path: root/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol
diff options
authorLeon Breedt <bitserf@gmail.com>2005-02-25 23:39:39 +0000
committerLeon Breedt <bitserf@gmail.com>2005-02-25 23:39:39 +0000
commit6f5a7b200443baf209d2f33c428ed4a4059782f7 (patch)
tree9c3942fe27be69c102873d9fdaa13f66dc12853d /actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol
parent10faf204b712763f05a2b3155a4fd9c5338f1fb2 (diff)
merged the changes for the upcoming 0.6.0:
seperate out protocol marshaling into a small 'ws' library in vendor, so that AWS itself only does integration with ActionPack, and so we can keep protocol specific code in AWS proper to a minimum. refactor unit tests to get 95% code coverage (for a baseline). be far more relaxed about the types given to us by the remote side, don't do any poor man's type checking, just try to cast and marshal to the correct types if possible, and if not, return what they gave us anyway. this should make interoperating with fuzzy XML-RPC clients easier. if exception reporting is turned on, do best-effort error responses, so that we can avoid "Internal protocol error" with no details if there is a bug in AWS itself. also perform extensive cleanups on AWS proper. git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@800 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol')
5 files changed, 118 insertions, 780 deletions
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/abstract.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/abstract.rb
index 9199dfe33f..f628fc4aee 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/abstract.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/abstract.rb
@@ -1,126 +1,28 @@
module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
module Protocol # :nodoc:
- CheckedMessage = :checked
- UncheckedMessage = :unchecked
- class ProtocolError < ActionWebService::ActionWebServiceError # :nodoc:
- end
- class AbstractProtocol # :nodoc:
- attr :container_class
- def initialize(container_class)
- @container_class = container_class
- end
- def unmarshal_request(protocol_request)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def marshal_response(protocol_request, return_value)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def marshal_exception(exception)
- raise NotImplementedError
- end
- def self.create_protocol_request(container_class, action_pack_request)
- nil
- end
- def self.create_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
- nil
- end
- end
- class AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc:
- attr_accessor :signature
- attr_accessor :return_signature
- attr_accessor :type
- attr :options
- def initialize(options={})
- @signature = @return_signature = nil
- @options = options
- @type = @options[:type] || CheckedMessage
- end
- def signature=(value)
- return if value.nil?
- @signature = []
- value.each do |klass|
- if klass.is_a?(Hash)
- @signature << klass.values.shift
- else
- @signature << klass
- end
- end
- @signature
- end
- def checked?
- @type == CheckedMessage
- end
- def check_parameter_types(values, signature)
- return unless checked? && signature
- unless signature.length == values.length
- raise(ProtocolError, "Signature and parameter lengths mismatch")
- end
- (1..signature.length).each do |i|
- check_compatibility(signature[i-1], values[i-1].class)
- end
- end
- def check_compatibility(expected_class, received_class)
- return if \
- (expected_class == TrueClass or expected_class == FalseClass) and \
- (received_class == TrueClass or received_class == FalseClass)
- unless received_class.ancestors.include?(expected_class) or \
- expected_class.ancestors.include?(received_class)
- raise(ProtocolError, "value of type #{received_class.name} is not " +
- "compatible with expected type #{expected_class.name}")
- end
- end
+ class ProtocolError < ActionWebService::ActionWebServiceError
- class ProtocolRequest < AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc:
+ class Request
attr :protocol
- attr :raw_body
+ attr :method_name
+ attr :method_params
+ attr :service_name
- attr_accessor :web_service_name
- attr_accessor :public_method_name
- attr_accessor :content_type
- def initialize(protocol, raw_body, web_service_name, public_method_name, content_type, options={})
- super(options)
+ def initialize(protocol, method_name, method_params, service_name)
@protocol = protocol
- @raw_body = raw_body
- @web_service_name = web_service_name
- @public_method_name = public_method_name
- @content_type = content_type
- end
- def unmarshal
- @protocol.unmarshal_request(self)
- end
- def marshal(return_value)
- @protocol.marshal_response(self, return_value)
+ @method_name = method_name
+ @method_params = method_params
+ @service_name = service_name
- class ProtocolResponse < AbstractProtocolMessage # :nodoc:
- attr :protocol
- attr :raw_body
- attr_accessor :content_type
+ class Response
+ attr :body
+ attr :content_type
- def initialize(protocol, raw_body, content_type, options={})
- super(options)
- @protocol = protocol
- @raw_body = raw_body
+ def initialize(body, content_type)
+ @body = body
@content_type = content_type
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/discovery.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/discovery.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab51958ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/discovery.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module ActionWebService
+ module Protocol
+ module Discovery
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ base.send(:include, ActionWebService::Protocol::Discovery::InstanceMethods)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def register_protocol(klass)
+ write_inheritable_array("web_service_protocols", [klass])
+ end
+ end
+ module InstanceMethods
+ private
+ def discover_web_service_request(ap_request)
+ (self.class.read_inheritable_attribute("web_service_protocols") || []).each do |protocol|
+ protocol = protocol.new
+ request = protocol.unmarshal_request(ap_request)
+ return request unless request.nil?
