path: root/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
index ce1f1102d5..2d260f2bf5 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,15 +1,66 @@
+* Fix query attribute method on user-defined attribute to be aware of typecasted value.
+ For example, the following code no longer return false as casted non-empty string:
+ ```
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ attribute :user_defined_text, :text
+ end
+ Post.new(user_defined_text: "false").user_defined_text? # => true
+ ```
+ *Yuji Kamijima*
+* Quote empty ranges like other empty enumerables.
+ *Patrick Rebsch*
+* Add `insert_all`/`insert_all!`/`upsert_all` methods to `ActiveRecord::Persistence`,
+ allowing bulk inserts akin to the bulk updates provided by `update_all` and
+ bulk deletes by `delete_all`.
+ Supports skipping or upserting duplicates through the `ON CONFLICT` syntax
+ for Postgres (9.5+) and Sqlite (3.24+) and `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE` syntax
+ for MySQL.
+ *Bob Lail*
+* Add `rails db:seed:replant` that truncates tables of each database
+ for current environment and loads the seeds.
+ *bogdanvlviv*, *DHH*
+* Add `ActiveRecord::Base.connection.truncate` for SQLite3 adapter.
+ *bogdanvlviv*
+* Deprecate mismatched collation comparison for uniqueness validator.
+ Uniqueness validator will no longer enforce case sensitive comparison in Rails 6.1.
+ To continue case sensitive comparison on the case insensitive column,
+ pass `case_sensitive: true` option explicitly to the uniqueness validator.
+ *Ryuta Kamizono*
+* Add `reselect` method. This is a short-hand for `unscope(:select).select(fields)`.
+ Fixes #27340.
+ *Willian Gustavo Veiga*
* Add negative scopes for all enum values.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
enum status: %i[ drafted active trashed ]
Post.not_drafted # => where.not(status: :drafted)
Post.not_active # => where.not(status: :active)
Post.not_trashed # => where.not(status: :trashed)
* Fix different `count` calculation when using `size` with manual `select` with DISTINCT.