the following situation:
+ #
+ # * An associated record is deleted via record.destroy
+ # * Hence the callbacks run, and they find a belongs_to on the record with a
+ # :counter_cache options which points back at our owner. So they update the
+ # counter cache.
+ # * In which case, we must make sure to *not* update the counter cache, or else
+ # it will be decremented twice.
+ #
+ # Hence this method.
+ def inverse_which_updates_counter_cache
+ return @inverse_which_updates_counter_cache if defined?(@inverse_which_updates_counter_cache)
+ @inverse_which_updates_counter_cache = klass.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).find do |inverse|
+ inverse.counter_cache_column == counter_cache_column
+ end
+ end
+ alias inverse_updates_counter_cache? inverse_which_updates_counter_cache
+ def inverse_updates_counter_in_memory?
+ inverse_of && inverse_which_updates_counter_cache == inverse_of
+ end
+ # Returns whether a counter cache should be used for this association.
+ #
+ # The counter_cache option must be given on either the owner or inverse
+ # association, and the column must be present on the owner.
+ def has_cached_counter?
+ options[:counter_cache] ||
+ inverse_which_updates_counter_cache && inverse_which_updates_counter_cache.options[:counter_cache] &&
+ !!active_record.columns_hash[counter_cache_column]
+ end
+ def counter_must_be_updated_by_has_many?
+ !inverse_updates_counter_in_memory? && has_cached_counter?
+ end
+ def alias_candidate(name)
+ "#{plural_name}_#{name}"
+ end
+ def chain
+ collect_join_chain
+ end
+ def get_join_keys(association_klass)
+ JoinKeys.new(join_primary_key(association_klass), join_foreign_key)
+ end
+ def build_scope(table, predicate_builder = predicate_builder(table))
+ Relation.create(
+ klass,
+ table: table,
+ predicate_builder: predicate_builder
+ )
+ end
+ def join_primary_key(*)
+ foreign_key
+ end
+ def join_foreign_key
+ active_record_primary_key
+ end
+ protected
+ def actual_source_reflection # FIXME: this is a horrible name
+ self
+ end
+ private
+ def predicate_builder(table)
+ PredicateBuilder.new(TableMetadata.new(klass, table))
+ end
+ def primary_key(klass)
+ klass.primary_key || raise(UnknownPrimaryKey.new(klass))
+ end
+ end
+ # Base class for AggregateReflection and AssociationReflection. Objects of
+ # AggregateReflection and AssociationReflection are returned by the Reflection::ClassMethods.
+ class MacroReflection < AbstractReflection
+ # Returns the name of the macro.
+ #
+ # <tt>composed_of :balance, class_name: 'Money'</tt> returns <tt>:balance</tt>
+ # <tt>has_many :clients</tt> returns <tt>:clients</tt>
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :scope
+ # Returns the hash of options used for the macro.
+ #
+ # <tt>composed_of :balance, class_name: 'Money'</tt> returns <tt>{ class_name: "Money" }</tt>
+ # <tt>has_many :clients</tt> returns <tt>{}</tt>
+ attr_reader :options
+ attr_reader :active_record
+ attr_reader :plural_name # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(name, scope, options, active_record)
+ @name = name
+ @scope = scope
+ @options = options
+ @active_record = active_record
+ @klass = options[:anonymous_class]
+ @plural_name = active_record.pluralize_table_names ?
+ name.to_s.pluralize : name.to_s
+ end
+ def autosave=(autosave)
+ @options[:autosave] = autosave
+ parent_reflection = self.parent_reflection
+ if parent_reflection
+ parent_reflection.autosave = autosave
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the class for the macro.
+ #
+ # <tt>composed_of :balance, class_name: 'Money'</tt> returns the Money class
+ # <tt>has_many :clients</tt> returns the Client class
+ #
+ # class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :clients
+ # end
+ #
+ # Company.reflect_on_association(:clients).klass
+ # # => Client
+ #
+ # <b>Note:</b> Do not call +klass.new+ or +klass.create+ to instantiate
+ # a new association object. Use +build_association+ or +create_association+
+ # instead. This allows plugins to hook into association object creation.
