path: root/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation
diff options
authorJoshua Peek <josh@joshpeek.com>2009-10-19 23:32:06 -0500
committerJoshua Peek <josh@joshpeek.com>2009-10-19 23:32:17 -0500
commita1df2590744ed126981dfd5b5709ff6fd5dc6476 (patch)
tree1c01e2ba7465f554a2470155c46c0309dfe7615f /actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation
parentcbedcb06152ed6d7e7457334cd45af5ab24ef6ea (diff)
Replace decaying routing internals w/ rack-mount
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 414 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/polymorphic_routes.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/polymorphic_routes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2adf3575a7..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/polymorphic_routes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-module ActionController
- # Polymorphic URL helpers are methods for smart resolution to a named route call when
- # given an Active Record model instance. They are to be used in combination with
- # ActionController::Resources.
- #
- # These methods are useful when you want to generate correct URL or path to a RESTful
- # resource without having to know the exact type of the record in question.
- #
- # Nested resources and/or namespaces are also supported, as illustrated in the example:
- #
- # polymorphic_url([:admin, @article, @comment])
- #
- # results in:
- #
- # admin_article_comment_url(@article, @comment)
- #
- # == Usage within the framework
- #
- # Polymorphic URL helpers are used in a number of places throughout the Rails framework:
- #
- # * <tt>url_for</tt>, so you can use it with a record as the argument, e.g.
- # <tt>url_for(@article)</tt>;
- # * ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper uses <tt>polymorphic_path</tt>, so you can write
- # <tt>form_for(@article)</tt> without having to specify <tt>:url</tt> parameter for the form
- # action;
- # * <tt>redirect_to</tt> (which, in fact, uses <tt>url_for</tt>) so you can write
- # <tt>redirect_to(post)</tt> in your controllers;
- # * ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper, so you don't have to explicitly specify URLs
- # for feed entries.
- #
- # == Prefixed polymorphic helpers
- #
- # In addition to <tt>polymorphic_url</tt> and <tt>polymorphic_path</tt> methods, a
- # number of prefixed helpers are available as a shorthand to <tt>:action => "..."</tt>
- # in options. Those are:
- #
- # * <tt>edit_polymorphic_url</tt>, <tt>edit_polymorphic_path</tt>
- # * <tt>new_polymorphic_url</tt>, <tt>new_polymorphic_path</tt>
- #
- # Example usage:
- #
- # edit_polymorphic_path(@post) # => "/posts/1/edit"
- # polymorphic_path(@post, :format => :pdf) # => "/posts/1.pdf"
- module PolymorphicRoutes
- # Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the
- # resulting URL string. For example:
- #
- # # calls post_url(post)
- # polymorphic_url(post) # => "http://example.com/posts/1"
- # polymorphic_url([blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/blogs/1/posts/1"
- # polymorphic_url([:admin, blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/admin/blogs/1/posts/1"
- # polymorphic_url([user, :blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/users/1/blog/posts/1"
- # polymorphic_url(Comment) # => "http://example.com/comments"
- #
- # ==== Options
- #
- # * <tt>:action</tt> - Specifies the action prefix for the named route:
- # <tt>:new</tt> or <tt>:edit</tt>. Default is no prefix.
- # * <tt>:routing_type</tt> - Allowed values are <tt>:path</tt> or <tt>:url</tt>.
- # Default is <tt>:url</tt>.
- #
- # ==== Examples
- #
- # # an Article record
- # polymorphic_url(record) # same as article_url(record)
- #
- # # a Comment record
- # polymorphic_url(record) # same as comment_url(record)
- #
- # # it recognizes new records and maps to the collection
- # record = Comment.new
- # polymorphic_url(record) # same as comments_url()
- #
- # # the class of a record will also map to the collection
- # polymorphic_url(Comment) # same as comments_url()
- #
- def polymorphic_url(record_or_hash_or_array, options = {})
- if record_or_hash_or_array.kind_of?(Array)
- record_or_hash_or_array = record_or_hash_or_array.compact
- record_or_hash_or_array = record_or_hash_or_array[0] if record_or_hash_or_array.size == 1
- end
- record = extract_record(record_or_hash_or_array)
- record = record.to_model if record.respond_to?(:to_model)
- namespace = extract_namespace(record_or_hash_or_array)
- args = case record_or_hash_or_array
- when Hash; [ record_or_hash_or_array ]
- when Array; record_or_hash_or_array.dup
- else [ record_or_hash_or_array ]
- end
- inflection = if options[:action].to_s == "new"
- args.pop
- :singular
- elsif (record.respond_to?(:new_record?) && record.new_record?) ||
- (record.respond_to?(:destroyed?) && record.destroyed?)