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def create_web_service_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
+ (self.class.read_inheritable_attribute("web_service_protocols") || []).each do |protocol|
+ protocol = protocol.new
+ client = protocol.protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
+ return client unless client.nil?
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/registry.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/registry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0173673556..0000000000
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/registry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module Protocol # :nodoc:
- HeaderAndBody = :header_and_body
- BodyOnly = :body_only
- module Registry # :nodoc:
- def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc:
- super
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- base.send(:include, ActionWebService::Protocol::Registry::InstanceMethods)
- end
- module ClassMethods # :nodoc:
- def register_protocol(type, klass) # :nodoc:
- case type
- when HeaderAndBody
- write_inheritable_array("header_and_body_protocols", [klass])
- when BodyOnly
- write_inheritable_array("body_only_protocols", [klass])
- else
- raise(ProtocolError, "unknown protocol type #{type}")
- end
- end
- end
- module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
- private
- def probe_request_protocol(action_pack_request)
- (header_and_body_protocols + body_only_protocols).each do |protocol|
- protocol_request = protocol.create_protocol_request(self.class, action_pack_request)
- return protocol_request if protocol_request
- end
- raise(ProtocolError, "unsupported request message format")
- end
- def probe_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
- (header_and_body_protocols + body_only_protocols).each do |protocol|
- protocol_client = protocol.create_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
- return protocol_client if protocol_client
- end
- raise(ProtocolError, "unsupported client protocol :#{protocol_name}")
- end
- def header_and_body_protocols
- self.class.read_inheritable_attribute("header_and_body_protocols") || []
- end
- def body_only_protocols
- self.class.read_inheritable_attribute("body_only_protocols") || []
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
index 3c527fea93..f2e761f431 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
@@ -1,127 +1,49 @@
-require 'soap/processor'
-require 'soap/mapping'
-require 'soap/rpc/element'
-require 'xsd/datatypes'
-require 'xsd/ns'
-require 'singleton'
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module Protocol # :nodoc:
- module Soap # :nodoc:
- class ProtocolError < ActionWebService::ActionWebServiceError # :nodoc:
- end
- def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc:
- super
- base.register_protocol(HeaderAndBody, SoapProtocol)
- base.extend(ClassMethods)
- base.wsdl_service_name('ActionWebService')
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Specifies the WSDL service name to use when generating WSDL. Highly
- # recommended that you set this value, or code generators may generate
- # classes with very generic names.
