path: root/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb
index 4c20974ac7..aac5546aa1 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options'
require 'active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method'
require 'active_support/inflector'
require 'action_dispatch/routing/redirection'
+require 'action_dispatch/routing/endpoint'
+require 'active_support/deprecation'
module ActionDispatch
module Routing
@@ -15,121 +17,189 @@ module ActionDispatch
:controller, :action, :path_names, :constraints,
:shallow, :blocks, :defaults, :options]
- class Constraints #:nodoc:
- def self.new(app, constraints, request = Rack::Request)
- if constraints.any?
- super(app, constraints, request)
- else
- app
+ class Constraints < Endpoint #:nodoc:
+ attr_reader :app, :constraints
+ def initialize(app, constraints, dispatcher_p)
+ # Unwrap Constraints objects. I don't actually think it's possible
+ # to pass a Constraints object to this constructor, but there were
+ # multiple places that kept testing children of this object. I
+ # *think* they were just being defensive, but I have no idea.
+ if app.is_a?(self.class)
+ constraints += app.constraints
+ app = app.app
- end
- attr_reader :app, :constraints
+ @dispatcher = dispatcher_p
- def initialize(app, constraints, request)
- @app, @constraints, @request = app, constraints, request
+ @app, @constraints, = app, constraints
- def matches?(env)
- req = @request.new(env)
+ def dispatcher?; @dispatcher; end
+ def matches?(req)
@constraints.all? do |constraint|
(constraint.respond_to?(:matches?) && constraint.matches?(req)) ||
(constraint.respond_to?(:call) && constraint.call(*constraint_args(constraint, req)))
- ensure
- req.reset_parameters
- def call(env)
- matches?(env) ? @app.call(env) : [ 404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, [] ]
+ def serve(req)
+ return [ 404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, [] ] unless matches?(req)
+ if dispatcher?
+ @app.serve req
+ else
+ @app.call req.env
+ end
def constraint_args(constraint, request)
- constraint.arity == 1 ? [request] : [request.symbolized_path_parameters, request]
+ constraint.arity == 1 ? [request] : [request.path_parameters, request]
class Mapping #:nodoc:
- IGNORE_OPTIONS = [:to, :as, :via, :on, :constraints, :defaults, :only, :except, :anchor, :shallow, :shallow_path, :shallow_prefix, :format]
ANCHOR_CHARACTERS_REGEX = %r{\A(\\A|\^)|(\\Z|\\z|\$)\Z}
- WILDCARD_PATH = %r{\*([^/\)]+)\)?$}
- attr_reader :scope, :path, :options, :requirements, :conditions, :defaults
+ attr_reader :requirements, :conditions, :defaults
+ attr_reader :to, :default_controller, :default_action, :as, :anchor
+ def self.build(scope, path, options)
+ options = scope[:options].merge(options) if scope[:options]
+ options.delete :only
+ options.delete :except
+ options.delete :shallow_path
+ options.delete :shallow_prefix
+ options.delete :shallow
+ defaults = (scope[:defaults] || {}).merge options.delete(:defaults) || {}
+ new scope, path, defaults, options
+ end
+ def initialize(scope, path, defaults, options)
+ @requirements, @conditions = {}, {}
+ @defaults = defaults
+ @to = options.delete :to
+ @default_controller = options.delete(:controller) || scope[:controller]
+ @default_action = options.delete(:action) || scope[:action]
+ @as = options.delete :as
+ @anchor = options.delete :anchor
+ formatted = options.delete :format
+ via = Array(options.delete(:via) { [] })
+ options_constraints = options.delete :constraints
+ path = normalize_path! path, formatted
+ ast = path_ast path
+ path_params = path_params ast
+ options = normalize_options!(options, formatted, path_params, ast, scope[:module])
+ split_constraints(path_params, scope[:constraints]) if scope[:constraints]
+ constraints = constraints(options, path_params)
+ split_constraints path_params, constraints
+ @blocks = blocks(options_constraints, scope[:blocks])
+ if options_constraints.is_a?(Hash)
+ split_constraints path_params, options_constraints
+ options_constraints.each do |key, default|
+ if URL_OPTIONS.include?(key) && (String === default || Fixnum === default)
+ @defaults[key] ||= default
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ normalize_format!(formatted)
- def initialize(set, scope, path, options)
- @set, @scope, @path, @options = set, scope, path, options
- @requirements, @conditions, @defaults = {}, {}, {}
+ @conditions[:path_info] = path
+ @conditions[:parsed_path_info] = ast
- normalize_options!
