path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbc6614b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/statement_pool"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/column"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/explain_pretty_printer"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/quoting"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/schema_creation"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/schema_definitions"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/schema_dumper"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/schema_statements"
+require "active_record/connection_adapters/mysql/type_metadata"
+module ActiveRecord
+ module ConnectionAdapters
+ class AbstractMysqlAdapter < AbstractAdapter
+ include MySQL::Quoting
+ include MySQL::SchemaStatements
+ ##
+ # :singleton-method:
+ # By default, the Mysql2Adapter will consider all columns of type <tt>tinyint(1)</tt>
+ # as boolean. If you wish to disable this emulation you can add the following line
+ # to your application.rb file:
+ #
+ # ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter.emulate_booleans = false
+ class_attribute :emulate_booleans, default: true
+ primary_key: "bigint auto_increment PRIMARY KEY",
+ string: { name: "varchar", limit: 255 },
+ text: { name: "text", limit: 65535 },
+ integer: { name: "int", limit: 4 },
+ float: { name: "float", limit: 24 },
+ decimal: { name: "decimal" },
+ datetime: { name: "datetime" },
+ timestamp: { name: "timestamp" },
+ time: { name: "time" },
+ date: { name: "date" },
+ binary: { name: "blob", limit: 65535 },
+ boolean: { name: "tinyint", limit: 1 },
+ json: { name: "json" },
+ }
+ class StatementPool < ConnectionAdapters::StatementPool # :nodoc:
+ private
+ def dealloc(stmt)
+ stmt.close
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(connection, logger, connection_options, config)
+ super(connection, logger, config)
+ @statements = StatementPool.new(self.class.type_cast_config_to_integer(config[:statement_limit]))
+ end
+ def version #:nodoc:
+ @version ||= Version.new(version_string)
+ end
+ def mariadb? # :nodoc:
+ /mariadb/i.match?(full_version)
+ end
+ def supports_bulk_alter? #:nodoc:
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_index_sort_order?
+ !mariadb? && version >= "8.0.1"
+ end
+ def supports_expression_index?
+ !mariadb? && version >= "8.0.13"
+ end
+ def supports_transaction_isolation?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_explain?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_indexes_in_create?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_foreign_keys?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_views?
+ true
+ end
+ def supports_datetime_with_precision?
+ if mariadb?
+ version >= "5.3.0"
+ else
+ version >= "5.6.4"
+ end
+ end
+ def supports_virtual_columns?
+ if mariadb?
+ version >= "5.2.0"
+ else
+ version >= "5.7.5"
+ end
+ end
+ def supports_advisory_locks?
+ true
+ end
+ def get_advisory_lock(lock_name, timeout = 0) # :nodoc:
+ query_value("SELECT GET_LOCK(#{quote(lock_name.to_s)}, #{timeout})") == 1
+ end
+ def release_advisory_lock(lock_name) # :nodoc:
+ query_value("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(#{quote(lock_name.to_s)})") == 1
+ end
+ def native_database_types
+ end
+ def index_algorithms
+ { default: +"ALGORITHM = DEFAULT", copy: +"ALGORITHM = COPY", inplace: +"ALGORITHM = INPLACE" }
+ end
+ # HELPER METHODS ===========================================
+ # The two drivers have slightly different ways of yielding hashes of results, so
+ # this method must be implemented to provide a uniform interface.
+ def each_hash(result) # :nodoc:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # Must return the MySQL error number from the exception, if the exception has an
+ # error number.
+ def error_number(exception) # :nodoc:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ # REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY ====================================
+ def disable_referential_integrity #:nodoc:
+ old = query_value("SELECT @@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS")
+ begin
+ update("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0")
+ yield
+ ensure
+ update("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = #{old}")
+ end
+ end
+ # CONNECTION MANAGEMENT ====================================
+ # Clears the prepared statements cache.
+ def clear_cache!
+ reload_type_map
+ @statements.clear
+ end
+ #--
+ # DATABASE STATEMENTS ======================================
+ #++
+ def explain(arel, binds = [])
+ sql = "EXPLAIN #{to_sql(arel, binds)}"
+ start = Time.now
+ result = exec_query(sql, "EXPLAIN", binds)
+ elapsed = Time.now - start
+ MySQL::ExplainPrettyPrinter.new.pp(result, elapsed)
+ end
+ # Executes the SQL statement in the context of this connection.
