path: root/actioncable/test/channel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actioncable/test/channel')
7 files changed, 884 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/base_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/base_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb0e1673b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/base_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "minitest/mock"
+require "stubs/test_connection"
+require "stubs/room"
+class ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ class ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def kick
+ @last_action = [ :kick ]
+ end
+ def topic
+ end
+ end
+ class BasicChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def chatters
+ @last_action = [ :chatters ]
+ end
+ end
+ class ChatChannel < BasicChannel
+ attr_reader :room, :last_action
+ after_subscribe :toggle_subscribed
+ after_unsubscribe :toggle_subscribed
+ def initialize(*)
+ @subscribed = false
+ super
+ end
+ def subscribed
+ @room = Room.new params[:id]
+ @actions = []
+ end
+ def unsubscribed
+ @room = nil
+ end
+ def toggle_subscribed
+ @subscribed = !@subscribed
+ end
+ def leave
+ @last_action = [ :leave ]
+ end
+ def speak(data)
+ @last_action = [ :speak, data ]
+ end
+ def topic(data)
+ @last_action = [ :topic, data ]
+ end
+ def subscribed?
+ @subscribed
+ end
+ def get_latest
+ transmit data: "latest"
+ end
+ def receive
+ @last_action = [ :receive ]
+ end
+ private
+ def rm_rf
+ @last_action = [ :rm_rf ]
+ end
+ end
+ setup do
+ @user = User.new "lifo"
+ @connection = TestConnection.new(@user)
+ @channel = ChatChannel.new @connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ end
+ test "should subscribe to a channel" do
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ assert_equal 1, @channel.room.id
+ end
+ test "on subscribe callbacks" do
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ assert @channel.subscribed
+ end
+ test "channel params" do
+ assert_equal({ id: 1 }, @channel.params)
+ end
+ test "unsubscribing from a channel" do
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ assert @channel.room
+ assert_predicate @channel, :subscribed?
+ @channel.unsubscribe_from_channel
+ assert_not @channel.room
+ assert_not_predicate @channel, :subscribed?
+ end
+ test "connection identifiers" do
+ assert_equal @user.name, @channel.current_user.name
+ end
+ test "callable action without any argument" do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :leave
+ assert_equal [ :leave ], @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "callable action with arguments" do
+ data = { "action" => :speak, "content" => "Hello World" }
+ @channel.perform_action data
+ assert_equal [ :speak, data ], @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "should not dispatch a private method" do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :rm_rf
+ assert_nil @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "should not dispatch a public method defined on Base" do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :kick
+ assert_nil @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "should dispatch a public method defined on Base and redefined on channel" do
+ data = { "action" => :topic, "content" => "This is Sparta!" }
+ @channel.perform_action data
+ assert_equal [ :topic, data ], @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "should dispatch calling a public method defined in an ancestor" do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :chatters
+ assert_equal [ :chatters ], @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "should dispatch receive action when perform_action is called with empty action" do
+ data = { "content" => "hello" }
+ @channel.perform_action data
+ assert_equal [ :receive ], @channel.last_action
+ end
+ test "transmitting data" do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :get_latest
+ expected = { "identifier" => "{id: 1}", "message" => { "data" => "latest" } }
+ assert_equal expected, @connection.last_transmission
+ end
+ test "do not send subscription confirmation on initialize" do
+ assert_nil @connection.last_transmission
+ end
+ test "subscription confirmation on subscribe_to_channel" do
+ expected = { "identifier" => "{id: 1}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ assert_equal expected, @connection.last_transmission
+ end
+ test "actions available on Channel" do
+ available_actions = %w(room last_action subscribed unsubscribed toggle_subscribed leave speak subscribed? get_latest receive chatters topic).to_set
+ assert_equal available_actions, ChatChannel.action_methods
+ end
+ test "invalid action on Channel" do
+ assert_logged("Unable to process ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest::ChatChannel#invalid_action") do
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :invalid_action
+ end
+ end
+ test "notification for perform_action" do
+ begin
+ events = []
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "perform_action.action_cable" do |*args|
