path: root/activemodel/test/cases
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activemodel/test/cases')
12 files changed, 406 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/attribute_assignment_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/attribute_assignment_test.rb
index 64a85e01eb..3336691841 100644
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/attribute_assignment_test.rb
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/attribute_assignment_test.rb
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class AttributeAssignmentTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
- test "an ArgumentError is raised if a non-hash-like obejct is passed" do
+ test "an ArgumentError is raised if a non-hash-like object is passed" do
assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/helper.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/helper.rb
index c100646837..27fdbc739c 100644
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/helper.rb
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/helper.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
require File.expand_path('../../../../load_paths', __FILE__)
-require 'config'
require 'active_model'
require 'active_support/core_ext/string/access'
@@ -13,8 +12,6 @@ I18n.enforce_available_locales = false
require 'active_support/testing/autorun'
require 'active_support/testing/method_call_assertions'
-require 'minitest/mock'
# Skips the current run on Rubinius using Minitest::Assertions#skip
def rubinius_skip(message = '')
skip message if RUBY_ENGINE == 'rbx'
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 37faf6cef8..0000000000
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/serializers/xml_serialization_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-require 'cases/helper'
-require 'models/contact'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables'
-require 'ostruct'
-require 'yaml'
-module Admin
- class Contact < ::Contact
- end
-class Customer < Struct.new(:name)
-class Address
- include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml
- attr_accessor :street, :city, :state, :zip, :apt_number
- def attributes
- instance_values
- end
-class SerializableContact < Contact
- def serializable_hash(options={})
- super(options.merge(only: [:name, :age]))
- end
-class XmlSerializationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
- def setup
- @contact = Contact.new
- @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
- @contact.age = 25
- @contact.created_at = Time.utc(2006, 8, 1)
- @contact.awesome = false
- customer = Customer.new
- customer.name = "John"
- @contact.preferences = customer
- @contact.address = Address.new
- @contact.address.city = "Springfield"
- @contact.address.apt_number = 35
- @contact.friends = [Contact.new, Contact.new]
- @contact.contact = SerializableContact.new
- end
- test "should serialize default root" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml
- assert_match %r{^<contact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</contact>$}, xml
- end
- test "should serialize namespaced root" do
- xml = Admin::Contact.new(@contact.attributes).to_xml
- assert_match %r{^<contact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</contact>$}, xml
- end
- test "should serialize default root with namespace" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml namespace: "http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact"
- assert_match %r{^<contact xmlns="http://xml.rubyonrails.org/contact">}, xml
- assert_match %r{</contact>$}, xml
- end
- test "should serialize custom root" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml root: 'xml_contact'
- assert_match %r{^<xml-contact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</xml-contact>$}, xml
- end
- test "should allow undasherized tags" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml root: 'xml_contact', dasherize: false
- assert_match %r{^<xml_contact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</xml_contact>$}, xml
- assert_match %r{<created_at}, xml
- end
- test "should allow camelized tags" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml root: 'xml_contact', camelize: true
- assert_match %r{^<XmlContact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</XmlContact>$}, xml
- assert_match %r{<CreatedAt}, xml
- end
- test "should allow lower-camelized tags" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml root: 'xml_contact', camelize: :lower
- assert_match %r{^<xmlContact>}, xml
- assert_match %r{</xmlContact>$}, xml
- assert_match %r{<createdAt}, xml
- end
- test "should use serializable hash" do
- @contact = SerializableContact.new
- @contact.name = 'aaron stack'
- @contact.age = 25
- xml = @contact.to_xml
- assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, xml
- assert_no_match %r{<awesome>}, xml
- end
- test "should allow skipped types" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml skip_types: true
- assert_match %r{<age>25</age>}, xml
- end
- test "should include yielded additions" do
- xml_output = @contact.to_xml do |xml|
- xml.creator "David"
- end
- assert_match %r{<creator>David</creator>}, xml_output
- end
- test "should serialize string" do
- assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, @contact.to_xml
- end
- test "should serialize nil" do
- assert_match %r{<pseudonyms nil="true"/>}, @contact.to_xml(methods: :pseudonyms)
