path: root/actionview/test/ujs/public/test/call-remote.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actionview/test/ujs/public/test/call-remote.js')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/test/ujs/public/test/call-remote.js b/actionview/test/ujs/public/test/call-remote.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbeb8ad832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionview/test/ujs/public/test/call-remote.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+(function() {
+function buildForm(attrs) {
+ attrs = $.extend({ action: '/echo', 'data-remote': 'true' }, attrs)
+ $('#qunit-fixture').append($('<form />', attrs))
+ .find('form').append($('<input type="text" name="user_name" value="john">'))
+function submit(fn) {
+ $('form')
+ .bindNative('ajax:success', fn)
+ .bindNative('ajax:complete', function() { start() })
+ .triggerNative('submit')
+asyncTest('form method is read from "method" and not from "data-method"', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', 'data-method': 'get' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertPostRequest(data)
+ })
+asyncTest('form method is not read from "data-method" attribute in case of missing "method"', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ 'data-method': 'put' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertGetRequest(data)
+ })
+asyncTest('form method is read from submit button "formmethod" if submit is triggered by that button', 1, function() {
+ var submitButton = $('<input type="submit" formmethod="get">')
+ buildForm({ method: 'post' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').find('form').append(submitButton)
+ .bindNative('ajax:success', function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertGetRequest(data)
+ })
+ .bindNative('ajax:complete', function() { start() })
+ submitButton.triggerNative('click')
+asyncTest('form default method is GET', 1, function() {
+ buildForm()
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertGetRequest(data)
+ })
+asyncTest('form url is picked up from "action"', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertRequestPath(data, '/echo')
+ })
+asyncTest('form url is read from "action" not "href"', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', href: '/echo2' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertRequestPath(data, '/echo')
+ })
+asyncTest('form url is read from submit button "formaction" if submit is triggered by that button', 1, function() {
+ var submitButton = $('<input type="submit" formaction="/echo">')
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', href: '/echo2' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').find('form').append(submitButton)
+ .bindNative('ajax:success', function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ App.assertRequestPath(data, '/echo')
+ })
+ .bindNative('ajax:complete', function() { start() })
+ submitButton.triggerNative('click')
+asyncTest('prefer JS, but accept any format', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ var accept = data.HTTP_ACCEPT
+ ok(accept.match(/text\/javascript.+\*\/\*/), 'Accept: ' + accept)
+ })
+asyncTest('JS code should be executed', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', 'data-type': 'script' })
+ $('form').append('<input type="text" name="content_type" value="text/javascript">')
+ $('form').append('<input type="text" name="content" value="ok(true, \'remote code should be run\')">')
+ submit()
+asyncTest('XML document should be parsed', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', 'data-type': 'html' })
+ $('form').append('<input type="text" name="content_type" value="application/xml">')
+ $('form').append('<input type="text" name="content" value="<p>hello</p>">')
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ ok(data instanceof Document, 'returned data should be an XML document')
+ })
+asyncTest('accept application/json if "data-type" is json', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post', 'data-type': 'json' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ equal(data.HTTP_ACCEPT, 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01')
+ })
+asyncTest('allow empty "data-remote" attribute', 1, function() {
+ var form = $('#qunit-fixture').append($('<form action="/echo" data-remote />')).find('form')
+ submit(function() {
+ ok(true, 'form with empty "data-remote" attribute is also allowed')
+ })
+asyncTest('query string in form action should be stripped in a GET request in normal submit', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ action: '/echo?param1=abc', 'data-remote': 'false' })
+ $(document).one('iframe:loaded', function(e, data) {
+ equal(data.params.param1, undefined, '"param1" should not be passed to server')
+ start()
+ })
+ $('#qunit-fixture form').triggerNative('submit')
+asyncTest('query string in form action should be stripped in a GET request in ajax submit', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ action: '/echo?param1=abc' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ equal(data.params.param1, undefined, '"param1" should not be passed to server')
+ })
+asyncTest('query string in form action should not be stripped in a POST request in normal submit', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ action: '/echo?param1=abc', method: 'post', 'data-remote': 'false' })
+ $(document).one('iframe:loaded', function(e, data) {
+ equal(data.params.param1, 'abc', '"param1" should be passed to server')
+ start()
+ })
+ $('#qunit-fixture form').triggerNative('submit')
+asyncTest('query string in form action should not be stripped in a POST request in ajax submit', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ action: '/echo?param1=abc', method: 'post' })
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ equal(data.params.param1, 'abc', '"param1" should be passed to server')
+ })
+asyncTest('allow empty form "action"', 1, function() {
+ var currentLocation, ajaxLocation
+ buildForm({ action: '' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').find('form')
+ .bindNative('ajax:beforeSend', function(e, xhr, settings) {
+ // Get current location (the same way jQuery does)
+ try {
+ currentLocation = location.href
+ } catch(err) {
+ currentLocation = document.createElement( 'a' )
+ currentLocation.href = ''
+ currentLocation = currentLocation.href
+ }
+ currentLocation = currentLocation.replace(/\?.*$/, '')
+ // Actual location (strip out settings.data that jQuery serializes and appends)
+ // HACK: can no longer use settings.data below to see what was appended to URL, as of
+ // jQuery 1.6.3 (see http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/10202 and https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/544)
+ ajaxLocation = settings.url.replace('user_name=john', '').replace(/&$/, '').replace(/\?$/, '')
+ equal(ajaxLocation.match(/^(.*)/)[1], currentLocation, 'URL should be current page by default')
+ // Prevent the request from actually getting sent to the current page and
+ // causing an error.
+ return false
+ })
+ .triggerNative('submit')
+ setTimeout(function() { start() }, 13)
+asyncTest('sends CSRF token in custom header', 1, function() {
+ buildForm({ method: 'post' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').append('<meta name="csrf-token" content="cf50faa3fe97702ca1ae" />')
+ submit(function(e, data, status, xhr) {
+ equal(data.HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN, 'cf50faa3fe97702ca1ae', 'X-CSRF-Token header should be sent')
+ })
+asyncTest('intelligently guesses crossDomain behavior when target URL has a different protocol and/or hostname', 1, function() {
+ // Don't set data-cross-domain here, just set action to be a different domain than localhost
+ buildForm({ action: 'http://www.alfajango.com' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').append('<meta name="csrf-token" content="cf50faa3fe97702ca1ae" />')
+ $('#qunit-fixture').find('form')
+ .bindNative('ajax:beforeSend', function(evt, req, settings) {
+ equal(settings.crossDomain, true, 'crossDomain should be set to true')
+ // prevent request from actually getting sent off-domain
+ return false
+ })
+ .triggerNative('submit')
+ setTimeout(function() { start() }, 13)
+asyncTest('intelligently guesses crossDomain behavior when target URL consists of only a path', 1, function() {
+ // Don't set data-cross-domain here, just set action to be a different domain than localhost
+ buildForm({ action: '/just/a/path' })
+ $('#qunit-fixture').append('<meta name="csrf-token" content="cf50faa3fe97702ca1ae" />')
+ $('#qunit-fixture').find('form')
+ .bindNative('ajax:beforeSend', function(evt, req, settings) {
+ equal(settings.crossDomain, false, 'crossDomain should be set to false')
+ // prevent request from actually getting sent off-domain
+ return false
+ })
+ .triggerNative('submit')
+ setTimeout(function() { start() }, 13)