path: root/actionpack/test/dispatch/prefix_generation_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/test/dispatch/prefix_generation_test.rb')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/test/dispatch/prefix_generation_test.rb b/actionpack/test/dispatch/prefix_generation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a7a201b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/dispatch/prefix_generation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "abstract_unit"
+require "rack/test"
+require "rails/engine"
+module TestGenerationPrefix
+ class Post
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ def to_param
+ "1"
+ end
+ def self.model_name
+ klass = +"Post"
+ def klass.name; self end
+ ActiveModel::Name.new(klass)
+ end
+ def to_model; self; end
+ def persisted?; true; end
+ end
+ class WithMountedEngine < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ class BlogEngine < Rails::Engine
+ routes.draw do
+ get "/posts/:id", to: "inside_engine_generating#show", as: :post
+ get "/posts", to: "inside_engine_generating#index", as: :posts
+ get "/url_to_application", to: "inside_engine_generating#url_to_application"
+ get "/polymorphic_path_for_engine", to: "inside_engine_generating#polymorphic_path_for_engine"
+ get "/conflicting_url", to: "inside_engine_generating#conflicting"
+ get "/foo", to: "never#invoked", as: :named_helper_that_should_be_invoked_only_in_respond_to_test
+ get "/relative_path_root", to: redirect("")
+ get "/relative_path_redirect", to: redirect("foo")
+ get "/relative_option_root", to: redirect(path: "")
+ get "/relative_option_redirect", to: redirect(path: "foo")
+ get "/relative_custom_root", to: redirect { |params, request| "" }
+ get "/relative_custom_redirect", to: redirect { |params, request| "foo" }
+ get "/absolute_path_root", to: redirect("/")
+ get "/absolute_path_redirect", to: redirect("/foo")
+ get "/absolute_option_root", to: redirect(path: "/")
+ get "/absolute_option_redirect", to: redirect(path: "/foo")
+ get "/absolute_custom_root", to: redirect { |params, request| "/" }
+ get "/absolute_custom_redirect", to: redirect { |params, request| "/foo" }
+ end
+ end
+ class RailsApplication < Rails::Engine
+ routes.draw do
+ scope "/:omg", omg: "awesome" do
+ mount BlogEngine => "/blog", :as => "blog_engine"
+ end
+ get "/posts/:id", to: "outside_engine_generating#post", as: :post
+ get "/generate", to: "outside_engine_generating#index"
+ get "/polymorphic_path_for_app", to: "outside_engine_generating#polymorphic_path_for_app"
+ get "/polymorphic_path_for_engine", to: "outside_engine_generating#polymorphic_path_for_engine"
+ get "/polymorphic_with_url_for", to: "outside_engine_generating#polymorphic_with_url_for"
+ get "/conflicting_url", to: "outside_engine_generating#conflicting"
+ get "/ivar_usage", to: "outside_engine_generating#ivar_usage"
+ root to: "outside_engine_generating#index"
+ end
+ end
+ # force draw
+ RailsApplication.routes.define_mounted_helper(:main_app)
+ class ::InsideEngineGeneratingController < ActionController::Base
+ include BlogEngine.routes.url_helpers
+ include RailsApplication.routes.mounted_helpers
+ def index
+ render plain: posts_path
+ end
+ def show
+ render plain: post_path(id: params[:id])
+ end
+ def url_to_application
+ path = main_app.url_for(controller: "outside_engine_generating",
+ action: "index",
+ only_path: true)
+ render plain: path
+ end
+ def polymorphic_path_for_engine
+ render plain: polymorphic_path(Post.new)
+ end
+ def conflicting
+ render plain: "engine"
+ end
+ end
+ class ::OutsideEngineGeneratingController < ActionController::Base
+ include BlogEngine.routes.mounted_helpers
+ include RailsApplication.routes.url_helpers
+ def index
+ render plain: blog_engine.post_path(id: 1)
+ end
+ def polymorphic_path_for_engine
+ render plain: blog_engine.polymorphic_path(Post.new)
+ end
+ def polymorphic_path_for_app
+ render plain: polymorphic_path(Post.new)
+ end
+ def polymorphic_with_url_for
+ render plain: blog_engine.url_for(Post.new)
+ end
+ def conflicting
+ render plain: "application"
+ end
+ def ivar_usage
+ @blog_engine = "Not the engine route helper"
+ render plain: blog_engine.post_path(id: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ class EngineObject
+ include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
+ include BlogEngine.routes.url_helpers
+ end
+ class AppObject
+ include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor
+ include RailsApplication.routes.url_helpers
+ end
+ def app
+ RailsApplication.instance
+ end
+ attr_reader :engine_object, :app_object
+ def setup
+ RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = {}
+ @engine_object = EngineObject.new
+ @app_object = AppObject.new
+ end
+ include BlogEngine.routes.mounted_helpers
+ # Inside Engine
+ test "[ENGINE] generating engine's url use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/1"
+ assert_equal "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] generating application's url never uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/url_to_application"
+ assert_equal "/generate", response.body
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] generating engine's url with polymorphic path" do
+ get "/pure-awesomeness/blog/polymorphic_path_for_engine"
+ assert_equal "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] url_helpers from engine have higher priority than application's url_helpers" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/conflicting_url"
+ assert_equal "engine", response.body
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative path root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_path_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative path redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_path_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative option root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_option_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative option redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_option_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative custom root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_custom_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative custom redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/relative_custom_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute path root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_path_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute path redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_path_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute option root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_option_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute option redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_option_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute custom root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_custom_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute custom redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/awesome/blog/absolute_custom_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ # Inside Application
