path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sybase_adapter.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sybase_adapter.rb')
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-# sybase_adapter.rb
-# Author: John R. Sheets
-# 01 Mar 2006: Initial version. Based on code from Will Sobel
-# (http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/2030)
-# 17 Mar 2006: Added support for migrations; fixed issues with :boolean columns.
-# 13 Apr 2006: Improved column type support to properly handle dates and user-defined
-# types; fixed quoting of integer columns.
-# 05 Jan 2007: Updated for Rails 1.2 release:
-# restricted Fixtures#insert_fixtures monkeypatch to Sybase adapter;
-# removed SQL type precision from TEXT type to fix broken
-# ActiveRecordStore (jburks, #6878); refactored select() to use execute();
-# fixed leaked exception for no-op change_column(); removed verbose SQL dump
-# from columns(); added missing scale parameter in normalize_type().
-require 'active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter'
-require 'sybsql'
-module ActiveRecord
- class Base
- # Establishes a connection to the database that's used by all Active Record objects
- def self.sybase_connection(config) # :nodoc:
- config = config.symbolize_keys
- username = config[:username] ? config[:username].to_s : 'sa'
- password = config[:password] ? config[:password].to_s : ''
- if config.has_key?(:host)
- host = config[:host]
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "No database server name specified. Missing argument: host."
- end
- if config.has_key?(:database)
- database = config[:database]
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "No database specified. Missing argument: database."
- end
- ConnectionAdapters::SybaseAdapter.new(
- SybSQL.new({'S' => host, 'U' => username, 'P' => password},
- ConnectionAdapters::SybaseAdapterContext), database, config, logger)
- end
- end # class Base
- module ConnectionAdapters
- # ActiveRecord connection adapter for Sybase Open Client bindings
- # (see http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/sybase-ctlib).
- #
- # Options:
- #
- # * <tt>:host</tt> -- The name of the database server. No default, must be provided.
- # * <tt>:database</tt> -- The name of the database. No default, must be provided.
- # * <tt>:username</tt> -- Defaults to "sa".
- # * <tt>:password</tt> -- Defaults to empty string.
- #
- # Usage Notes:
- #
- # * The sybase-ctlib bindings do not support the DATE SQL column type; use DATETIME instead.
- # * Table and column names are limited to 30 chars in Sybase 12.5
- # * :binary columns not yet supported
- # * :boolean columns use the BIT SQL type, which does not allow nulls or
- # indexes. If a DEFAULT is not specified for ALTER TABLE commands, the
- # column will be declared with DEFAULT 0 (false).
- #
- # Migrations:
- #
- # The Sybase adapter supports migrations, but for ALTER TABLE commands to
- # work, the database must have the database option 'select into' set to
- # 'true' with sp_dboption (see below). The sp_helpdb command lists the current
- # options for all databases.
- #
- # 1> use mydb
- # 2> go
- # 1> master..sp_dboption mydb, "select into", true
- # 2> go
- # 1> checkpoint
- # 2> go
- class SybaseAdapter < AbstractAdapter # :nodoc:
- class ColumnWithIdentity < Column
- attr_reader :identity
- def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil, nullable = nil, identity = nil, primary = nil)
- super(name, default, sql_type, nullable)
- @default, @identity, @primary = type_cast(default), identity, primary
- end
- def simplified_type(field_type)
- case field_type
- when /int|bigint|smallint|tinyint/i then :integer
- when /float|double|real/i then :float
- when /decimal|money|numeric|smallmoney/i then :decimal
- when /text|ntext/i then :text
- when /binary|image|varbinary/i then :binary
- when /char|nchar|nvarchar|string|varchar/i then :string
- when /bit/i then :boolean
- when /datetime|smalldatetime/i then :datetime
- else super
- end
- end
- def self.string_to_binary(value)
- "0x#{value.unpack("H*")[0]}"
- end
- def self.binary_to_string(value)
- # FIXME: sybase-ctlib uses separate sql method for binary columns.