- args.pop
- :plural
- elsif record.is_a?(Class)
- args.pop
- :plural
- else
- :singular
- end
- args.delete_if {|arg| arg.is_a?(Symbol) || arg.is_a?(String)}
- named_route = build_named_route_call(record_or_hash_or_array, namespace, inflection, options)
- url_options = options.except(:action, :routing_type)
- unless url_options.empty?
- args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? args.last.merge!(url_options) : args << url_options
- end
- __send__(named_route, *args)
- end
- # Returns the path component of a URL for the given record. It uses
- # <tt>polymorphic_url</tt> with <tt>:routing_type => :path</tt>.
- def polymorphic_path(record_or_hash_or_array, options = {})
- polymorphic_url(record_or_hash_or_array, options.merge(:routing_type => :path))
- end
- %w(edit new).each do |action|
- module_eval <<-EOT, __FILE__, __LINE__
- def #{action}_polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options = {}) # def edit_polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options = {})
- polymorphic_url( # polymorphic_url(
- record_or_hash, # record_or_hash,
- options.merge(:action => "#{action}")) # options.merge(:action => "edit"))
- end # end
- #
- def #{action}_polymorphic_path(record_or_hash, options = {}) # def edit_polymorphic_path(record_or_hash, options = {})
- polymorphic_url( # polymorphic_url(
- record_or_hash, # record_or_hash,
- options.merge(:action => "#{action}", :routing_type => :path)) # options.merge(:action => "edit", :routing_type => :path))
- end # end
- end
- def formatted_polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options = {})
- ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("formatted_polymorphic_url has been deprecated. Please pass :format to the polymorphic_url method instead", caller)
- options[:format] = record_or_hash.pop if Array === record_or_hash
- polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options)
- end
- def formatted_polymorphic_path(record_or_hash, options = {})
- ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("formatted_polymorphic_path has been deprecated. Please pass :format to the polymorphic_path method instead", caller)
- options[:format] = record_or_hash.pop if record_or_hash === Array
- polymorphic_url(record_or_hash, options.merge(:routing_type => :path))
- end
- private
- def action_prefix(options)
- options[:action] ? "#{options[:action]}_" : ''
- end
- def routing_type(options)
- options[:routing_type] || :url
- end
- def build_named_route_call(records, namespace, inflection, options = {})
- unless records.is_a?(Array)
- record = extract_record(records)
- route = ''
- else
- record = records.pop
- route = records.inject("") do |string, parent|
- if parent.is_a?(Symbol) || parent.is_a?(String)
- string << "#{parent}_"
- else
- string << "#{RecordIdentifier.__send__("plural_class_name", parent)}".singularize
- string << "_"
- end
- end
- end
- if record.is_a?(Symbol) || record.is_a?(String)
- route << "#{record}_"
- else
- route << "#{RecordIdentifier.__send__("plural_class_name", record)}"
- route = route.singularize if inflection == :singular
- route << "_"
- end
- action_prefix(options) + namespace + route + routing_type(options).to_s
- end
- def extract_record(record_or_hash_or_array)
- case record_or_hash_or_array
- when Array; record_or_hash_or_array.last
- when Hash; record_or_hash_or_array[:id]
- else record_or_hash_or_array
- end
- end
- # Remove the first symbols from the array and return the url prefix
- # implied by those symbols.