- normalize_path!
- normalize_requirements!
- normalize_conditions!
- normalize_defaults!
+ add_request_method(via, @conditions)
+ normalize_defaults!(options)
def to_route
- [ app, conditions, requirements, defaults, options[:as], options[:anchor] ]
+ [ app(@blocks), conditions, requirements, defaults, as, anchor ]
- def normalize_path!
- raise ArgumentError, "path is required" if @path.blank?
- @path = Mapper.normalize_path(@path)
+ def normalize_path!(path, format)
+ path = Mapper.normalize_path(path)
- if required_format?
- @path = "#{@path}.:format"
- elsif optional_format?
- @path = "#{@path}(.:format)"
+ if format == true
+ "#{path}.:format"
+ elsif optional_format?(path, format)
+ "#{path}(.:format)"
+ else
+ path
- def required_format?
- options[:format] == true
- end
- def optional_format?
- options[:format] != false && !path.include?(':format') && !path.end_with?('/')
+ def optional_format?(path, format)
+ format != false && !path.include?(':format') && !path.end_with?('/')
- def normalize_options!
- @options.reverse_merge!(scope[:options]) if scope[:options]
- path_without_format = path.sub(/\(\.:format\)$/, '')
+ def normalize_options!(options, formatted, path_params, path_ast, modyoule)
# Add a constraint for wildcard route to make it non-greedy and match the
# optional format part of the route by default
- if path_without_format.match(WILDCARD_PATH) && @options[:format] != false
- @options[$1.to_sym] ||= /.+?/
+ if formatted != false
+ path_ast.grep(Journey::Nodes::Star) do |node|
+ options[node.name.to_sym] ||= /.+?/
+ end
- if path_without_format.match(':controller')
- raise ArgumentError, ":controller segment is not allowed within a namespace block" if scope[:module]
+ if path_params.include?(:controller)
+ raise ArgumentError, ":controller segment is not allowed within a namespace block" if modyoule
# Add a default constraint for :controller path segments that matches namespaced
# controllers with default routes like :controller/:action/:id(.:format), e.g:
# GET /admin/products/show/1
# => { controller: 'admin/products', action: 'show', id: '1' }
- @options[:controller] ||= /.+?/
+ options[:controller] ||= /.+?/
- @options.merge!(default_controller_and_action)
+ if to.respond_to? :call
+ options
+ else
+ to_endpoint = split_to to
+ controller = to_endpoint[0] || default_controller
+ action = to_endpoint[1] || default_action
+ controller = add_controller_module(controller, modyoule)
+ options.merge! check_controller_and_action(path_params, controller, action)
+ end
- def normalize_requirements!
- constraints.each do |key, requirement|
- next unless segment_keys.include?(key) || key == :controller
- verify_regexp_requirement(requirement) if requirement.is_a?(Regexp)
- @requirements[key] = requirement
+ def split_constraints(path_params, constraints)
+ constraints.each_pair do |key, requirement|
+ if path_params.include?(key) || key == :controller
+ verify_regexp_requirement(requirement) if requirement.is_a?(Regexp)
+ @requirements[key] = requirement
+ else
+ @conditions[key] = requirement
+ end
+ end
- if options[:format] == true
+ def normalize_format!(formatted)
+ if formatted == true
@requirements[:format] ||= /.+/
- elsif Regexp === options[:format]
- @requirements[:format] = options[:format]
- elsif String === options[:format]
- @requirements[:format] = Regexp.compile(options[:format])
+ elsif Regexp === formatted
+ @requirements[:format] = formatted
+ @defaults[:format] = nil
+ elsif String === formatted
+ @requirements[:format] = Regexp.compile(formatted)
+ @defaults[:format] = formatted
@@ -143,31 +213,12 @@ module ActionDispatch
- def normalize_defaults!
- @defaults.merge!(scope[:defaults]) if scope[:defaults]
- @defaults.merge!(options[:defaults]) if options[:defaults]
- options.each do |key, default|
- unless Regexp === default || IGNORE_OPTIONS.include?(key)
+ def normalize_defaults!(options)
+ options.each_pair do |key, default|
+ unless Regexp === default
@defaults[key] = default
- if options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash)
- options[:constraints].each do |key, default|
- if URL_OPTIONS.include?(key) && (String === default || Fixnum === default)
- @defaults[key] ||= default
- end
- end
- elsif options[:constraints]
- verify_callable_constraint(options[:constraints])
- end
- if Regexp === options[:format]
- @defaults[:format] = nil
- elsif String === options[:format]
- @defaults[:format] = options[:format]
- end
def verify_callable_constraint(callable_constraint)
@@ -176,144 +227,129 @@ module ActionDispatch
- def normalize_conditions!
