path: root/activerecord
diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2007-09-11 03:25:59 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2007-09-11 03:25:59 +0000
commitea0975a20b0752bfbfcafe8eefd98f7fe9bcd386 (patch)
treee3e86c952dc00ee6220d08b3b1beb94056fb5293 /activerecord
parent11f4d28344e2b10de08a3dafdf1b0c5de34325c7 (diff)
Moved acts_as_tree into a plugin of the same name on the official Rails svn (closes #9514) [lifofifo]
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@7454 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord')
7 files changed, 9 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG b/activerecord/CHANGELOG
index b11138bc2f..3fd05c498c 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+* Moved acts_as_tree into a plugin of the same name on the official Rails svn #9514 [lifofifo]
* Moved acts_as_nested_set into a plugin of the same name on the official Rails svn #9516 [josh]
* Moved acts_as_list into a plugin of the same name on the official Rails svn [josh]
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
index c71afd5170..8d032d7192 100755
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record.rb
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ require 'active_record/associations'
require 'active_record/aggregations'
require 'active_record/transactions'
require 'active_record/timestamp'
-require 'active_record/acts/tree'
require 'active_record/locking/optimistic'
require 'active_record/locking/pessimistic'
require 'active_record/migration'
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
include ActiveRecord::Aggregations
include ActiveRecord::Transactions
include ActiveRecord::Reflection
- include ActiveRecord::Acts::Tree
include ActiveRecord::Calculations
include ActiveRecord::XmlSerialization
include ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/acts/tree.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/acts/tree.rb
index 5e2e50552d..e69de29bb2 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/acts/tree.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/acts/tree.rb
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-module ActiveRecord
- module Acts #:nodoc:
- module Tree #:nodoc:
- def self.included(base)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- end
- # Specify this +acts_as+ extension if you want to model a tree structure by providing a parent association and a children
- # association. This requires that you have a foreign key column, which by default is called +parent_id+.
- #
- # class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
- # acts_as_tree :order => "name"
- # end
- #
- # Example:
- # root
- # \_ child1
- # \_ subchild1
- # \_ subchild2
- #
- # root = Category.create("name" => "root")
- # child1 = root.children.create("name" => "child1")
- # subchild1 = child1.children.create("name" => "subchild1")
- #
- # root.parent # => nil
- # child1.parent # => root
- # root.children # => [child1]
- # root.children.first.children.first # => subchild1
- #
- # In addition to the parent and children associations, the following instance methods are added to the class
- # after calling <tt>acts_as_tree</tt>:
- # * <tt>siblings</tt> - Returns all the children of the parent, excluding the current node (<tt>[subchild2]</tt> when called on <tt>subchild1</tt>)
- # * <tt>self_and_siblings</tt> - Returns all the children of the parent, including the current node (<tt>[subchild1, subchild2]</tt> when called on <tt>subchild1</tt>)
- # * <tt>ancestors</tt> - Returns all the ancestors of the current node (<tt>[child1, root]</tt> when called on <tt>subchild2</tt>)
- # * <tt>root</tt> - Returns the root of the current node (<tt>root</tt> when called on <tt>subchild2</tt>)
- module ClassMethods
- # Configuration options are:
- #
- # * <tt>foreign_key</tt> - specifies the column name to use for tracking of the tree (default: +parent_id+)
- # * <tt>order</tt> - makes it possible to sort the children according to this SQL snippet.
- # * <tt>counter_cache</tt> - keeps a count in a +children_count+ column if set to +true+ (default: +false+).
- def acts_as_tree(options = {})
- configuration = { :foreign_key => "parent_id", :order => nil, :counter_cache => nil }
- configuration.update(options) if options.is_a?(Hash)
- belongs_to :parent, :class_name => name, :foreign_key => configuration[:foreign_key], :counter_cache => configuration[:counter_cache]
- has_many :children, :class_name => name, :foreign_key => configuration[:foreign_key], :order => configuration[:order], :dependent => :destroy
- class_eval <<-EOV
- include ActiveRecord::Acts::Tree::InstanceMethods
- def self.roots
- find(:all, :conditions => "#{configuration[:foreign_key]} IS NULL", :order => #{configuration[:order].nil? ? "nil" : %Q{"#{configuration[:order]}"}})
- end
- def self.root
- find(:first, :conditions => "#{configuration[:foreign_key]} IS NULL", :order => #{configuration[:order].nil? ? "nil" : %Q{"#{configuration[:order]}"}})
- end
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods
- # Returns list of ancestors, starting from parent until root.