+ def execute(sql, name = nil)
+ materialize_transactions
+ log(sql, name) do
+ ActiveSupport::Dependencies.interlock.permit_concurrent_loads do
+ @connection.query(sql)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Mysql2Adapter doesn't have to free a result after using it, but we use this method
+ # to write stuff in an abstract way without concerning ourselves about whether it
+ # needs to be explicitly freed or not.
+ def execute_and_free(sql, name = nil) # :nodoc:
+ yield execute(sql, name)
+ end
+ def begin_db_transaction
+ execute "BEGIN"
+ end
+ def begin_isolated_db_transaction(isolation)
+ execute "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL #{transaction_isolation_levels.fetch(isolation)}"
+ begin_db_transaction
+ end
+ def commit_db_transaction #:nodoc:
+ execute "COMMIT"
+ end
+ def exec_rollback_db_transaction #:nodoc:
+ execute "ROLLBACK"
+ end
+ def empty_insert_statement_value(primary_key = nil)
+ "VALUES ()"
+ end
+ # SCHEMA STATEMENTS ========================================
+ # Drops the database specified on the +name+ attribute
+ # and creates it again using the provided +options+.
+ def recreate_database(name, options = {})
+ drop_database(name)
+ sql = create_database(name, options)
+ reconnect!
+ sql
+ end
+ # Create a new MySQL database with optional <tt>:charset</tt> and <tt>:collation</tt>.
+ # Charset defaults to utf8mb4.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # create_database 'charset_test', charset: 'latin1', collation: 'latin1_bin'
+ # create_database 'matt_development'
+ # create_database 'matt_development', charset: :big5
+ def create_database(name, options = {})
+ if options[:collation]
+ execute "CREATE DATABASE #{quote_table_name(name)} DEFAULT COLLATE #{quote_table_name(options[:collation])}"
+ elsif options[:charset]
+ execute "CREATE DATABASE #{quote_table_name(name)} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET #{quote_table_name(options[:charset])}"
+ elsif row_format_dynamic_by_default?
+ execute "CREATE DATABASE #{quote_table_name(name)} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET `utf8mb4`"
+ else
+ raise "Configure a supported :charset and ensure innodb_large_prefix is enabled to support indexes on varchar(255) string columns."
+ end
+ end
+ # Drops a MySQL database.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # drop_database('sebastian_development')
+ def drop_database(name) #:nodoc:
+ execute "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS #{quote_table_name(name)}"
+ end
+ def current_database
+ query_value("SELECT database()", "SCHEMA")
+ end
+ # Returns the database character set.
+ def charset
+ show_variable "character_set_database"
+ end
+ # Returns the database collation strategy.
+ def collation
+ show_variable "collation_database"
+ end
+ def truncate(table_name, name = nil)
+ execute "TRUNCATE TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)}", name
+ end
+ def table_comment(table_name) # :nodoc:
+ scope = quoted_scope(table_name)
+ query_value(<<~SQL, "SCHEMA").presence
+ SELECT table_comment
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema = #{scope[:schema]}
+ AND table_name = #{scope[:name]}
+ end
+ def bulk_change_table(table_name, operations) #:nodoc:
+ sqls = operations.flat_map do |command, args|
+ table, arguments = args.shift, args
+ method = :"#{command}_for_alter"
+ if respond_to?(method, true)
+ send(method, table, *arguments)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown method called : #{method}(#{arguments.inspect})"
+ end
+ end.join(", ")
+ execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{sqls}")
+ end
+ def change_table_comment(table_name, comment) #:nodoc:
+ comment = "" if comment.nil?
+ execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} COMMENT #{quote(comment)}")
+ end
+ # Renames a table.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # rename_table('octopuses', 'octopi')
+ def rename_table(table_name, new_name)
+ execute "RENAME TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}"
+ rename_table_indexes(table_name, new_name)
+ end
+ # Drops a table from the database.
+ #
+ # [<tt>:force</tt>]
+ # Set to +:cascade+ to drop dependent objects as well.
+ # Defaults to false.
+ # [<tt>:if_exists</tt>]
+ # Set to +true+ to only drop the table if it exists.
+ # Defaults to false.
+ # [<tt>:temporary</tt>]
+ # Set to +true+ to drop temporary table.
+ # Defaults to false.
+ #
+ # Although this command ignores most +options+ and the block if one is given,
+ # it can be helpful to provide these in a migration's +change+ method so it can be reverted.