+ def klass
+ @klass ||= compute_class(class_name)
+ end
+ def compute_class(name)
+ name.constantize
+ end
+ # Returns +true+ if +self+ and +other_aggregation+ have the same +name+ attribute, +active_record+ attribute,
+ # and +other_aggregation+ has an options hash assigned to it.
+ def ==(other_aggregation)
+ super ||
+ other_aggregation.kind_of?(self.class) &&
+ name == other_aggregation.name &&
+ !other_aggregation.options.nil? &&
+ active_record == other_aggregation.active_record
+ end
+ def scope_for(relation, owner = nil)
+ relation.instance_exec(owner, &scope) || relation
+ end
+ private
+ def derive_class_name
+ name.to_s.camelize
+ end
+ end
+ # Holds all the metadata about an aggregation as it was specified in the
+ # Active Record class.
+ class AggregateReflection < MacroReflection #:nodoc:
+ def mapping
+ mapping = options[:mapping] || [name, name]
+ mapping.first.is_a?(Array) ? mapping : [mapping]
+ end
+ end
+ # Holds all the metadata about an association as it was specified in the
+ # Active Record class.
+ class AssociationReflection < MacroReflection #:nodoc:
+ def compute_class(name)
+ if polymorphic?
+ raise ArgumentError, "Polymorphic associations do not support computing the class."
+ end
+ active_record.send(:compute_type, name)
+ end
+ attr_reader :type, :foreign_type
+ attr_accessor :parent_reflection # Reflection
+ def initialize(name, scope, options, active_record)
+ super
+ @type = options[:as] && (options[:foreign_type] || "#{options[:as]}_type")
+ @foreign_type = options[:polymorphic] && (options[:foreign_type] || "#{name}_type")
+ @constructable = calculate_constructable(macro, options)
+ @association_scope_cache = Concurrent::Map.new
+ if options[:class_name] && options[:class_name].class == Class
+ raise ArgumentError, "A class was passed to `:class_name` but we are expecting a string."
+ end
+ end
+ def association_scope_cache(conn, owner, &block)
+ key = conn.prepared_statements
+ if polymorphic?
+ key = [key, owner._read_attribute(@foreign_type)]
+ end
+ @association_scope_cache.compute_if_absent(key) { StatementCache.create(conn, &block) }
+ end
+ def constructable? # :nodoc:
+ @constructable
+ end
+ def join_table
+ @join_table ||= options[:join_table] || derive_join_table
+ end
+ def foreign_key
+ @foreign_key ||= options[:foreign_key] || derive_foreign_key.freeze
+ end
+ def association_foreign_key
+ @association_foreign_key ||= options[:association_foreign_key] || class_name.foreign_key
+ end
+ # klass option is necessary to support loading polymorphic associations
+ def association_primary_key(klass = nil)
+ options[:primary_key] || primary_key(klass || self.klass)
+ end
+ def active_record_primary_key
+ @active_record_primary_key ||= options[:primary_key] || primary_key(active_record)
+ end
+ def check_validity!
+ check_validity_of_inverse!
+ end
+ def check_preloadable!
+ return unless scope
+ if scope.arity > 0
+ raise ArgumentError, <<-MSG.squish
+ The association scope '#{name}' is instance dependent (the scope
+ block takes an argument). Preloading instance dependent scopes is
+ not supported.
+ end
+ end
+ alias :check_eager_loadable! :check_preloadable!
+ def join_id_for(owner) # :nodoc:
+ owner[join_foreign_key]
+ end
+ def through_reflection
+ nil
+ end
+ def source_reflection
+ self
+ end
+ # A chain of reflections from this one back to the owner. For more see the explanation in
+ # ThroughReflection.
+ def collect_join_chain
+ [self]
+ end
+ # This is for clearing cache on the reflection. Useful for tests that need to compare
+ # SQL queries on associations.
