path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 250c3272b9..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cgi_methods.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-require 'cgi'
-require 'strscan'
-# Static methods for parsing the query and request parameters that can be used in
-# a CGI extension class or testing in isolation.
-class CGIMethods #:nodoc:
- class << self
- # DEPRECATED: Use parse_form_encoded_parameters
- def parse_query_parameters(query_string)
- pairs = query_string.split('&').collect do |chunk|
- next if chunk.empty?
- key, value = chunk.split('=', 2)
- next if key.empty?
- value = value.nil? ? nil : CGI.unescape(value)
- [ CGI.unescape(key), value ]
- end.compact
- FormEncodedPairParser.new(pairs).result
- end
- # DEPRECATED: Use parse_form_encoded_parameters
- def parse_request_parameters(params)
- parser = FormEncodedPairParser.new
- params = params.dup
- until params.empty?
- for key, value in params
- if key.blank?
- params.delete key
- elsif !key.include?('[')
- # much faster to test for the most common case first (GET)
- # and avoid the call to build_deep_hash
- parser.result[key] = get_typed_value(value[0])
- params.delete key
- elsif value.is_a?(Array)
- parser.parse(key, get_typed_value(value.shift))
- params.delete key if value.empty?
- else
- raise TypeError, "Expected array, found #{value.inspect}"
- end
- end
- end
- parser.result
- end
- def parse_formatted_request_parameters(mime_type, raw_post_data)
- case strategy = ActionController::Base.param_parsers[mime_type]
- when Proc
- strategy.call(raw_post_data)
- when :xml_simple, :xml_node
- raw_post_data.blank? ? {} : Hash.from_xml(raw_post_data).with_indifferent_access
- when :yaml
- YAML.load(raw_post_data)
- end
- rescue Exception => e # YAML, XML or Ruby code block errors
- { "exception" => "#{e.message} (#{e.class})", "backtrace" => e.backtrace,
- "raw_post_data" => raw_post_data, "format" => mime_type }
- end
- private
- def get_typed_value(value)
- case value
- when String
- value
- when NilClass
- ''
- when Array
- value.map { |v| get_typed_value(v) }
- else
- # Uploaded file provides content type and filename.
- if value.respond_to?(:content_type) &&
- !value.content_type.blank? &&
- !value.original_filename.blank?
- unless value.respond_to?(:full_original_filename)
- class << value
- alias_method :full_original_filename, :original_filename
- # Take the basename of the upload's original filename.
- # This handles the full Windows paths given by Internet Explorer
- # (and perhaps other broken user agents) without affecting
- # those which give the lone filename.
- # The Windows regexp is adapted from Perl's File::Basename.
- def original_filename
- if md = /^(?:.*[:\\\/])?(.*)/m.match(full_original_filename)
- md.captures.first
- else
- File.basename full_original_filename
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Return the same value after overriding original_filename.
- value
- # Multipart values may have content type, but no filename.
- elsif value.respond_to?(:read)
- result = value.read
- value.rewind
- result
- # Unknown value, neither string nor multipart.
- else
- raise "Unknown form value: #{value.inspect}"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class FormEncodedPairParser < StringScanner #:nodoc:
- attr_reader :top, :parent, :result
- def initialize(pairs = [])
- super('')
- @result = {}
- pairs.each { |key, value| parse(key, value) }
- end
- KEY_REGEXP = %r{([^\[\]=&]+)}
- BRACKETED_KEY_REGEXP = %r{\[([^\[\]=&]+)\]}
- # Parse the query string
- def parse(key, value)
- self.string = key
- @top, @parent = result, nil
- # First scan the bare key
- key = scan(KEY_REGEXP) or return
- key = post_key_check(key)
- # Then scan as many nestings as present
- until eos?
- r = scan(BRACKETED_KEY_REGEXP) or return
- key = self[1]
- key = post_key_check(key)
- end
- bind(key, value)
- end
- private
- # After we see a key, we must look ahead to determine our next action. Cases:
- #
- # [] follows the key. Then the value must be an array.
- # = follows the key. (A value comes next)
- # & or the end of string follows the key. Then the key is a flag.
- # otherwise, a hash follows the key.
- def post_key_check(key)
- if scan(/\[\]/) # a[b][] indicates that b is an array
- container(key, Array)
- nil
- elsif check(/\[[^\]]/) # a[b] indicates that a is a hash
- container(key, Hash)
- nil
- else # End of key? We do nothing.
- key
- end
- end
- # Add a container to the stack.
- #
- def container(key, klass)
- type_conflict! klass, top[key] if top.is_a?(Hash) && top.key?(key) && ! top[key].is_a?(klass)
- value = bind(key, klass.new)
- type_conflict! klass, value unless value.is_a?(klass)
- push(value)
- end
- # Push a value onto the 'stack', which is actually only the top 2 items.
- def push(value)
- @parent, @top = @top, value
- end
- # Bind a key (which may be nil for items in an array) to the provided value.
- def bind(key, value)
- if top.is_a? Array
- if key
- if top[-1].is_a?(Hash) && ! top[-1].key?(key)
- top[-1][key] = value
- else
- top << {key => value}.with_indifferent_access
- push top.last
- end
- else
- top << value
- end
- elsif top.is_a? Hash
- key = CGI.unescape(key)
- parent << (@top = {}) if top.key?(key) && parent.is_a?(Array)
- return top[key] ||= value
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Don't know what to do: top is #{top.inspect}"
- end
- return value
- end
- def type_conflict!(klass, value)
- raise TypeError,
- "Conflicting types for parameter containers. " +
- "Expected an instance of #{klass}, but found an instance of #{value.class}. " +
- "This can be caused by passing Array and Hash based paramters qs[]=value&qs[key]=value. "
- end
- end