path: root/railties/doc/guides/creating_plugins/acts_as_yaffle.txt
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authorPratik Naik <pratiknaik@gmail.com>2008-10-21 15:58:29 +0100
committerPratik Naik <pratiknaik@gmail.com>2008-10-21 16:04:38 +0100
commit5265a8cd40a59ae792da3ed3f2a9648f15ecbd4e (patch)
tree44f66c3d1552e1821454658c653f062baada8668 /railties/doc/guides/creating_plugins/acts_as_yaffle.txt
parentfa09de351c8045c7e7a0f268188ccf80c827b079 (diff)
Rearrange guides
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/doc/guides/creating_plugins/acts_as_yaffle.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/railties/doc/guides/creating_plugins/acts_as_yaffle.txt b/railties/doc/guides/creating_plugins/acts_as_yaffle.txt
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-== Add an `acts_as_yaffle` method to ActiveRecord ==
-A common pattern in plugins is to add a method called `acts_as_something` to models. In this case, you want to write a method called `acts_as_yaffle` that adds a `squawk` method to your models.
-To keep things clean, create a new test file called 'acts_as_yaffle_test.rb' in your plugin's test directory and require your test helper.
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/yaffle/test/acts_as_yaffle_test.rb
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
-class Hickwall < ActiveRecord::Base
- acts_as_yaffle
-class ActsAsYaffleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/lib/acts_as_yaffle.rb
-module Yaffle
-One of the most common plugin patterns for `acts_as_yaffle` plugins is to structure your file like so:
-[source, ruby]
-module Yaffle
- def self.included(base)
- base.send :extend, ClassMethods
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # any method placed here will apply to classes, like Hickwall
- def acts_as_something
- send :include, InstanceMethods
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- # any method placed here will apply to instaces, like @hickwall
- end
-With structure you can easily separate the methods that will be used for the class (like `Hickwall.some_method`) and the instance (like `@hickwell.some_method`).
-Let's add class method named `acts_as_yaffle` - testing it out first. You already defined the ActiveRecord models in your test helper, so if you run tests now they will fail.
-Back in your `acts_as_yaffle` file, update ClassMethods like so:
-[source, ruby]
-module ClassMethods
- def acts_as_yaffle(options = {})
- send :include, InstanceMethods
- end
-Now that test should pass. Since your plugin is going to work with field names, you need to allow people to define the field names, in case there is a naming conflict. You can write a few simple tests for this:
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/yaffle/test/acts_as_yaffle_test.rb
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
-class ActsAsYaffleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_a_hickwalls_yaffle_text_field_should_be_last_squawk
- assert_equal "last_squawk", Hickwall.yaffle_text_field
- end
- def test_a_hickwalls_yaffle_date_field_should_be_last_squawked_at
- assert_equal "last_squawked_at", Hickwall.yaffle_date_field
- end
- def test_a_wickwalls_yaffle_text_field_should_be_last_tweet
- assert_equal "last_tweet", Wickwall.yaffle_text_field
- end
- def test_a_wickwalls_yaffle_date_field_should_be_last_tweeted_at
- assert_equal "last_tweeted_at", Wickwall.yaffle_date_field
- end
-To make these tests pass, you could modify your `acts_as_yaffle` file like so:
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/yaffle/lib/acts_as_yaffle.rb
-module Yaffle
- def self.included(base)
- base.send :extend, ClassMethods
- end
- module ClassMethods
- def acts_as_yaffle(options = {})
- cattr_accessor :yaffle_text_field, :yaffle_date_field
- self.yaffle_text_field = (options[:yaffle_text_field] || :last_squawk).to_s
- self.yaffle_date_field = (options[:yaffle_date_field] || :last_squawked_at).to_s
- send :include, InstanceMethods
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- end
-Now you can add tests for the instance methods, and the instance method itself:
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/yaffle/test/acts_as_yaffle_test.rb
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
-class ActsAsYaffleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_a_hickwalls_yaffle_text_field_should_be_last_squawk
- assert_equal "last_squawk", Hickwall.yaffle_text_field
- end
- def test_a_hickwalls_yaffle_date_field_should_be_last_squawked_at
- assert_equal "last_squawked_at", Hickwall.yaffle_date_field
- end
- def test_a_wickwalls_yaffle_text_field_should_be_last_squawk
- assert_equal "last_tweet", Wickwall.yaffle_text_field
- end
- def test_a_wickwalls_yaffle_date_field_should_be_last_squawked_at
- assert_equal "last_tweeted_at", Wickwall.yaffle_date_field
- end
- def test_hickwalls_squawk_should_populate_last_squawk
- hickwall = Hickwall.new
- hickwall.squawk("Hello World")
- assert_equal "squawk! Hello World", hickwall.last_squawk
- end
- def test_hickwalls_squawk_should_populate_last_squawked_at
- hickwall = Hickwall.new
- hickwall.squawk("Hello World")
- assert_equal Date.today, hickwall.last_squawked_at
- end
- def test_wickwalls_squawk_should_populate_last_tweet
- wickwall = Wickwall.new
- wickwall.squawk("Hello World")
- assert_equal "squawk! Hello World", wickwall.last_tweet
- end
- def test_wickwalls_squawk_should_populate_last_tweeted_at
- wickwall = Wickwall.new
- wickwall.squawk("Hello World")
- assert_equal Date.today, wickwall.last_tweeted_at
- end
-[source, ruby]
-# File: vendor/plugins/yaffle/lib/acts_as_yaffle.rb
-module Yaffle
- def self.included(base)
- base.send :extend, ClassMethods
- end
- module ClassMethods
- def acts_as_yaffle(options = {})
- cattr_accessor :yaffle_text_field, :yaffle_date_field
- self.yaffle_text_field = (options[:yaffle_text_field] || :last_squawk).to_s
- self.yaffle_date_field = (options[:yaffle_date_field] || :last_squawked_at).to_s
- send :include, InstanceMethods
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- def squawk(string)
- write_attribute(self.class.yaffle_text_field, string.to_squawk)
- write_attribute(self.class.yaffle_date_field, Date.today)
- end
- end
-Note the use of `write_attribute` to write to the field in model.