+ def clear_association_scope_cache # :nodoc:
+ @association_scope_cache.clear
+ end
+ def nested?
+ false
+ end
+ def has_scope?
+ scope
+ end
+ def has_inverse?
+ inverse_name
+ end
+ def polymorphic_inverse_of(associated_class)
+ if has_inverse?
+ if inverse_relationship = associated_class._reflect_on_association(options[:inverse_of])
+ inverse_relationship
+ else
+ raise InverseOfAssociationNotFoundError.new(self, associated_class)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the macro type.
+ #
+ # <tt>has_many :clients</tt> returns <tt>:has_many</tt>
+ def macro; raise NotImplementedError; end
+ # Returns whether or not this association reflection is for a collection
+ # association. Returns +true+ if the +macro+ is either +has_many+ or
+ # +has_and_belongs_to_many+, +false+ otherwise.
+ def collection?
+ false
+ end
+ # Returns whether or not the association should be validated as part of
+ # the parent's validation.
+ #
+ # Unless you explicitly disable validation with
+ # <tt>validate: false</tt>, validation will take place when:
+ #
+ # * you explicitly enable validation; <tt>validate: true</tt>
+ # * you use autosave; <tt>autosave: true</tt>
+ # * the association is a +has_many+ association
+ def validate?
+ !options[:validate].nil? ? options[:validate] : (options[:autosave] == true || collection?)
+ end
+ # Returns +true+ if +self+ is a +belongs_to+ reflection.
+ def belongs_to?; false; end
+ # Returns +true+ if +self+ is a +has_one+ reflection.
+ def has_one?; false; end
+ def association_class; raise NotImplementedError; end
+ def polymorphic?
+ options[:polymorphic]
+ end
+ VALID_AUTOMATIC_INVERSE_MACROS = [:has_many, :has_one, :belongs_to]
+ INVALID_AUTOMATIC_INVERSE_OPTIONS = [:through, :foreign_key]
+ def add_as_source(seed)
+ seed
+ end
+ def add_as_polymorphic_through(reflection, seed)
+ seed + [PolymorphicReflection.new(self, reflection)]
+ end
+ def add_as_through(seed)
+ seed + [self]
+ end
+ def extensions
+ Array(options[:extend])
+ end
+ private
+ def calculate_constructable(macro, options)
+ true
+ end
+ # Attempts to find the inverse association name automatically.
+ # If it cannot find a suitable inverse association name, it returns
+ # +nil+.
+ def inverse_name
+ unless defined?(@inverse_name)
+ @inverse_name = options.fetch(:inverse_of) { automatic_inverse_of }
+ end
+ @inverse_name
+ end
+ # returns either +nil+ or the inverse association name that it finds.
+ def automatic_inverse_of
+ return unless can_find_inverse_of_automatically?(self)
+ inverse_name_candidates =
+ if options[:as]
+ [options[:as]]
+ else
+ active_record_name = active_record.name.demodulize
+ [active_record_name, ActiveSupport::Inflector.pluralize(active_record_name)]
+ end
+ inverse_name_candidates.map! do |candidate|
+ ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(candidate).to_sym
+ end
+ inverse_name_candidates.detect do |inverse_name|
+ begin
+ reflection = klass._reflect_on_association(inverse_name)
+ rescue NameError
+ # Give up: we couldn't compute the klass type so we won't be able
+ # to find any associations either.
+ reflection = false
+ end
+ valid_inverse_reflection?(reflection)
+ end
+ end
+ # Checks if the inverse reflection that is returned from the
+ # +automatic_inverse_of+ method is a valid reflection. We must
+ # make sure that the reflection's active_record name matches up
+ # with the current reflection's klass name.