- value
- end
- end # class ColumnWithIdentity
- # Sybase adapter
- def initialize(connection, database, config = {}, logger = nil)
- super(connection, logger)
- context = connection.context
- context.init(logger)
- @config = config
- @numconvert = config.has_key?(:numconvert) ? config[:numconvert] : true
- @limit = @offset = 0
- unless connection.sql_norow("USE #{database}")
- raise "Cannot USE #{database}"
- end
- end
- def native_database_types
- {
- :primary_key => "numeric(9,0) IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY",
- :string => { :name => "varchar", :limit => 255 },
- :text => { :name => "text" },
- :integer => { :name => "int" },
- :float => { :name => "float", :limit => 8 },
- :decimal => { :name => "decimal" },
- :datetime => { :name => "datetime" },
- :timestamp => { :name => "timestamp" },
- :time => { :name => "time" },
- :date => { :name => "datetime" },
- :binary => { :name => "image"},
- :boolean => { :name => "bit" }
- }
- end
- def type_to_sql(type, limit = nil, precision = nil, scale = nil) #:nodoc:
- return super unless type.to_s == 'integer'
- if !limit.nil? && limit < 4
- 'smallint'
- else
- 'integer'
- end
- end
- def adapter_name
- 'Sybase'
- end
- def active?
- !(@connection.connection.nil? || @connection.connection_dead?)
- end
- def disconnect!
- @connection.close rescue nil
- end
- def reconnect!
- raise "Sybase Connection Adapter does not yet support reconnect!"
- # disconnect!
- # connect! # Not yet implemented
- end
- def table_alias_length
- 30
- end
- def insert_sql(sql, name = nil, pk = nil, id_value = nil, sequence_name = nil)
- begin
- table_name = get_table_name(sql)
- col = get_identity_column(table_name)
- ii_enabled = false
- if col != nil
- if query_contains_identity_column(sql, col)
- begin
- enable_identity_insert(table_name, true)
- ii_enabled = true
- rescue Exception => e
- raise ActiveRecordError, "IDENTITY_INSERT could not be turned ON"
- end
- end
- end
- log(sql, name) do
- super || select_value("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS last_id")
- end
- ensure
- if ii_enabled
- begin
- enable_identity_insert(table_name, false)
- rescue Exception => e
- raise ActiveRecordError, "IDENTITY_INSERT could not be turned OFF"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def execute(sql, name = nil)
- raw_execute(sql, name)
- @connection.results[0].row_count
- end
- def begin_db_transaction() raw_execute "BEGIN TRAN" end
- def commit_db_transaction() raw_execute "COMMIT TRAN" end
- def rollback_db_transaction() raw_execute "ROLLBACK TRAN" end
- def current_database
- select_value("select DB_NAME() as name")
- end
- def tables(name = nil)
- select("select name from sysobjects where type='U'", name).map { |row| row['name'] }
- end
- def indexes(table_name, name = nil)
- select("exec sp_helpindex #{table_name}", name).map do |index|
- unique = index["index_description"] =~ /unique/
- primary = index["index_description"] =~ /^clustered/
- if !primary
- cols = index["index_keys"].split(", ").each { |col| col.strip! }
- IndexDefinition.new(table_name, index["index_name"], unique, cols)
- end
- end.compact
- end
- def columns(table_name, name = nil)
- sql = <<SQLTEXT
-SELECT col.name AS name, type.name AS type, col.prec, col.scale,
- col.length, col.status, obj.sysstat2, def.text
- FROM sysobjects obj, syscolumns col, systypes type, syscomments def
- WHERE obj.id = col.id AND col.usertype = type.usertype AND type.name != 'timestamp'
- AND col.cdefault *= def.id AND obj.type = 'U' AND obj.name = '#{table_name}' ORDER BY col.colid
- @logger.debug "Get Column Info for table '#{table_name}'" if @logger
- @connection.set_rowcount(0)
- @connection.sql(sql)
- raise "SQL Command for table_structure for #{table_name} failed\nMessage: #{@connection.context.message}" if @connection.context.failed?
- return nil if @connection.cmd_fail?
