path: root/actionview/test/template/render_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actionview/test/template/render_test.rb')
1 files changed, 605 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/test/template/render_test.rb b/actionview/test/template/render_test.rb
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index 0000000000..dc4abca048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionview/test/template/render_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'controller/fake_models'
+class TestController < ActionController::Base
+module RenderTestCases
+ def setup_view(paths)
+ @assigns = { :secret => 'in the sauce' }
+ @view = ActionView::Base.new(paths, @assigns)
+ @controller_view = TestController.new.view_context
+ # Reload and register danish language for testing
+ I18n.backend.store_translations 'da', {}
+ I18n.backend.store_translations 'pt-BR', {}
+ # Ensure original are still the same since we are reindexing view paths
+ assert_equal ORIGINAL_LOCALES, I18n.available_locales.map(&:to_s).sort
+ end
+ def test_render_without_options
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render() }
+ assert_match(/You invoked render but did not give any of (.+) option./, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_render_file
+ assert_equal "Hello world!", @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world")
+ end
+ # Test if :formats, :locale etc. options are passed correctly to the resolvers.
+ def test_render_file_with_format
+ assert_match "<h1>No Comment</h1>", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :formats => [:html])
+ assert_match "<error>No Comment</error>", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :formats => [:xml])
+ assert_match "<error>No Comment</error>", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :formats => :xml)
+ end
+ def test_render_template_with_format
+ assert_match "<h1>No Comment</h1>", @view.render(:template => "comments/empty", :formats => [:html])
+ assert_match "<error>No Comment</error>", @view.render(:template => "comments/empty", :formats => [:xml])
+ end
+ def test_rendered_format_without_format
+ @view.render(:inline => "test")
+ assert_equal :html, @view.lookup_context.rendered_format
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_implicitly_use_format_of_the_rendered_template
+ @view.lookup_context.formats = [:json]
+ assert_equal "Hello world", @view.render(:template => "test/one", :formats => [:html])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_implicitly_use_format_of_the_rendered_partial
+ @view.lookup_context.formats = [:html]
+ assert_equal "Third level", @view.render(:template => "test/html_template")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_use_last_prepended_format_for_partials_with_the_same_names
+ @view.lookup_context.formats = [:html]
+ assert_equal "\nHTML Template, but JSON partial", @view.render(:template => "test/change_priority")
+ end
+ def test_render_template_with_a_missing_partial_of_another_format
+ @view.lookup_context.formats = [:html]
+ assert_raise ActionView::Template::Error, "Missing partial /_missing with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:json], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder]}" do
+ @view.render(:template => "with_format", :formats => [:json])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_locale
+ assert_equal "<h1>Kein Kommentar</h1>", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :locale => [:de])
+ assert_equal "<h1>Kein Kommentar</h1>", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :locale => :de)
+ end
+ def test_render_template_with_locale
+ assert_equal "<h1>Kein Kommentar</h1>", @view.render(:template => "comments/empty", :locale => [:de])
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_handlers
+ assert_equal "<h1>No Comment</h1>\n", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :handlers => [:builder])
+ assert_equal "<h1>No Comment</h1>\n", @view.render(:file => "comments/empty", :handlers => :builder)
+ end
+ def test_render_template_with_handlers
+ assert_equal "<h1>No Comment</h1>\n", @view.render(:template => "comments/empty", :handlers => [:builder])
+ end
+ def test_render_raw_template_with_handlers
+ assert_equal "<%= hello_world %>\n", @view.render(:template => "plain_text")
+ end
+ def test_render_raw_template_with_quotes
+ assert_equal %q;Here are some characters: !@#$%^&*()-="'}{`; + "\n", @view.render(:template => "plain_text_with_characters")
+ end
+ def test_render_ruby_template_with_handlers
+ assert_equal "Hello from Ruby code", @view.render(:template => "ruby_template")
+ end
+ def test_render_ruby_template_inline
+ assert_equal '4', @view.render(:inline => "(2**2).to_s", :type => :ruby)
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_localization_on_context_level
+ old_locale, @view.locale = @view.locale, :da
+ assert_equal "Hey verden", @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world")
+ ensure
+ @view.locale = old_locale
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_dashed_locale
+ old_locale, @view.locale = @view.locale, :"pt-BR"
+ assert_equal "Ola mundo", @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world")
+ ensure
+ @view.locale = old_locale
+ end
+ def test_render_file_at_top_level
+ assert_equal 'Elastica', @view.render(:file => '/shared')
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_full_path
+ template_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures/test/hello_world')
+ assert_equal "Hello world!", @view.render(:file => template_path)
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_instance_variables
+ assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @view.render(:file => "test/render_file_with_ivar")
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_locals
+ locals = { :secret => 'in the sauce' }
+ assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @view.render(:file => "test/render_file_with_locals", :locals => locals)
+ end
+ def test_render_file_not_using_full_path_with_dot_in_path
+ assert_equal "The secret is in the sauce\n", @view.render(:file => "test/dot.directory/render_file_with_ivar")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_from_default
+ assert_equal "only partial", @view.render("test/partial_only")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial
+ assert_equal "only partial", @view.render(:partial => "test/partial_only")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_format
+ assert_equal 'partial html', @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_selected_format
+ assert_equal 'partial html', @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial', :formats => :html)
+ assert_equal 'partial js', @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial', :formats => [:js])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_at_top_level
+ # file fixtures/_top_level_partial_only (not fixtures/test)
+ assert_equal 'top level partial', @view.render(:partial => '/top_level_partial_only')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_format_at_top_level
+ # file fixtures/_top_level_partial.html (not fixtures/test, with format extension)
+ assert_equal 'top level partial html', @view.render(:partial => '/top_level_partial')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_locals
+ assert_equal "5", @view.render(:partial => "test/counter", :locals => { :counter_counter => 5 })
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_locals_from_default
+ assert_equal "only partial", @view.render("test/partial_only", :counter_counter => 5)
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_invalid_name
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/200") }
+ assert_equal "The partial name (test/200) is not a valid Ruby identifier; " +
+ "make sure your partial name starts with underscore, " +
+ "and is followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscores.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_missing_filename
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/") }
+ assert_equal "The partial name (test/) is not a valid Ruby identifier; " +
+ "make sure your partial name starts with underscore, " +
+ "and is followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscores.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_incompatible_object
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => nil) }
+ assert_equal "'#{nil.inspect}' is not an ActiveModel-compatible object. It must implement :to_partial_path.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_hyphen
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/a-in") }
+ assert_equal "The partial name (test/a-in) is not a valid Ruby identifier; " +
+ "make sure your partial name starts with underscore, " +
+ "and is followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscores.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_invalid_option_as
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/partial_only", :as => 'a-in') }
+ assert_equal "The value (a-in) of the option `as` is not a valid Ruby identifier; " +
+ "make sure it starts with lowercase letter, " +
+ "and is followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscores.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_hyphen_and_invalid_option_as
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @view.render(:partial => "test/a-in", :as => 'a-in') }
+ assert_equal "The value (a-in) of the option `as` is not a valid Ruby identifier; " +
+ "make sure it starts with lowercase letter, " +
+ "and is followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscores.", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_errors
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:partial => "test/raise") }
+ assert_match %r!method.*doesnt_exist!, e.message
+ assert_equal "", e.sub_template_message
+ assert_equal "1", e.line_number
+ assert_equal "1: <%= doesnt_exist %>", e.annoted_source_code.strip
+ assert_equal File.expand_path("#{FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH}/test/_raise.html.erb"), e.file_name
+ end
+ def test_render_error_indentation
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:partial => "test/raise_indentation") }
+ error_lines = e.annoted_source_code.split("\n")
+ assert_match %r!error\shere!, e.message
+ assert_equal "11", e.line_number
+ assert_equal " 9: <p>Ninth paragraph</p>", error_lines.second
+ assert_equal " 10: <p>Tenth paragraph</p>", error_lines.third
+ end
+ def test_render_sub_template_with_errors
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:template => "test/sub_template_raise") }
+ assert_match %r!method.*doesnt_exist!, e.message
+ assert_equal "Trace of template inclusion: #{File.expand_path("#{FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH}/test/sub_template_raise.html.erb")}", e.sub_template_message
+ assert_equal "1", e.line_number
+ assert_equal File.expand_path("#{FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH}/test/_raise.html.erb"), e.file_name
+ end
+ def test_render_file_with_errors
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:file => File.expand_path("test/_raise", FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH)) }
+ assert_match %r!method.*doesnt_exist!, e.message
+ assert_equal "", e.sub_template_message
+ assert_equal "1", e.line_number
+ assert_equal "1: <%= doesnt_exist %>", e.annoted_source_code.strip
+ assert_equal File.expand_path("#{FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH}/test/_raise.html.erb"), e.file_name
+ end
+ def test_render_object
+ assert_equal "Hello: david", @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :object => Customer.new("david"))
+ end
+ def test_render_object_with_array