+ def valid_inverse_reflection?(reflection)
+ reflection &&
+ klass <= reflection.active_record &&
+ can_find_inverse_of_automatically?(reflection)
+ end
+ # Checks to see if the reflection doesn't have any options that prevent
+ # us from being able to guess the inverse automatically. First, the
+ # <tt>inverse_of</tt> option cannot be set to false. Second, we must
+ # have <tt>has_many</tt>, <tt>has_one</tt>, <tt>belongs_to</tt> associations.
+ # Third, we must not have options such as <tt>:foreign_key</tt>
+ # which prevent us from correctly guessing the inverse association.
+ #
+ # Anything with a scope can additionally ruin our attempt at finding an
+ # inverse, so we exclude reflections with scopes.
+ def can_find_inverse_of_automatically?(reflection)
+ reflection.options[:inverse_of] != false &&
+ VALID_AUTOMATIC_INVERSE_MACROS.include?(reflection.macro) &&
+ !INVALID_AUTOMATIC_INVERSE_OPTIONS.any? { |opt| reflection.options[opt] } &&
+ !reflection.scope
+ end
+ def derive_class_name
+ class_name = name.to_s
+ class_name = class_name.singularize if collection?
+ class_name.camelize
+ end
+ def derive_foreign_key
+ if belongs_to?
+ "#{name}_id"
+ elsif options[:as]
+ "#{options[:as]}_id"
+ else
+ active_record.name.foreign_key
+ end
+ end
+ def derive_join_table
+ ModelSchema.derive_join_table_name active_record.table_name, klass.table_name
+ end
+ end
+ class HasManyReflection < AssociationReflection # :nodoc:
+ def macro; :has_many; end
+ def collection?; true; end
+ def association_class
+ if options[:through]
+ Associations::HasManyThroughAssociation
+ else
+ Associations::HasManyAssociation
+ end
+ end
+ def association_primary_key(klass = nil)
+ primary_key(klass || self.klass)
+ end
+ end
+ class HasOneReflection < AssociationReflection # :nodoc:
+ def macro; :has_one; end
+ def has_one?; true; end
+ def association_class
+ if options[:through]
+ Associations::HasOneThroughAssociation
+ else
+ Associations::HasOneAssociation
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def calculate_constructable(macro, options)
+ !options[:through]
+ end
+ end
+ class BelongsToReflection < AssociationReflection # :nodoc:
+ def macro; :belongs_to; end
+ def belongs_to?; true; end
+ def association_class
+ if polymorphic?
+ Associations::BelongsToPolymorphicAssociation
+ else
+ Associations::BelongsToAssociation
+ end
+ end
+ def join_primary_key(klass = nil)
+ polymorphic? ? association_primary_key(klass) : association_primary_key
+ end
+ def join_foreign_key
+ foreign_key
+ end
+ private
+ def can_find_inverse_of_automatically?(_)
+ !polymorphic? && super
+ end
+ def calculate_constructable(macro, options)
+ !polymorphic?
+ end
+ end
+ class HasAndBelongsToManyReflection < AssociationReflection # :nodoc:
+ def macro; :has_and_belongs_to_many; end
+ def collection?
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ # Holds all the metadata about a :through association as it was specified
+ # in the Active Record class.
+ class ThroughReflection < AbstractReflection #:nodoc:
+ delegate :foreign_key, :foreign_type, :association_foreign_key, :join_id_for,
+ :active_record_primary_key, :type, :get_join_keys, to: :source_reflection
+ def initialize(delegate_reflection)
+ @delegate_reflection = delegate_reflection
+ @klass = delegate_reflection.options[:anonymous_class]
+ @source_reflection_name = delegate_reflection.options[:source]
+ end
+ def through_reflection?
+ true
+ end
+ def klass
+ @klass ||= delegate_reflection.compute_class(class_name)
+ end
+ # Returns the source of the through reflection. It checks both a singularized
+ # and pluralized form for <tt>:belongs_to</tt> or <tt>:has_many</tt>.