+ # In that case, +options+ and the block will be used by create_table.
+ def drop_table(table_name, options = {})
+ execute "DROP#{' TEMPORARY' if options[:temporary]} TABLE#{' IF EXISTS' if options[:if_exists]} #{quote_table_name(table_name)}#{' CASCADE' if options[:force] == :cascade}"
+ end
+ def rename_index(table_name, old_name, new_name)
+ if supports_rename_index?
+ validate_index_length!(table_name, new_name)
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} RENAME INDEX #{quote_table_name(old_name)} TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}"
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default_or_changes) #:nodoc:
+ default = extract_new_default_value(default_or_changes)
+ change_column table_name, column_name, nil, default: default
+ end
+ def change_column_null(table_name, column_name, null, default = nil) #:nodoc:
+ unless null || default.nil?
+ execute("UPDATE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} SET #{quote_column_name(column_name)}=#{quote(default)} WHERE #{quote_column_name(column_name)} IS NULL")
+ end
+ change_column table_name, column_name, nil, null: null
+ end
+ def change_column_comment(table_name, column_name, comment) #:nodoc:
+ change_column table_name, column_name, nil, comment: comment
+ end
+ def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc:
+ execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{change_column_for_alter(table_name, column_name, type, options)}")
+ end
+ def rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) #:nodoc:
+ execute("ALTER TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)} #{rename_column_for_alter(table_name, column_name, new_column_name)}")
+ rename_column_indexes(table_name, column_name, new_column_name)
+ end
+ def add_index(table_name, column_name, options = {}) #:nodoc:
+ index_name, index_type, index_columns, _, index_algorithm, index_using, comment = add_index_options(table_name, column_name, options)
+ sql = +"CREATE #{index_type} INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)} #{index_using} ON #{quote_table_name(table_name)} (#{index_columns}) #{index_algorithm}"
+ execute add_sql_comment!(sql, comment)
+ end
+ def add_sql_comment!(sql, comment) # :nodoc:
+ sql << " COMMENT #{quote(comment)}" if comment.present?
+ sql
+ end
+ def foreign_keys(table_name)
+ raise ArgumentError unless table_name.present?
+ scope = quoted_scope(table_name)
+ fk_info = exec_query(<<~SQL, "SCHEMA")
+ SELECT fk.referenced_table_name AS 'to_table',
+ fk.referenced_column_name AS 'primary_key',
+ fk.column_name AS 'column',
+ fk.constraint_name AS 'name',
+ rc.update_rule AS 'on_update',
+ rc.delete_rule AS 'on_delete'
+ FROM information_schema.referential_constraints rc
+ JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage fk
+ USING (constraint_schema, constraint_name)
+ WHERE fk.referenced_column_name IS NOT NULL
+ AND fk.table_schema = #{scope[:schema]}
+ AND fk.table_name = #{scope[:name]}
+ AND rc.constraint_schema = #{scope[:schema]}
+ AND rc.table_name = #{scope[:name]}
+ fk_info.map do |row|
+ options = {
+ column: row["column"],
+ name: row["name"],
+ primary_key: row["primary_key"]
+ }
+ options[:on_update] = extract_foreign_key_action(row["on_update"])
+ options[:on_delete] = extract_foreign_key_action(row["on_delete"])
+ ForeignKeyDefinition.new(table_name, row["to_table"], options)
+ end
+ end
+ def table_options(table_name) # :nodoc:
+ table_options = {}
+ create_table_info = create_table_info(table_name)
+ # strip create_definitions and partition_options
+ raw_table_options = create_table_info.sub(/\A.*\n\) /m, "").sub(/\n\/\*!.*\*\/\n\z/m, "").strip
+ raw_table_options.sub!(/(ENGINE=\w+)(?: AUTO_INCREMENT=\d+)/, '\1')
+ table_options[:options] = raw_table_options
+ # strip COMMENT
+ if raw_table_options.sub!(/ COMMENT='.+'/, "")
+ table_options[:comment] = table_comment(table_name)
+ end
+ table_options
+ end
+ # Maps logical Rails types to MySQL-specific data types.