+ assert_equal "[1, 2, 3]", @view.render(:partial => "test/object_inspector", :object => [1, 2, 3])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_collection
+ assert_equal "Hello: davidHello: mary", @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_collection_as_by_string
+ assert_equal "david david davidmary mary mary",
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/customer_with_var", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ], :as => 'customer')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_collection_as_by_symbol
+ assert_equal "david david davidmary mary mary",
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/customer_with_var", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), Customer.new("mary") ], :as => :customer)
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_collection_without_as
+ assert_equal "local_inspector,local_inspector_counter,local_inspector_iteration",
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/local_inspector", :collection => [ Customer.new("mary") ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_empty_collection_should_return_nil
+ assert_nil @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :collection => [])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_nil_collection_should_return_nil
+ assert_nil @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :collection => nil)
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_nil_values_in_collection
+ assert_equal "Hello: davidHello: Anonymous", @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :collection => [ Customer.new("david"), nil ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_layout_using_collection_and_template
+ assert_equal "<b>Hello: Amazon</b><b>Hello: Yahoo</b>", @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :layout => 'test/b_layout_for_partial', :collection => [ Customer.new("Amazon"), Customer.new("Yahoo") ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_layout_using_collection_and_template_makes_current_item_available_in_layout
+ assert_equal '<b class="amazon">Hello: Amazon</b><b class="yahoo">Hello: Yahoo</b>',
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :layout => 'test/b_layout_for_partial_with_object', :collection => [ Customer.new("Amazon"), Customer.new("Yahoo") ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_layout_using_collection_and_template_makes_current_item_counter_available_in_layout
+ assert_equal '<b data-counter="0">Hello: Amazon</b><b data-counter="1">Hello: Yahoo</b>',
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :layout => 'test/b_layout_for_partial_with_object_counter', :collection => [ Customer.new("Amazon"), Customer.new("Yahoo") ])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_layout_using_object_and_template_makes_object_available_in_layout
+ assert_equal '<b class="amazon">Hello: Amazon</b>',
+ @view.render(:partial => "test/customer", :layout => 'test/b_layout_for_partial_with_object', :object => Customer.new("Amazon"))
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_empty_array_should_return_nil
+ assert_nil @view.render(:partial => [])
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_using_string
+ assert_equal "Hello: Anonymous", @controller_view.render('customer')
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_locals_using_string
+ assert_equal "Hola: david", @controller_view.render('customer_greeting', :greeting => 'Hola', :customer_greeting => Customer.new("david"))
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_object_uses_render_partial_path
+ assert_equal "Hello: lifo",
+ @controller_view.render(:partial => Customer.new("lifo"), :locals => {:greeting => "Hello"})
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_object_and_format_uses_render_partial_path
+ assert_equal "<greeting>Hello</greeting><name>lifo</name>",
+ @controller_view.render(:partial => Customer.new("lifo"), :formats => :xml, :locals => {:greeting => "Hello"})
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_using_object
+ assert_equal "Hello: lifo",
+ @controller_view.render(Customer.new("lifo"), :greeting => "Hello")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_using_collection
+ customers = [ Customer.new("Amazon"), Customer.new("Yahoo") ]
+ assert_equal "Hello: AmazonHello: Yahoo",
+ @controller_view.render(customers, :greeting => "Hello")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_using_collection_without_path
+ assert_equal "hi good customer: david0", @controller_view.render([ GoodCustomer.new("david") ], greeting: "hi")
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_without_object_or_collection_does_not_generate_partial_name_local_variable
+ exception = assert_raises ActionView::Template::Error do
+ @controller_view.render("partial_name_local_variable")
+ end
+ assert_instance_of NameError, exception.original_exception
+ assert_equal :partial_name_local_variable, exception.original_exception.name
+ end
+ # TODO: The reason for this test is unclear, improve documentation
+ def test_render_partial_and_fallback_to_layout
+ assert_equal "Before (Josh)\n\nAfter", @view.render(:partial => "test/layout_for_partial", :locals => { :name => "Josh" })
+ end
+ # TODO: The reason for this test is unclear, improve documentation
+ def test_render_missing_xml_partial_and_raise_missing_template
+ @view.formats = [:xml]
+ assert_raises(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { @view.render(:partial => "test/layout_for_partial") }
+ ensure
+ @view.formats = nil
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_block_and_other_partial_inside
+ render = @view.render(:layout => "test/layout_with_partial_and_yield") { "Yield!" }
+ assert_equal "Before\npartial html\nYield!\nAfter\n", render
+ end
+ def test_render_inline
+ assert_equal "Hello, World!", @view.render(:inline => "Hello, World!")