+ #
+ # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :taggings
+ # has_many :tags, through: :taggings
+ # end
+ #
+ # class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # belongs_to :post
+ # belongs_to :tag
+ # end
+ #
+ # tags_reflection = Post.reflect_on_association(:tags)
+ # tags_reflection.source_reflection
+ # # => <ActiveRecord::Reflection::BelongsToReflection: @name=:tag, @active_record=Tagging, @plural_name="tags">
+ #
+ def source_reflection
+ through_reflection.klass._reflect_on_association(source_reflection_name)
+ end
+ # Returns the AssociationReflection object specified in the <tt>:through</tt> option
+ # of a HasManyThrough or HasOneThrough association.
+ #
+ # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :taggings
+ # has_many :tags, through: :taggings
+ # end
+ #
+ # tags_reflection = Post.reflect_on_association(:tags)
+ # tags_reflection.through_reflection
+ # # => <ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection: @name=:taggings, @active_record=Post, @plural_name="taggings">
+ #
+ def through_reflection
+ active_record._reflect_on_association(options[:through])
+ end
+ # Returns an array of reflections which are involved in this association. Each item in the
+ # array corresponds to a table which will be part of the query for this association.
+ #
+ # The chain is built by recursively calling #chain on the source reflection and the through
+ # reflection. The base case for the recursion is a normal association, which just returns
+ # [self] as its #chain.
+ #
+ # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :taggings
+ # has_many :tags, through: :taggings
+ # end
+ #
+ # tags_reflection = Post.reflect_on_association(:tags)
+ # tags_reflection.chain
+ # # => [<ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection: @delegate_reflection=#<ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection: @name=:tags...>,
+ # <ActiveRecord::Reflection::HasManyReflection: @name=:taggings, @options={}, @active_record=Post>]
+ #
+ def collect_join_chain
+ collect_join_reflections [self]
+ end
+ # This is for clearing cache on the reflection. Useful for tests that need to compare
+ # SQL queries on associations.
+ def clear_association_scope_cache # :nodoc:
+ delegate_reflection.clear_association_scope_cache
+ source_reflection.clear_association_scope_cache
+ through_reflection.clear_association_scope_cache
+ end
+ def scopes
+ source_reflection.scopes + super
+ end
+ def join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) # :nodoc:
+ source_reflection.join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) + super
+ end
+ def has_scope?
+ scope || options[:source_type] ||
+ source_reflection.has_scope? ||
+ through_reflection.has_scope?
+ end
+ # A through association is nested if there would be more than one join table
+ def nested?
+ source_reflection.through_reflection? || through_reflection.through_reflection?
+ end
+ # We want to use the klass from this reflection, rather than just delegate straight to
+ # the source_reflection, because the source_reflection may be polymorphic. We still
+ # need to respect the source_reflection's :primary_key option, though.
+ def association_primary_key(klass = nil)
+ # Get the "actual" source reflection if the immediate source reflection has a
+ # source reflection itself
+ actual_source_reflection.options[:primary_key] || primary_key(klass || self.klass)
+ end
+ # Gets an array of possible <tt>:through</tt> source reflection names in both singular and plural form.
+ #
+ # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # has_many :taggings
+ # has_many :tags, through: :taggings
+ # end
+ #
+ # tags_reflection = Post.reflect_on_association(:tags)
+ # tags_reflection.source_reflection_names
+ # # => [:tag, :tags]
+ #
+ def source_reflection_names
+ options[:source] ? [options[:source]] : [name.to_s.singularize, name].uniq
+ end
+ def source_reflection_name # :nodoc:
+ return @source_reflection_name if @source_reflection_name
+ names = [name.to_s.singularize, name].collect(&:to_sym).uniq
+ names = names.find_all { |n|
+ through_reflection.klass._reflect_on_association(n)
+ }
+ if names.length > 1
+ raise AmbiguousSourceReflectionForThroughAssociation.new(
+ active_record.name,
+ macro,
+ name,
+ options,
+ source_reflection_names
+ )
+ end
+ @source_reflection_name = names.first
+ end
+ def source_options
+ source_reflection.options
+ end
+ def through_options
+ through_reflection.options
+ end
+ def check_validity!
