diff options
12 files changed, 331 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb b/actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb
index d7aee18a84..070d82cf17 100644
--- a/actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb
+++ b/actionview/lib/action_view/template.rb
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ module ActionView
# Exceptions are marshalled when using the parallel test runner with DRb, so we need
# to ensure that references to the template object can be marshalled as well. This means forgoing
# the marshalling of the compiler mutex and instantiating that again on unmarshalling.
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb
index feacdf6931..0059f0b773 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb
@@ -410,16 +410,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # The default strategy for an UPDATE with joins is to use a subquery. This doesn't work
- # on MySQL (even when aliasing the tables), but MySQL allows using JOIN directly in
- # an UPDATE statement, so in the MySQL adapters we redefine this to do that.
- def join_to_update(update, select, key) # :nodoc:
- subselect = subquery_for(key, select)
- update.where key.in(subselect)
- end
- alias join_to_delete join_to_update
def default_insert_value(column)
@@ -460,13 +450,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
- # Returns a subquery for the given key using the join information.
- def subquery_for(key, select)
- subselect = select.clone
- subselect.projections = [key]
- subselect
- end
# Returns an ActiveRecord::Result instance.
def select(sql, name = nil, binds = [])
exec_query(sql, name, binds, prepare: false)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
index 09242a0f14..d40f38fb77 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_mysql_adapter.rb
@@ -223,18 +223,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
execute "ROLLBACK"
- # In the simple case, MySQL allows us to place JOINs directly into the UPDATE
- # query. However, this does not allow for LIMIT, OFFSET and ORDER. To support
- # these, we must use a subquery.
- def join_to_update(update, select, key) # :nodoc:
- if select.limit || select.offset || select.orders.any?
- super
- else
- update.table select.source
- update.wheres = select.constraints
- end
- end
def empty_insert_statement_value(primary_key = nil)
@@ -733,20 +721,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
[remove_column_for_alter(table_name, :updated_at), remove_column_for_alter(table_name, :created_at)]
- # MySQL is too stupid to create a temporary table for use subquery, so we have
- # to give it some prompting in the form of a subsubquery. Ugh!
- def subquery_for(key, select)
- subselect = select.clone
- subselect.projections = [key]
- # Materialize subquery by adding distinct
- # to work with MySQL 5.7.6 which sets optimizer_switch='derived_merge=on'
- subselect.distinct unless select.limit || select.offset || select.orders.any?
- key_name = quote_column_name(key.name)
- Arel::SelectManager.new(subselect.as("__active_record_temp")).project(Arel.sql(key_name))
- end
def supports_rename_index?
mariadb? ? false : version >= "5.7.6"
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixture_set/render_context.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixture_set/render_context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c90b5343dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixture_set/render_context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# NOTE: This class has to be defined in compact style in
+# order for rendering context subclassing to work correctly.
+class ActiveRecord::FixtureSet::RenderContext # :nodoc:
+ def self.create_subclass
+ Class.new(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.context_class) do
+ def get_binding
+ binding()
+ end
+ def binary(path)
+ %(!!binary "#{Base64.strict_encode64(File.read(path))}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb
index 0d1fdcfb28..e697c30bb6 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/fixtures.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ require "set"
require "active_support/dependencies"
require "active_support/core_ext/digest/uuid"
require "active_record/fixture_set/file"
+require "active_record/fixture_set/render_context"
+require "active_record/test_fixtures"
require "active_record/errors"
module ActiveRecord
@@ -851,217 +853,3 @@ module ActiveRecord
-module ActiveRecord
- module TestFixtures
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- def before_setup # :nodoc:
- setup_fixtures
- super
- end
- def after_teardown # :nodoc:
- super
- teardown_fixtures
- end
- included do
- class_attribute :fixture_path, instance_writer: false
- class_attribute :fixture_table_names, default: []
- class_attribute :fixture_class_names, default: {}
- class_attribute :use_transactional_tests, default: true
- class_attribute :use_instantiated_fixtures, default: false # true, false, or :no_instances
- class_attribute :pre_loaded_fixtures, default: false
- class_attribute :config, default: ActiveRecord::Base
- class_attribute :lock_threads, default: true
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Sets the model class for a fixture when the class name cannot be inferred from the fixture name.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # set_fixture_class some_fixture: SomeModel,
- # 'namespaced/fixture' => Another::Model
- #
- # The keys must be the fixture names, that coincide with the short paths to the fixture files.