- @connection.top_row_result.rows.map do |row|
- name, type, prec, scale, length, status, sysstat2, default = row
- name.sub!(/_$/o, '')
- type = normalize_type(type, prec, scale, length)
- default_value = nil
- if default =~ /DEFAULT\s+(.+)/o
- default_value = $1.strip
- default_value = default_value[1...-1] if default_value =~ /^['"]/o
- end
- nullable = (status & 8) == 8
- identity = status >= 128
- primary = (sysstat2 & 8) == 8
- ColumnWithIdentity.new(name, default_value, type, nullable, identity, primary)
- end
- end
- def quoted_true
- "1"
- end
- def quoted_false
- "0"
- end
- def quote(value, column = nil)
- return value.quoted_id if value.respond_to?(:quoted_id)
- case value
- when String
- if column && column.type == :binary && column.class.respond_to?(:string_to_binary)
- "#{quote_string(column.class.string_to_binary(value))}"
- elsif @numconvert && force_numeric?(column) && value =~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/o
- value
- else
- "'#{quote_string(value)}'"
- end
- when NilClass then (column && column.type == :boolean) ? '0' : "NULL"
- when TrueClass then '1'
- when FalseClass then '0'
- when Float, Fixnum, Bignum then force_numeric?(column) ? value.to_s : "'#{value.to_s}'"
- else
- if value.acts_like?(:time)
- "'#{value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'"
- else
- super
- end
- end
- end
- # True if column is explicitly declared non-numeric, or
- # if column is nil (not specified).
- def force_numeric?(column)
- (column.nil? || [:integer, :float, :decimal].include?(column.type))
- end
- def quote_string(s)
- s.gsub(/'/, "''") # ' (for ruby-mode)
- end
- def quote_column_name(name)
- # If column name is close to max length, skip the quotes, since they
- # seem to count as part of the length.
- ((name.to_s.length + 2) <= table_alias_length) ? "[#{name}]" : name.to_s
- end
- def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) # :nodoc:
- @limit = options[:limit]
- @offset = options[:offset]
- if use_temp_table?
- # Use temp table to hack offset with Sybase
- sql.sub!(/ FROM /i, ' INTO #artemp FROM ')
- elsif zero_limit?
- # "SET ROWCOUNT 0" turns off limits, so we have
- # to use a cheap trick.
- if sql =~ /WHERE/i
- sql.sub!(/WHERE/i, 'WHERE 1 = 2 AND ')
- elsif sql =~ /ORDER\s+BY/i
- sql.sub!(/ORDER\s+BY/i, 'WHERE 1 = 2 ORDER BY')
- else
- sql << 'WHERE 1 = 2'
- end
- end
- end
- def add_lock!(sql, options) #:nodoc:
- @logger.info "Warning: Sybase :lock option '#{options[:lock].inspect}' not supported" if @logger && options.has_key?(:lock)
- sql
- end
- def supports_migrations? #:nodoc:
- true
- end
- def rename_table(name, new_name)
- execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{name}', '#{new_name}'"
- end
- def rename_column(table, column, new_column_name)
- execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{table}.#{column}', '#{new_column_name}'"
- end
- def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc:
- begin
- execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} MODIFY #{column_name} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit])}"
- rescue StatementInvalid => e
- # Swallow exception and reset context if no-op.
- raise e unless e.message =~ /no columns to drop, add or modify/
- @connection.context.reset
- end
- if options.has_key?(:default)
- remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name)
- execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} REPLACE #{column_name} DEFAULT #{quote options[:default]}"
- end
- end
- def remove_column(table_name, column_name)
- remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name)
- execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP #{column_name}"
- end
- def remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name)
- sql = "select def.name from sysobjects def, syscolumns col, sysobjects tab where col.cdefault = def.id and col.name = '#{column_name}' and tab.name = '#{table_name}' and col.id = tab.id"
- select(sql).each do |constraint|
- execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{constraint["name"]}"
- end
- end
- def remove_index(table_name, options = {})
- execute "DROP INDEX #{table_name}.#{index_name(table_name, options)}"
- end
- def add_column_options!(sql, options) #:nodoc:
- sql << " DEFAULT #{quote(options[:default], options[:column])}" if options_include_default?(options)
- if check_null_for_column?(options[:column], sql)
- sql << (options[:null] == false ? " NOT NULL" : " NULL")
- end
- sql
- end
- def enable_identity_insert(table_name, enable = true)
- if has_identity_column(table_name)
- execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}"
- end
- end
- private
- def check_null_for_column?(col, sql)
- # Sybase columns are NOT NULL by default, so explicitly set NULL
- # if :null option is omitted. Disallow NULLs for boolean.