+ if through_reflection.nil?
+ raise HasManyThroughAssociationNotFoundError.new(active_record.name, self)
+ end
+ if through_reflection.polymorphic?
+ if has_one?
+ raise HasOneAssociationPolymorphicThroughError.new(active_record.name, self)
+ else
+ raise HasManyThroughAssociationPolymorphicThroughError.new(active_record.name, self)
+ end
+ end
+ if source_reflection.nil?
+ raise HasManyThroughSourceAssociationNotFoundError.new(self)
+ end
+ if options[:source_type] && !source_reflection.polymorphic?
+ raise HasManyThroughAssociationPointlessSourceTypeError.new(active_record.name, self, source_reflection)
+ end
+ if source_reflection.polymorphic? && options[:source_type].nil?
+ raise HasManyThroughAssociationPolymorphicSourceError.new(active_record.name, self, source_reflection)
+ end
+ if has_one? && through_reflection.collection?
+ raise HasOneThroughCantAssociateThroughCollection.new(active_record.name, self, through_reflection)
+ end
+ if parent_reflection.nil?
+ reflections = active_record.reflections.keys.map(&:to_sym)
+ if reflections.index(through_reflection.name) > reflections.index(name)
+ raise HasManyThroughOrderError.new(active_record.name, self, through_reflection)
+ end
+ end
+ check_validity_of_inverse!
+ end
+ def constraints
+ scope_chain = source_reflection.constraints
+ scope_chain << scope if scope
+ scope_chain
+ end
+ def add_as_source(seed)
+ collect_join_reflections seed
+ end
+ def add_as_polymorphic_through(reflection, seed)
+ collect_join_reflections(seed + [PolymorphicReflection.new(self, reflection)])
+ end
+ def add_as_through(seed)
+ collect_join_reflections(seed + [self])
+ end
+ protected
+ def actual_source_reflection # FIXME: this is a horrible name
+ source_reflection.actual_source_reflection
+ end
+ private
+ attr_reader :delegate_reflection
+ def collect_join_reflections(seed)
+ a = source_reflection.add_as_source seed
+ if options[:source_type]
+ through_reflection.add_as_polymorphic_through self, a
+ else
+ through_reflection.add_as_through a
+ end
+ end
+ def inverse_name; delegate_reflection.send(:inverse_name); end
+ def derive_class_name
+ # get the class_name of the belongs_to association of the through reflection
+ options[:source_type] || source_reflection.class_name
+ end
+ delegate_methods = AssociationReflection.public_instance_methods -
+ public_instance_methods
+ delegate(*delegate_methods, to: :delegate_reflection)
+ end
+ class PolymorphicReflection < AbstractReflection # :nodoc:
+ delegate :klass, :scope, :plural_name, :type, :get_join_keys, :scope_for, to: :@reflection
+ def initialize(reflection, previous_reflection)
+ @reflection = reflection
+ @previous_reflection = previous_reflection
+ end
+ def join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) # :nodoc:
+ scopes = @previous_reflection.join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) + super
+ scopes << build_scope(table, predicate_builder).instance_exec(nil, &source_type_scope)
+ end
+ def constraints
+ @reflection.constraints + [source_type_scope]
+ end
+ private
+ def source_type_scope
+ type = @previous_reflection.foreign_type
+ source_type = @previous_reflection.options[:source_type]
+ lambda { |object| where(type => source_type) }
+ end
+ end
+ class RuntimeReflection < AbstractReflection # :nodoc:
+ delegate :scope, :type, :constraints, :get_join_keys, to: :@reflection
+ def initialize(reflection, association)
+ @reflection = reflection
+ @association = association
+ end
+ def klass
+ @association.klass
+ end
+ def aliased_table
+ @aliased_table ||= Arel::Table.new(table_name, type_caster: klass.type_caster)
+ end
+ def all_includes; yield; end
+ end
+ end