- @conditions[:path_info] = path
+ def add_request_method(via, conditions)
+ return if via == [:all]
- constraints.each do |key, condition|
- unless segment_keys.include?(key) || key == :controller
- @conditions[key] = condition
- end
- end
- required_defaults = []
- options.each do |key, required_default|
- unless segment_keys.include?(key) || IGNORE_OPTIONS.include?(key) || Regexp === required_default
- required_defaults << key
- end
- end
- @conditions[:required_defaults] = required_defaults
- via_all = options.delete(:via) if options[:via] == :all
- if !via_all && options[:via].blank?
+ if via.empty?
msg = "You should not use the `match` method in your router without specifying an HTTP method.\n" \
"If you want to expose your action to both GET and POST, add `via: [:get, :post]` option.\n" \
"If you want to expose your action to GET, use `get` in the router:\n" \
" Instead of: match \"controller#action\"\n" \
" Do: get \"controller#action\""
- raise msg
+ raise ArgumentError, msg
- if via = options[:via]
- @conditions[:request_method] = Array(via).map { |m| m.to_s.dasherize.upcase }
- end
+ conditions[:request_method] = via.map { |m| m.to_s.dasherize.upcase }
- def app
- Constraints.new(endpoint, blocks, @set.request_class)
- end
+ def app(blocks)
+ return to if Redirect === to
- def default_controller_and_action
if to.respond_to?(:call)
- { }
+ Constraints.new(to, blocks, false)
- if to.is_a?(String)
- controller, action = to.split('#')
- elsif to.is_a?(Symbol)
- action = to.to_s
- end
- controller ||= default_controller
- action ||= default_action
- if @scope[:module] && !controller.is_a?(Regexp)
- if controller =~ %r{\A/}
- controller = controller[1..-1]
- else
- controller = [@scope[:module], controller].compact.join("/").presence
- end
- end
- if controller.is_a?(String) && controller =~ %r{\A/}
- raise ArgumentError, "controller name should not start with a slash"
+ if blocks.any?
+ Constraints.new(dispatcher, blocks, true)
+ else
+ dispatcher
+ end
+ end
- controller = controller.to_s unless controller.is_a?(Regexp)
- action = action.to_s unless action.is_a?(Regexp)
+ def check_controller_and_action(path_params, controller, action)
+ hash = check_part(:controller, controller, path_params, {}) do |part|
+ translate_controller(part) {
+ message = "'#{part}' is not a supported controller name. This can lead to potential routing problems."
+ message << " See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#specifying-a-controller-to-use"
- if controller.blank? && segment_keys.exclude?(:controller)
- message = "Missing :controller key on routes definition, please check your routes."
raise ArgumentError, message
- end
+ }
+ end
- if action.blank? && segment_keys.exclude?(:action)
- message = "Missing :action key on routes definition, please check your routes."
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
+ check_part(:action, action, path_params, hash) { |part|
+ part.is_a?(Regexp) ? part : part.to_s
+ }
+ end
- if controller.is_a?(String) && controller !~ /\A[a-z_0-9\/]*\z/
- message = "'#{controller}' is not a supported controller name. This can lead to potential routing problems."
- message << " See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#specifying-a-controller-to-use"
+ def check_part(name, part, path_params, hash)
+ if part
+ hash[name] = yield(part)
+ else
+ unless path_params.include?(name)
+ message = "Missing :#{name} key on routes definition, please check your routes."
raise ArgumentError, message
- hash = {}
- hash[:controller] = controller unless controller.blank?
- hash[:action] = action unless action.blank?
