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diff --git a/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile b/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
index 14849fdd57..e9480408f8 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
@@ -1796,6 +1796,49 @@ Bundler was +require+'d back in _config/boot.rb_, and so that is what makes it a
The +Bundler.require+ method adds all the gems not specified inside a +group+ in the +Gemfile+ and the ones specified in groups for the +Rails.env+ (in this case, _development_), to the load path. This is how an application is able to find them.
+The rest of this file is spent defining your application's main class. This is it without the comments:
+ module YourApp
+ class Application < Rails::Application
+ config.encoding = "utf-8"
+ config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+ end
+ end
+h3. Return to Rails
+On the surface, this looks like a simple class inheritance. There's more underneath though. back in +Rails::Application+, the +inherited+ method is defined:
+ def inherited(base)
+ raise "You cannot have more than one Rails::Application" if Rails.application
+ super
+ Rails.application = base.instance
+ end
+We do not already have a +Rails.application+, so instead this resorts to calling +super+. +Rails::Application+ descends from +Rails::Engine+ and so will call the +inherited+ method in +Rails::Engine+, but before that it's important to note that +called_from+ is defined an +attr_accessor+ on +Rails::Engine+:
+ def inherited(base)
+ unless base.abstract_railtie?
+ base.called_from = begin
+ # Remove the line number from backtraces making sure we don't leave anything behind
+ call_stack = caller.map { |p| p.split(':')[0..-2].join(':') }
+ File.dirname(call_stack.detect { |p| p !~ %r[railties[\w\-\.]*/lib/rails|rack[\w\-\.]*/lib/rack] })
+ end
+ end
+ super
+ end
+This +called_from+ setting looks a little overwhelming to begin with, but the short end of it is that it returns the route to your application's config directory, something like: _/home/you/yourapp/config_. After +called_from+ has been set, +super+ is again called and this means the +Rails::Railtie#inherited+ method.
h3. Firing it up!