path: root/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/helpers.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/helpers.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/helpers.rb b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd8f0f5b6..0000000000
--- a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-require 'active_support/dependencies'
-module ActionMailer
- module Helpers #:nodoc:
- def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
- # Initialize the base module to aggregate its helpers.
- base.class_inheritable_accessor :master_helper_module
- base.master_helper_module = Module.new
- # Extend base with class methods to declare helpers.
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- base.class_eval do
- # Wrap inherited to create a new master helper module for subclasses.
- class << self
- alias_method_chain :inherited, :helper
- end
- # Wrap initialize_template_class to extend new template class
- # instances with the master helper module.
- alias_method_chain :initialize_template_class, :helper
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Makes all the (instance) methods in the helper module available to templates rendered through this controller.
- # See ActionView::Helpers (link:classes/ActionView/Helpers.html) for more about making your own helper modules
- # available to the templates.
- def add_template_helper(helper_module) #:nodoc:
- master_helper_module.module_eval "include #{helper_module}"
- end
- # Declare a helper:
- # helper :foo
- # requires 'foo_helper' and includes FooHelper in the template class.
- # helper FooHelper
- # includes FooHelper in the template class.
- # helper { def foo() "#{bar} is the very best" end }
- # evaluates the block in the template class, adding method +foo+.
- # helper(:three, BlindHelper) { def mice() 'mice' end }
- # does all three.
- def helper(*args, &block)
- args.flatten.each do |arg|
- case arg
- when Module
- add_template_helper(arg)
- when String, Symbol
- file_name = arg.to_s.underscore + '_helper'
- class_name = file_name.camelize
- require_dependency(file_name, "Missing helper file helpers/%s.rb")
- # begin
- # require_dependency(file_name)
- # rescue LoadError => load_error
- # requiree = / -- (.*?)(\.rb)?$/.match(load_error.message).to_a[1]
- # msg = (requiree == file_name) ? "Missing helper file helpers/#{file_name}.rb" : "Can't load file: #{requiree}"
- # raise LoadError.new(msg).copy_blame!(load_error)
- # end
- add_template_helper(class_name.constantize)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, 'helper expects String, Symbol, or Module argument'
- end
- end
- # Evaluate block in template class if given.
- master_helper_module.module_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
- # Declare a controller method as a helper. For example,
- # helper_method :link_to
- # def link_to(name, options) ... end
- # makes the link_to controller method available in the view.
- def helper_method(*methods)
- methods.flatten.each do |method|
- master_helper_module.module_eval <<-end_eval
- def #{method}(*args, &block)
- controller.__send__(%(#{method}), *args, &block)
- end
- end_eval
- end
- end
- # Declare a controller attribute as a helper. For example,
- # helper_attr :name
- # attr_accessor :name
- # makes the name and name= controller methods available in the view.
- # The is a convenience wrapper for helper_method.
- def helper_attr(*attrs)
- attrs.flatten.each { |attr| helper_method(attr, "#{attr}=") }
- end
- private
- def inherited_with_helper(child)
- inherited_without_helper(child)
- begin
- child.master_helper_module = Module.new
- child.master_helper_module.__send__(:include, master_helper_module)
- child.helper child.name.to_s.underscore
- rescue MissingSourceFile => e
- raise unless e.is_missing?("#{child.name.to_s.underscore}_helper")
- end
- end
- end
- private
- # Extend the template class instance with our controller's helper module.
- def initialize_template_class_with_helper(assigns)
- initialize_template_class_without_helper(assigns).tap do |template|
- template.extend self.class.master_helper_module
- end
- end
- end