path: root/activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters.rb')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters.rb b/activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1a1d3c510
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+++ b/activejob/lib/active_job/queue_adapters.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveJob
+ # == Active Job adapters
+ #
+ # Active Job has adapters for the following queueing backends:
+ #
+ # * {Backburner}[https://github.com/nesquena/backburner]
+ # * {Delayed Job}[https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job]
+ # * {Qu}[https://github.com/bkeepers/qu]
+ # * {Que}[https://github.com/chanks/que]
+ # * {queue_classic}[https://github.com/QueueClassic/queue_classic]
+ # * {Resque}[https://github.com/resque/resque]
+ # * {Sidekiq}[http://sidekiq.org]
+ # * {Sneakers}[https://github.com/jondot/sneakers]
+ # * {Sucker Punch}[https://github.com/brandonhilkert/sucker_punch]
+ # * {Active Job Async Job}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveJob/QueueAdapters/AsyncAdapter.html]
+ # * {Active Job Inline}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveJob/QueueAdapters/InlineAdapter.html]
+ #
+ # === Backends Features
+ #
+ # | | Async | Queues | Delayed | Priorities | Timeout | Retries |
+ # |-------------------|-------|--------|------------|------------|---------|---------|
+ # | Backburner | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Job | Global |
+ # | Delayed Job | Yes | Yes | Yes | Job | Global | Global |
+ # | Qu | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Global |
+ # | Que | Yes | Yes | Yes | Job | No | Job |
+ # | queue_classic | Yes | Yes | Yes* | No | No | No |
+ # | Resque | Yes | Yes | Yes (Gem) | Queue | Global | Yes |
+ # | Sidekiq | Yes | Yes | Yes | Queue | No | Job |
+ # | Sneakers | Yes | Yes | No | Queue | Queue | No |
+ # | Sucker Punch | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
+ # | Active Job Async | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
+ # | Active Job Inline | No | Yes | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
+ #
+ # ==== Async
+ #
+ # Yes: The Queue Adapter has the ability to run the job in a non-blocking manner.
+ # It either runs on a separate or forked process, or on a different thread.
+ #
+ # No: The job is run in the same process.
+ #
+ # ==== Queues
+ #
+ # Yes: Jobs may set which queue they are run in with queue_as or by using the set
+ # method.
+ #
+ # ==== Delayed
+ #
+ # Yes: The adapter will run the job in the future through perform_later.
+ #
+ # (Gem): An additional gem is required to use perform_later with this adapter.
+ #
+ # No: The adapter will run jobs at the next opportunity and cannot use perform_later.
+ #
+ # N/A: The adapter does not support queueing.
+ #
+ # NOTE:
+ # queue_classic supports job scheduling since version 3.1.
+ # For older versions you can use the queue_classic-later gem.
+ #
+ # ==== Priorities
+ #
+ # The order in which jobs are processed can be configured differently depending
+ # on the adapter.
+ #
+ # Job: Any class inheriting from the adapter may set the priority on the job
+ # object relative to other jobs.
+ #
+ # Queue: The adapter can set the priority for job queues, when setting a queue
+ # with Active Job this will be respected.
+ #
+ # Yes: Allows the priority to be set on the job object, at the queue level or
+ # as default configuration option.
+ #
+ # No: Does not allow the priority of jobs to be configured.
+ #
+ # N/A: The adapter does not support queueing, and therefore sorting them.
+ #
+ # ==== Timeout
+ #
+ # When a job will stop after the allotted time.
+ #
+ # Job: The timeout can be set for each instance of the job class.
+ #
+ # Queue: The timeout is set for all jobs on the queue.
+ #
+ # Global: The adapter is configured that all jobs have a maximum run time.
+ #
+ # N/A: This adapter does not run in a separate process, and therefore timeout
+ # is unsupported.
+ #
+ # ==== Retries
+ #
+ # Job: The number of retries can be set per instance of the job class.
+ #
+ # Yes: The Number of retries can be configured globally, for each instance or
+ # on the queue. This adapter may also present failed instances of the job class
+ # that can be restarted.
+ #
+ # Global: The adapter has a global number of retries.
+ #
+ # N/A: The adapter does not run in a separate process, and therefore doesn't
+ # support retries.
+ #
+ # === Async and Inline Queue Adapters
+ #
+ # Active Job has two built-in queue adapters intended for development and
+ # testing: +:async+ and +:inline+.
+ module QueueAdapters
+ extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
+ autoload :AsyncAdapter
+ autoload :InlineAdapter
+ autoload :BackburnerAdapter
+ autoload :DelayedJobAdapter
+ autoload :QuAdapter
+ autoload :QueAdapter
+ autoload :QueueClassicAdapter
+ autoload :ResqueAdapter
+ autoload :SidekiqAdapter
+ autoload :SneakersAdapter
+ autoload :SuckerPunchAdapter
+ autoload :TestAdapter
+ ADAPTER = "Adapter".freeze
+ private_constant :ADAPTER
+ class << self
+ # Returns adapter for specified name.
+ #
+ # ActiveJob::QueueAdapters.lookup(:sidekiq)
+ # # => ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter
+ def lookup(name)
+ const_get(name.to_s.camelize << ADAPTER)
+ end
+ end
+ end