path: root/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/through_association_scope.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/through_association_scope.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/through_association_scope.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/through_association_scope.rb
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index f6d02a215f..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/through_association_scope.rb
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-require 'enumerator'
-module ActiveRecord
- # = Active Record Through Association Scope
- module Associations
- module ThroughAssociationScope
- protected
- def construct_find_scope
- {
- :conditions => construct_conditions,
- :joins => construct_joins,
- :include => @reflection.options[:include] || @reflection.source_reflection.options[:include],
- :select => construct_select,
- :order => @reflection.options[:order],
- :limit => @reflection.options[:limit],
- :readonly => @reflection.options[:readonly]
- }
- end
- def construct_create_scope
- @reflection.nested? ? {} : construct_owner_attributes(@reflection)
- end
- # Build SQL conditions from attributes, qualified by table name.
- def construct_conditions
- reflection = @reflection.through_reflection_chain.last
- if reflection.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many
- table_alias = table_aliases[reflection].first
- else
- table_alias = table_aliases[reflection]
- end
- parts = construct_quoted_owner_attributes(reflection).map do |attr, value|
- "#{table_alias}.#{attr} = #{value}"
- end
- parts += reflection_conditions(0)
- "(" + parts.join(') AND (') + ")"
- end
- # Associate attributes pointing to owner, quoted.
- def construct_quoted_owner_attributes(reflection)
- if as = reflection.options[:as]
- { "#{as}_id" => owner_quoted_id(reflection),
- "#{as}_type" => reflection.klass.quote_value(
- @owner.class.base_class.name.to_s,
- reflection.klass.columns_hash["#{as}_type"]) }
- elsif reflection.macro == :belongs_to
- { reflection.klass.primary_key => @owner.class.quote_value(@owner[reflection.primary_key_name]) }
- else
- { reflection.primary_key_name => owner_quoted_id(reflection) }
- end
- end
- def construct_select(custom_select = nil)
- distinct = "DISTINCT " if @reflection.options[:uniq]
- custom_select || @reflection.options[:select] || "#{distinct}#{@reflection.quoted_table_name}.*"
- end
- def construct_joins(custom_joins = nil)
- "#{construct_through_joins} #{@reflection.options[:joins]} #{custom_joins}"
- end
- def construct_through_joins
- joins, right_index = [], 1
- # Iterate over each pair in the through reflection chain, joining them together
- @reflection.through_reflection_chain.each_cons(2) do |left, right|
- right_table_and_alias = table_name_and_alias(right.quoted_table_name, table_aliases[right])
- if left.source_reflection.nil?
- case left.macro
- when :belongs_to
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- table_aliases[left], left.association_primary_key,
- table_aliases[right], left.primary_key_name,
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- when :has_many, :has_one
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- table_aliases[left], left.primary_key_name,
- table_aliases[right], right.association_primary_key,
- polymorphic_conditions(left, left),
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- when :has_and_belongs_to_many
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- table_aliases[left].first, left.primary_key_name,
- table_aliases[right], right.klass.primary_key,
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- end
- else
- case left.source_reflection.macro
- when :belongs_to
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- table_aliases[left], left.association_primary_key,
- table_aliases[right], left.primary_key_name,
- source_type_conditions(left),
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- when :has_many, :has_one
- if right.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many
- join_table, right_table = table_aliases[right]
- right_table_and_alias = table_name_and_alias(right.quoted_table_name, right_table)
- else
- right_table = table_aliases[right]
- end
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- table_aliases[left], left.primary_key_name,
- right_table, left.source_reflection.active_record_primary_key,
- polymorphic_conditions(left, left.source_reflection),
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- if right.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- table_name_and_alias(
- quote_table_name(right.options[:join_table]),
- join_table
- ),
- right_table, right.klass.primary_key,
- join_table, right.association_foreign_key
- )
- end
- when :has_and_belongs_to_many
- join_table, left_table = table_aliases[left]