- def set_fixture_class(class_names = {})
- self.fixture_class_names = fixture_class_names.merge(class_names.stringify_keys)
- end
- def fixtures(*fixture_set_names)
- if fixture_set_names.first == :all
- raise StandardError, "No fixture path found. Please set `#{self}.fixture_path`." if fixture_path.blank?
- fixture_set_names = Dir["#{fixture_path}/{**,*}/*.{yml}"].uniq
- fixture_set_names.map! { |f| f[(fixture_path.to_s.size + 1)..-5] }
- else
- fixture_set_names = fixture_set_names.flatten.map(&:to_s)
- end
- self.fixture_table_names |= fixture_set_names
- setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names)
- end
- def setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names = nil)
- fixture_set_names = Array(fixture_set_names || fixture_table_names)
- methods = Module.new do
- fixture_set_names.each do |fs_name|
- fs_name = fs_name.to_s
- accessor_name = fs_name.tr("/", "_").to_sym
- define_method(accessor_name) do |*fixture_names|
- force_reload = fixture_names.pop if fixture_names.last == true || fixture_names.last == :reload
- return_single_record = fixture_names.size == 1
- fixture_names = @loaded_fixtures[fs_name].fixtures.keys if fixture_names.empty?
- @fixture_cache[fs_name] ||= {}
- instances = fixture_names.map do |f_name|
- f_name = f_name.to_s if f_name.is_a?(Symbol)
- @fixture_cache[fs_name].delete(f_name) if force_reload
- if @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name]
- @fixture_cache[fs_name][f_name] ||= @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name].find
- else
- raise StandardError, "No fixture named '#{f_name}' found for fixture set '#{fs_name}'"
- end
- end
- return_single_record ? instances.first : instances
- end
- private accessor_name
- end
- end
- include methods
- end
- def uses_transaction(*methods)
- @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction)
- @uses_transaction.concat methods.map(&:to_s)
- end
- def uses_transaction?(method)
- @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction)
- @uses_transaction.include?(method.to_s)
- end
- end
- def run_in_transaction?
- use_transactional_tests &&
- !self.class.uses_transaction?(method_name)
- end
- def setup_fixtures(config = ActiveRecord::Base)
- if pre_loaded_fixtures && !use_transactional_tests
- raise RuntimeError, "pre_loaded_fixtures requires use_transactional_tests"
- end
- @fixture_cache = {}
- @fixture_connections = []
- @@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {}
- @connection_subscriber = nil
- # Load fixtures once and begin transaction.
- if run_in_transaction?
- if @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class]
- @loaded_fixtures = @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class]
- else
- @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config)
- @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = @loaded_fixtures
- end
- # Begin transactions for connections already established
- @fixture_connections = enlist_fixture_connections
- @fixture_connections.each do |connection|
- connection.begin_transaction joinable: false
- connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads
- end
- # When connections are established in the future, begin a transaction too
- @connection_subscriber = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("!connection.active_record") do |_, _, _, _, payload|
- spec_name = payload[:spec_name] if payload.key?(:spec_name)
- if spec_name
- begin
- connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.retrieve_connection(spec_name)
- rescue ConnectionNotEstablished
- connection = nil
- end
- if connection && !@fixture_connections.include?(connection)
- connection.begin_transaction joinable: false
- connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads
- @fixture_connections << connection
- end
- end
- end
- # Load fixtures for every test.
- else
- ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
- @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = nil
- @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config)
- end
- # Instantiate fixtures for every test if requested.
- instantiate_fixtures if use_instantiated_fixtures
- end
- def teardown_fixtures
- # Rollback changes if a transaction is active.
- if run_in_transaction?
- ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(@connection_subscriber) if @connection_subscriber
- @fixture_connections.each do |connection|
- connection.rollback_transaction if connection.transaction_open?
- connection.pool.lock_thread = false
- end
- @fixture_connections.clear
- else
- ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
- end
- ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!
- end
- def enlist_fixture_connections
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pool_list.map(&:connection)
- end
- private
- def load_fixtures(config)
- fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixture_path, fixture_table_names, fixture_class_names, config)
- Hash[fixtures.map { |f| [f.name, f] }]
- end
- def instantiate_fixtures
- if pre_loaded_fixtures
- raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.all_loaded_fixtures.empty?
- ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_all_loaded_fixtures(self, load_instances?)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if @loaded_fixtures.nil?
- @loaded_fixtures.each_value do |fixture_set|
- ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_fixtures(self, fixture_set, load_instances?)
- end
- end
- end
- def load_instances?
- use_instantiated_fixtures != :no_instances
- end
- end
-class ActiveRecord::FixtureSet::RenderContext # :nodoc:
- def self.create_subclass
- Class.new ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.context_class do
- def get_binding
- binding()
- end
- def binary(path)
- %(!!binary "#{Base64.strict_encode64(File.read(path))}")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
index d8cff30b88..d5b6082d13 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation.rb
@@ -348,7 +348,12 @@ module ActiveRecord
stmt = Arel::UpdateManager.new
- stmt.table(table)
+ stmt.table(arel.join_sources.empty? ? table : arel.source)
+ stmt.key = arel_attribute(primary_key)
+ stmt.take(arel.limit)
+ stmt.offset(arel.offset)
+ stmt.order(*arel.orders)
+ stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
if updates.is_a?(Hash)
stmt.set _substitute_values(updates)
@@ -356,16 +361,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
stmt.set Arel.sql(klass.sanitize_sql_for_assignment(updates, table.name))
- if has_join_values?
- @klass.connection.join_to_update(stmt, arel, arel_attribute(primary_key))
- else
- stmt.key = arel_attribute(primary_key)
- stmt.take(arel.limit)
- stmt.offset(arel.offset)
- stmt.order(*arel.orders)
- stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
- end
@klass.connection.update stmt, "#{@klass} Update All"
@@ -483,17 +478,12 @@ module ActiveRecord
stmt = Arel::DeleteManager.new
- stmt.from(table)
- if has_join_values?
- @klass.connection.join_to_delete(stmt, arel, arel_attribute(primary_key))
- else
- stmt.key = arel_attribute(primary_key)
- stmt.take(arel.limit)
- stmt.offset(arel.offset)
- stmt.order(*arel.orders)
- stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
- end
+ stmt.from(arel.join_sources.empty? ? table : arel.source)
+ stmt.key = arel_attribute(primary_key)
+ stmt.take(arel.limit)
+ stmt.offset(arel.offset)
+ stmt.order(*arel.orders)
+ stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
affected = @klass.connection.delete(stmt, "#{@klass} Destroy")
@@ -648,10 +638,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
- def has_join_values?
- joins_values.any? || left_outer_joins_values.any?
- end
def exec_queries(&block)
skip_query_cache_if_necessary do
@records =
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/test_fixtures.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/test_fixtures.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b7b3f7112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/test_fixtures.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ActiveRecord
+ module TestFixtures
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ def before_setup # :nodoc:
+ setup_fixtures
+ super
+ end
+ def after_teardown # :nodoc:
+ super
+ teardown_fixtures
+ end
+ included do
+ class_attribute :fixture_path, instance_writer: false
+ class_attribute :fixture_table_names, default: []
+ class_attribute :fixture_class_names, default: {}
+ class_attribute :use_transactional_tests, default: true
+ class_attribute :use_instantiated_fixtures, default: false # true, false, or :no_instances
+ class_attribute :pre_loaded_fixtures, default: false
+ class_attribute :config, default: ActiveRecord::Base
+ class_attribute :lock_threads, default: true
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Sets the model class for a fixture when the class name cannot be inferred from the fixture name.
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ #
+ # set_fixture_class some_fixture: SomeModel,
+ # 'namespaced/fixture' => Another::Model
+ #
+ # The keys must be the fixture names, that coincide with the short paths to the fixture files.
+ def set_fixture_class(class_names = {})
+ self.fixture_class_names = fixture_class_names.merge(class_names.stringify_keys)
+ end
+ def fixtures(*fixture_set_names)
+ if fixture_set_names.first == :all
+ raise StandardError, "No fixture path found. Please set `#{self}.fixture_path`." if fixture_path.blank?