- #
- # === Example
- # class MyController < ActionController::Base
- # wsdl_service_name 'MyService'
- # end
- def wsdl_service_name(name)
- write_inheritable_attribute("soap_mapper", SoapMapper.new("urn:#{name}"))
- end
- def soap_mapper # :nodoc:
- read_inheritable_attribute("soap_mapper")
- end
+module ActionWebService
+ module Protocol
+ module Soap
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.register_protocol(SoapProtocol)
+ base.class_inheritable_option(:wsdl_service_name)
- class SoapProtocol < AbstractProtocol # :nodoc:
- attr :mapper
- def initialize(mapper)
- @mapper = mapper
- end
- def self.create_protocol_request(container_class, action_pack_request)
- soap_action = extract_soap_action(action_pack_request)
- return nil unless soap_action
- service_name = action_pack_request.parameters['action']
- public_method_name = soap_action.gsub(/^[\/]+/, '').split(/[\/]+/)[-1]
- content_type = action_pack_request.env['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']
- content_type ||= 'text/xml'
- protocol = SoapProtocol.new(container_class.soap_mapper)
- ProtocolRequest.new(protocol,
- action_pack_request.raw_post,
- service_name.to_sym,
- public_method_name,
- content_type)
- end
- def self.create_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
- return nil unless protocol_name.to_s.downcase.to_sym == :soap
- ActionWebService::Client::Soap.new(api, endpoint_uri, options)
- end
- def unmarshal_request(protocol_request)
- unmarshal = lambda do
- envelope = SOAP::Processor.unmarshal(protocol_request.raw_body)
- request = envelope.body.request
- values = request.collect{|k, v| request[k]}
- soap_to_ruby_array(values)
- end
- signature = protocol_request.signature
- if signature
- map_signature_types(signature)
- values = unmarshal.call
- signature = signature.map{|x|mapper.lookup(x).ruby_klass}
- protocol_request.check_parameter_types(values, signature)
- values
+ class SoapProtocol
+ def initialize
+ @encoder = WS::Encoding::SoapRpcEncoding.new
+ @marshaler = WS::Marshaling::SoapMarshaler.new
+ end
+ def unmarshal_request(ap_request)
+ return nil unless has_valid_soap_action?(ap_request)
+ method_name, params = @encoder.decode_rpc_call(ap_request.raw_post)
+ params = params.map{|x| @marshaler.unmarshal(x)}
+ service_name = ap_request.parameters['action']
+ Request.new(self, method_name, params, service_name)
+ end
+ def marshal_response(method_name, return_value, signature_type)
+ if !return_value.nil? && signature_type
+ type_binding = @marshaler.register_type(signature_type)
+ info = WS::ParamInfo.create(signature_type, 0, type_binding)
+ return_value = @marshaler.marshal(WS::Param.new(return_value, info))
- if protocol_request.checked?
- []
- else
- unmarshal.call
- end
+ return_value = nil
+ body = @encoder.encode_rpc_response(method_name, return_value)
+ Response.new(body, 'text/xml')
- def marshal_response(protocol_request, return_value)
- marshal = lambda do |signature|
- mapping = mapper.lookup(signature[0])
- return_value = fixup_array_types(mapping, return_value)
- signature = signature.map{|x|mapper.lookup(x).ruby_klass}
- protocol_request.check_parameter_types([return_value], signature)
- param_def = [['retval', 'return', mapping.registry_mapping]]
- [param_def, ruby_to_soap(return_value)]
- end
- signature = protocol_request.return_signature
- param_def = nil
- if signature
- param_def, return_value = marshal.call(signature)
- else
- if protocol_request.checked?
- param_def, return_value = nil, nil
- else
- param_def, return_value = marshal.call([return_value.class])
- end
- end
- qname = XSD::QName.new(mapper.custom_namespace,
- protocol_request.public_method_name)
- response = SOAP::RPC::SOAPMethodResponse.new(qname, param_def)
- response.retval = return_value unless return_value.nil?
- ProtocolResponse.new(self, create_response(response), 'text/xml')
+ def register_signature_type(spec)
+ @marshaler.register_type(spec)
- def marshal_exception(exc)
- ProtocolResponse.new(self, create_exception_response(exc), 'text/xml')
+ def protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
+ return nil unless protocol_name == :soap
+ ActionWebService::Client::Soap.new(api, endpoint_uri, options)
- def self.extract_soap_action(request)
+ def has_valid_soap_action?(request)
return nil unless request.method == :post
- content_type = request.env['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'] || 'text/xml'
- return nil unless content_type
soap_action = request.env['HTTP_SOAPACTION']
return nil unless soap_action
soap_action.gsub!(/^"/, '')
@@ -130,355 +52,7 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
return nil if soap_action.empty?
- def fixup_array_types(mapping, obj)
- mapping.each_attribute do |name, type, attr_mapping|
- if attr_mapping.custom_type?
