diff options
13 files changed, 290 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer.rb b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer.rb
index f439eb175c..6539451bea 100644
--- a/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer.rb
+++ b/actionmailer/lib/action_mailer.rb
@@ -30,29 +30,34 @@ require 'action_view'
module ActionMailer
extend ::ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :AdvAttrAccessor
- autoload :DeprecatedBody
- autoload :Base
- autoload :DeliveryMethod
- autoload :MailHelper
- autoload :Part
- autoload :PartContainer
- autoload :Quoting
- autoload :TestHelper
- autoload :Utils
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :AdvAttrAccessor
+ autoload :DeprecatedBody
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :DeliveryMethod
+ autoload :MailHelper
+ autoload :Part
+ autoload :PartContainer
+ autoload :Quoting
+ autoload :TestHelper
+ autoload :Utils
+ end
module Text
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Format, 'action_mailer/vendor/text_format'
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Format, 'action_mailer/vendor/text_format'
+ end
module Net
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :SMTP
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :SMTP
+ end
require 'action_mailer/vendor/tmail'
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/abstract_controller.rb b/actionpack/lib/abstract_controller.rb
index c15a1da98a..237ab577ba 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/abstract_controller.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/abstract_controller.rb
@@ -8,13 +8,11 @@ require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation'
module AbstractController
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- deferrable do
- autoload :Base
- autoload :Callbacks
- autoload :Helpers
- autoload :Layouts
- autoload :LocalizedCache
- autoload :Logger
- autoload :Rendering
- end
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :Callbacks
+ autoload :Helpers
+ autoload :Layouts
+ autoload :LocalizedCache
+ autoload :Logger
+ autoload :Rendering
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb
index 8b3a444cda..26a85d4de8 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb
@@ -5,66 +5,66 @@ require 'active_support/ruby/shim'
module ActionController
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- deferrable do
- autoload :Base
- autoload :Caching
- autoload :PolymorphicRoutes
- autoload :Translation
- autoload :Metal
- autoload :Middleware
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :Caching
+ autoload :PolymorphicRoutes
+ autoload :Translation
+ autoload :Metal
+ autoload :Middleware
- autoload_under "metal" do
- autoload :Benchmarking
- autoload :ConditionalGet
- autoload :Configuration
- autoload :Head
- autoload :Helpers
- autoload :HideActions
- autoload :Layouts
- autoload :Logger
- autoload :MimeResponds
- autoload :RackDelegation
- autoload :Compatibility
- autoload :Redirecting
- autoload :Rendering
- autoload :Renderers
- autoload :Rescue
- autoload :Responder
- autoload :SessionManagement
- autoload :UrlFor
- autoload :Verification
- autoload :Flash
- autoload :RequestForgeryProtection
- autoload :Streaming
- autoload :HttpAuthentication
- autoload :FilterParameterLogging
- autoload :Cookies
- end
- autoload :Dispatcher, 'action_controller/dispatch/dispatcher'
- autoload :PerformanceTest, 'action_controller/deprecated/performance_test'
- autoload :Routing, 'action_controller/deprecated'
- autoload :Integration, 'action_controller/deprecated/integration_test'
- autoload :IntegrationTest, 'action_controller/deprecated/integration_test'
+ autoload_under "metal" do
+ autoload :Benchmarking
+ autoload :ConditionalGet
+ autoload :Configuration
+ autoload :Head
+ autoload :Helpers
+ autoload :HideActions
+ autoload :Layouts
+ autoload :Logger
+ autoload :MimeResponds
+ autoload :RackDelegation
+ autoload :Compatibility
+ autoload :Redirecting
+ autoload :Rendering
+ autoload :Renderers
+ autoload :Rescue
+ autoload :Responder
+ autoload :SessionManagement
+ autoload :UrlFor
+ autoload :Verification
+ autoload :Flash
+ autoload :RequestForgeryProtection
+ autoload :Streaming
+ autoload :HttpAuthentication
+ autoload :FilterParameterLogging
+ autoload :Cookies
- autoload :RecordIdentifier
- autoload :UrlRewriter
- autoload :UrlWriter, 'action_controller/url_rewriter'
+ autoload :Dispatcher, 'action_controller/dispatch/dispatcher'
+ autoload :PerformanceTest, 'action_controller/deprecated/performance_test'
+ autoload :Routing, 'action_controller/deprecated'
+ autoload :Integration, 'action_controller/deprecated/integration_test'
+ autoload :IntegrationTest, 'action_controller/deprecated/integration_test'
- # TODO: Don't autoload exceptions, setup explicit
- # requires for files that need them
- autoload_at "action_controller/metal/exceptions" do
- autoload :ActionControllerError
- autoload :RenderError
- autoload :RoutingError
- autoload :MethodNotAllowed
- autoload :NotImplemented
- autoload :UnknownController
- autoload :MissingFile
- autoload :RenderError
