path: root/railties/guides
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authorRyan Bigg <radarlistener@gmail.com>2011-10-14 18:06:23 +1100
committerRyan Bigg <radarlistener@gmail.com>2011-10-14 18:44:39 +1100
commitaae77d2839349eb5034d6a72bfc351a532f1e6d7 (patch)
treeb4e200c8b0ac4aad7ed38864387742114be50d02 /railties/guides
parent3d192c73854b82fba313f641250f2e36031c87b7 (diff)
[engines guide] complete comments resource generation
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/guides')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/engines.textile b/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
index 616ea16b7a..12c454abd1 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
@@ -261,14 +261,79 @@ Next, there needs to be a form so that comments can be created on a post. To add
Next, the partial that this line will render needs to exist. Create a new directory at +app/views/blorgh/comments+ and in it a new file called +_form.html.erb+ which has this content to create the required partial:
+<h3>New comment</h3>
<%= form_for [@post, @post.comments.build] do |f| %>
<%= f.label :text %><br />
<%= f.text_area :text %>
+ <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
+This form, when submitted, is going to attempt to post to a route of +posts/:post_id/comments+ within the engine. This route doesn't exist at the moment, but can be created by changing the +resources :posts+ line inside +config/routes.rb+ into these lines:
+resources :posts do
+ resources :comments
+The route now will exist, but the controller that this route goes to does not. To create it, run this command:
+$ rails g controller comments
+This will generate the following things:
+create app/controllers/blorgh/comments_controller.rb
+invoke erb
+ exist app/views/blorgh/comments
+invoke test_unit
+create test/functional/blorgh/comments_controller_test.rb
+invoke helper
+create app/helpers/blorgh/comments_helper.rb
+invoke test_unit
+create test/unit/helpers/blorgh/comments_helper_test.rb
+invoke assets
+invoke js
+create app/assets/javascripts/blorgh/comments.js
+invoke css
+create app/assets/stylesheets/blorgh/comments.css
+The form will be making a +POST+ request to +/posts/:post_id/comments+, which will correspond with the +create+ action in +Blorgh::CommentsController+. This action needs to be created and can be done by putting the following lines inside the class definition in +app/controllers/blorgh/comments_controller.rb+:
+def create
+ @post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
+ @comment = @post.comments.build(params[:comment])
+ flash[:notice] = "Comment has been created!"
+ redirect_to post_path
+This is the final part required to get the new comment form working. Displaying the comments however, is not quite right yet. If you were to create a comment right now you would see this error:
+ Missing partial blorgh/comments/comment with {:handlers=>[:erb, :builder], :formats=>[:html], :locale=>[:en, :en]}. Searched in:
+ * "/Users/ryan/Sites/side_projects/blorgh/test/dummy/app/views"
+ * "/Users/ryan/Sites/side_projects/blorgh/app/views"
+The engine is unable to find the partial required for rendering the comments. Rails has looked firstly in the application's (+test/dummy+) +app/views+ directory and then in the engine's +app/views+ directory. When it can't find it, it will throw this error. The engine knows to look for +blorgh/comments/comment+ because the model object it is receiving is from the +Blorgh::Comment+ class.
+This partial will be responsible for rendering just the comment text, for now. Create a new file at +app/views/blorgh/comments/_comment.html.erb+ and put this line inside it:
+<%= comment_counter + 1 %>. <%= comment.text %>
+The +comment_counter+ local variable is given to us by the +<%= render @post.comments %>+ call, as it will define this automatically and increment the counter as it iterates through each comment. It's used in this example to display a small number next to each comment when it's created.
+That completes the comment function of the blogging engine. Now it's time to use it within an application.
h3. Hooking into application