path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_controller')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
index e9a2e797dd..1fa6accd01 100755
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/request.rb
@@ -459,36 +459,16 @@ module ActionController
when Array
value.map { |v| get_typed_value(v) }
- # This is an uploaded file.
- if value.respond_to?(:original_filename) && !value.original_filename.blank?
- unless value.respond_to?(:full_original_filename)
- class << value
- alias_method :full_original_filename, :original_filename
- # Take the basename of the upload's original filename.
- # This handles the full Windows paths given by Internet Explorer
- # (and perhaps other broken user agents) without affecting
- # those which give the lone filename.
- # The Windows regexp is adapted from Perl's File::Basename.
- def original_filename
- if md = /^(?:.*[:\\\/])?(.*)/m.match(full_original_filename)
- md.captures.first
- else
- File.basename full_original_filename
- end
- end
- end
+ if value.is_a?(UploadedFile)
+ # Uploaded file
+ if value.original_filename
+ value
+ # Multipart param
+ else
+ result = value.read
+ value.rewind
+ result
- # Return the same value after overriding original_filename.
- value
- # Multipart values may have content type, but no filename.
- elsif value.respond_to?(:read)
- result = value.read
- value.rewind
- result
# Unknown value, neither string nor multipart.
raise "Unknown form value: #{value.inspect}"
@@ -524,9 +504,9 @@ module ActionController
head = nil
content =
if 10240 < content_length
- Tempfile.new("CGI")
+ UploadedTempfile.new("CGI")
- StringIO.new
+ UploadedStringIO.new
content.binmode if defined? content.binmode
@@ -568,25 +548,21 @@ module ActionController
- /Content-Disposition:.* filename=(?:"((?:\\.|[^\"])*)"|([^;]*))/ni.match(head)
- filename = ($1 or $2 or "")
- if /Mac/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
- /Mozilla/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
- (not /MSIE/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
- filename = CGI.unescape(filename)
+ head =~ /Content-Disposition:.* filename=(?:"((?:\\.|[^\"])*)"|([^;]*))/ni
+ if filename = $1 || $2
+ if /Mac/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
+ /Mozilla/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and
+ (not /MSIE/ni.match(env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
+ filename = CGI.unescape(filename)
+ end
+ content.original_path = filename.dup
- /Content-Type: ([^\r]*)/ni.match(head)
- content_type = ($1 or "")
+ head =~ /Content-Type: ([^\r]*)/ni
+ content.content_type = $1.dup if $1
- (class << content; self; end).class_eval do
- alias local_path path
- define_method(:original_filename) {filename.dup.taint}
- define_method(:content_type) {content_type.dup.taint}
- end
- /Content-Disposition:.* name="?([^\";]*)"?/ni.match(head)
- name = $1.dup
+ head =~ /Content-Disposition:.* name="?([^\";]*)"?/ni
+ name = $1.dup if $1
if params.has_key?(name)
@@ -695,4 +671,40 @@ module ActionController
raise TypeError, "Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of #{klass} but found an instance of #{value.class}. This can be caused by colliding Array and Hash parameters like qs[]=value&qs[key]=value."
+ module UploadedFile
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.class_eval do
+ attr_accessor :original_path, :content_type
+ alias_method :local_path, :path
+ end
+ end
+ # Take the basename of the upload's original filename.
+ # This handles the full Windows paths given by Internet Explorer
+ # (and perhaps other broken user agents) without affecting
+ # those which give the lone filename.
+ # The Windows regexp is adapted from Perl's File::Basename.
+ def original_filename
+ unless defined? @original_filename
+ @original_filename =
+ unless original_path.blank?
+ if original_path =~ /^(?:.*[:\\\/])?(.*)/m
+ $1
+ else
+ File.basename original_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @original_filename
+ end
+ end
+ class UploadedStringIO < StringIO
+ include UploadedFile
+ end
+ class UploadedTempfile < Tempfile
+ include UploadedFile
+ end