- type = col.nil? ? "" : col[:type]
- # Ignore :null if a primary key
- return false if type =~ /PRIMARY KEY/i
- # Ignore :null if a :boolean or BIT column
- if (sql =~ /\s+bit(\s+DEFAULT)?/i) || type == :boolean
- # If no default clause found on a boolean column, add one.
- sql << " DEFAULT 0" if $1.nil?
- return false
- end
- true
- end
- # Return the last value of the identity global value.
- def last_insert_id
- @connection.sql("SELECT @@IDENTITY")
- unless @connection.cmd_fail?
- id = @connection.top_row_result.rows.first.first
- if id
- id = id.to_i
- id = nil if id == 0
- end
- else
- id = nil
- end
- id
- end
- def affected_rows(name = nil)
- @connection.sql("SELECT @@ROWCOUNT")
- unless @connection.cmd_fail?
- count = @connection.top_row_result.rows.first.first
- count = count.to_i if count
- else
- 0
- end
- end
- # If limit is not set at all, we can ignore offset;
- # if limit *is* set but offset is zero, use normal select
- # with simple SET ROWCOUNT. Thus, only use the temp table
- # if limit is set and offset > 0.
- def use_temp_table?
- !@limit.nil? && !@offset.nil? && @offset > 0
- end
- def zero_limit?
- !@limit.nil? && @limit == 0
- end
- def raw_execute(sql, name = nil)
- log(sql, name) do
- @connection.context.reset
- @logger.debug "Setting row count to (#{@limit})" if @logger && @limit
- @connection.set_rowcount(@limit || 0)
- if sql =~ /^\s*SELECT/i
- @connection.sql(sql)
- else
- @connection.sql_norow(sql)
- end
- @limit = @offset = nil
- if @connection.cmd_fail? or @connection.context.failed?
- raise "SQL Command Failed for #{name}: #{sql}\nMessage: #{@connection.context.message}"
- end
- end
- end
- # Select limit number of rows starting at optional offset.
- def select(sql, name = nil)
- if !use_temp_table?
- execute(sql, name)
- else
- log(sql, name) do
- # Select into a temp table and prune results
- @logger.debug "Selecting #{@limit + (@offset || 0)} or fewer rows into #artemp" if @logger
- @connection.context.reset
- @connection.set_rowcount(@limit + (@offset || 0))
- @connection.sql_norow(sql) # Select into temp table
- @logger.debug "Deleting #{@offset || 0} or fewer rows from #artemp" if @logger
- @connection.set_rowcount(@offset || 0)
- @connection.sql_norow("delete from #artemp") # Delete leading rows
- @connection.set_rowcount(0)
- @connection.sql("select * from #artemp") # Return the rest
- end
- end
- raise StatementInvalid, "SQL Command Failed for #{name}: #{sql}\nMessage: #{@connection.context.message}" if @connection.context.failed? or @connection.cmd_fail?
- rows = []
- results = @connection.top_row_result
- if results && results.rows.length > 0
- fields = results.columns.map { |column| column.sub(/_$/, '') }
- results.rows.each do |row|
- hashed_row = {}
- row.zip(fields) { |cell, column| hashed_row[column] = cell }
- rows << hashed_row
- end
- end
- @connection.sql_norow("drop table #artemp") if use_temp_table?
- @limit = @offset = nil
- rows
- end
- def get_table_name(sql)
- if sql =~ /^\s*insert\s+into\s+([^\(\s]+)\s*|^\s*update\s+([^\(\s]+)\s*/i
- $1
- elsif sql =~ /from\s+([^\(\s]+)\s*/i
- $1
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def has_identity_column(table_name)
- !get_identity_column(table_name).nil?