- #
- # subchild1.ancestors # => [child1, root]
- def ancestors
- node, nodes = self, []
- nodes << node = node.parent while node.parent
- nodes
- end
- # Returns the root node of the tree.
- def root
- node = self
- node = node.parent while node.parent
- node
- end
- # Returns all siblings of the current node.
- #
- # subchild1.siblings # => [subchild2]
- def siblings
- self_and_siblings - [self]
- end
- # Returns all siblings and a reference to the current node.
- #
- # subchild1.self_and_siblings # => [subchild1, subchild2]
- def self_and_siblings
- parent ? parent.children : self.class.roots
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb b/activerecord/test/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
index 78b9861d54..1d8f853e07 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/associations/cascaded_eager_loading_test.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ require 'fixtures/comment'
require 'fixtures/author'
require 'fixtures/category'
require 'fixtures/categorization'
-require 'fixtures/mixin'
require 'fixtures/company'
require 'fixtures/topic'
require 'fixtures/reply'
@@ -53,16 +52,6 @@ class CascadedEagerLoadingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal 5, authors[0].posts.size
- def test_eager_association_loading_with_acts_as_tree
- roots = TreeMixin.find(:all, :include=>"children", :conditions=>"mixins.parent_id IS NULL", :order=>"mixins.id")
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1, :tree3_1), roots
- assert_no_queries do
- assert_equal 2, roots[0].children.size
- assert_equal 0, roots[1].children.size
- assert_equal 0, roots[2].children.size
- end
- end
def test_eager_association_loading_with_cascaded_three_levels_by_ping_pong
firms = Firm.find(:all, :include=>{:account=>{:firm=>:account}}, :order=>"companies.id")
assert_equal 2, firms.size
@@ -103,24 +92,8 @@ class CascadedEagerLoadingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_eager_association_loading_with_recursive_cascading_three_levels_has_many
- root_node = RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin.find(:first, :include=>{:children=>{:children=>:children}}, :order => 'mixins.id')
- assert_equal mixins(:recursively_cascaded_tree_4), assert_no_queries { root_node.children.first.children.first.children.first }
- end
- def test_eager_association_loading_with_recursive_cascading_three_levels_has_one
- root_node = RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin.find(:first, :include=>{:first_child=>{:first_child=>:first_child}}, :order => 'mixins.id')
- assert_equal mixins(:recursively_cascaded_tree_4), assert_no_queries { root_node.first_child.first_child.first_child }
- end
- def test_eager_association_loading_with_recursive_cascading_three_levels_belongs_to
- leaf_node = RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin.find(:first, :include=>{:parent=>{:parent=>:parent}}, :order => 'mixins.id DESC')
- assert_equal mixins(:recursively_cascaded_tree_1), assert_no_queries { leaf_node.parent.parent.parent }
- end
require 'fixtures/vertex'
require 'fixtures/edge'
class CascadedEagerLoadingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
diff --git a/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixin.rb b/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixin.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 358dde1ae1..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixin.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-class Mixin < ActiveRecord::Base
-class TreeMixin < Mixin
- acts_as_tree :foreign_key => "parent_id", :order => "id"
-class TreeMixinWithoutOrder < Mixin
- acts_as_tree :foreign_key => "parent_id"
-class RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin < Mixin
- acts_as_tree :foreign_key => "parent_id"
- has_one :first_child, :class_name => 'RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin', :foreign_key => :parent_id
-class NestedSet < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => "root_id IS NULL"
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetWithStringScope < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => 'root_id = #{root_id}'
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetWithSymbolScope < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => :root
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetSuperclass < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => :root
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetSubclass < NestedSetSuperclass
-class NestedSet < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => "root_id IS NULL"
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetWithStringScope < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => 'root_id = #{root_id}'
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetWithSymbolScope < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => :root
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetSuperclass < Mixin
- acts_as_nested_set :scope => :root
- def self.table_name() "mixins" end
-class NestedSetSubclass < NestedSetSuperclass
diff --git a/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixins.yml b/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixins.yml
index c79ff41070..0f60e92c2f 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixins.yml
+++ b/activerecord/test/fixtures/mixins.yml
@@ -1,71 +1,8 @@
-# tree mixins
- id: 1001
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id:
- id: 1002