- attr_obj = obj.send(name)
- new_obj = fixup_array_types(attr_mapping, attr_obj)
- obj.send("#{name}=", new_obj) unless new_obj.equal?(attr_obj)
- end
- end
- if mapping.is_a?(SoapArrayMapping)
- obj = mapping.ruby_klass.new(obj)
- # man, this is going to be slow for big arrays :(
- (1..obj.size).each do |i|
- i -= 1
- obj[i] = fixup_array_types(mapping.element_mapping, obj[i])
- end
- else
- if !mapping.generated_klass.nil? && mapping.generated_klass.respond_to?(:members)
- # have to map the publically visible structure of the class
- new_obj = mapping.generated_klass.new
- mapping.generated_klass.members.each do |name, klass|
- new_obj.send("#{name}=", obj.send(name))
- end
- obj = new_obj
- end
- end
- obj
- end
- def map_signature_types(types)
- types.collect{|type| mapper.map(type)}
- end
- def create_response(body)
- header = SOAP::SOAPHeader.new
- body = SOAP::SOAPBody.new(body)
- envelope = SOAP::SOAPEnvelope.new(header, body)
- SOAP::Processor.marshal(envelope)
- end
- def create_exception_response(exc)
- detail = SOAP::Mapping::SOAPException.new(exc)
- body = SOAP::SOAPFault.new(
- SOAP::SOAPString.new('Server'),
- SOAP::SOAPString.new(exc.to_s),
- SOAP::SOAPString.new(self.class.name),
- SOAP::Mapping.obj2soap(detail))
- create_response(body)
- end
- def ruby_to_soap(obj)
- SOAP::Mapping.obj2soap(obj, mapper.registry)
- end
- def soap_to_ruby(obj)
- SOAP::Mapping.soap2obj(obj, mapper.registry)
- end
- def soap_to_ruby_array(array)
- array.map{|x| soap_to_ruby(x)}
- end
- end
- class SoapMapper # :nodoc:
- attr :registry
- attr :custom_namespace
- attr :custom_types
- def initialize(custom_namespace)
- @custom_namespace = custom_namespace
- @registry = SOAP::Mapping::Registry.new
- @klass2map = {}
- @custom_types = {}
- @ar2klass = {}
- def lookup(klass)
- lookup_klass = klass.is_a?(Array) ? klass[0] : klass
- generated_klass = nil
- unless lookup_klass.respond_to?(:ancestors)
- raise(ProtocolError, "expected parameter type definition to be a Class")
- end
- if lookup_klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- generated_klass = @ar2klass.has_key?(klass) ? @ar2klass[klass] : nil
- klass = generated_klass if generated_klass
- end
- return @klass2map[klass] if @klass2map.has_key?(klass)
- custom_type = false
- ruby_klass = select_class(lookup_klass)
- generated_klass = @ar2klass[lookup_klass] if @ar2klass.has_key?(lookup_klass)
- type_name = ruby_klass.name
- # Array signatures generate a double-mapping and require generation
- # of an Array subclass to represent the mapping in the SOAP
- # registry
- array_klass = nil
- if klass.is_a?(Array)
- array_klass = Class.new(Array) do
- module_eval <<-END
- def self.name
- "#{type_name}Array"
- end
- end
- end
- mapping = @registry.find_mapped_soap_class(ruby_klass) rescue nil
- unless mapping
- # Custom structured type, generate a mapping
- info = { :type => XSD::QName.new(@custom_namespace, type_name) }
- @registry.add(ruby_klass,
- SOAP::SOAPStruct,
- SOAP::Mapping::Registry::TypedStructFactory,
- info)
- mapping = ensure_mapped(ruby_klass)
- custom_type = true
- end
- array_mapping = nil
- if array_klass
- # Typed array always requires a custom type. The info of the array
- # is the info of its element type (in mapping[2]), falling back
- # to SOAP base types.