- end
- def get_identity_column(table_name)
- @id_columns ||= {}
- if !@id_columns.has_key?(table_name)
- @logger.debug "Looking up identity column for table '#{table_name}'" if @logger
- col = columns(table_name).detect { |col| col.identity }
- @id_columns[table_name] = col.nil? ? nil : col.name
- end
- @id_columns[table_name]
- end
- def query_contains_identity_column(sql, col)
- sql =~ /\[#{col}\]/
- end
- # Resolve all user-defined types (udt) to their fundamental types.
- def resolve_type(field_type)
- (@udts ||= {})[field_type] ||= select_one("sp_help #{field_type}")["Storage_type"].strip
- end
- def normalize_type(field_type, prec, scale, length)
- has_scale = (!scale.nil? && scale > 0)
- type = if field_type =~ /numeric/i and !has_scale
- 'int'
- elsif field_type =~ /money/i
- 'numeric'
- else
- resolve_type(field_type.strip)
- end
- spec = if prec
- has_scale ? "(#{prec},#{scale})" : "(#{prec})"
- elsif length && !(type =~ /date|time|text/)
- "(#{length})"
- else
- ''
- end
- "#{type}#{spec}"
- end
- end # class SybaseAdapter
- class SybaseAdapterContext < SybSQLContext
- DEADLOCK = 1205
- attr_reader :message
- def init(logger = nil)
- @deadlocked = false
- @failed = false
- @logger = logger
- @message = nil
- end
- def srvmsgCB(con, msg)
- # Do not log change of context messages.
- if msg['severity'] == 10 or msg['severity'] == 0
- return true
- end
- if msg['msgnumber'] == DEADLOCK
- @deadlocked = true
- else
- @logger.info "SQL Command failed!" if @logger
- @failed = true
- end
- if @logger
- @logger.error "** SybSQLContext Server Message: **"
- @logger.error " Message number #{msg['msgnumber']} Severity #{msg['severity']} State #{msg['state']} Line #{msg['line']}"
- @logger.error " Server #{msg['srvname']}"
- @logger.error " Procedure #{msg['proc']}"
- @logger.error " Message String: #{msg['text']}"
- end
- @message = msg['text']
- true
- end
- def deadlocked?
- @deadlocked
- end
- def failed?
- @failed
- end
- def reset
- @deadlocked = false
- @failed = false
- @message = nil
- end
- def cltmsgCB(con, msg)
- return true unless ( msg.kind_of?(Hash) )
- unless ( msg[ "severity" ] ) then
- return true
- end
- if @logger
- @logger.error "** SybSQLContext Client-Message: **"
- @logger.error " Message number: LAYER=#{msg[ 'layer' ]} ORIGIN=#{msg[ 'origin' ]} SEVERITY=#{msg[ 'severity' ]} NUMBER=#{msg[ 'number' ]}"
- @logger.error " Message String: #{msg['msgstring']}"
- @logger.error " OS Error: #{msg['osstring']}"
- @message = msg['msgstring']
- end
- @failed = true
- # Not retry , CS_CV_RETRY_FAIL( probability TimeOut )
- if( msg[ 'severity' ] == "RETRY_FAIL" ) then
- @timeout_p = true
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- end # class SybaseAdapterContext
- end # module ConnectionAdapters
-end # module ActiveRecord
-# Allow identity inserts for fixtures.
-require "active_record/fixtures"
-class Fixtures
- alias :original_insert_fixtures :insert_fixtures
- def insert_fixtures
- if @connection.instance_of?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SybaseAdapter)
- values.each do |fixture|
- @connection.enable_identity_insert(table_name, true)
- @connection.execute "INSERT INTO #{@table_name} (#{fixture.key_list}) VALUES (#{fixture.value_list})", 'Fixture Insert'
- @connection.enable_identity_insert(table_name, false)
- end
- else
- original_insert_fixtures
- end
- end
-rescue LoadError => cannot_require_sybase
- # Couldn't load sybase adapter