+ def type_to_sql(type, limit: nil, precision: nil, scale: nil, unsigned: nil, **) # :nodoc:
+ sql = \
+ case type.to_s
+ when "integer"
+ integer_to_sql(limit)
+ when "text"
+ text_to_sql(limit)
+ when "blob"
+ binary_to_sql(limit)
+ when "binary"
+ if (0..0xfff) === limit
+ "varbinary(#{limit})"
+ else
+ binary_to_sql(limit)
+ end
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ sql = "#{sql} unsigned" if unsigned && type != :primary_key
+ sql
+ end
+ def show_variable(name)
+ query_value("SELECT @@#{name}", "SCHEMA")
+ rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
+ nil
+ end
+ def primary_keys(table_name) # :nodoc:
+ raise ArgumentError unless table_name.present?
+ scope = quoted_scope(table_name)
+ query_values(<<~SQL, "SCHEMA")
+ SELECT column_name
+ FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
+ WHERE constraint_name = 'PRIMARY'
+ AND table_schema = #{scope[:schema]}
+ AND table_name = #{scope[:name]}
+ ORDER BY ordinal_position
+ end
+ def case_sensitive_comparison(table, attribute, column, value) # :nodoc:
+ if column.collation && !column.case_sensitive?
+ table[attribute].eq(Arel::Nodes::Bin.new(value))
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def can_perform_case_insensitive_comparison_for?(column)
+ column.case_sensitive?
+ end
+ private :can_perform_case_insensitive_comparison_for?
+ # In MySQL 5.7.5 and up, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY affects handling of queries that use
+ # DISTINCT and ORDER BY. It requires the ORDER BY columns in the select list for
+ # distinct queries, and requires that the ORDER BY include the distinct column.
+ # See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-by-handling.html
+ def columns_for_distinct(columns, orders) # :nodoc:
+ order_columns = orders.reject(&:blank?).map { |s|
+ # Convert Arel node to string
+ s = s.to_sql unless s.is_a?(String)
+ # Remove any ASC/DESC modifiers
+ s.gsub(/\s+(?:ASC|DESC)\b/i, "")
+ }.reject(&:blank?).map.with_index { |column, i| "#{column} AS alias_#{i}" }
+ (order_columns << super).join(", ")
+ end
+ def strict_mode?
+ self.class.type_cast_config_to_boolean(@config.fetch(:strict, true))
+ end
+ def default_index_type?(index) # :nodoc:
+ index.using == :btree || super
+ end
+ def insert_fixtures_set(fixture_set, tables_to_delete = [])
+ with_multi_statements do
+ super { discard_remaining_results }
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def check_version
+ if version < "5.5.8"
+ raise "Your version of MySQL (#{version_string}) is too old. Active Record supports MySQL >= 5.5.8."
+ end
+ end
+ def combine_multi_statements(total_sql)
+ total_sql.each_with_object([]) do |sql, total_sql_chunks|
+ previous_packet = total_sql_chunks.last
+ sql << ";\n"
+ if max_allowed_packet_reached?(sql, previous_packet) || total_sql_chunks.empty?
+ total_sql_chunks << sql
+ else
+ previous_packet << sql
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def max_allowed_packet_reached?(current_packet, previous_packet)
+ if current_packet.bytesize > max_allowed_packet
+ raise ActiveRecordError, "Fixtures set is too large #{current_packet.bytesize}. Consider increasing the max_allowed_packet variable."
+ elsif previous_packet.nil?