+ events << ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
+ end
+ data = { "action" => :speak, "content" => "hello" }
+ @channel.perform_action data
+ assert_equal 1, events.length
+ assert_equal "perform_action.action_cable", events[0].name
+ assert_equal "ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest::ChatChannel", events[0].payload[:channel_class]
+ assert_equal :speak, events[0].payload[:action]
+ assert_equal data, events[0].payload[:data]
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe "perform_action.action_cable"
+ end
+ end
+ test "notification for transmit" do
+ begin
+ events = []
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "transmit.action_cable" do |*args|
+ events << ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
+ end
+ @channel.perform_action "action" => :get_latest
+ expected_data = { data: "latest" }
+ assert_equal 1, events.length
+ assert_equal "transmit.action_cable", events[0].name
+ assert_equal "ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest::ChatChannel", events[0].payload[:channel_class]
+ assert_equal expected_data, events[0].payload[:data]
+ assert_nil events[0].payload[:via]
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe "transmit.action_cable"
+ end
+ end
+ test "notification for transmit_subscription_confirmation" do
+ begin
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ events = []
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "transmit_subscription_confirmation.action_cable" do |*args|
+ events << ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
+ end
+ @channel.stub(:subscription_confirmation_sent?, false) do
+ @channel.send(:transmit_subscription_confirmation)
+ assert_equal 1, events.length
+ assert_equal "transmit_subscription_confirmation.action_cable", events[0].name
+ assert_equal "ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest::ChatChannel", events[0].payload[:channel_class]
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe "transmit_subscription_confirmation.action_cable"
+ end
+ end
+ test "notification for transmit_subscription_rejection" do
+ begin
+ events = []
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "transmit_subscription_rejection.action_cable" do |*args|
+ events << ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
+ end
+ @channel.send(:transmit_subscription_rejection)
+ assert_equal 1, events.length
+ assert_equal "transmit_subscription_rejection.action_cable", events[0].name
+ assert_equal "ActionCable::Channel::BaseTest::ChatChannel", events[0].payload[:channel_class]
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe "transmit_subscription_rejection.action_cable"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_logged(message)
+ old_logger = @connection.logger
+ log = StringIO.new
+ @connection.instance_variable_set(:@logger, Logger.new(log))
+ begin
+ yield
+ log.rewind
+ assert_match message, log.read
+ ensure
+ @connection.instance_variable_set(:@logger, old_logger)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/broadcasting_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/broadcasting_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cbfabc1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/broadcasting_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "stubs/test_connection"
+require "stubs/room"
+class ActionCable::Channel::BroadcastingTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ class ChatChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ end
+ setup do
+ @connection = TestConnection.new
+ end
+ test "broadcasts_to" do
+ assert_called_with(
+ ActionCable.server,
+ :broadcast,
+ [
+ "action_cable:channel:broadcasting_test:chat:Room#1-Campfire",
+ "Hello World"
+ ]
+ ) do
+ ChatChannel.broadcast_to(Room.new(1), "Hello World")
+ end
+ end
+ test "broadcasting_for with an object" do
+ assert_equal "Room#1-Campfire", ChatChannel.broadcasting_for(Room.new(1))
+ end
+ test "broadcasting_for with an array" do
+ assert_equal "Room#1-Campfire:Room#2-Campfire", ChatChannel.broadcasting_for([ Room.new(1), Room.new(2) ])
+ end
+ test "broadcasting_for with a string" do
+ assert_equal "hello", ChatChannel.broadcasting_for("hello")
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/naming_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/naming_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45652d9cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/naming_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+class ActionCable::Channel::NamingTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ class ChatChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ end
+ test "channel_name" do
+ assert_equal "action_cable:channel:naming_test:chat", ChatChannel.channel_name
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/periodic_timers_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/periodic_timers_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c979f4c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/periodic_timers_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "stubs/test_connection"