- end
- test "should serialize integer" do
- assert_match %r{<age type="integer">25</age>}, @contact.to_xml
- end
- test "should serialize datetime" do
- assert_match %r{<created-at type="dateTime">2006-08-01T00:00:00Z</created-at>}, @contact.to_xml
- end
- test "should serialize boolean" do
- assert_match %r{<awesome type="boolean">false</awesome>}, @contact.to_xml
- end
- test "should serialize array" do
- assert_match %r{<social type="array">\s*<social>twitter</social>\s*<social>github</social>\s*</social>}, @contact.to_xml(methods: :social)
- end
- test "should serialize hash" do
- assert_match %r{<network>\s*<git type="symbol">github</git>\s*</network>}, @contact.to_xml(methods: :network)
- end
- test "should serialize yaml" do
- assert_match %r{<preferences type="yaml">--- !ruby/struct:Customer(\s*)\nname: John\n</preferences>}, @contact.to_xml
- end
- test "should call proc on object" do
- proc = Proc.new { |options| options[:builder].tag!('nationality', 'unknown') }
- xml = @contact.to_xml(procs: [ proc ])
- assert_match %r{<nationality>unknown</nationality>}, xml
- end
- test "should supply serializable to second proc argument" do
- proc = Proc.new { |options, record| options[:builder].tag!('name-reverse', record.name.reverse) }
- xml = @contact.to_xml(procs: [ proc ])
- assert_match %r{<name-reverse>kcats noraa</name-reverse>}, xml
- end
- test "should serialize string correctly when type passed" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml type: 'Contact'
- assert_match %r{<contact type="Contact">}, xml
- assert_match %r{<name>aaron stack</name>}, xml
- end
- test "include option with singular association" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml include: :address, indent: 0
- assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(indent: 0, skip_instruct: true))
- end
- test "include option with plural association" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml include: :friends, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
- assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
- end
- class FriendList
- def initialize(friends)
- @friends = friends
- end
- def to_ary
- @friends
- end
- end
- test "include option with ary" do
- @contact.friends = FriendList.new(@contact.friends)
- xml = @contact.to_xml include: :friends, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
- assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
- end
- test "multiple includes" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml indent: 0, skip_instruct: true, include: [ :address, :friends ]
- assert xml.include?(@contact.address.to_xml(indent: 0, skip_instruct: true))
- assert_match %r{<friends type="array">}, xml
- assert_match %r{<friend type="Contact">}, xml
- end
- test "include with options" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml indent: 0, skip_instruct: true, include: { address: { only: :city } }
- assert xml.include?(%(><address><city>Springfield</city></address>))
- end
- test "propagates skip_types option to included associations" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml include: :friends, indent: 0, skip_types: true
- assert_match %r{<friends>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<friend>}, xml
- end
- test "propagates skip-types option to included associations and attributes" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml skip_types: true, include: :address, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<address>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<apt-number>}, xml
- end
- test "propagates camelize option to included associations and attributes" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml camelize: true, include: :address, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<Address>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<AptNumber type="integer">}, xml
- end
- test "propagates dasherize option to included associations and attributes" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml dasherize: false, include: :address, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<apt_number type="integer">}, xml
- end
- test "don't propagate skip_types if skip_types is defined at the included association level" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml skip_types: true, include: { address: { skip_types: false } }, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<address>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<apt-number type="integer">}, xml
- end
- test "don't propagate camelize if camelize is defined at the included association level" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml camelize: true, include: { address: { camelize: false } }, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<address>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<apt-number type="integer">}, xml
- end
- test "don't propagate dasherize if dasherize is defined at the included association level" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml dasherize: false, include: { address: { dasherize: true } }, indent: 0
- assert_match %r{<address>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<apt-number type="integer">}, xml
- end
- test "association with sti" do
- xml = @contact.to_xml(include: :contact)
- assert xml.include?(%(<contact type="SerializableContact">))