- def extract_namespace(record_or_hash_or_array)
- return "" unless record_or_hash_or_array.is_a?(Array)
- namespace_keys = []
- while (key = record_or_hash_or_array.first) && key.is_a?(String) || key.is_a?(Symbol)
- namespace_keys << record_or_hash_or_array.shift
- end
- namespace_keys.map {|k| "#{k}_"}.join
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/url_rewriter.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/url_rewriter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 52b66c9303..0000000000
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/generation/url_rewriter.rb
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-module ActionController
- # In <b>routes.rb</b> one defines URL-to-controller mappings, but the reverse
- # is also possible: an URL can be generated from one of your routing definitions.
- # URL generation functionality is centralized in this module.
- #
- # See ActionController::Routing and ActionController::Resources for general
- # information about routing and routes.rb.
- #
- # <b>Tip:</b> If you need to generate URLs from your models or some other place,
- # then ActionController::UrlWriter is what you're looking for. Read on for
- # an introduction.
- #
- # == URL generation from parameters
- #
- # As you may know, some functions - such as ActionController::Base#url_for
- # and ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#link_to, can generate URLs given a set
- # of parameters. For example, you've probably had the chance to write code
- # like this in one of your views:
- #
- # <%= link_to('Click here', :controller => 'users',
- # :action => 'new', :message => 'Welcome!') %>
- #
- # #=> Generates a link to: /users/new?message=Welcome%21
- #
- # link_to, and all other functions that require URL generation functionality,
- # actually use ActionController::UrlWriter under the hood. And in particular,
- # they use the ActionController::UrlWriter#url_for method. One can generate
- # the same path as the above example by using the following code:
- #
- # include UrlWriter
- # url_for(:controller => 'users',
- # :action => 'new',
- # :message => 'Welcome!',
- # :only_path => true)
- # # => "/users/new?message=Welcome%21"
- #
- # Notice the <tt>:only_path => true</tt> part. This is because UrlWriter has no
- # information about the website hostname that your Rails app is serving. So if you
- # want to include the hostname as well, then you must also pass the <tt>:host</tt>
- # argument:
- #
- # include UrlWriter
- # url_for(:controller => 'users',
- # :action => 'new',
- # :message => 'Welcome!',
- # :host => 'www.example.com') # Changed this.
- # # => "http://www.example.com/users/new?message=Welcome%21"
- #
- # By default, all controllers and views have access to a special version of url_for,
- # that already knows what the current hostname is. So if you use url_for in your
- # controllers or your views, then you don't need to explicitly pass the <tt>:host</tt>
- # argument.
- #
- # For convenience reasons, mailers provide a shortcut for ActionController::UrlWriter#url_for.
- # So within mailers, you only have to type 'url_for' instead of 'ActionController::UrlWriter#url_for'
- # in full. However, mailers don't have hostname information, and what's why you'll still
- # have to specify the <tt>:host</tt> argument when generating URLs in mailers.
- #
- #
- # == URL generation for named routes
- #
- # UrlWriter also allows one to access methods that have been auto-generated from
- # named routes. For example, suppose that you have a 'users' resource in your
- # <b>routes.rb</b>:
- #
- # map.resources :users
- #
- # This generates, among other things, the method <tt>users_path</tt>. By default,
- # this method is accessible from your controllers, views and mailers. If you need
- # to access this auto-generated method from other places (such as a model), then
- # you can do that by including ActionController::UrlWriter in your class:
- #
- # class User < ActiveRecord::Base
- # include ActionController::UrlWriter
- #
- # def base_uri
- # user_path(self)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # User.find(1).base_uri # => "/users/1"
- module UrlWriter
- def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
- ActionController::Routing::Routes.install_helpers(base)
- base.mattr_accessor :default_url_options
- # The default options for urls written by this writer. Typically a <tt>:host</tt> pair is provided.
- base.default_url_options ||= {}
- end
- # Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the
- # routes defined in routes.rb. The following options are supported:
- #
- # * <tt>:only_path</tt> - If true, the relative url is returned. Defaults to +false+.
- # * <tt>:protocol</tt> - The protocol to connect to. Defaults to 'http'.
- # * <tt>:host</tt> - Specifies the host the link should be targeted at.
- # If <tt>:only_path</tt> is false, this option must be
- # provided either explicitly, or via +default_url_options+.
- # * <tt>:port</tt> - Optionally specify the port to connect to.