+ fixture_set_names = Dir["#{fixture_path}/{**,*}/*.{yml}"].uniq
+ fixture_set_names.map! { |f| f[(fixture_path.to_s.size + 1)..-5] }
+ else
+ fixture_set_names = fixture_set_names.flatten.map(&:to_s)
+ end
+ self.fixture_table_names |= fixture_set_names
+ setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names)
+ end
+ def setup_fixture_accessors(fixture_set_names = nil)
+ fixture_set_names = Array(fixture_set_names || fixture_table_names)
+ methods = Module.new do
+ fixture_set_names.each do |fs_name|
+ fs_name = fs_name.to_s
+ accessor_name = fs_name.tr("/", "_").to_sym
+ define_method(accessor_name) do |*fixture_names|
+ force_reload = fixture_names.pop if fixture_names.last == true || fixture_names.last == :reload
+ return_single_record = fixture_names.size == 1
+ fixture_names = @loaded_fixtures[fs_name].fixtures.keys if fixture_names.empty?
+ @fixture_cache[fs_name] ||= {}
+ instances = fixture_names.map do |f_name|
+ f_name = f_name.to_s if f_name.is_a?(Symbol)
+ @fixture_cache[fs_name].delete(f_name) if force_reload
+ if @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name]
+ @fixture_cache[fs_name][f_name] ||= @loaded_fixtures[fs_name][f_name].find
+ else
+ raise StandardError, "No fixture named '#{f_name}' found for fixture set '#{fs_name}'"
+ end
+ end
+ return_single_record ? instances.first : instances
+ end
+ private accessor_name
+ end
+ end
+ include methods
+ end
+ def uses_transaction(*methods)
+ @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction)
+ @uses_transaction.concat methods.map(&:to_s)
+ end
+ def uses_transaction?(method)
+ @uses_transaction = [] unless defined?(@uses_transaction)
+ @uses_transaction.include?(method.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ def run_in_transaction?
+ use_transactional_tests &&
+ !self.class.uses_transaction?(method_name)
+ end
+ def setup_fixtures(config = ActiveRecord::Base)
+ if pre_loaded_fixtures && !use_transactional_tests
+ raise RuntimeError, "pre_loaded_fixtures requires use_transactional_tests"
+ end
+ @fixture_cache = {}
+ @fixture_connections = []
+ @@already_loaded_fixtures ||= {}
+ @connection_subscriber = nil
+ # Load fixtures once and begin transaction.
+ if run_in_transaction?
+ if @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class]
+ @loaded_fixtures = @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class]
+ else
+ @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config)
+ @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = @loaded_fixtures
+ end
+ # Begin transactions for connections already established
+ @fixture_connections = enlist_fixture_connections
+ @fixture_connections.each do |connection|
+ connection.begin_transaction joinable: false
+ connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads
+ end
+ # When connections are established in the future, begin a transaction too
+ @connection_subscriber = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("!connection.active_record") do |_, _, _, _, payload|
+ spec_name = payload[:spec_name] if payload.key?(:spec_name)
+ if spec_name
+ begin
+ connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.retrieve_connection(spec_name)
+ rescue ConnectionNotEstablished
+ connection = nil
+ end
+ if connection && !@fixture_connections.include?(connection)
+ connection.begin_transaction joinable: false
+ connection.pool.lock_thread = true if lock_threads
+ @fixture_connections << connection
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Load fixtures for every test.
+ else
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ @@already_loaded_fixtures[self.class] = nil
+ @loaded_fixtures = load_fixtures(config)
+ end
+ # Instantiate fixtures for every test if requested.
+ instantiate_fixtures if use_instantiated_fixtures
+ end
+ def teardown_fixtures
+ # Rollback changes if a transaction is active.
+ if run_in_transaction?
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(@connection_subscriber) if @connection_subscriber
+ @fixture_connections.each do |connection|
+ connection.rollback_transaction if connection.transaction_open?
+ connection.pool.lock_thread = false
+ end
+ @fixture_connections.clear
+ else
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!
+ end
+ def enlist_fixture_connections
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pool_list.map(&:connection)
+ end
+ private
+ def load_fixtures(config)
+ fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(fixture_path, fixture_table_names, fixture_class_names, config)
+ Hash[fixtures.map { |f| [f.name, f] }]
+ end
+ def instantiate_fixtures
+ if pre_loaded_fixtures
+ raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.all_loaded_fixtures.empty?