+require "stubs/room"
+require "active_support/time"
+class ActionCable::Channel::PeriodicTimersTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ class ChatChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ # Method name arg
+ periodically :send_updates, every: 1
+ # Proc arg
+ periodically -> { ping }, every: 2
+ # Block arg
+ periodically every: 3 do
+ ping
+ end
+ private
+ def ping
+ end
+ end
+ setup do
+ @connection = TestConnection.new
+ end
+ test "periodic timers definition" do
+ timers = ChatChannel.periodic_timers
+ assert_equal 3, timers.size
+ timers.each_with_index do |timer, i|
+ assert_kind_of Proc, timer[0]
+ assert_equal i + 1, timer[1][:every]
+ end
+ end
+ test "disallow negative and zero periods" do
+ [ 0, 0.0, 0.seconds, -1, -1.seconds, "foo", :foo, Object.new ].each do |invalid|
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ ChatChannel.periodically :send_updates, every: invalid
+ end
+ assert_match(/Expected every:/, e.message)
+ end
+ end
+ test "disallow block and arg together" do
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ ChatChannel.periodically(:send_updates, every: 1) { ping }
+ end
+ assert_match(/not both/, e.message)
+ end
+ test "disallow unknown args" do
+ [ "send_updates", Object.new, nil ].each do |invalid|
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ ChatChannel.periodically invalid, every: 1
+ end
+ assert_match(/Expected a Symbol/, e.message)
+ end
+ end
+ test "timer start and stop" do
+ mock = Minitest::Mock.new
+ 3.times { mock.expect(:shutdown, nil) }
+ assert_called(
+ @connection.server.event_loop,
+ :timer,
+ times: 3,
+ returns: mock
+ ) do
+ channel = ChatChannel.new @connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ channel.unsubscribe_from_channel
+ assert_equal [], channel.send(:active_periodic_timers)
+ end
+ assert mock.verify
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/rejection_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/rejection_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..683eafcac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/rejection_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "minitest/mock"
+require "stubs/test_connection"
+require "stubs/room"
+class ActionCable::Channel::RejectionTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ class SecretChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ reject if params[:id] > 0
+ end
+ def secret_action
+ end
+ end
+ setup do
+ @user = User.new "lifo"
+ @connection = TestConnection.new(@user)
+ end
+ test "subscription rejection" do
+ subscriptions = Minitest::Mock.new
+ subscriptions.expect(:remove_subscription, SecretChannel, [SecretChannel])
+ @connection.stub(:subscriptions, subscriptions) do
+ @channel = SecretChannel.new @connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ expected = { "identifier" => "{id: 1}", "type" => "reject_subscription" }
+ assert_equal expected, @connection.last_transmission
+ end
+ assert subscriptions.verify
+ end
+ test "does not execute action if subscription is rejected" do
+ subscriptions = Minitest::Mock.new
+ subscriptions.expect(:remove_subscription, SecretChannel, [SecretChannel])
+ @connection.stub(:subscriptions, subscriptions) do
+ @channel = SecretChannel.new @connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ @channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ expected = { "identifier" => "{id: 1}", "type" => "reject_subscription" }
+ assert_equal expected, @connection.last_transmission
+ assert_equal 1, @connection.transmissions.size
+ @channel.perform_action("action" => :secret_action)
+ assert_equal 1, @connection.transmissions.size
+ end
+ assert subscriptions.verify
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/stream_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/stream_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ad2213d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/stream_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "minitest/mock"
+require "stubs/test_connection"
+require "stubs/room"
+module ActionCable::StreamTests
+ class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base
+ attr_reader :websocket
+ def send_async(method, *args)
+ send method, *args
+ end
+ end
+ class ChatChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ if params[:id]
+ @room = Room.new params[:id]
+ stream_from "test_room_#{@room.id}", coder: pick_coder(params[:coder])
+ end
+ end
+ def send_confirmation
+ transmit_subscription_confirmation
+ end
+ private
+ def pick_coder(coder)
+ case coder
+ when nil, "json"
+ ActiveSupport::JSON
+ when "custom"
+ DummyEncoder
+ when "none"
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module DummyEncoder
+ extend self
+ def encode(*) '{ "foo": "encoded" }' end
+ def decode(*) { foo: "decoded" } end
+ end
+ class SymbolChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ stream_from :channel
+ end