- end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/type/decimal_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/type/decimal_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..353dbf84ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/type/decimal_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ module Type
+ class DecimalTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def test_type_cast_decimal
+ type = Decimal.new
+ assert_equal BigDecimal.new("0"), type.cast(BigDecimal.new("0"))
+ assert_equal BigDecimal.new("123"), type.cast(123.0)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal.new("1"), type.cast(:"1")
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_decimal_from_float_with_large_precision
+ type = Decimal.new(precision: ::Float::DIG + 2)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal.new("123.0"), type.cast(123.0)
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_from_float_with_unspecified_precision
+ type = Decimal.new
+ assert_equal 22.68.to_d, type.cast(22.68)
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_decimal_from_rational_with_precision
+ type = Decimal.new(precision: 2)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("0.33"), type.cast(Rational(1, 3))
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_decimal_from_rational_with_precision_and_scale
+ type = Decimal.new(precision: 4, scale: 2)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("0.33"), type.cast(Rational(1, 3))
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_decimal_from_rational_without_precision_defaults_to_18_36
+ type = Decimal.new
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("0.333333333333333333E0"), type.cast(Rational(1, 3))
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_decimal_from_object_responding_to_d
+ value = Object.new
+ def value.to_d
+ BigDecimal.new("1")
+ end
+ type = Decimal.new
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("1"), type.cast(value)
+ end
+ def test_changed?
+ type = Decimal.new
+ assert type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, '5.0wibble')
+ assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, '5.0')
+ assert_not type.changed?(-5.0, -5.0, '-5.0')
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/type/integer_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/type/integer_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dac922db42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/type/integer_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ module Type
+ class IntegerTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ test "simple values" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast(1)
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast('1')
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast('1ignore')
+ assert_equal 0, type.cast('bad1')
+ assert_equal 0, type.cast('bad')
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast(1.7)
+ assert_equal 0, type.cast(false)
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast(true)
+ assert_nil type.cast(nil)
+ end
+ test "random objects cast to nil" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_nil type.cast([1,2])
+ assert_nil type.cast({1 => 2})
+ assert_nil type.cast(1..2)
+ end
+ test "casting objects without to_i" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_nil type.cast(::Object.new)
+ end
+ test "casting nan and infinity" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_nil type.cast(::Float::NAN)
+ assert_nil type.cast(1.0/0.0)
+ end
+ test "casting booleans for database" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_equal 1, type.serialize(true)
+ assert_equal 0, type.serialize(false)
+ end
+ test "changed?" do
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert type.changed?(5, 5, '5wibble')
+ assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, '5')
+ assert_not type.changed?(5, 5, '5.0')
+ assert_not type.changed?(-5, -5, '-5')
+ assert_not type.changed?(-5, -5, '-5.0')
+ assert_not type.changed?(nil, nil, nil)
+ end
+ test "values below int min value are out of range" do
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ Integer.new.serialize(-2147483649)
+ end
+ end
+ test "values above int max value are out of range" do
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ Integer.new.serialize(2147483648)
+ end
+ end
+ test "very small numbers are out of range" do
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ Integer.new.serialize(-9999999999999999999999999999999)
+ end
+ end
+ test "very large numbers are out of range" do
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ Integer.new.serialize(9999999999999999999999999999999)
+ end
+ end
+ test "normal numbers are in range" do
+ type = Integer.new
+ assert_equal(0, type.serialize(0))
+ assert_equal(-1, type.serialize(-1))
+ assert_equal(1, type.serialize(1))
+ end
+ test "int max value is in range" do
+ assert_equal(2147483647, Integer.new.serialize(2147483647))
+ end
+ test "int min value is in range" do
+ assert_equal(-2147483648, Integer.new.serialize(-2147483648))
+ end
+ test "columns with a larger limit have larger ranges" do
+ type = Integer.new(limit: 8)
+ assert_equal(9223372036854775807, type.serialize(9223372036854775807))
+ assert_equal(-9223372036854775808, type.serialize(-9223372036854775808))
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ type.serialize(-9999999999999999999999999999999)
+ end