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_all_loaded_fixtures(self, load_instances?)
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError, "Load fixtures before instantiating them." if @loaded_fixtures.nil?
+ @loaded_fixtures.each_value do |fixture_set|
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.instantiate_fixtures(self, fixture_set, load_instances?)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def load_instances?
+ use_instantiated_fixtures != :no_instances
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb b/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb
index eb8a449079..081452caeb 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb
@@ -65,12 +65,42 @@ module Arel # :nodoc: all
+ # In the simple case, MySQL allows us to place JOINs directly into the UPDATE
+ # query. However, this does not allow for LIMIT, OFFSET and ORDER. To support
+ # these, we must use a subquery.
+ def prepare_update_statement(o)
+ if has_join_sources?(o)
+ if has_limit_or_offset_or_orders?(o)
+ super
+ else
+ o
+ end
+ elsif o.offset
+ super
+ else
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ def prepare_delete_statement(o)
+ if has_join_sources?(o) || o.offset
+ super
+ else
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ # MySQL is too stupid to create a temporary table for use subquery, so we have
+ # to give it some prompting in the form of a subsubquery.
def build_subselect(key, o)
subselect = super
# Materialize subquery by adding distinct
# to work with MySQL 5.7.6 which sets optimizer_switch='derived_merge=on'
- subselect.distinct unless subselect.limit || subselect.offset || subselect.orders.any?
+ unless has_limit_or_offset_or_orders?(subselect)
+ core = subselect.cores.last
+ core.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::Distinct.new
+ end
Nodes::SelectStatement.new.tap do |stmt|
core = stmt.cores.last
@@ -78,22 +108,6 @@ module Arel # :nodoc: all
core.projections = [Arel.sql(quote_column_name(key.name))]
- def collect_where_for(o, collector)
- return super if o.offset
- unless o.wheres.empty?
- collector << " WHERE "
- collector = inject_join o.wheres, collector, " AND "
- end
- unless o.orders.empty?
- collector << " ORDER BY "
- collector = inject_join o.orders, collector, ", "
- end
- maybe_visit o.limit, collector
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb b/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
index 0172204fc8..7c0f6c2e97 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb
@@ -74,26 +74,17 @@ module Arel # :nodoc: all
def visit_Arel_Nodes_DeleteStatement(o, collector)
+ o = prepare_delete_statement(o)
collector << "DELETE FROM "
collector = visit o.relation, collector
collect_where_for(o, collector)
- # FIXME: we should probably have a 2-pass visitor for this
- def build_subselect(key, o)
- stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
- core = stmt.cores.first
- core.froms = o.relation
- core.wheres = o.wheres
- core.projections = [key]
- stmt.limit = o.limit
- stmt.offset = o.offset
- stmt.orders = o.orders
- stmt
- end
def visit_Arel_Nodes_UpdateStatement(o, collector)
+ o = prepare_update_statement(o)
collector << "UPDATE "
collector = visit o.relation, collector
unless o.values.empty?
@@ -800,19 +791,57 @@ module Arel # :nodoc: all
- def collect_where_for(o, collector)
- if o.orders.empty? && o.limit.nil? && o.offset.nil?
- wheres = o.wheres
+ def has_join_sources?(o)
+ o.relation.is_a?(Nodes::JoinSource) && !o.relation.right.empty?
+ end
+ def has_limit_or_offset_or_orders?(o)
+ o.limit || o.offset || !o.orders.empty?
+ end
+ # The default strategy for an UPDATE with joins is to use a subquery. This doesn't work
+ # on MySQL (even when aliasing the tables), but MySQL allows using JOIN directly in
+ # an UPDATE statement, so in the MySQL visitor we redefine this to do that.
+ def prepare_update_statement(o)
+ if o.key && (has_limit_or_offset_or_orders?(o) || has_join_sources?(o))
+ stmt = o.clone
+ stmt.limit = nil
+ stmt.offset = nil
+ stmt.orders = []
+ stmt.wheres = [Nodes::In.new(o.key, [build_subselect(o.key, o)])]
+ stmt.relation = o.relation.left if has_join_sources?(o)
+ stmt
- wheres = [Nodes::In.new(o.key, [build_subselect(o.key, o)])]
+ o
+ end
+ alias :prepare_delete_statement :prepare_update_statement
+ # FIXME: we should probably have a 2-pass visitor for this
+ def build_subselect(key, o)
+ stmt = Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ core = stmt.cores.first
+ core.froms = o.relation
+ core.wheres = o.wheres
+ core.projections = [key]
+ stmt.limit = o.limit
+ stmt.offset = o.offset
+ stmt.orders = o.orders
+ stmt
+ end
- unless wheres.empty?