+ end
+ class StreamTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ test "streaming start and stop" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = TestConnection.new
+ pubsub = Minitest::Mock.new connection.pubsub
+ pubsub.expect(:subscribe, nil, ["test_room_1", Proc, Proc])
+ pubsub.expect(:unsubscribe, nil, ["test_room_1", Proc])
+ connection.stub(:pubsub, pubsub) do
+ channel = ChatChannel.new connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ wait_for_async
+ channel.unsubscribe_from_channel
+ end
+ assert pubsub.verify
+ end
+ end
+ test "stream from non-string channel" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = TestConnection.new
+ pubsub = Minitest::Mock.new connection.pubsub
+ pubsub.expect(:subscribe, nil, ["channel", Proc, Proc])
+ pubsub.expect(:unsubscribe, nil, ["channel", Proc])
+ connection.stub(:pubsub, pubsub) do
+ channel = SymbolChannel.new connection, ""
+ channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ wait_for_async
+ channel.unsubscribe_from_channel
+ end
+ assert pubsub.verify
+ end
+ end
+ test "stream_for" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = TestConnection.new
+ channel = ChatChannel.new connection, ""
+ channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ channel.stream_for Room.new(1)
+ wait_for_async
+ pubsub_call = channel.pubsub.class.class_variable_get "@@subscribe_called"
+ assert_equal "action_cable:stream_tests:chat:Room#1-Campfire", pubsub_call[:channel]
+ assert_instance_of Proc, pubsub_call[:callback]
+ assert_instance_of Proc, pubsub_call[:success_callback]
+ end
+ end
+ test "stream_from subscription confirmation" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = TestConnection.new
+ channel = ChatChannel.new connection, "{id: 1}", id: 1
+ channel.subscribe_to_channel
+ assert_nil connection.last_transmission
+ wait_for_async
+ confirmation = { "identifier" => "{id: 1}", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }
+ connection.transmit(confirmation)
+ assert_equal confirmation, connection.last_transmission, "Did not receive subscription confirmation within 0.1s"
+ end
+ end
+ test "subscription confirmation should only be sent out once" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = TestConnection.new
+ channel = ChatChannel.new connection, "test_channel"
+ channel.send_confirmation
+ channel.send_confirmation
+ wait_for_async
+ expected = { "identifier" => "test_channel", "type" => "confirm_subscription" }
+ assert_equal expected, connection.last_transmission, "Did not receive subscription confirmation"
+ assert_equal 1, connection.transmissions.size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ require "action_cable/subscription_adapter/async"
+ class UserCallbackChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ stream_from :channel do
+ Thread.current[:ran_callback] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class MultiChatChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ stream_from "main_room"
+ stream_from "test_all_rooms"
+ end
+ end
+ class StreamFromTest < ActionCable::TestCase
+ setup do
+ @server = TestServer.new(subscription_adapter: ActionCable::SubscriptionAdapter::Async)
+ @server.config.allowed_request_origins = %w( http://rubyonrails.com )
+ end
+ test "custom encoder" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = open_connection
+ subscribe_to connection, identifiers: { id: 1 }
+ assert_called(connection.websocket, :transmit) do
+ @server.broadcast "test_room_1", { foo: "bar" }, { coder: DummyEncoder }
+ wait_for_async
+ wait_for_executor connection.server.worker_pool.executor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "user supplied callbacks are run through the worker pool" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = open_connection
+ receive(connection, command: "subscribe", channel: UserCallbackChannel.name, identifiers: { id: 1 })
+ @server.broadcast "channel", {}
+ wait_for_async
+ assert_not Thread.current[:ran_callback], "User callback was not run through the worker pool"
+ end
+ end
+ test "subscription confirmation should only be sent out once with multiple stream_from" do
+ run_in_eventmachine do
+ connection = open_connection
+ expected = { "identifier" => { "channel" => MultiChatChannel.name }.to_json, "type" => "confirm_subscription" }
+ assert_called_with(connection.websocket, :transmit, [expected.to_json]) do
+ receive(connection, command: "subscribe", channel: MultiChatChannel.name, identifiers: {})
+ wait_for_async
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def subscribe_to(connection, identifiers:)
+ receive connection, command: "subscribe", identifiers: identifiers
+ end
+ def open_connection
+ env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for "/test", "HTTP_HOST" => "localhost", "HTTP_CONNECTION" => "upgrade", "HTTP_UPGRADE" => "websocket", "HTTP_ORIGIN" => "http://rubyonrails.com"
+ Connection.new(@server, env).tap do |connection|
+ connection.process
+ assert_predicate connection.websocket, :possible?