+ false
+ else
+ (current_packet.bytesize + previous_packet.bytesize) > max_allowed_packet
+ end
+ end
+ def max_allowed_packet
+ bytes_margin = 2
+ @max_allowed_packet ||= (show_variable("max_allowed_packet") - bytes_margin)
+ end
+ def initialize_type_map(m = type_map)
+ super
+ register_class_with_limit m, %r(char)i, MysqlString
+ m.register_type %r(tinytext)i, Type::Text.new(limit: 2**8 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(tinyblob)i, Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**8 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(text)i, Type::Text.new(limit: 2**16 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(blob)i, Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**16 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(mediumtext)i, Type::Text.new(limit: 2**24 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(mediumblob)i, Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**24 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(longtext)i, Type::Text.new(limit: 2**32 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(longblob)i, Type::Binary.new(limit: 2**32 - 1)
+ m.register_type %r(^float)i, Type::Float.new(limit: 24)
+ m.register_type %r(^double)i, Type::Float.new(limit: 53)
+ register_integer_type m, %r(^bigint)i, limit: 8
+ register_integer_type m, %r(^int)i, limit: 4
+ register_integer_type m, %r(^mediumint)i, limit: 3
+ register_integer_type m, %r(^smallint)i, limit: 2
+ register_integer_type m, %r(^tinyint)i, limit: 1
+ m.register_type %r(^tinyint\(1\))i, Type::Boolean.new if emulate_booleans
+ m.alias_type %r(year)i, "integer"
+ m.alias_type %r(bit)i, "binary"
+ m.register_type(%r(enum)i) do |sql_type|
+ limit = sql_type[/^enum\((.+)\)/i, 1]
+ .split(",").map { |enum| enum.strip.length - 2 }.max
+ MysqlString.new(limit: limit)
+ end
+ m.register_type(%r(^set)i) do |sql_type|
+ limit = sql_type[/^set\((.+)\)/i, 1]
+ .split(",").map { |set| set.strip.length - 1 }.sum - 1
+ MysqlString.new(limit: limit)
+ end
+ end
+ def register_integer_type(mapping, key, options)
+ mapping.register_type(key) do |sql_type|
+ if /\bunsigned\b/.match?(sql_type)
+ Type::UnsignedInteger.new(options)
+ else
+ Type::Integer.new(options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_precision(sql_type)
+ if /\A(?:date)?time(?:stamp)?\b/.match?(sql_type)
+ super || 0
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ # See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/error-messages-server.html
+ ER_DUP_ENTRY = 1062
+ ER_OUT_OF_RANGE = 1264
+ def translate_exception(exception, message:, sql:, binds:)
+ case error_number(exception)
+ RecordNotUnique.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ InvalidForeignKey.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ mismatched_foreign_key(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ if message.include?("errno: 150")
+ mismatched_foreign_key(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ ValueTooLong.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ RangeError.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ NotNullViolation.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ Deadlocked.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ LockWaitTimeout.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ StatementTimeout.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ QueryCanceled.new(message, sql: sql, binds: binds)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def change_column_for_alter(table_name, column_name, type, options = {})
+ column = column_for(table_name, column_name)
+ type ||= column.sql_type
+ unless options.key?(:default)
+ options[:default] = column.default
+ end
+ unless options.key?(:null)
+ options[:null] = column.null
+ end
+ unless options.key?(:comment)
+ options[:comment] = column.comment
+ end
+ td = create_table_definition(table_name)
+ cd = td.new_column_definition(column.name, type, options)
+ schema_creation.accept(ChangeColumnDefinition.new(cd, column.name))
+ end
+ def rename_column_for_alter(table_name, column_name, new_column_name)
+ column = column_for(table_name, column_name)
+ options = {
+ default: column.default,
+ null: column.null,
+ auto_increment: column.auto_increment?
+ }
+ current_type = exec_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM #{quote_table_name(table_name)} LIKE #{quote(column_name)}", "SCHEMA").first["Type"]
+ td = create_table_definition(table_name)
+ cd = td.new_column_definition(new_column_name, current_type, options)
+ schema_creation.accept(ChangeColumnDefinition.new(cd, column.name))
+ end
+ def add_index_for_alter(table_name, column_name, options = {})
+ index_name, index_type, index_columns, _, index_algorithm, index_using = add_index_options(table_name, column_name, options)
+ index_algorithm[0, 0] = ", " if index_algorithm.present?
+ "ADD #{index_type} INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)} #{index_using} (#{index_columns})#{index_algorithm}"
+ end
+ def remove_index_for_alter(table_name, options = {})
+ index_name = index_name_for_remove(table_name, options)
+ "DROP INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)}"
+ end
+ def add_timestamps_for_alter(table_name, options = {})
+ [add_column_for_alter(table_name, :created_at, :datetime, options), add_column_for_alter(table_name, :updated_at, :datetime, options)]
+ end
+ def remove_timestamps_for_alter(table_name, options = {})
+ [remove_column_for_alter(table_name, :updated_at), remove_column_for_alter(table_name, :created_at)]
+ end
+ def supports_rename_index?
+ mariadb? ? false : version >= "5.7.6"
+ end
+ def configure_connection
+ variables = @config.fetch(:variables, {}).stringify_keys
+ # By default, MySQL 'where id is null' selects the last inserted id; Turn this off.
+ variables["sql_auto_is_null"] = 0
+ # Increase timeout so the server doesn't disconnect us.
