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3 files changed, 119 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG b/activesupport/CHANGELOG
index b9f565c71d..a5a7a9b904 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+*Rails 3.0.0 [beta 3] (pending)*
+* Speed up and add Ruby 1.9 support for ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#tidy_bytes. #4350 [Norman Clarke]
*Rails 3.0.0 [beta 2] (April 1st, 2010)*
* Reduced load time by deferring configuration of classes using
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/chars.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/chars.rb
index 3eb0bf31f8..38007fd4e7 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/chars.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/multibyte/chars.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
# bad.explicit_checking_method "T".mb_chars.downcase.to_s
# The default Chars implementation assumes that the encoding of the string is UTF-8, if you want to handle different
- # encodings you can write your own multibyte string handler and configure it through
+ # encodings you can write your own multibyte string handler and configure it through
# ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class.
# class CharsForUTF32
@@ -458,8 +458,10 @@ module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
# Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
- def tidy_bytes
- chars(self.class.tidy_bytes(@wrapped_string))
+ #
+ # Passing +true+ will forcibly tidy all bytes, assuming that the string's encoding is entirely CP1252 or ISO-8859-1.
+ def tidy_bytes(force = false)
+ chars(self.class.tidy_bytes(@wrapped_string, force))
%w(lstrip rstrip strip reverse upcase downcase tidy_bytes capitalize).each do |method|
@@ -528,7 +530,7 @@ module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
unpacked << codepoints[marker..pos-1]
marker = pos
- end
+ end
@@ -644,33 +646,80 @@ module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
+ def tidy_byte(byte)
+ if byte < 160
+ [UCD.cp1252[byte] || byte].pack("U").unpack("C*")
+ elsif byte < 192
+ [194, byte]
+ else
+ [195, byte - 64]
+ end
+ end
+ private :tidy_byte
# Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
- def tidy_bytes(string)
- string.split(//u).map do |c|
- c.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII) if c.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- if !ActiveSupport::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER['UTF-8'].match(c)
- n = c.unpack('C')[0]
- n < 128 ? n.chr :
- n < 160 ? [UCD.cp1252[n] || n].pack('U') :
- n < 192 ? "\xC2" + n.chr : "\xC3" + (n-64).chr
+ #
+ # Passing +true+ will forcibly tidy all bytes, assuming that the string's encoding is entirely CP-1252 or ISO-8859-1.
+ def tidy_bytes(string, force = false)
+ if force
+ return string.unpack("C*").map do |b|
+ tidy_byte(b)
+ end.flatten.compact.pack("C*").unpack("U*").pack("U*")
+ end
+ bytes = string.unpack("C*")
+ conts_expected = 0
+ last_lead = 0
+ bytes.each_index do |i|
+ byte = bytes[i]
+ is_ascii = byte < 128
+ is_cont = byte > 127 && byte < 192
+ is_lead = byte > 191 && byte < 245
+ is_unused = byte > 240
+ is_restricted = byte > 244
+ # Impossible or highly unlikely byte? Clean it.
+ if is_unused || is_restricted
+ bytes[i] = tidy_byte(byte)
+ elsif is_cont
+ # Not expecting contination byte? Clean up. Otherwise, now expect one less.
+ conts_expected == 0 ? bytes[i] = tidy_byte(byte) : conts_expected -= 1
- c
+ if conts_expected > 0
+ # Expected continuation, but got ASCII or leading? Clean backwards up to
+ # the leading byte.
+ (1..(i - last_lead)).each {|j| bytes[i - j] = tidy_byte(bytes[i - j])}
+ conts_expected = 0
+ end
+ if is_lead
+ # Final byte is leading? Clean it.
+ if i == bytes.length - 1
+ bytes[i] = tidy_byte(bytes.last)
+ else
+ # Valid leading byte? Expect continuations determined by position of
+ # first zero bit, with max of 3.
+ conts_expected = byte < 224 ? 1 : byte < 240 ? 2 : 3
+ last_lead = i
+ end
+ end
- end.join
+ end
+ bytes.empty? ? "" : bytes.flatten.compact.pack("C*").unpack("U*").pack("U*")
def translate_offset(byte_offset) #:nodoc:
return nil if byte_offset.nil?
