path: root/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
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1 files changed, 296 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
index d1ae41ab97..2a237f86cf 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,297 @@
+* Add an `:if_not_exists` option to `create_table`.
+ Example:
+ create_table :posts, if_not_exists: true do |t|
+ t.string :title
+ end
+ That would execute:
+ ...
+ )
+ If the table already exists, `if_not_exists: false` (the default) raises an
+ exception whereas `if_not_exists: true` does nothing.
+ *fatkodima*, *Stefan Kanev*
+* Defining an Enum as a Hash with blank key, or as an Array with a blank value, now raises an `ArgumentError`.
+ *Christophe Maximin*
+* Adds support for multiple databases to `rails db:schema:cache:dump` and `rails db:schema:cache:clear`.
+ *Gannon McGibbon*
+* `update_columns` now correctly raises `ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError`
+ if the attribute does not exist.
+ *Sean Griffin*
+* Add support for hash and url configs in database hash of `ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to`.
+ ````
+ User.connected_to(database: { writing: "postgres://foo" }) do
+ User.create!(name: "Gannon")
+ end
+ config = { "adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "db/readonly.sqlite3" }
+ User.connected_to(database: { reading: config }) do
+ User.count
+ end
+ ````
+ *Gannon McGibbon*
+* Support default expression for MySQL.
+ MySQL 8.0.13 and higher supports default value to be a function or expression.
+ https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-table.html
+ *Ryuta Kamizono*
+* Support expression indexes for MySQL.
+ MySQL 8.0.13 and higher supports functional key parts that index
+ expression values rather than column or column prefix values.
+ https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-index.html
+ *Ryuta Kamizono*
+* Fix collection cache key with limit and custom select to avoid ambiguous timestamp column error.
+ Fixes #33056.
+ *Federico Martinez*
+* Add basic API for connection switching to support multiple databases.
+ 1) Adds a `connects_to` method for models to connect to multiple databases. Example:
+ ```
+ class AnimalsModel < ApplicationRecord
+ self.abstract_class = true
+ connects_to database: { writing: :animals_primary, reading: :animals_replica }
+ end
+ class Dog < AnimalsModel
+ # connected to both the animals_primary db for writing and the animals_replica for reading
+ end
+ ```
+ 2) Adds a `connected_to` block method for switching connection roles or connecting to
+ a database that the model didn't connect to. Connecting to the database in this block is
+ useful when you have another defined connection, for example `slow_replica` that you don't
+ want to connect to by default but need in the console, or a specific code block.
+ ```
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do
+ Dog.first # finds dog from replica connected to AnimalsBase
+ Book.first # doesn't have a reading connection, will raise an error
+ end
+ ```
+ ```
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(database: :slow_replica) do
+ SlowReplicaModel.first # if the db config has a slow_replica configuration this will be used to do the lookup, otherwise this will throw an exception
+ end
+ ```
+ *Eileen M. Uchitelle*
+* Enum raises on invalid definition values
+ When defining a Hash enum it can be easy to use [] instead of {}. This
+ commit checks that only valid definition values are provided, those can
+ be a Hash, an array of Symbols or an array of Strings. Otherwise it
+ raises an ArgumentError.
+ Fixes #33961
+ *Alberto Almagro*
+* Reloading associations now clears the Query Cache like `Persistence#reload` does.
+ ```
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_one :category
+ belongs_to :author
+ has_many :comments
+ end
+ # Each of the following will now clear the query cache.
+ post.reload_category
+ post.reload_author
+ post.comments.reload
+ ```
+ *Christophe Maximin*
+* Added `index` option for `change_table` migration helpers.
+ With this change you can create indexes while adding new
+ columns into the existing tables.
+ Example:
+ change_table(:languages) do |t|
+ t.string :country_code, index: true
+ end
+ *Mehmet Emin İNAÇ*
+* Fix `transaction` reverting for migrations.
+ Before: Commands inside a `transaction` in a reverted migration ran uninverted.
+ Now: This change fixes that by reverting commands inside `transaction` block.
+ *fatkodima*, *David Verhasselt*
+* Raise an error instead of scanning the filesystem root when `fixture_path` is blank.
+ *Gannon McGibbon*, *Max Albrecht*
+* Allow `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations=` to be set with a symbolized hash.
+ *Gannon McGibbon*
+* Don't update counter cache unless the record is actually saved.
+ Fixes #31493, #33113, #33117.
+ *Ryuta Kamizono*
+* Deprecate `ActiveRecord::Result#to_hash` in favor of `ActiveRecord::Result#to_a`.