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- table_name_and_alias(
- quote_table_name(left.source_reflection.options[:join_table]),
- join_table
- ),
- left_table, left.klass.primary_key,
- join_table, left.association_foreign_key
- )
- joins << inner_join_sql(
- right_table_and_alias,
- join_table, left.primary_key_name,
- table_aliases[right], right.klass.primary_key,
- reflection_conditions(right_index)
- )
- end
- end
- right_index += 1
- end
- joins.join(" ")
- end
- def alias_tracker
- @alias_tracker ||= AliasTracker.new
- end
- def table_aliases
- @table_aliases ||= begin
- @reflection.through_reflection_chain.inject({}) do |aliases, reflection|
- table_alias = quote_table_name(alias_tracker.aliased_name_for(
- reflection.table_name,
- table_alias_for(reflection, reflection != @reflection)
- ))
- if reflection.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many ||
- (reflection.source_reflection &&
- reflection.source_reflection.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many)
- join_table_alias = quote_table_name(alias_tracker.aliased_name_for(
- (reflection.source_reflection || reflection).options[:join_table],
- table_alias_for(reflection, true)
- ))
- aliases[reflection] = [join_table_alias, table_alias]
- else
- aliases[reflection] = table_alias
- end
- aliases
- end
- end
- end
- def table_alias_for(reflection, join = false)
- name = alias_tracker.pluralize(reflection.name)
- name << "_#{@reflection.name}"
- name << "_join" if join
- name
- end
- def quote_table_name(table_name)
- @reflection.klass.connection.quote_table_name(table_name)
- end
- def table_name_and_alias(table_name, table_alias)
- "#{table_name} #{table_alias if table_alias != table_name}".strip
- end
- def inner_join_sql(table, on_left_table, on_left_key, on_right_table, on_right_key, *conditions)
- conditions << "#{on_left_table}.#{on_left_key} = #{on_right_table}.#{on_right_key}"
- conditions = conditions.flatten.compact
- conditions = conditions.map { |sql| "(#{sql})" } * ' AND '
- "INNER JOIN #{table} ON #{conditions}"
- end
- def reflection_conditions(index)
- reflection = @reflection.through_reflection_chain[index]
- reflection_conditions = @reflection.through_conditions[index]
- conditions = []
- if reflection.options[:as].nil? && # reflection.klass is a Module if :as is used
- reflection.klass.finder_needs_type_condition?
- conditions << reflection.klass.send(:type_condition).to_sql
- end
- reflection_conditions.each do |condition|
- sanitized_condition = reflection.klass.send(:sanitize_sql, condition)
- interpolated_condition = interpolate_sql(sanitized_condition)
- if condition.is_a?(Hash)
- interpolated_condition.gsub!(
- @reflection.quoted_table_name,
- reflection.quoted_table_name
- )
- end
- conditions << interpolated_condition
- end
- conditions
- end
- def polymorphic_conditions(reflection, polymorphic_reflection)
- if polymorphic_reflection.options[:as]
- "%s.%s = %s" % [
- table_aliases[reflection], "#{polymorphic_reflection.options[:as]}_type",
- @owner.class.quote_value(polymorphic_reflection.active_record.base_class.name)
- ]
- end
- end
- def source_type_conditions(reflection)
- if reflection.options[:source_type]
- "%s.%s = %s" % [
- table_aliases[reflection.through_reflection],
- reflection.source_reflection.options[:foreign_type].to_s,
- @owner.class.quote_value(reflection.options[:source_type])
- ]
- end
- end
- # Construct attributes for associate pointing to owner.
- def construct_owner_attributes(reflection)
- if as = reflection.options[:as]
- { "#{as}_id" => @owner.id,
- "#{as}_type" => @owner.class.base_class.name.to_s }
- else
- { reflection.primary_key_name => @owner.id }
- end
- end
- # Construct attributes for :through pointing to owner and associate.
- # This method is used when adding records to the association. Since this only makes sense for
- # non-nested through associations, that's the only case we have to worry about here.
- def construct_join_attributes(associate)
- # TODO: revisit this to allow it for deletion, supposing dependent option is supported
- raise ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughCantAssociateThroughHasOneOrManyReflection.new(@owner, @reflection) if [:has_one, :has_many].include?(@reflection.source_reflection.macro)
- join_attributes = construct_owner_attributes(@reflection.through_reflection).merge(@reflection.source_reflection.primary_key_name => associate.id)
- if @reflection.options[:source_type]
- join_attributes.merge!(@reflection.source_reflection.options[:foreign_type] => associate.class.base_class.name.to_s)
- end
- if @reflection.through_reflection.options[:conditions].is_a?(Hash)
- join_attributes.merge!(@reflection.through_reflection.options[:conditions])
- end
- join_attributes
- end
- def ensure_not_nested
- if @reflection.nested?
- raise HasManyThroughNestedAssociationsAreReadonly.new(@owner, @reflection)
- end
- end
- end
- end