- info = mapping[2]
- info ||= {}
- info[:type] ||= soap_base_type_qname(mapping[0])
- @registry.add(array_klass,
- SOAP::SOAPArray,
- SOAP::Mapping::Registry::TypedArrayFactory,
- info)
- array_mapping = ensure_mapped(array_klass)
- end
- if array_mapping
- @klass2map[ruby_klass] = SoapMapping.new(self,
- type_name,
- ruby_klass,
- generated_klass,
- mapping[0],
- mapping,
- custom_type)
- @klass2map[klass] = SoapArrayMapping.new(self,
- type_name,
- array_klass,
- array_mapping[0],
- array_mapping,
- @klass2map[ruby_klass])
- @custom_types[klass] = @klass2map[klass]
- @custom_types[ruby_klass] = @klass2map[ruby_klass] if custom_type
- else
- @klass2map[klass] = SoapMapping.new(self,
- type_name,
- ruby_klass,
- generated_klass,
- mapping[0],
- mapping,
- custom_type)
- @custom_types[klass] = @klass2map[klass] if custom_type
- end
- @klass2map[klass]
- end
- alias :map :lookup
- def map_container_services(container, &block)
- dispatching_mode = container.web_service_dispatching_mode
- web_services = nil
- case dispatching_mode
- when :direct
- api = container.class.web_service_api
- if container.respond_to?(:controller_class_name)
- web_service_name = container.controller_class_name.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore
- else
- web_service_name = container.class.name.demodulize.underscore
- end
- web_services = { web_service_name => api }
- when :delegated
- web_services = {}
- container.class.web_services.each do |web_service_name, web_service_info|
- begin
- object = container.web_service_object(web_service_name)
- rescue Exception => e
- raise(ProtocolError, "failed to retrieve web service object for web service '#{web_service_name}': #{e.message}")
- end
- web_services[web_service_name] = object.class.web_service_api
- end
- end
- web_services.each do |web_service_name, api|
- if api.nil?
- raise(ProtocolError, "no web service API set while in :#{dispatching_mode} mode")
- end
- map_api(api) do |api_methods|
- yield web_service_name, api, api_methods if block_given?
- end
- end
- end
- def map_api(api, &block)
- lookup_proc = lambda do |klass|
- mapping = lookup(klass)
- custom_mapping = nil
- if mapping.respond_to?(:element_mapping)
- custom_mapping = mapping.element_mapping
- else
- custom_mapping = mapping
- end
- if custom_mapping && custom_mapping.custom_type?
- # What gives? This is required so that structure types
- # referenced only by structures (and not signatures) still
- # have a custom type mapping in the registry (needed for WSDL
- # generation).
- custom_mapping.each_attribute{}
- end
- mapping
- end
- api_methods = block.nil?? nil : {}
- api.api_methods.each do |method_name, method_info|
- expects = method_info[:expects]
- expects_signature = nil
- if expects
- expects_signature = block ? [] : nil
- expects.each do |klass|
- lookup_klass = nil
- if klass.is_a?(Hash)
- lookup_klass = lookup_proc.call(klass.values[0])
- expects_signature << {klass.keys[0]=>lookup_klass} if block
- else
- lookup_klass = lookup_proc.call(klass)
- expects_signature << lookup_klass if block
- end
- end
- end
- returns = method_info[:returns]
- returns_signature = returns ? returns.map{|klass| lookup_proc.call(klass)} : nil
- if block
- api_methods[method_name] = {
- :expects => expects_signature,
- :returns => returns_signature
- }
- end
- end
- yield api_methods if block
- end
- private
- def select_class(klass)
- return Integer if klass == Fixnum
- if klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- new_klass = Class.new(ActionWebService::Struct)
- new_klass.class_eval <<-EOS
- def self.name
- "#{klass.name}"
- end
- klass.columns.each do |column|
- next if column.klass.nil?
- new_klass.send(:member, column.name.to_sym, column.klass)
- end
- @ar2klass[klass] = new_klass
- return new_klass
- end
- klass
- end
- def ensure_mapped(klass)
- mapping = @registry.find_mapped_soap_class(klass) rescue nil
- raise(ProtocolError, "failed to register #{klass.name}") unless mapping
- mapping
- end
- def soap_base_type_qname(base_type)
- xsd_type = base_type.ancestors.find{|c| c.const_defined? 'Type'}
- xsd_type ? xsd_type.const_get('Type') : XSD::XSDAnySimpleType::Type
- end
- end
- class SoapMapping # :nodoc:
- attr :ruby_klass
- attr :generated_klass
- attr :soap_klass
- attr :registry_mapping
- def initialize(mapper, type_name, ruby_klass, generated_klass, soap_klass, registry_mapping,
- custom_type=false)
- @mapper = mapper
- @type_name = type_name
- @ruby_klass = ruby_klass
- @generated_klass = generated_klass
- @soap_klass = soap_klass
- @registry_mapping = registry_mapping
- @custom_type = custom_type
- end
- def type_name
- @type_name
- end
- def custom_type?