return 0 if @wrapped_string == ''
if @wrapped_string.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
@wrapped_string = @wrapped_string.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
rescue ArgumentError => e
diff --git a/activesupport/test/multibyte_chars_test.rb b/activesupport/test/multibyte_chars_test.rb
index 0e489c10e1..1b8d13c024 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/multibyte_chars_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/multibyte_chars_test.rb
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class MultibyteCharsUTF8BehaviourTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# Ruby 1.9 only supports basic whitespace
@whitespace = "\n\t ".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
@byte_order_mark = [65279].pack('U')
@@ -468,14 +468,6 @@ end
class MultibyteCharsExtrasTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include MultibyteTestHelpers
- if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
- def test_tidy_bytes_is_broken_on_1_9_0
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- assert_equal_codepoints [0xfffd].pack('U'), chars("\xef\xbf\xbd").tidy_bytes
- end
- end
- end
def test_upcase_should_be_unicode_aware
assert_equal "АБВГД\0F", chars("аБвгд\0f").upcase
assert_equal 'こにちわ', chars('こにちわ').upcase
@@ -504,7 +496,7 @@ class MultibyteCharsExtrasTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_limit_should_work_on_a_multibyte_string
example = chars(UNICODE_STRING)
bytesize = UNICODE_STRING.respond_to?(:bytesize) ? UNICODE_STRING.bytesize : UNICODE_STRING.size
assert_equal UNICODE_STRING, example.limit(bytesize)
assert_equal '', example.limit(0)
assert_equal '', example.limit(1)
@@ -531,7 +523,7 @@ class MultibyteCharsExtrasTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert example.limit(limit).to_s.length <= limit
def test_composition_exclusion_is_set_up_properly
# Normalization of DEVANAGARI LETTER QA breaks when composition exclusion isn't used correctly
qa = [0x915, 0x93c].pack('U*')
@@ -607,28 +599,57 @@ class MultibyteCharsExtrasTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_tidy_bytes_should_tidy_bytes
+ single_byte_cases = {
+ "\x21" => "!", # Valid ASCII byte, low
+ "\x41" => "A", # Valid ASCII byte, mid
+ "\x7E" => "~", # Valid ASCII byte, high
+ "\x80" => "€", # Continuation byte, low (cp125)
+ "\x94" => "”", # Continuation byte, mid (cp125)
+ "\x9F" => "Ÿ", # Continuation byte, high (cp125)
+ "\xC0" => "À", # Overlong encoding, start of 2-byte sequence, but codepoint < 128
+ "\xC1" => "Á", # Overlong encoding, start of 2-byte sequence, but codepoint < 128
+ "\xC2" => "Â", # Start of 2-byte sequence, low
+ "\xC8" => "È", # Start of 2-byte sequence, mid
+ "\xDF" => "ß", # Start of 2-byte sequence, high
+ "\xE0" => "à", # Start of 3-byte sequence, low
+ "\xE8" => "è", # Start of 3-byte sequence, mid
+ "\xEF" => "ï", # Start of 3-byte sequence, high
+ "\xF0" => "ð", # Start of 4-byte sequence
+ "\xF1" => "ñ", # Unused byte
+ "\xFF" => "ÿ", # Restricted byte
+ "\x00" => "\x00" # null char
+ }
+ single_byte_cases.each do |bad, good|
+ assert_equal good, chars(bad).tidy_bytes.to_s
+ assert_equal "#{good}#{good}", chars("#{bad}#{bad}").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "#{good}#{good}#{good}", chars("#{bad}#{bad}#{bad}").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "#{good}a", chars("#{bad}a").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "#{good}á", chars("#{bad}á").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "a#{good}a", chars("a#{bad}a").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "á#{good}á", chars("á#{bad}á").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "a#{good}", chars("a#{bad}").tidy_bytes
+ assert_equal "á#{good}", chars("á#{bad}").tidy_bytes
+ end
byte_string = "\270\236\010\210\245"
tidy_string = [0xb8, 0x17e, 0x8, 0x2c6, 0xa5].pack('U*')
- ascii_padding = 'aa'
- utf8_padding = 'éé'
assert_equal_codepoints tidy_string, chars(byte_string).tidy_bytes
- assert_equal_codepoints ascii_padding.dup.insert(1, tidy_string),
- chars(ascii_padding.dup.insert(1, byte_string)).tidy_bytes
- assert_equal_codepoints utf8_padding.dup.insert(2, tidy_string),
- chars(utf8_padding.dup.insert(2, byte_string)).tidy_bytes
assert_nothing_raised { chars(byte_string).tidy_bytes.to_s.unpack('U*') }
- assert_equal_codepoints "\xC3\xA7", chars("\xE7").tidy_bytes # iso_8859_1: small c cedilla
- assert_equal_codepoints "\xE2\x80\x9C", chars("\x93").tidy_bytes # win_1252: left smart quote
- assert_equal_codepoints "\xE2\x82\xAC", chars("\x80").tidy_bytes # win_1252: euro
- assert_equal_codepoints "\x00", chars("\x00").tidy_bytes # null char
- assert_equal_codepoints [0xfffd].pack('U'), chars("\xef\xbf\xbd").tidy_bytes # invalid char
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- raise e if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+ # UTF-8 leading byte followed by too few continuation bytes
+ assert_equal_codepoints "\xc3\xb0\xc2\xa5\xc2\xa4\x21", chars("\xf0\xa5\xa4\x21").tidy_bytes
+ end
+ def test_tidy_bytes_should_forcibly_tidy_bytes_if_specified
+ byte_string = "\xF0\xA5\xA4\xA4" # valid as both CP-1252 and UTF-8, but with different interpretations.
+ assert_not_equal "𥤤", chars(byte_string).tidy_bytes
+ # Forcible conversion to UTF-8
+ assert_equal "𥤤", chars(byte_string).tidy_bytes(true)
def string_from_classes(classes)