+ *Gannon McGibbon*, *Kevin Cheng*
+* SQLite3 adapter supports expression indexes.
+ ```
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :email
+ end
+ add_index :users, 'lower(email)', name: 'index_users_on_email', unique: true
+ ```
+ *Gray Kemmey*
+* Allow subclasses to redefine autosave callbacks for associated records.
+ Fixes #33305.
+ *Andrey Subbota*
+* Bump minimum MySQL version to 5.5.8.
+ *Yasuo Honda*
+* Use MySQL utf8mb4 character set by default.
+ `utf8mb4` character set with 4-Byte encoding supports supplementary characters including emoji.
+ The previous default 3-Byte encoding character set `utf8` is not enough to support them.
+ *Yasuo Honda*
+* Fix duplicated record creation when using nested attributes with `create_with`.
+ *Darwin Wu*
+* Configuration item `config.filter_parameters` could also filter out
+ sensitive values of database columns when call `#inspect`.
+ We also added `ActiveRecord::Base::filter_attributes`/`=` in order to
+ specify sensitive attributes to specific model.
+ ```
+ Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [:credit_card_number, /phone/]
+ Account.last.inspect # => #<Account id: 123, name: "DHH", credit_card_number: [FILTERED], telephone_number: [FILTERED] ...>
+ SecureAccount.filter_attributes += [:name]
+ SecureAccount.last.inspect # => #<SecureAccount id: 42, name: [FILTERED], credit_card_number: [FILTERED] ...>
+ ```
+ *Zhang Kang*, *Yoshiyuki Kinjo*
+* Deprecate `column_name_length`, `table_name_length`, `columns_per_table`,
+ `indexes_per_table`, `columns_per_multicolumn_index`, `sql_query_length`,
+ and `joins_per_query` methods in `DatabaseLimits`.
+ *Ryuta Kamizono*
+* `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations` now returns an object.
+ `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations` used to return a hash, but this
+ is an inflexible data model. In order to improve multiple-database
+ handling in Rails, we've changed this to return an object. Some methods
+ are provided to make the object behave hash-like in order to ease the
+ transition process. Since most applications don't manipulate the hash
+ we've decided to add backwards-compatible functionality that will throw
+ a deprecation warning if used, however calling `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations`
+ will use the new version internally and externally.
+ For example, the following `database.yml`:
+ ```
+ development:
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ database: db/development.sqlite3
+ ```
+ Used to become a hash:
+ ```
+ { "development" => { "adapter" => "sqlite3", "database" => "db/development.sqlite3" } }
+ ```
+ Is now converted into the following object:
+ ```
+ #<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations:0x00007fd1acbdf800 @configurations=[
+ #<ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations::HashConfig:0x00007fd1acbded10 @env_name="development",
+ @spec_name="primary", @config={"adapter"=>"sqlite3", "database"=>"db/development.sqlite3"}>
+ ]
+ ```
+ Iterating over the database configurations has also changed. Instead of
+ calling hash methods on the `configurations` hash directly, a new method `configs_for` has
+ been provided that allows you to select the correct configuration. `env_name`, and
+ `spec_name` arguments are optional. For example these return an array of
+ database config objects for the requested environment and a single database config object
+ will be returned for the requested environment and specification name respectively.
+ ```
+ ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: "development")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: "development", spec_name: "primary")
+ ```
+ *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *Aaron Patterson*
+* Add database configuration to disable advisory locks.
+ ```
+ production:
+ adapter: postgresql
+ advisory_locks: false
+ ```
+ *Guo Xiang*
+* SQLite3 adapter `alter_table` method restores foreign keys.
+ *Yasuo Honda*
+* Allow `:to_table` option to `invert_remove_foreign_key`.
+ Example:
+ remove_foreign_key :accounts, to_table: :owners
+ *Nikolay Epifanov*, *Rich Chen*
* Add environment & load_config dependency to `bin/rake db:seed` to enable
seed load in environments without Rails and custom DB configuration
@@ -64,8 +358,8 @@
*Eddie Lebow*
-* Add ActiveRecord::Base.create_or_find_by/! to deal with the SELECT/INSERT race condition in
- ActiveRecord::Base.find_or_create_by/! by leaning on unique constraints in the database.
+* Add `ActiveRecord::Base.create_or_find_by`/`!` to deal with the SELECT/INSERT race condition in
+ `ActiveRecord::Base.find_or_create_by`/`!` by leaning on unique constraints in the database.