- autoload :SessionOverflowError
- autoload :UnknownHttpMethod
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :RecordIdentifier
+ autoload :UrlRewriter
+ autoload :UrlWriter, 'action_controller/url_rewriter'
+ # TODO: Don't autoload exceptions, setup explicit
+ # requires for files that need them
+ autoload_at "action_controller/metal/exceptions" do
+ autoload :ActionControllerError
+ autoload :RenderError
+ autoload :RoutingError
+ autoload :MethodNotAllowed
+ autoload :NotImplemented
+ autoload :UnknownController
+ autoload :MissingFile
+ autoload :RenderError
+ autoload :SessionOverflowError
+ autoload :UnknownHttpMethod
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching.rb
index ad357cceda..d784138ebe 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching.rb
@@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ module ActionController #:nodoc:
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Actions
- autoload :Fragments
- autoload :Pages
- autoload :Sweeper, 'action_controller/caching/sweeping'
- autoload :Sweeping, 'action_controller/caching/sweeping'
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Actions
+ autoload :Fragments
+ autoload :Pages
+ autoload :Sweeper, 'action_controller/caching/sweeping'
+ autoload :Sweeping, 'action_controller/caching/sweeping'
+ end
included do
@@cache_store = nil
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner.rb
index 2cb20ddd05..879b31e60e 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner.rb
@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ $LOAD_PATH << "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/html-scanner"
module HTML
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :CDATA, 'html/node'
- autoload :Document, 'html/document'
- autoload :FullSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
- autoload :LinkSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
- autoload :Node, 'html/node'
- autoload :Sanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
- autoload :Selector, 'html/selector'
- autoload :Tag, 'html/node'
- autoload :Text, 'html/node'
- autoload :Tokenizer, 'html/tokenizer'
- autoload :Version, 'html/version'
- autoload :WhiteListSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :CDATA, 'html/node'
+ autoload :Document, 'html/document'
+ autoload :FullSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
+ autoload :LinkSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
+ autoload :Node, 'html/node'
+ autoload :Sanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
+ autoload :Selector, 'html/selector'
+ autoload :Tag, 'html/node'
+ autoload :Text, 'html/node'
+ autoload :Tokenizer, 'html/tokenizer'
+ autoload :Version, 'html/version'
+ autoload :WhiteListSanitizer, 'html/sanitizer'
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb
index 4e04e2a17c..fafcf7dc4e 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb
@@ -34,42 +34,40 @@ end
module ActionDispatch
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- deferrable do
- autoload_under 'http' do
- autoload :Request
- autoload :Response
- end
+ autoload_under 'http' do
+ autoload :Request
+ autoload :Response
+ end
- autoload_under 'middleware' do
- autoload :Callbacks
- autoload :ParamsParser
- autoload :Rescue
- autoload :ShowExceptions
- autoload :Static
- autoload :StringCoercion
- end
+ autoload_under 'middleware' do
+ autoload :Callbacks
+ autoload :ParamsParser
+ autoload :Rescue
+ autoload :ShowExceptions
+ autoload :Static
+ autoload :StringCoercion
+ end
- autoload :MiddlewareStack, 'action_dispatch/middleware/stack'
- autoload :Routing
+ autoload :MiddlewareStack, 'action_dispatch/middleware/stack'
+ autoload :Routing
- module Http
- autoload :Headers, 'action_dispatch/http/headers'
- end
+ module Http
+ autoload :Headers, 'action_dispatch/http/headers'
+ end
- module Session
- autoload :AbstractStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store'
- autoload :CookieStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/cookie_store'
- autoload :MemCacheStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/mem_cache_store'
- end
+ module Session
+ autoload :AbstractStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store'
+ autoload :CookieStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/cookie_store'
+ autoload :MemCacheStore, 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/mem_cache_store'
+ end
- autoload_under 'testing' do
- autoload :Assertions
- autoload :Integration
- autoload :PerformanceTest
- autoload :TestProcess
- autoload :TestRequest
- autoload :TestResponse
- end
+ autoload_under 'testing' do
+ autoload :Assertions
+ autoload :Integration
+ autoload :PerformanceTest
+ autoload :TestProcess
+ autoload :TestRequest
+ autoload :TestResponse
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view.rb
index aabe8c4314..f57f9ca229 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view.rb
@@ -31,27 +31,28 @@ require 'action_pack'
module ActionView
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Base
- autoload :Context
- autoload :Template
- autoload :Helpers
- autoload :SafeBuffer
