path: root/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/vendor/tmail-1.2.1/tmail/parser.y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/vendor/tmail-1.2.1/tmail/parser.y')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/vendor/tmail-1.2.1/tmail/parser.y b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/vendor/tmail-1.2.1/tmail/parser.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77a1457794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/vendor/tmail-1.2.1/tmail/parser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# parser.y
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
+# the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
+class TMail::Parser
+ options no_result_var
+ content : DATETIME datetime { val[1] }
+ | RECEIVED received { val[1] }
+ | MADDRESS addrs_TOP { val[1] }
+ | RETPATH retpath { val[1] }
+ | KEYWORDS keys { val[1] }
+ | ENCRYPTED enc { val[1] }
+ | MIMEVERSION version { val[1] }
+ | CTYPE ctype { val[1] }
+ | CENCODING cencode { val[1] }
+ | CDISPOSITION cdisp { val[1] }
+ | ADDRESS addr_TOP { val[1] }
+ | MAILBOX mbox { val[1] }
+ datetime : day DIGIT ATOM DIGIT hour zone
+ # 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ # date month year
+ {
+ t = Time.gm(val[3].to_i, val[2], val[1].to_i, 0, 0, 0)
+ (t + val[4] - val[5]).localtime
+ }
+ day : /* none */
+ | ATOM ','
+ hour : DIGIT ':' DIGIT
+ {
+ (val[0].to_i * 60 * 60) +
+ (val[2].to_i * 60)
+ }
+ {
+ (val[0].to_i * 60 * 60) +
+ (val[2].to_i * 60) +
+ (val[4].to_i)
+ }
+ zone : ATOM
+ {
+ timezone_string_to_unixtime(val[0])
+ }
+ received : from by via with id for received_datetime
+ {
+ val
+ }
+ from : /* none */
+ | FROM received_domain
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ by : /* none */
+ | BY received_domain
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ received_domain
+ : domain
+ {
+ join_domain(val[0])
+ }
+ | domain '@' domain
+ {
+ join_domain(val[2])
+ }
+ | domain DOMLIT
+ {
+ join_domain(val[0])
+ }
+ via : /* none */
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ with : /* none */
+ {
+ []
+ }
+ | with WITH ATOM
+ {
+ val[0].push val[2]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ id : /* none */
+ | ID msgid
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ for : /* none */
+ | FOR received_addrspec
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ received_addrspec
+ : routeaddr
+ {
+ val[0].spec
+ }
+ | spec
+ {
+ val[0].spec
+ }
+ received_datetime
+ : /* none */
+ | ';' datetime
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ addrs_TOP : addrs
+ | group_bare
+ | addrs commas group_bare
+ addr_TOP : mbox
+ | group
+ | group_bare
+ retpath : addrs_TOP
+ | '<' '>' { [ Address.new(nil, nil) ] }
+ addrs : addr
+ {
+ val
+ }
+ | addrs commas addr
+ {
+ val[0].push val[2]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ addr : mbox
+ | group
+ mboxes : mbox
+ {
+ val
+ }
+ | mboxes commas mbox
+ {
+ val[0].push val[2]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ mbox : spec
+ | routeaddr
+ | addr_phrase routeaddr
+ {
+ val[1].phrase = Decoder.decode(val[0])
+ val[1]
+ }
+ group : group_bare ';'
+ group_bare: addr_phrase ':' mboxes
+ {
+ AddressGroup.new(val[0], val[2])
+ }
+ | addr_phrase ':' { AddressGroup.new(val[0], []) }
+ addr_phrase
+ : local_head { val[0].join('.') }
+ | addr_phrase local_head { val[0] << ' ' << val[1].join('.') }
+ routeaddr : '<' routes spec '>'
+ {
+ val[2].routes.replace val[1]
+ val[2]
+ }
+ | '<' spec '>'
+ {
+ val[1]
+ }
+ routes : at_domains ':'
+ at_domains: '@' domain { [ val[1].join('.') ] }
+ | at_domains ',' '@' domain { val[0].push val[3].join('.'); val[0] }
+ spec : local '@' domain { Address.new( val[0], val[2] ) }
+ | local { Address.new( val[0], nil ) }
+ local: local_head
+ | local_head '.' { val[0].push ''; val[0] }
+ local_head: word
+ { val }
+ | local_head dots word
+ {
+ val[1].times do
+ val[0].push ''
+ end
+ val[0].push val[2]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ domain : domword
+ { val }
+ | domain dots domword
+ {
+ val[1].times do
+ val[0].push ''
+ end
+ val[0].push val[2]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ dots : '.' { 0 }
+ | '.' '.' { 1 }
+ word : atom
+ domword : atom
+ commas : ','
+ | commas ','
+ msgid : '<' spec '>'
+ {
+ val[1] = val[1].spec
+ val.join('')
+ }
+ keys : phrase { val }
+ | keys ',' phrase { val[0].push val[2]; val[0] }
+ phrase : word
+ | phrase word { val[0] << ' ' << val[1] }
+ enc : word
+ {
+ val.push nil
+ val
+ }
+ | word word
+ {
+ val
+ }
+ version : DIGIT '.' DIGIT
+ {
+ [ val[0].to_i, val[2].to_i ]
+ }
+ ctype : TOKEN '/' TOKEN params opt_semicolon
+ {
+ [ val[0].downcase, val[2].downcase, decode_params(val[3]) ]
+ }
+ | TOKEN params opt_semicolon
+ {
+ [ val[0].downcase, nil, decode_params(val[1]) ]
+ }
+ params : /* none */
+ {
+ {}
+ }
+ | params ';' TOKEN '=' QUOTED
+ {
+ val[0][ val[2].downcase ] = ('"' + val[4].to_s + '"')
+ val[0]
+ }
+ | params ';' TOKEN '=' TOKEN
+ {
+ val[0][ val[2].downcase ] = val[4]
+ val[0]
+ }
+ cencode : TOKEN
+ {
+ val[0].downcase
+ }
+ cdisp : TOKEN params opt_semicolon
+ {
+ [ val[0].downcase, decode_params(val[1]) ]
+ }
+ opt_semicolon
+ :
+ | ';'
+ atom : ATOM
+ | FROM
+ | BY
+ | VIA
+ | WITH
+ | ID
+ | FOR
+---- header
+# parser.rb
+# Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of
+# the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
+require 'tmail/scanner'
+require 'tmail/utils'
+---- inner
+ include TextUtils
+ def self.parse( ident, str, cmt = nil )
+ new.parse(ident, str, cmt)
+ end
+ MAILP_DEBUG = false
+ def initialize
+ self.debug = MAILP_DEBUG
+ end
+ def debug=( flag )
+ @yydebug = flag && Racc_debug_parser
+ @scanner_debug = flag
+ end
+ def debug
+ @yydebug
+ end
+ def parse( ident, str, comments = nil )
+ @scanner = Scanner.new(str, ident, comments)
+ @scanner.debug = @scanner_debug
+ @first = [ident, ident]
+ result = yyparse(self, :parse_in)
+ comments.map! {|c| to_kcode(c) } if comments
+ result
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_in( &block )
+ yield @first
+ @scanner.scan(&block)
+ end
+ def on_error( t, val, vstack )
+ raise SyntaxError, "parse error on token #{racc_token2str t}"
+ end