- @custom_type
- end
- def qualified_type_name
- name = type_name
- if custom_type?
- "typens:#{name}"
- else
- xsd_type_for(@soap_klass)
- end
- end
- def each_attribute(&block)
- if @ruby_klass.respond_to?(:members)
- @ruby_klass.members.each do |name, klass|
- name = name.to_s
- mapping = @mapper.lookup(klass)
- yield name, mapping.qualified_type_name, mapping
- end
- end
- end
- def is_xsd_type?(klass)
- klass.ancestors.include?(XSD::NSDBase)
- end
- def xsd_type_for(klass)
- ns = XSD::NS.new
- ns.assign(XSD::Namespace, SOAP::XSDNamespaceTag)
- xsd_klass = klass.ancestors.find{|c| c.const_defined?('Type')}
- return ns.name(XSD::AnyTypeName) unless xsd_klass
- ns.name(xsd_klass.const_get('Type'))
- end
- end
- class SoapArrayMapping < SoapMapping # :nodoc:
- attr :element_mapping
- def initialize(mapper, type_name, ruby_klass, soap_klass, registry_mapping, element_mapping)
- super(mapper, type_name, ruby_klass, nil, soap_klass, registry_mapping, true)
- @element_mapping = element_mapping
- end
- def type_name
- super + "Array"
- end
- def each_attribute(&block); end
- end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/xmlrpc_protocol.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/xmlrpc_protocol.rb
index 1addccba56..1533a2bdb9 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/xmlrpc_protocol.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/xmlrpc_protocol.rb
@@ -1,167 +1,47 @@
-require 'xmlrpc/parser'
-require 'xmlrpc/create'
-require 'xmlrpc/config'
-require 'xmlrpc/utils'
-require 'singleton'
-module XMLRPC # :nodoc:
- class XmlRpcHelper # :nodoc:
- include Singleton
- include ParserWriterChooseMixin
- def parse_method_call(message)
- parser().parseMethodCall(message)
- end
- def create_method_response(successful, return_value)
- create().methodResponse(successful, return_value)
- end
- end
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module Protocol # :nodoc:
- module XmlRpc # :nodoc:
- def self.append_features(base) # :nodoc:
- super
- base.register_protocol(BodyOnly, XmlRpcProtocol)
+module ActionWebService
+ module Protocol
+ module XmlRpc
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.register_protocol(XmlRpcProtocol)
+ class XmlRpcProtocol
+ attr :marshaler
- class XmlRpcProtocol < AbstractProtocol # :nodoc:
- def self.create_protocol_request(container_class, action_pack_request)
- helper = XMLRPC::XmlRpcHelper.instance
- service_name = action_pack_request.parameters['action']
- methodname, params = helper.parse_method_call(action_pack_request.raw_post)
- methodname.gsub!(/^[^\.]+\./, '') unless methodname =~ /^system\./ # XXX
- protocol = XmlRpcProtocol.new(container_class)
- content_type = action_pack_request.env['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']
- content_type ||= 'text/xml'
- request = ProtocolRequest.new(protocol,
- action_pack_request.raw_post,
- service_name.to_sym,
- methodname,
- content_type,
- :xmlrpc_values => params)
- request
- rescue
- nil
- end
- def self.create_protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
- return nil unless protocol_name.to_s.downcase.to_sym == :xmlrpc
- ActionWebService::Client::XmlRpc.new(api, endpoint_uri, options)
+ def initialize
+ @encoder = WS::Encoding::XmlRpcEncoding.new
+ @marshaler = WS::Marshaling::XmlRpcMarshaler.new
- def initialize(container_class)
- super(container_class)
+ def unmarshal_request(ap_request)
+ method_name, params = @encoder.decode_rpc_call(ap_request.raw_post)
+ params = params.map{|x| @marshaler.unmarshal(x)}
+ service_name = ap_request.parameters['action']
+ Request.new(self, method_name, params, service_name)
+ rescue
+ nil
- def unmarshal_request(protocol_request)
- values = protocol_request.options[:xmlrpc_values]
