path: root/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/parameterized.rb
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1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/parameterized.rb b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/parameterized.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a97af8105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/parameterized.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActionMailer
+ # Provides the option to parameterize mailers in order to share instance variable
+ # setup, processing, and common headers.
+ #
+ # Consider this example that does not use parameterization:
+ #
+ # class InvitationsMailer < ApplicationMailer
+ # def account_invitation(inviter, invitee)
+ # @account = inviter.account
+ # @inviter = inviter
+ # @invitee = invitee
+ #
+ # subject = "#{@inviter.name} invited you to their Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ #
+ # mail \
+ # subject: subject,
+ # to: invitee.email_address,
+ # from: common_address(inviter),
+ # reply_to: inviter.email_address_with_name
+ # end
+ #
+ # def project_invitation(project, inviter, invitee)
+ # @account = inviter.account
+ # @project = project
+ # @inviter = inviter
+ # @invitee = invitee
+ # @summarizer = ProjectInvitationSummarizer.new(@project.bucket)
+ #
+ # subject = "#{@inviter.name.familiar} added you to a project in Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ #
+ # mail \
+ # subject: subject,
+ # to: invitee.email_address,
+ # from: common_address(inviter),
+ # reply_to: inviter.email_address_with_name
+ # end
+ #
+ # def bulk_project_invitation(projects, inviter, invitee)
+ # @account = inviter.account
+ # @projects = projects.sort_by(&:name)
+ # @inviter = inviter
+ # @invitee = invitee
+ #
+ # subject = "#{@inviter.name.familiar} added you to some new stuff in Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ #
+ # mail \
+ # subject: subject,
+ # to: invitee.email_address,
+ # from: common_address(inviter),
+ # reply_to: inviter.email_address_with_name
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # InvitationsMailer.account_invitation(person_a, person_b).deliver_later
+ #
+ # Using parameterized mailers, this can be rewritten as:
+ #
+ # class InvitationsMailer < ApplicationMailer
+ # before_action { @inviter, @invitee = params[:inviter], params[:invitee] }
+ # before_action { @account = params[:inviter].account }
+ #
+ # default to: -> { @invitee.email_address },
+ # from: -> { common_address(@inviter) },
+ # reply_to: -> { @inviter.email_address_with_name }
+ #
+ # def account_invitation
+ # mail subject: "#{@inviter.name} invited you to their Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def project_invitation
+ # @project = params[:project]
+ # @summarizer = ProjectInvitationSummarizer.new(@project.bucket)
+ #
+ # mail subject: "#{@inviter.name.familiar} added you to a project in Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def bulk_project_invitation
+ # @projects = params[:projects].sort_by(&:name)
+ #
+ # mail subject: "#{@inviter.name.familiar} added you to some new stuff in Basecamp (#{@account.name})"
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # InvitationsMailer.with(inviter: person_a, invitee: person_b).account_invitation.deliver_later
+ module Parameterized
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ attr_accessor :params
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Provide the parameters to the mailer in order to use them in the instance methods and callbacks.
+ #
+ # InvitationsMailer.with(inviter: person_a, invitee: person_b).account_invitation.deliver_later
+ #
+ # See Parameterized documentation for full example.
+ def with(params)
+ ActionMailer::Parameterized::Mailer.new(self, params)
+ end
+ end
+ class Mailer # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(mailer, params)
+ @mailer, @params = mailer, params
+ end
+ private
+ def method_missing(method_name, *args)
+ if @mailer.action_methods.include?(method_name.to_s)
+ ActionMailer::Parameterized::MessageDelivery.new(@mailer, method_name, @params, *args)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def respond_to_missing?(method, include_all = false)
+ @mailer.respond_to?(method, include_all)
+ end
+ end
+ class DeliveryJob < ActionMailer::DeliveryJob # :nodoc:
+ def perform(mailer, mail_method, delivery_method, params, *args)
+ mailer.constantize.with(params).public_send(mail_method, *args).send(delivery_method)
+ end
+ end
+ class MessageDelivery < ActionMailer::MessageDelivery # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(mailer_class, action, params, *args)
+ super(mailer_class, action, *args)
+ @params = params
+ end
+ private
+ def processed_mailer
+ @processed_mailer ||= @mailer_class.new.tap do |mailer|
+ mailer.params = @params
+ mailer.process @action, *@args
+ end
+ end
+ def enqueue_delivery(delivery_method, options = {})
+ if processed?
+ super
+ else
+ job = delivery_job_class
+ args = arguments_for(job, delivery_method)
+ job.set(options).perform_later(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ def delivery_job_class
+ if @mailer_class.delivery_job <= MailDeliveryJob
+ @mailer_class.delivery_job
+ else
+ Parameterized::DeliveryJob
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments_for(delivery_job, delivery_method)
+ if delivery_job <= MailDeliveryJob
+ [@mailer_class.name, @action.to_s, delivery_method.to_s, params: @params, args: @args]
+ else
+ [@mailer_class.name, @action.to_s, delivery_method.to_s, @params, *@args]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end