+ wait_for_async
+ assert_predicate connection.websocket, :alive?
+ end
+ end
+ def receive(connection, command:, identifiers:, channel: "ActionCable::StreamTests::ChatChannel")
+ identifier = JSON.generate(identifiers.merge(channel: channel))
+ connection.dispatch_websocket_message JSON.generate(command: command, identifier: identifier)
+ wait_for_async
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actioncable/test/channel/test_case_test.rb b/actioncable/test/channel/test_case_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63d0d6207e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actioncable/test/channel/test_case_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+class TestTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+class NonInferrableExplicitClassChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ tests TestTestChannel
+ def test_set_channel_class_manual
+ assert_equal TestTestChannel, self.class.channel_class
+ end
+class NonInferrableSymbolNameChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ tests :test_test_channel
+ def test_set_channel_class_manual_using_symbol
+ assert_equal TestTestChannel, self.class.channel_class
+ end
+class NonInferrableStringNameChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ tests "test_test_channel"
+ def test_set_channel_class_manual_using_string
+ assert_equal TestTestChannel, self.class.channel_class
+ end
+class SubscriptionsTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+class SubscriptionsTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ stub_connection
+ end
+ def test_no_subscribe
+ assert_nil subscription
+ end
+ def test_subscribe
+ subscribe
+ assert subscription.confirmed?
+ assert_not subscription.rejected?
+ assert_equal 1, connection.transmissions.size
+ assert_equal ActionCable::INTERNAL[:message_types][:confirmation],
+ connection.transmissions.last["type"]
+ end
+class StubConnectionTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ tests SubscriptionsTestChannel
+ def test_connection_identifiers
+ stub_connection username: "John", admin: true
+ subscribe
+ assert_equal "John", subscription.username
+ assert subscription.admin
+ end
+class RejectionTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ reject
+ end
+class RejectionTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ def test_rejection
+ subscribe
+ assert_not subscription.confirmed?
+ assert subscription.rejected?
+ assert_equal 1, connection.transmissions.size
+ assert_equal ActionCable::INTERNAL[:message_types][:rejection],
+ connection.transmissions.last["type"]
+ end
+class StreamsTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def subscribed
+ stream_from "test_#{params[:id] || 0}"
+ end
+class StreamsTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ def test_stream_without_params
+ subscribe
+ assert_equal "test_0", streams.last
+ end
+ def test_stream_with_params
+ subscribe id: 42
+ assert_equal "test_42", streams.last
+ end
+class PerformTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def echo(data)
+ data.delete("action")
+ transmit data
+ end
+ def ping
+ transmit type: "pong"
+ end
+class PerformTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ stub_connection user_id: 2016
+ subscribe id: 5
+ end
+ def test_perform_with_params
+ perform :echo, text: "You are man!"
+ assert_equal({ "text" => "You are man!" }, transmissions.last)
+ end
+ def test_perform_and_transmit
+ perform :ping
+ assert_equal "pong", transmissions.last["type"]
+ end
+class PerformUnsubscribedTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ tests PerformTestChannel
+ def test_perform_when_unsubscribed
+ assert_raises do
+ perform :echo
+ end
+ end
+class BroadcastsTestChannel < ActionCable::Channel::Base
+ def broadcast(data)
+ ActionCable.server.broadcast(
+ "broadcast_#{params[:id]}",
+ text: data["message"], user_id: user_id
+ )
+ end
+ def broadcast_to_user(data)
+ user = User.new user_id
+ self.class.broadcast_to user, text: data["message"]
+ end
+class BroadcastsTestChannelTest < ActionCable::Channel::TestCase
+ def setup
+ stub_connection user_id: 2017
+ subscribe id: 5
+ end
+ def test_broadcast_matchers_included
+ assert_broadcast_on("broadcast_5", user_id: 2017, text: "SOS") do
+ perform :broadcast, message: "SOS"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_broadcast_to_object
+ user = User.new(2017)
+ assert_broadcasts(user, 1) do
+ perform :broadcast_to_user, text: "SOS"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_broadcast_to_object_with_data
+ user = User.new(2017)
+ assert_broadcast_on(user, text: "SOS") do
+ perform :broadcast_to_user, message: "SOS"
+ end
+ end