+ end
+ def test_render_inline_with_locals
+ assert_equal "Hello, Josh!", @view.render(:inline => "Hello, <%= name %>!", :locals => { :name => "Josh" })
+ end
+ def test_render_fallbacks_to_erb_for_unknown_types
+ assert_equal "Hello, World!", @view.render(:inline => "Hello, World!", :type => :bar)
+ end
+ CustomHandler = lambda do |template|
+ "@output_buffer = ''\n" +
+ "@output_buffer << 'source: #{template.source.inspect}'\n"
+ end
+ def test_render_inline_with_render_from_to_proc
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :ruby_handler, :source.to_proc
+ assert_equal '3', @view.render(inline: "(1 + 2).to_s", type: :ruby_handler)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :ruby_handler
+ end
+ def test_render_inline_with_compilable_custom_type
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :foo, CustomHandler
+ assert_equal 'source: "Hello, World!"', @view.render(inline: "Hello, World!", type: :foo)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :foo
+ end
+ def test_render_inline_with_locals_and_compilable_custom_type
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :foo, CustomHandler
+ assert_equal 'source: "Hello, <%= name %>!"', @view.render(inline: "Hello, <%= name %>!", locals: { name: "Josh" }, type: :foo)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :foo
+ end
+ def test_render_body
+ assert_equal 'some body', @view.render(body: 'some body')
+ end
+ def test_render_plain
+ assert_equal 'some plaintext', @view.render(plain: 'some plaintext')
+ end
+ def test_render_knows_about_types_registered_when_extensions_are_checked_earlier_in_initialization
+ ActionView::Template::Handlers.extensions
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :foo, CustomHandler
+ assert ActionView::Template::Handlers.extensions.include?(:foo)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :foo
+ end
+ def test_render_does_not_use_unregistered_extension_and_template_handler
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :foo, CustomHandler
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :foo
+ assert_not ActionView::Template::Handlers.extensions.include?(:foo)
+ assert_equal "Hello, World!", @view.render(inline: "Hello, World!", type: :foo)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template::Handlers.class_variable_get(:@@template_handlers).delete(:foo)
+ end
+ def test_render_ignores_templates_with_malformed_template_handlers
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do
+ %w(malformed malformed.erb malformed.html.erb malformed.en.html.erb).each do |name|
+ assert File.exist?(File.expand_path("#{FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH}/test/malformed/#{name}~")), "Malformed file (#{name}~) which should be ignored does not exists"
+ assert_raises(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { @view.render(:file => "test/malformed/#{name}") }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_render_with_layout
+ assert_equal %(<title></title>\nHello world!\n),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world", :layout => "layouts/yield")
+ end
+ def test_render_with_layout_which_has_render_inline
+ assert_equal %(welcome\nHello world!\n),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world", :layout => "layouts/yield_with_render_inline_inside")
+ end
+ def test_render_with_layout_which_renders_another_partial
+ assert_equal %(partial html\nHello world!\n),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/hello_world", :layout => "layouts/yield_with_render_partial_inside")
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_block_and_yield
+ assert_equal %(Content from block!\n),
+ @view.render(:layout => "layouts/yield_only") { "Content from block!" }
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_block_and_yield_with_params
+ assert_equal %(Yield! Content from block!\n),
+ @view.render(:layout => "layouts/yield_with_params") { |param| "#{param} Content from block!" }
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_block_which_renders_another_partial_and_yields
+ assert_equal %(partial html\nContent from block!\n),
+ @view.render(:layout => "layouts/partial_and_yield") { "Content from block!" }
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_and_layout_without_block_with_locals
+ assert_equal %(Before (Foo!)\npartial html\nAfter),
+ @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial', :layout => 'test/layout_for_partial', :locals => { :name => 'Foo!'})
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_and_layout_without_block_with_locals_and_rendering_another_partial
+ assert_equal %(Before (Foo!)\npartial html\npartial with partial\n\nAfter),
+ @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial_with_partial', :layout => 'test/layout_for_partial', :locals => { :name => 'Foo!'})
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_shortcut_with_block_content
+ assert_equal %(Before (shortcut test)\nBefore\n\n Yielded: arg1/arg2\n\nAfter\nAfter),
+ @view.render(partial: "test/partial_shortcut_with_block_content", layout: "test/layout_for_partial", locals: { name: "shortcut test" })