- # * <tt>:anchor</tt> - An anchor name to be appended to the path.
- # * <tt>:skip_relative_url_root</tt> - If true, the url is not constructed using the
- # +relative_url_root+ set in ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.
- # * <tt>:trailing_slash</tt> - If true, adds a trailing slash, as in "/archive/2009/"
- #
- # Any other key (<tt>:controller</tt>, <tt>:action</tt>, etc.) given to
- # +url_for+ is forwarded to the Routes module.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :port=>'8080' # => 'http://somehost.org:8080/tasks/testing'
- # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :anchor => 'ok', :only_path => true # => '/tasks/testing#ok'
- # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :trailing_slash=>true # => 'http://somehost.org/tasks/testing/'
- # url_for :controller => 'tasks', :action => 'testing', :host=>'somehost.org', :number => '33' # => 'http://somehost.org/tasks/testing?number=33'
- def url_for(options)
- options = self.class.default_url_options.merge(options)
- url = ''
- unless options.delete(:only_path)
- url << (options.delete(:protocol) || 'http')
- url << '://' unless url.match("://")
- raise "Missing host to link to! Please provide :host parameter or set default_url_options[:host]" unless options[:host]
- url << options.delete(:host)
- url << ":#{options.delete(:port)}" if options.key?(:port)
- else
- # Delete the unused options to prevent their appearance in the query string.
- [:protocol, :host, :port, :skip_relative_url_root].each { |k| options.delete(k) }
- end
- trailing_slash = options.delete(:trailing_slash) if options.key?(:trailing_slash)
- url << ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.to_s unless options[:skip_relative_url_root]
- anchor = "##{CGI.escape options.delete(:anchor).to_param.to_s}" if options[:anchor]
- generated = Routing::Routes.generate(options, {})
- url << (trailing_slash ? generated.sub(/\?|\z/) { "/" + $& } : generated)
- url << anchor if anchor
- url
- end
- end
- # Rewrites URLs for Base.redirect_to and Base.url_for in the controller.
- class UrlRewriter #:nodoc:
- RESERVED_OPTIONS = [:anchor, :params, :only_path, :host, :protocol, :port, :trailing_slash, :skip_relative_url_root]
- def initialize(request, parameters)
- @request, @parameters = request, parameters
- end
- def rewrite(options = {})
- rewrite_url(options)
- end
- def to_str
- "#{@request.protocol}, #{@request.host_with_port}, #{@request.path}, #{@parameters[:controller]}, #{@parameters[:action]}, #{@request.parameters.inspect}"
- end
- alias_method :to_s, :to_str
- private
- # Given a path and options, returns a rewritten URL string
- def rewrite_url(options)
- rewritten_url = ""
- unless options[:only_path]
- rewritten_url << (options[:protocol] || @request.protocol)
- rewritten_url << "://" unless rewritten_url.match("://")
- rewritten_url << rewrite_authentication(options)
- rewritten_url << (options[:host] || @request.host_with_port)
- rewritten_url << ":#{options.delete(:port)}" if options.key?(:port)
- end
- path = rewrite_path(options)
- rewritten_url << ActionController::Base.relative_url_root.to_s unless options[:skip_relative_url_root]
- rewritten_url << (options[:trailing_slash] ? path.sub(/\?|\z/) { "/" + $& } : path)
- rewritten_url << "##{CGI.escape(options[:anchor].to_param.to_s)}" if options[:anchor]
- rewritten_url
- end
- # Given a Hash of options, generates a route
- def rewrite_path(options)
- options = options.symbolize_keys
- options.update(options[:params].symbolize_keys) if options[:params]
- if (overwrite = options.delete(:overwrite_params))
- options.update(@parameters.symbolize_keys)
- options.update(overwrite.symbolize_keys)
- end
- RESERVED_OPTIONS.each { |k| options.delete(k) }
- # Generates the query string, too
- Routing::Routes.generate(options, @request.symbolized_path_parameters)
- end
- def rewrite_authentication(options)
- if options[:user] && options[:password]
- "#{CGI.escape(options.delete(:user))}:#{CGI.escape(options.delete(:password))}@"
- else
- ""
- end
- end
- end