- signature = protocol_request.signature
- if signature
- values = self.class.transform_incoming_method_params(self.class.transform_array_types(signature), values)
- protocol_request.check_parameter_types(values, check_array_types(signature))
- values
- else
- protocol_request.checked? ? [] : values
- end
- end
- def marshal_response(protocol_request, return_value)
- helper = XMLRPC::XmlRpcHelper.instance
- signature = protocol_request.return_signature
- if signature
- protocol_request.check_parameter_types([return_value], check_array_types(signature))
- return_value = self.class.transform_return_value(self.class.transform_array_types(signature), return_value)
- raw_response = helper.create_method_response(true, return_value)
+ def marshal_response(method_name, return_value, signature_type)
+ if !return_value.nil? && signature_type
+ type_binding = @marshaler.register_type(signature_type)
+ info = WS::ParamInfo.create(signature_type, 0, type_binding)
+ return_value = @marshaler.marshal(WS::Param.new(return_value, info))
- # XML-RPC doesn't have the concept of a void method, nor does it
- # support a nil return value, so return true if we would have returned
- # nil
- if protocol_request.checked?
- raw_response = helper.create_method_response(true, true)
- else
- return_value = true if return_value.nil?
- raw_response = helper.create_method_response(true, return_value)
- end
+ return_value = nil
- ProtocolResponse.new(self, raw_response, 'text/xml')
+ body = @encoder.encode_rpc_response(method_name, return_value)
+ Response.new(body, 'text/xml')
- def marshal_exception(exception)
- helper = XMLRPC::XmlRpcHelper.instance
- exception = XMLRPC::FaultException.new(1, exception.message)
- raw_response = helper.create_method_response(false, exception)
- ProtocolResponse.new(self, raw_response, 'text/xml')
- end
- class << self
- def transform_incoming_method_params(signature, params)
- (1..signature.size).each do |i|
- i -= 1
- params[i] = xmlrpc_to_ruby(params[i], signature[i])
- end
- params
- end
- def transform_return_value(signature, return_value)
- ruby_to_xmlrpc(return_value, signature[0])
- end
- def ruby_to_xmlrpc(param, param_class)
- if param_class.is_a?(XmlRpcArray)
- param.map{|p| ruby_to_xmlrpc(p, param_class.klass)}
- elsif param_class.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- param.instance_variable_get('@attributes')
- elsif param_class.ancestors.include?(ActionWebService::Struct)
- struct = {}
- param_class.members.each do |name, klass|
- value = param.send(name)
- next if value.nil?
- struct[name.to_s] = value
- end
- struct
- else
- param
- end
- end
- def xmlrpc_to_ruby(param, param_class)
- if param_class.is_a?(XmlRpcArray)
- param.map{|p| xmlrpc_to_ruby(p, param_class.klass)}
- elsif param_class.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
- raise(ProtocolError, "incoming ActiveRecord::Base types are not allowed")
- elsif param_class.ancestors.include?(ActionWebService::Struct)
- unless param.is_a?(Hash)
- raise(ProtocolError, "expected parameter to be a Hash")
- end
- new_param = param_class.new
- param_class.members.each do |name, klass|
- new_param.send('%s=' % name.to_s, param[name.to_s])
- end
- new_param
- else
- param
- end
- end
+ def register_signature_type(spec)
+ nil
+ end
- def transform_array_types(signature)
- signature.map{|x| x.is_a?(Array) ? XmlRpcArray.new(x[0]) : x}
- end
+ def protocol_client(api, protocol_name, endpoint_uri, options)
+ return nil unless protocol_name == :xmlrpc
+ ActionWebService::Client::XmlRpc.new(api, endpoint_uri, options)
- private
- def check_array_types(signature)
- signature.map{|x| x.is_a?(Array) ? Array : x}
- end
- class XmlRpcArray
- attr :klass
- def initialize(klass)
- @klass = klass
- end
- end