- hash
- end
- def blocks
- if options[:constraints].present? && !options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash)
- [options[:constraints]]
+ hash
+ end
+ def split_to(to)
+ case to
+ when Symbol
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "defining a route where `to` is a symbol is deprecated. Please change \"to: :#{to}\" to \"action: :#{to}\""
+ [nil, to.to_s]
+ when /#/ then to.split('#')
+ when String
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "defining a route where `to` is a controller without an action is deprecated. Please change \"to: :#{to}\" to \"controller: :#{to}\""
+ [to, nil]
- scope[:blocks] || []
+ []
- def constraints
- @constraints ||= {}.tap do |constraints|
- constraints.merge!(scope[:constraints]) if scope[:constraints]
- options.except(*IGNORE_OPTIONS).each do |key, option|
- constraints[key] = option if Regexp === option
+ def add_controller_module(controller, modyoule)
+ if modyoule && !controller.is_a?(Regexp)
+ if controller =~ %r{\A/}
+ controller[1..-1]
+ else
+ [modyoule, controller].compact.join("/")
- constraints.merge!(options[:constraints]) if options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash)
+ else
+ controller
- def segment_keys
- @segment_keys ||= path_pattern.names.map{ |s| s.to_sym }
- end
+ def translate_controller(controller)
+ return controller if Regexp === controller
+ return controller.to_s if controller =~ /\A[a-z_0-9][a-z_0-9\/]*\z/
- def path_pattern
- Journey::Path::Pattern.new(strexp)
- end
- def strexp
- Journey::Router::Strexp.compile(path, requirements, SEPARATORS)
+ yield
- def endpoint
- to.respond_to?(:call) ? to : dispatcher
+ def blocks(options_constraints, scope_blocks)
+ if options_constraints && !options_constraints.is_a?(Hash)
+ verify_callable_constraint(options_constraints)
+ [options_constraints]
+ else
+ scope_blocks || []
+ end
- def dispatcher
- Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher.new(:defaults => defaults)
+ def constraints(options, path_params)
+ constraints = {}
+ required_defaults = []
+ options.each_pair do |key, option|
+ if Regexp === option
+ constraints[key] = option
+ else
+ required_defaults << key unless path_params.include?(key)
+ end
+ end
+ @conditions[:required_defaults] = required_defaults
+ constraints
- def to
- options[:to]
+ def path_params(ast)
+ ast.grep(Journey::Nodes::Symbol).map { |n| n.name.to_sym }
- def default_controller
- options[:controller] || scope[:controller]
+ def path_ast(path)
+ parser = Journey::Parser.new
+ parser.parse path
- def default_action
- options[:action] || scope[:action]
+ def dispatcher
+ Routing::RouteSet::Dispatcher.new(defaults)
@@ -415,6 +451,12 @@ module ActionDispatch
# [:action]
# The route's action.
+ # [:param]
+ # Overrides the default resource identifier `:id` (name of the
+ # dynamic segment used to generate the routes).
+ # You can access that segment from your controller using
+ # <tt>params[<:param>]</tt>.
+ #
# [:path]
# The path prefix for the routes.
@@ -578,18 +620,17 @@ module ActionDispatch
_route = @set.named_routes.routes[name.to_sym]
_routes = @set
- app.routes.singleton_class.class_eval do
- redefine_method :mounted? do
- true
- end
- redefine_method :_generate_prefix do |options|
+ app.routes.extend Module.new {
+ def mounted?; true; end
+ define_method :find_script_name do |options|
+ super(options) || begin
prefix_options = options.slice(*_route.segment_keys)
# we must actually delete prefix segment keys to avoid passing them to next url_for
_route.segment_keys.each { |k| options.delete(k) }
_routes.url_helpers.send("#{name}_path", prefix_options)
+ end
- end
+ }
@@ -1427,7 +1468,20 @@ module ActionDispatch
if rest.empty? && Hash === path
options = path
path, to = options.find { |name, _value| name.is_a?(String) }
- options[:to] = to
+ case to
+ when Symbol
+ options[:action] = to
+ when String
+ if to =~ /#/
+ options[:to] = to
+ else
+ options[:controller] = to
+ end
+ else
+ options[:to] = to
+ end
paths = [path]
@@ -1481,6 +1535,8 @@ module ActionDispatch
def add_route(action, options) # :nodoc:
path = path_for_action(action, options.delete(:path))
+ raise ArgumentError, "path is required" if path.blank?
action = action.to_s.dup
if action =~ /^[\w\-\/]+$/
@@ -1495,7 +1551,7 @@ module ActionDispatch
options[:as] = name_for_action(options[:as], action)
- mapping = Mapping.new(@set, @scope, URI.parser.escape(path), options)
+ mapping = Mapping.build(@scope, URI.parser.escape(path), options)
app, conditions, requirements, defaults, as, anchor = mapping.to_route
@set.add_route(app, conditions, requirements, defaults, as, anchor)