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id: 1001
- id: 1003
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id: 1002
- id: 1004
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id: 1001
- id: 1005
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id:
- id: 1006
- type: TreeMixin
- parent_id:
- id: 1101
- type: TreeMixinWithoutOrder
- parent_id:
- id: 1100
- type: TreeMixinWithoutOrder
- parent_id:
- id: 5005
- type: RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin
- parent_id:
- id: 5006
- type: RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin
- parent_id: 5005
- id: 5007
- type: RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin
- parent_id: 5006
- id: 5008
- type: RecursivelyCascadedTreeMixin
- parent_id: 5007
# Nested set mixins
<% (1..10).each do |counter| %>
set_<%= counter %>:
id: <%= counter+3000 %>
- type: NestedSet
<% end %>
# Big old set
diff --git a/activerecord/test/mixin_test.rb b/activerecord/test/mixin_test.rb
index 41310e2c83..c69a813c3b 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/mixin_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/mixin_test.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
require 'abstract_unit'
require 'active_record/acts/tree'
require 'active_record/acts/nested_set'
-require 'fixtures/mixin'
+class Mixin < ActiveRecord::Base
# Let us control what Time.now returns for the TouchTest suite
class Time
@@ -21,98 +23,6 @@ class Time
-class TreeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- fixtures :mixins
- def test_children
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1).children, mixins(:tree_2, :tree_4)
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2).children, [mixins(:tree_3)]
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_3).children, []
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_4).children, []
- end
- def test_parent
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2).parent, mixins(:tree_1)
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2).parent, mixins(:tree_4).parent
- assert_nil mixins(:tree_1).parent
- end
- def test_delete
- assert_equal 6, TreeMixin.count
- mixins(:tree_1).destroy
- assert_equal 2, TreeMixin.count
- mixins(:tree2_1).destroy
- mixins(:tree3_1).destroy
- assert_equal 0, TreeMixin.count
- end
- def test_insert
- @extra = mixins(:tree_1).children.create
- assert @extra
- assert_equal @extra.parent, mixins(:tree_1)
- assert_equal 3, mixins(:tree_1).children.size
- assert mixins(:tree_1).children.include?(@extra)
- assert mixins(:tree_1).children.include?(mixins(:tree_2))
- assert mixins(:tree_1).children.include?(mixins(:tree_4))
- end
- def test_ancestors
- assert_equal [], mixins(:tree_1).ancestors
- assert_equal [mixins(:tree_1)], mixins(:tree_2).ancestors
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2, :tree_1), mixins(:tree_3).ancestors
- assert_equal [mixins(:tree_1)], mixins(:tree_4).ancestors
- assert_equal [], mixins(:tree2_1).ancestors
- assert_equal [], mixins(:tree3_1).ancestors
- end
- def test_root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1), TreeMixin.root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1), mixins(:tree_1).root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1), mixins(:tree_2).root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1), mixins(:tree_3).root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1), mixins(:tree_4).root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree2_1), mixins(:tree2_1).root
- assert_equal mixins(:tree3_1), mixins(:tree3_1).root
- end
- def test_roots
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1, :tree3_1), TreeMixin.roots
- end
- def test_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree2_1, :tree3_1), mixins(:tree_1).siblings
- assert_equal [mixins(:tree_4)], mixins(:tree_2).siblings
- assert_equal [], mixins(:tree_3).siblings
- assert_equal [mixins(:tree_2)], mixins(:tree_4).siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree3_1), mixins(:tree2_1).siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1), mixins(:tree3_1).siblings
- end
- def test_self_and_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1, :tree3_1), mixins(:tree_1).self_and_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2, :tree_4), mixins(:tree_2).self_and_siblings
- assert_equal [mixins(:tree_3)], mixins(:tree_3).self_and_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_2, :tree_4), mixins(:tree_4).self_and_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1, :tree3_1), mixins(:tree2_1).self_and_siblings
- assert_equal mixins(:tree_1, :tree2_1, :tree3_1), mixins(:tree3_1).self_and_siblings
- end
-class TreeTestWithoutOrder < Test::Unit::TestCase
- fixtures :mixins
- def test_root
- assert mixins(:tree_without_order_1, :tree_without_order_2).include?(TreeMixinWithoutOrder.root)
- end
- def test_roots
- assert_equal [], mixins(:tree_without_order_1, :tree_without_order_2) - TreeMixinWithoutOrder.roots
- end
class TouchTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
fixtures :mixins
@@ -170,15 +80,11 @@ class TouchTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create_turned_off
Mixin.record_timestamps = false
- assert_nil mixins(:tree_1).updated_at
- mixins(:tree_1).save
- assert_nil mixins(:tree_1).updated_at
+ assert_nil mixins(:set_1).updated_at
+ mixins(:set_1).save
+ assert_nil mixins(:set_1).updated_at
Mixin.record_timestamps = true
+end \ No newline at end of file