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ type.serialize(9999999999999999999999999999999)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/type/registry_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/type/registry_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a48998a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/type/registry_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ class RegistryTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ test "a class can be registered for a symbol" do
+ registry = Type::Registry.new
+ registry.register(:foo, ::String)
+ registry.register(:bar, ::Array)
+ assert_equal "", registry.lookup(:foo)
+ assert_equal [], registry.lookup(:bar)
+ end
+ test "a block can be registered" do
+ registry = Type::Registry.new
+ registry.register(:foo) do |*args|
+ [*args, "block for foo"]
+ end
+ registry.register(:bar) do |*args|
+ [*args, "block for bar"]
+ end
+ assert_equal [:foo, 1, "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 1)
+ assert_equal [:foo, 2, "block for foo"], registry.lookup(:foo, 2)
+ assert_equal [:bar, 1, 2, 3, "block for bar"], registry.lookup(:bar, 1, 2, 3)
+ end
+ test "a reasonable error is given when no type is found" do
+ registry = Type::Registry.new
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ registry.lookup(:foo)
+ end
+ assert_equal "Unknown type :foo", e.message
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/type/string_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/type/string_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b25a1ef74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/type/string_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ class StringTypeTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ test "type casting" do
+ type = Type::String.new
+ assert_equal "t", type.cast(true)
+ assert_equal "f", type.cast(false)
+ assert_equal "123", type.cast(123)
+ end
+ test "immutable strings are not duped coming out" do
+ s = "foo"
+ type = Type::ImmutableString.new
+ assert_same s, type.cast(s)
+ assert_same s, type.deserialize(s)
+ end
+ test "values are duped coming out" do
+ s = "foo"
+ type = Type::String.new
+ assert_not_same s, type.cast(s)
+ assert_not_same s, type.deserialize(s)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/type/unsigned_integer_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/type/unsigned_integer_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16301b3ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/type/unsigned_integer_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+module ActiveModel
+ module Type
+ class UnsignedIntegerTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ test "unsigned int max value is in range" do
+ assert_equal(4294967295, UnsignedInteger.new.serialize(4294967295))
+ end
+ test "minus value is out of range" do
+ assert_raises(::RangeError) do
+ UnsignedInteger.new.serialize(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/types_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/types_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f937208580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/types_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "active_model/type"
+require "active_support/core_ext/numeric/time"
+module ActiveModel
+ class TypesTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ def test_type_cast_boolean
+ type = Type::Boolean.new
+ assert type.cast('').nil?
+ assert type.cast(nil).nil?
+ assert type.cast(true)
+ assert type.cast(1)
+ assert type.cast('1')
+ assert type.cast('t')
+ assert type.cast('T')
+ assert type.cast('true')
+ assert type.cast('TRUE')
+ assert type.cast('on')
+ assert type.cast('ON')
+ assert type.cast(' ')
+ assert type.cast("\u3000\r\n")
+ assert type.cast("\u0000")
+ assert type.cast('SOMETHING RANDOM')
+ # explicitly check for false vs nil
+ assert_equal false, type.cast(false)
+ assert_equal false, type.cast(0)
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('0')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('f')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('F')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('false')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('FALSE')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('off')
+ assert_equal false, type.cast('OFF')
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_float
+ type = Type::Float.new
+ assert_equal 1.0, type.cast("1")
+ end
+ def test_changing_float
+ type = Type::Float.new
+ assert type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, '5wibble')
+ assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, '5')
+ assert_not type.changed?(5.0, 5.0, '5.0')
+ assert_not type.changed?(nil, nil, nil)
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_binary
+ type = Type::Binary.new
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(nil)
+ assert_equal "1", type.cast("1")
+ assert_equal 1, type.cast(1)
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_time
+ type = Type::Time.new
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(nil)
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('')
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('ABC')
+ time_string = Time.now.utc.strftime("%T")
+ assert_equal time_string, type.cast(time_string).strftime("%T")
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_datetime_and_timestamp
