path: root/actionservice/lib/action_service/container.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionservice/lib/action_service/container.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/actionservice/lib/action_service/container.rb b/actionservice/lib/action_service/container.rb
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index 282e6ad928..0000000000
--- a/actionservice/lib/action_service/container.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-module ActionService # :nodoc:
- module Container # :nodoc:
- class ContainerError < ActionService::ActionServiceError # :nodoc:
- end
- def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc:
- super
- base.class_inheritable_option(:web_service_dispatching_mode, :direct)
- base.class_inheritable_option(:web_service_exception_reporting, true)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- base.send(:include, ActionService::Container::InstanceMethods)
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Declares a web service that will provides access to the API of the given
- # +object+. +object+ must be an ActionService::Base derivative.
- #
- # Web service object creation can either be _immediate_, where the object
- # instance is given at class definition time, or _deferred_, where
- # object instantiation is delayed until request time.
- #
- # ==== Immediate web service object example
- #
- # class ApiController < ApplicationController
- # web_service_dispatching_mode :delegated
- #
- # web_service :person, PersonService.new
- # end
- #
- # For deferred instantiation, a block should be given instead of an
- # object instance. This block will be executed in controller instance
- # context, so it can rely on controller instance variables being present.
- #
- # ==== Deferred web service object example
- #
- # class ApiController < ApplicationController
- # web_service_dispatching_mode :delegated
- #
- # web_service(:person) { PersonService.new(@request.env) }
- # end
- def web_service(name, object=nil, &block)
- if (object && block_given?) || (object.nil? && block.nil?)
- raise(ContainerError, "either service, or a block must be given")
- end
- name = name.to_sym
- if block_given?
- info = { name => { :block => block } }
- else
- info = { name => { :object => object } }
- end
- write_inheritable_hash("web_services", info)
- call_web_service_definition_callbacks(self, name, info)
- end
- # Whether this service contains a service with the given +name+
- def has_web_service?(name)
- web_services.has_key?(name.to_sym)
- end
- def web_services # :nodoc:
- read_inheritable_attribute("web_services") || {}
- end
- def add_web_service_definition_callback(&block) # :nodoc:
- write_inheritable_array("web_service_definition_callbacks", [block])
- end
- private
- def call_web_service_definition_callbacks(container_class, web_service_name, service_info)
- (read_inheritable_attribute("web_service_definition_callbacks") || []).each do |block|
- block.call(container_class, web_service_name, service_info)
- end
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
- def web_service_object(web_service_name)
- info = self.class.web_services[web_service_name.to_sym]
- unless info
- raise(ContainerError, "no such web service '#{web_service_name}'")
- end
- service = info[:block]
- service ? instance_eval(&service) : info[:object]
- end
- private
- def dispatch_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- case web_service_dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- dispatch_direct_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- when :delegated
- dispatch_delegated_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- else
- raise(ContainerError, "unsupported dispatching mode :#{web_service_dispatching_mode}")
- end
- end
- def dispatch_direct_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- public_method_name = protocol_request.public_method_name
- api = self.class.web_service_api
- method_name = api.api_method_name(public_method_name)
- block = nil
- expects = nil
- if method_name
- signature = api.api_methods[method_name]
- expects = signature[:expects]
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::CheckedMessage
- protocol_request.signature = expects
- protocol_request.return_signature = signature[:returns]
- else
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::UncheckedMessage
- system_methods = self.class.read_inheritable_attribute('default_system_methods') || {}
- protocol = protocol_request.protocol
- block = system_methods[protocol.class]
- unless block
- method_name = api.default_api_method
- unless method_name && respond_to?(method_name)
- raise(ContainerError, "no such method ##{public_method_name}")
- end
- end
- end
- @method_params = protocol_request.unmarshal
- @params ||= {}
- if expects
- (1..@method_params.size).each do |i|
- i -= 1
- if expects[i].is_a?(Hash)
- @params[expects[i].keys.shift.to_s] = @method_params[i]
- else
- @params["param#{i}"] = @method_params[i]
- end
- end
- end
- if respond_to?(:before_action)
- @params['action'] = method_name.to_s
- return protocol_request.marshal(nil) if before_action == false
- end
- perform_invoke = lambda do
- if block
- block.call(public_method_name, self.class, *@method_params)
- else
- send(method_name)
- end
- end
- try_default = true
- result = nil
- catch(:try_default) do
- result = perform_invoke.call
- try_default = false
- end
- if try_default
- method_name = api.default_api_method
- if method_name
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::UncheckedMessage
- else
- raise(ContainerError, "no such method ##{public_method_name}")
- end
- result = perform_invoke.call
- end
- after_action if respond_to?(:after_action)
- protocol_request.marshal(result)
- end
- def dispatch_delegated_web_service_request(protocol_request)
- web_service_name = protocol_request.web_service_name
- service = web_service_object(web_service_name)
- api = service.class.web_service_api
- public_method_name = protocol_request.public_method_name
- method_name = api.api_method_name(public_method_name)
- invocation = ActionService::Invocation::InvocationRequest.new(
- ActionService::Invocation::ConcreteInvocation,
- public_method_name,
- method_name)
- if method_name
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::CheckedMessage
- signature = api.api_methods[method_name]
- protocol_request.signature = signature[:expects]
- protocol_request.return_signature = signature[:returns]
- invocation.params = protocol_request.unmarshal
- else
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::UncheckedMessage
- invocation.type = ActionService::Invocation::VirtualInvocation
- system_methods = self.class.read_inheritable_attribute('default_system_methods') || {}
- protocol = protocol_request.protocol
- block = system_methods[protocol.class]
- if block
- invocation.block = block
- invocation.block_params << service.class
- else
- method_name = api.default_api_method
- if method_name && service.respond_to?(method_name)
- invocation.params = protocol_request.unmarshal
- invocation.method_name = method_name.to_sym
- else
- raise(ContainerError, "no such method /#{web_service_name}##{public_method_name}")
- end
- end
- end
- canceled_reason = nil
- canceled_block = lambda{|r| canceled_reason = r}
- perform_invoke = lambda do
- service.perform_invocation(invocation, &canceled_block)
- end
- try_default = true
- result = nil
- catch(:try_default) do
- result = perform_invoke.call
- try_default = false
- end
- if try_default
- method_name = api.default_api_method
- if method_name
- protocol_request.type = Protocol::UncheckedMessage
- invocation.params = protocol_request.unmarshal
- invocation.method_name = method_name.to_sym
- invocation.type = ActionService::Invocation::UnpublishedConcreteInvocation
- else
- raise(ContainerError, "no such method /#{web_service_name}##{public_method_name}")
- end
- result = perform_invoke.call
- end
- protocol_request.marshal(result)
- end
- end
- end