- autoload_under "render" do
- autoload :Partials
- autoload :Rendering
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :Context
+ autoload :Template
+ autoload :Helpers
+ autoload :SafeBuffer
+ autoload_under "render" do
+ autoload :Partials
+ autoload :Rendering
+ end
+ autoload :MissingTemplate, 'action_view/base'
+ autoload :Resolver, 'action_view/template/resolver'
+ autoload :PathResolver, 'action_view/template/resolver'
+ autoload :PathSet, 'action_view/paths'
+ autoload :FileSystemResolverWithFallback, 'action_view/template/resolver'
+ autoload :TemplateError, 'action_view/template/error'
+ autoload :TemplateHandler, 'action_view/template'
+ autoload :TemplateHandlers, 'action_view/template'
- autoload :MissingTemplate, 'action_view/base'
- autoload :Resolver, 'action_view/template/resolver'
- autoload :PathResolver, 'action_view/template/resolver'
- autoload :PathSet, 'action_view/paths'
- autoload :FileSystemResolverWithFallback, 'action_view/template/resolver'
- autoload :TemplateError, 'action_view/template/error'
- autoload :TemplateHandler, 'action_view/template'
- autoload :TemplateHandlers, 'action_view/template'
require 'action_view/erb/util'
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
index 210ad508f5..a64ee09245 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_view/template.rb
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ require "action_view/template/resolver"
module ActionView
class Template
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Error
- autoload :Handler
- autoload :Handlers
- autoload :Text
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Error
+ autoload :Handler
+ autoload :Handlers
+ autoload :Text
+ end
extend Template::Handlers
attr_reader :source, :identifier, :handler, :mime_type, :formats, :details
diff --git a/activemodel/lib/active_model.rb b/activemodel/lib/active_model.rb
index e0de27b96d..46caa53219 100644
--- a/activemodel/lib/active_model.rb
+++ b/activemodel/lib/active_model.rb
@@ -29,29 +29,33 @@ require 'active_support'
module ActiveModel
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :AttributeMethods
- autoload :Conversion
- autoload :DeprecatedErrorMethods
- autoload :Dirty
- autoload :Errors
- autoload :Lint
- autoload :Name, 'active_model/naming'
- autoload :Naming
- autoload :Observer, 'active_model/observing'
- autoload :Observing
- autoload :Serialization
- autoload :StateMachine
- autoload :Translation
- autoload :Validations
- autoload :ValidationsRepairHelper
- autoload :Validator
- autoload :VERSION
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :AttributeMethods
+ autoload :Conversion
+ autoload :DeprecatedErrorMethods
+ autoload :Dirty
+ autoload :Errors
+ autoload :Lint
+ autoload :Name, 'active_model/naming'
+ autoload :Naming
+ autoload :Observer, 'active_model/observing'
+ autoload :Observing
+ autoload :Serialization
+ autoload :StateMachine
+ autoload :Translation
+ autoload :Validations
+ autoload :ValidationsRepairHelper
+ autoload :Validator
+ autoload :VERSION
+ end
module Serializers
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :JSON
- autoload :Xml
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :JSON
+ autoload :Xml
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
index 2376bbd04a..196b87c0ac 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
@@ -35,82 +35,94 @@ require 'arel'
module ActiveRecord
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :VERSION
- autoload :ActiveRecordError, 'active_record/base'
- autoload :ConnectionNotEstablished, 'active_record/base'
- autoload :Aggregations
- autoload :AssociationPreload
- autoload :Associations
- autoload :AttributeMethods
- autoload :Attributes
- autoload :AutosaveAssociation
- autoload :Relation
- autoload :Base
- autoload :Batches
- autoload :Calculations
- autoload :Callbacks
- autoload :DynamicFinderMatch
- autoload :DynamicScopeMatch
- autoload :Migration
- autoload :Migrator, 'active_record/migration'
- autoload :NamedScope
- autoload :NestedAttributes
- autoload :Observer
- autoload :QueryCache
- autoload :Reflection
- autoload :Schema
- autoload :SchemaDumper
- autoload :Serialization
- autoload :SessionStore
- autoload :StateMachine
- autoload :Timestamp
- autoload :Transactions
- autoload :Types
- autoload :Validations
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :VERSION
+ autoload :ActiveRecordError, 'active_record/base'
+ autoload :ConnectionNotEstablished, 'active_record/base'
+ autoload :Aggregations
+ autoload :AssociationPreload
+ autoload :Associations
+ autoload :AttributeMethods
+ autoload :Attributes
+ autoload :AutosaveAssociation
+ autoload :Relation
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :Batches
+ autoload :Calculations
+ autoload :Callbacks
+ autoload :DynamicFinderMatch
+ autoload :DynamicScopeMatch
+ autoload :Migration
+ autoload :Migrator, 'active_record/migration'
+ autoload :NamedScope
+ autoload :NestedAttributes
+ autoload :Observer
+ autoload :QueryCache
+ autoload :Reflection
+ autoload :Schema
+ autoload :SchemaDumper
+ autoload :Serialization
+ autoload :SessionStore