+ type = Type::DateTime.new
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(nil)
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('')
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(' ')
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('ABC')
+ datetime_string = Time.now.utc.strftime("%FT%T")
+ assert_equal datetime_string, type.cast(datetime_string).strftime("%FT%T")
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_date
+ type = Type::Date.new
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(nil)
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('')
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast(' ')
+ assert_equal nil, type.cast('ABC')
+ date_string = Time.now.utc.strftime("%F")
+ assert_equal date_string, type.cast(date_string).strftime("%F")
+ end
+ def test_type_cast_duration_to_integer
+ type = Type::Integer.new
+ assert_equal 1800, type.cast(30.minutes)
+ assert_equal 7200, type.cast(2.hours)
+ end
+ def test_string_to_time_with_timezone
+ ["UTC", "US/Eastern"].each do |zone|
+ with_timezone_config default: zone do
+ type = Type::DateTime.new
+ assert_equal Time.utc(2013, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0), type.cast("Wed, 04 Sep 2013 03:00:00 EAT")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_type_equality
+ assert_equal Type::Value.new, Type::Value.new
+ assert_not_equal Type::Value.new, Type::Integer.new
+ assert_not_equal Type::Value.new(precision: 1), Type::Value.new(precision: 2)
+ end
+ private
+ def with_timezone_config(default:)
+ old_zone_default = ::Time.zone_default
+ ::Time.zone_default = ::Time.find_zone(default)
+ yield
+ ensure
+ ::Time.zone_default = old_zone_default
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/confirmation_validation_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/confirmation_validation_test.rb
index c1431548f7..c56bf1c0ad 100644
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/confirmation_validation_test.rb
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/confirmation_validation_test.rb
@@ -104,4 +104,18 @@ class ConfirmationValidationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
assert_equal "expected title", model.title_confirmation,
"confirmation validation should not override the writer"
+ def test_title_confirmation_with_case_sensitive_option_true
+ Topic.validates_confirmation_of(:title, case_sensitive: true)
+ t = Topic.new(title: "title", title_confirmation: "Title")
+ assert t.invalid?
+ end
+ def test_title_confirmation_with_case_sensitive_option_false
+ Topic.validates_confirmation_of(:title, case_sensitive: false)
+ t = Topic.new(title: "title", title_confirmation: "Title")
+ assert t.valid?
+ end
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
index ce9a782f73..09d7226b5a 100644
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/i18n_validation_test.rb
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class I18nValidationTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
Person.validates_length_of :title, validation_options.merge(within: 3..5)
@person.title = 'this title is too long'
call = [:title, :too_long, generate_message_options.merge(count: 5)]
- assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, ) do
+ assert_called_with(@person.errors, :generate_message, call) do
diff --git a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/validations_context_test.rb b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/validations_context_test.rb
index 150dce379f..b901a1523e 100644
--- a/activemodel/test/cases/validations/validations_context_test.rb
+++ b/activemodel/test/cases/validations/validations_context_test.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class ValidationsContextTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
ERROR_MESSAGE = "Validation error from validator"
+ ANOTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Another validation error from validator"
class ValidatorThatAddsErrors < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate(record)
@@ -15,6 +16,12 @@ class ValidationsContextTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
+ class AnotherValidatorThatAddsErrors < ActiveModel::Validator
+ def validate(record)
+ record.errors[:base] << ANOTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE
+ end
+ end
test "with a class that adds errors on create and validating a new model with no arguments" do
Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, on: :create)
topic = Topic.new
@@ -46,4 +53,16 @@ class ValidationsContextTest < ActiveModel::TestCase
assert topic.invalid?(:context2), "Validation did not run on context2 when 'on' is set to context1 and context2"
assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE)
+ test "with a class that validating a model for a multiple contexts" do
+ Topic.validates_with(ValidatorThatAddsErrors, on: :context1)
+ Topic.validates_with(AnotherValidatorThatAddsErrors, on: :context2)
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert topic.valid?, "Validation ran with no context given when 'on' is set to context1 and context2"
+ assert topic.invalid?([:context1, :context2]), "Validation did not run on context1 when 'on' is set to context1 and context2"
+ assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ERROR_MESSAGE)
+ assert topic.errors[:base].include?(ANOTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE)
+ end