+ def collect_where_for(o, collector)
+ unless o.wheres.empty?
collector << " WHERE "
- collector = inject_join wheres, collector, " AND "
+ collector = inject_join o.wheres, collector, " AND "
- collector
+ unless o.orders.empty?
+ collector << " ORDER BY "
+ collector = inject_join o.orders, collector, ", "
+ end
+ maybe_visit o.limit, collector
def infix_value(o, collector, value)
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/configurable.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/configurable.rb
index 2610114d8f..6159e45230 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/configurable.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/configurable.rb
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
# end
# User.hair_colors # => [:brown, :black, :blonde, :red]
- def config_accessor(*names)
+ def config_accessor(*names) #:doc:
options = names.extract_options!
names.each do |name|
diff --git a/activesupport/test/broadcast_logger_test.rb b/activesupport/test/broadcast_logger_test.rb
index 02bc317c66..7dfa8a62bd 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/broadcast_logger_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/broadcast_logger_test.rb
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ module ActiveSupport
test "Including top constant LoggerSilence is deprecated" do
assert_deprecated("Please use `ActiveSupport::LoggerSilence`") do
- logger = Class.new(CustomLogger) do
+ Class.new(CustomLogger) do
include ::LoggerSilence
diff --git a/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.md b/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.md
index f9fc7044ba..6b0554bb5f 100644
--- a/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.md
+++ b/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.md
@@ -590,9 +590,9 @@ NOTE: Defined in `active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors.rb`.
### Parents
-#### `parent`
+#### `module_parent`
-The `parent` method on a nested named module returns the module that contains its corresponding constant:
+The `module_parent` method on a nested named module returns the module that contains its corresponding constant:
module X
@@ -603,19 +603,19 @@ module X
M = X::Y::Z
-X::Y::Z.parent # => X::Y
-M.parent # => X::Y
+X::Y::Z.module_parent # => X::Y
+M.module_parent # => X::Y
-If the module is anonymous or belongs to the top-level, `parent` returns `Object`.
+If the module is anonymous or belongs to the top-level, `module_parent` returns `Object`.
-WARNING: Note that in that case `parent_name` returns `nil`.
+WARNING: Note that in that case `module_parent_name` returns `nil`.
NOTE: Defined in `active_support/core_ext/module/introspection.rb`.
-#### `parent_name`
+#### `module_parent_name`
-The `parent_name` method on a nested named module returns the fully qualified name of the module that contains its corresponding constant:
+The `module_parent_name` method on a nested named module returns the fully qualified name of the module that contains its corresponding constant:
module X
@@ -626,19 +626,19 @@ module X
M = X::Y::Z
-X::Y::Z.parent_name # => "X::Y"
-M.parent_name # => "X::Y"
+X::Y::Z.module_parent_name # => "X::Y"
+M.module_parent_name # => "X::Y"
-For top-level or anonymous modules `parent_name` returns `nil`.
+For top-level or anonymous modules `module_parent_name` returns `nil`.
-WARNING: Note that in that case `parent` returns `Object`.
+WARNING: Note that in that case `module_parent` returns `Object`.
NOTE: Defined in `active_support/core_ext/module/introspection.rb`.
-#### `parents`
+#### `module_parents`
-The method `parents` calls `parent` on the receiver and upwards until `Object` is reached. The chain is returned in an array, from bottom to top:
+The method `module_parents` calls `module_parent` on the receiver and upwards until `Object` is reached. The chain is returned in an array, from bottom to top:
module X
@@ -649,8 +649,8 @@ module X
M = X::Y::Z
-X::Y::Z.parents # => [X::Y, X, Object]
-M.parents # => [X::Y, X, Object]
+X::Y::Z.module_parents # => [X::Y, X, Object]
+M.module_parents # => [X::Y, X, Object]
NOTE: Defined in `active_support/core_ext/module/introspection.rb`.