+ wait_timeout = self.class.type_cast_config_to_integer(@config[:wait_timeout])
+ wait_timeout = 2147483 unless wait_timeout.is_a?(Integer)
+ variables["wait_timeout"] = wait_timeout
+ defaults = [":default", :default].to_set
+ # Make MySQL reject illegal values rather than truncating or blanking them, see
+ # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_strict_all_tables
+ # If the user has provided another value for sql_mode, don't replace it.
+ if sql_mode = variables.delete("sql_mode")
+ sql_mode = quote(sql_mode)
+ elsif !defaults.include?(strict_mode?)
+ if strict_mode?
+ sql_mode = "CONCAT(@@sql_mode, ',STRICT_ALL_TABLES')"
+ else
+ sql_mode = "REPLACE(@@sql_mode, 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', '')"
+ sql_mode = "REPLACE(#{sql_mode}, 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES', '')"
+ sql_mode = "REPLACE(#{sql_mode}, 'TRADITIONAL', '')"
+ end
+ sql_mode = "CONCAT(#{sql_mode}, ',NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO')"
+ end
+ sql_mode_assignment = "@@SESSION.sql_mode = #{sql_mode}, " if sql_mode
+ # NAMES does not have an equals sign, see
+ # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/set-names.html
+ # (trailing comma because variable_assignments will always have content)
+ if @config[:encoding]
+ encoding = +"NAMES #{@config[:encoding]}"
+ encoding << " COLLATE #{@config[:collation]}" if @config[:collation]
+ encoding << ", "
+ end
+ # Gather up all of the SET variables...
+ variable_assignments = variables.map do |k, v|
+ if defaults.include?(v)
+ "@@SESSION.#{k} = DEFAULT" # Sets the value to the global or compile default
+ elsif !v.nil?
+ "@@SESSION.#{k} = #{quote(v)}"
+ end
+ # or else nil; compact to clear nils out
+ end.compact.join(", ")
+ # ...and send them all in one query
+ execute "SET #{encoding} #{sql_mode_assignment} #{variable_assignments}"
+ end
+ def column_definitions(table_name) # :nodoc:
+ execute_and_free("SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM #{quote_table_name(table_name)}", "SCHEMA") do |result|
+ each_hash(result)
+ end
+ end
+ def create_table_info(table_name) # :nodoc:
+ exec_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE #{quote_table_name(table_name)}", "SCHEMA").first["Create Table"]
+ end
+ def arel_visitor
+ Arel::Visitors::MySQL.new(self)
+ end
+ def mismatched_foreign_key(message, sql:, binds:)
+ parts = sql.scan(/`(\w+)`[ $)]/).flatten
+ MismatchedForeignKey.new(
+ self,
+ message: message,
+ sql: sql,
+ binds: binds,
+ table: parts[0],
+ foreign_key: parts[1],
+ target_table: parts[2],
+ primary_key: parts[3],
+ )
+ end
+ def integer_to_sql(limit) # :nodoc:
+ case limit
+ when 1; "tinyint"
+ when 2; "smallint"
+ when 3; "mediumint"
+ when nil, 4; "int"
+ when 5..8; "bigint"
+ else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No integer type has byte size #{limit}. Use a decimal with scale 0 instead.")
+ end
+ end
+ def text_to_sql(limit) # :nodoc:
+ case limit
+ when 0..0xff; "tinytext"
+ when nil, 0x100..0xffff; "text"
+ when 0x10000..0xffffff; "mediumtext"
+ when 0x1000000..0xffffffff; "longtext"
+ else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No text type has byte length #{limit}")
+ end
+ end
+ def binary_to_sql(limit) # :nodoc:
+ case limit
+ when 0..0xff; "tinyblob"
+ when nil, 0x100..0xffff; "blob"
+ when 0x10000..0xffffff; "mediumblob"
+ when 0x1000000..0xffffffff; "longblob"
+ else raise(ActiveRecordError, "No binary type has byte length #{limit}")
+ end
+ end
+ def version_string
+ full_version.match(/^(?:5\.5\.5-)?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/)[1]
+ end
+ class MysqlString < Type::String # :nodoc:
+ def serialize(value)
+ case value
+ when true then "1"
+ when false then "0"
+ else super
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def cast_value(value)
+ case value
+ when true then "1"
+ when false then "0"
+ else super
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Type.register(:string, MysqlString, adapter: :mysql2)
+ ActiveRecord::Type.register(:unsigned_integer, Type::UnsignedInteger, adapter: :mysql2)
+ end
+ end