+ autoload :StateMachine
+ autoload :Timestamp
+ autoload :Transactions
+ autoload :Types
+ autoload :Validations
+ end
module AttributeMethods
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :BeforeTypeCast
- autoload :Dirty
- autoload :PrimaryKey
- autoload :Query
- autoload :Read
- autoload :TimeZoneConversion
- autoload :Write
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :BeforeTypeCast
+ autoload :Dirty
+ autoload :PrimaryKey
+ autoload :Query
+ autoload :Read
+ autoload :TimeZoneConversion
+ autoload :Write
+ end
module Attributes
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Aliasing
- autoload :Store
- autoload :Typecasting
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Aliasing
+ autoload :Store
+ autoload :Typecasting
+ end
module Type
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Number, 'active_record/types/number'
- autoload :Object, 'active_record/types/object'
- autoload :Serialize, 'active_record/types/serialize'
- autoload :TimeWithZone, 'active_record/types/time_with_zone'
- autoload :Unknown, 'active_record/types/unknown'
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Number, 'active_record/types/number'
+ autoload :Object, 'active_record/types/object'
+ autoload :Serialize, 'active_record/types/serialize'
+ autoload :TimeWithZone, 'active_record/types/time_with_zone'
+ autoload :Unknown, 'active_record/types/unknown'
+ end
module Locking
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Optimistic
- autoload :Pessimistic
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Optimistic
+ autoload :Pessimistic
+ end
module ConnectionAdapters
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :AbstractAdapter
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :AbstractAdapter
+ end
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource.rb
index 3e4a1dd4a1..e0a6ecbcce 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource.rb
@@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ require 'active_model'
module ActiveResource
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :Base
- autoload :Connection
- autoload :CustomMethods
- autoload :Formats
- autoload :HttpMock
- autoload :Observing
- autoload :Schema
- autoload :Validations
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :Base
+ autoload :Connection
+ autoload :CustomMethods
+ autoload :Formats
+ autoload :HttpMock
+ autoload :Observing
+ autoload :Schema
+ autoload :Validations
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb
index 9e21b3faf3..f2baa5a56a 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support.rb
@@ -39,31 +39,34 @@ require "active_support/dependencies/autoload"
module ActiveSupport
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
- autoload :BacktraceCleaner
- autoload :Base64
- autoload :BasicObject
- autoload :Benchmarkable
- autoload :BufferedLogger
- autoload :Cache
- autoload :Callbacks
- autoload :Concern
- autoload :Configurable
- autoload :DeprecatedCallbacks
- autoload :Deprecation
- autoload :Gzip
- autoload :Inflector
- autoload :Memoizable
- autoload :MessageEncryptor
- autoload :MessageVerifier
- autoload :Multibyte
- autoload :OptionMerger
- autoload :OrderedHash
- autoload :OrderedOptions
- autoload :Notifications
- autoload :Rescuable
- autoload :SecureRandom
- autoload :StringInquirer
- autoload :XmlMini
+ # TODO: Narrow this list down
+ eager_autoload do
+ autoload :BacktraceCleaner
+ autoload :Base64
+ autoload :BasicObject
+ autoload :Benchmarkable
+ autoload :BufferedLogger
+ autoload :Cache
+ autoload :Callbacks
+ autoload :Concern
+ autoload :Configurable
+ autoload :DeprecatedCallbacks
+ autoload :Deprecation
+ autoload :Gzip
+ autoload :Inflector
+ autoload :Memoizable
+ autoload :MessageEncryptor
+ autoload :MessageVerifier
+ autoload :Multibyte
+ autoload :OptionMerger
+ autoload :OrderedHash
+ autoload :OrderedOptions
+ autoload :Notifications
+ autoload :Rescuable
+ autoload :SecureRandom
+ autoload :StringInquirer
+ autoload :XmlMini
+ end
require 'active_support/vendor'
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies/autoload.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies/autoload.rb
index 96ab04c61a..44edb89ad5 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies/autoload.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies/autoload.rb
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ module ActiveSupport
@@autoloads = {}
@@under_path = nil
@@at_path = nil
- @@autoload_defer = false
+ @@eager_autoload = false
def autoload(const_name, path = @@at_path)
full = [self.name, @@under_path, const_name.to_s, path].compact.join("::")
location = path || Inflector.underscore(full)
- unless @@autoload_defer
+ if @@eager_autoload
@@autoloads[const_name] = location
super const_name, location
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ module ActiveSupport
@@at_path = old_path
- def deferrable
- old_defer, @@autoload_defer = @@autoload_defer, true
+ def eager_autoload
+ old_eager, @@eager_autoload = @@eager_autoload, true
- @@autoload_defer = old_defer
+ @@eager_autoload = old_eager
def self.eager_autoload!