+ test "[APP] generating engine's route includes prefix" do
+ get "/generate"
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[APP] generating engine's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do
+ RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = { script_name: "/something" }
+ get "/generate"
+ assert_equal "/something/awesome/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[APP] generating engine's url with polymorphic path" do
+ get "/polymorphic_path_for_engine"
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "polymorphic_path_for_app" do
+ get "/polymorphic_path_for_app"
+ assert_equal "/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[APP] generating engine's url with url_for(@post)" do
+ get "/polymorphic_with_url_for"
+ assert_equal "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[APP] instance variable with same name as engine" do
+ get "/ivar_usage"
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ # Inside any Object
+ test "[OBJECT] proxy route should override respond_to?() as expected" do
+ assert_respond_to blog_engine, :named_helper_that_should_be_invoked_only_in_respond_to_test_path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes prefix" do
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", engine_object.post_path(id: 1)
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes dynamic prefix" do
+ assert_equal "/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/3", engine_object.post_path(id: 3, omg: "pure-awesomeness")
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do
+ RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = { script_name: "/something" }
+ assert_equal "/something/pure-awesomeness/blog/posts/3", engine_object.post_path(id: 3, omg: "pure-awesomeness")
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating application's route" do
+ assert_equal "/", app_object.root_path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating application's route includes default_url_options[:script_name]" do
+ RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options = { script_name: "/something" }
+ assert_equal "/something/", app_object.root_path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating application's route includes default_url_options[:trailing_slash]" do
+ RailsApplication.routes.default_url_options[:trailing_slash] = true
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts", engine_object.posts_path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route with url_for" do
+ path = engine_object.url_for(controller: "inside_engine_generating",
+ action: "show",
+ only_path: true,
+ omg: "omg",
+ id: 1)
+ assert_equal "/omg/blog/posts/1", path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route with named helpers" do
+ path = engine_object.posts_path
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts", path
+ path = engine_object.posts_url(host: "example.com")
+ assert_equal "http://example.com/awesome/blog/posts", path
+ end
+ test "[OBJECT] generating engine's route with polymorphic_url" do
+ path = engine_object.polymorphic_path(Post.new)
+ assert_equal "/awesome/blog/posts/1", path
+ path = engine_object.polymorphic_url(Post.new, host: "www.example.com")
+ assert_equal "http://www.example.com/awesome/blog/posts/1", path
+ end
+ private
+ def verify_redirect(url, status = 301)
+ assert_equal status, response.status
+ assert_equal url, response.headers["Location"]
+ assert_equal expected_redirect_body(url), response.body
+ end
+ def expected_redirect_body(url)
+ %(<html><body>You are being <a href="#{url}">redirected</a>.</body></html>)
+ end
+ end
+ class EngineMountedAtRoot < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ class BlogEngine
+ def self.routes
+ @routes ||= begin
+ routes = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
+ routes.draw do
+ get "/posts/:id", to: "posts#show", as: :post
+ get "/relative_path_root", to: redirect("")
+ get "/relative_path_redirect", to: redirect("foo")
+ get "/relative_option_root", to: redirect(path: "")
+ get "/relative_option_redirect", to: redirect(path: "foo")
+ get "/relative_custom_root", to: redirect { |params, request| "" }
+ get "/relative_custom_redirect", to: redirect { |params, request| "foo" }
+ get "/absolute_path_root", to: redirect("/")
+ get "/absolute_path_redirect", to: redirect("/foo")
+ get "/absolute_option_root", to: redirect(path: "/")
+ get "/absolute_option_redirect", to: redirect(path: "/foo")
+ get "/absolute_custom_root", to: redirect { |params, request| "/" }
+ get "/absolute_custom_redirect", to: redirect { |params, request| "/foo" }
+ end
+ routes
+ end
+ end
+ def self.call(env)
+ env["action_dispatch.routes"] = routes
+ routes.call(env)
+ end
+ end
+ class RailsApplication < Rails::Engine
+ routes.draw do
+ mount BlogEngine => "/"
+ end
+ end
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ include BlogEngine.routes.url_helpers
+ include RailsApplication.routes.mounted_helpers
+ def show
+ render plain: post_path(id: params[:id])
+ end
+ end
+ def app
+ RailsApplication.instance
+ end
+ test "generating path inside engine" do
+ get "/posts/1"
+ assert_equal "/posts/1", response.body
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative path root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_path_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative path redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_path_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative option root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_option_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative option redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_option_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative custom root uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_custom_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] relative custom redirect uses SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/relative_custom_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute path root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_path_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute path redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_path_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute option root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_option_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute option redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_option_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute custom root doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_custom_root"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/"
+ end
+ test "[ENGINE] absolute custom redirect doesn't use SCRIPT_NAME from request" do
+ get "/absolute_custom_redirect"
+ verify_redirect "http://www.example.com/foo"
+ end
+ private
+ def verify_redirect(url, status = 301)
+ assert_equal status, response.status
+ assert_equal url, response.headers["Location"]
+ assert_equal expected_redirect_body(url), response.body
+ end
+ def expected_redirect_body(url)
+ %(<html><body>You are being <a href="#{url}">redirected</a>.</body></html>)
+ end
+ end