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_a_nested_render_layout_call
+ assert_equal %(Before (Foo!)\nBefore (Bar!)\npartial html\nAfter\npartial with layout\n\nAfter),
+ @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial_with_layout', :layout => 'test/layout_for_partial', :locals => { :name => 'Foo!'})
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_a_nested_render_layout_call_using_block_with_render_partial
+ assert_equal %(Before (Foo!)\nBefore (Bar!)\n\n partial html\n\nAfterpartial with layout\n\nAfter),
+ @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial_with_layout_block_partial', :layout => 'test/layout_for_partial', :locals => { :name => 'Foo!'})
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_a_nested_render_layout_call_using_block_with_render_content
+ assert_equal %(Before (Foo!)\nBefore (Bar!)\n\n Content from inside layout!\n\nAfterpartial with layout\n\nAfter),
+ @view.render(:partial => 'test/partial_with_layout_block_content', :layout => 'test/layout_for_partial', :locals => { :name => 'Foo!'})
+ end
+ def test_render_partial_with_layout_raises_descriptive_error
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::MissingTemplate) { @view.render(partial: 'test/partial', layout: true) }
+ assert_match "Missing partial /_true with", e.message
+ end
+ def test_render_with_nested_layout
+ assert_equal %(<title>title</title>\n\n<div id="column">column</div>\n<div id="content">content</div>\n),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/nested_layout", :layout => "layouts/yield")
+ end
+ def test_render_with_file_in_layout
+ assert_equal %(\n<title>title</title>\n\n),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/layout_render_file")
+ end
+ def test_render_layout_with_object
+ assert_equal %(<title>David</title>),
+ @view.render(:file => "test/layout_render_object")
+ end
+ def test_render_with_passing_couple_extensions_to_one_register_template_handler_function_call
+ ActionView::Template.register_template_handler :foo1, :foo2, CustomHandler
+ assert_equal @view.render(inline: "Hello, World!", type: :foo1), @view.render(inline: "Hello, World!", type: :foo2)
+ ensure
+ ActionView::Template.unregister_template_handler :foo1, :foo2
+ end
+ def test_render_throws_exception_when_no_extensions_passed_to_register_template_handler_function_call
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { ActionView::Template.register_template_handler CustomHandler }
+ end
+class CachedViewRenderTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include RenderTestCases
+ # Ensure view path cache is primed
+ def setup
+ view_paths = ActionController::Base.view_paths
+ assert_equal ActionView::OptimizedFileSystemResolver, view_paths.first.class
+ setup_view(view_paths)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ GC.start
+ I18n.reload!
+ end
+class LazyViewRenderTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include RenderTestCases
+ # Test the same thing as above, but make sure the view path
+ # is not eager loaded
+ def setup
+ path = ActionView::FileSystemResolver.new(FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH)
+ view_paths = ActionView::PathSet.new([path])
+ assert_equal ActionView::FileSystemResolver.new(FIXTURE_LOAD_PATH), view_paths.first
+ setup_view(view_paths)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ GC.start
+ I18n.reload!
+ end
+ def test_render_utf8_template_with_magic_comment
+ with_external_encoding Encoding::ASCII_8BIT do
+ result = @view.render(:file => "test/utf8_magic", :formats => [:html], :layouts => "layouts/yield")
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, result.encoding
+ assert_equal "\nРусский \nтекст\n\nUTF-8\nUTF-8\nUTF-8\n", result
+ end
+ end
+ def test_render_utf8_template_with_default_external_encoding
+ with_external_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 do
+ result = @view.render(:file => "test/utf8", :formats => [:html], :layouts => "layouts/yield")
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, result.encoding
+ assert_equal "Русский текст\n\nUTF-8\nUTF-8\nUTF-8\n", result
+ end
+ end
+ def test_render_utf8_template_with_incompatible_external_encoding
+ with_external_encoding Encoding::SHIFT_JIS do
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:file => "test/utf8", :formats => [:html], :layouts => "layouts/yield") }
+ assert_match 'Your template was not saved as valid Shift_JIS', e.original_exception.message
+ end
+ end
+ def test_render_utf8_template_with_partial_with_incompatible_encoding
+ with_external_encoding Encoding::SHIFT_JIS do
+ e = assert_raises(ActionView::Template::Error) { @view.render(:file => "test/utf8_magic_with_bare_partial", :formats => [:html], :layouts => "layouts/yield") }
+ assert_match 'Your template was not saved as valid Shift_JIS', e.original_exception.message
+ end
+ end
+ def with_external_encoding(encoding)
+ old = Encoding.default_external
+ silence_warnings { Encoding.default_external = encoding }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ silence_warnings { Encoding.default_external = old }
+ end