path: root/actionpack/examples
diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2004-11-24 01:04:44 +0000
commitdb045dbbf60b53dbe013ef25554fd013baf88134 (patch)
tree257830e3c76458c8ff3d1329de83f32b23926028 /actionpack/examples
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
Diffstat (limited to 'actionpack/examples')
14 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/.htaccess b/actionpack/examples/.htaccess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb59fa105e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/.htaccess
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<IfModule mod_ruby.c>
+ RubyRequire apache/ruby-run
+ RubySafeLevel 0
+ <Files *.rbx>
+ SetHandler ruby-object
+ RubyHandler Apache::RubyRun.instance
+ </Files>
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteRule ^fcgi/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.fcgi?action=$2&id=$3 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^fcgi/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.fcgi?action=$2 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^fcgi/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$ /$1_controller.fcgi?action=index [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^modruby/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.rbx?action=$2&id=$3 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^modruby/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.rbx?action=$2 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^modruby/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$ /$1_controller.rbx?action=index [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.cgi?action=$2&id=$3 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ /$1_controller.cgi?action=$2 [QSA]
+RewriteRule ^([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$ /$1_controller.cgi?action=index [QSA]
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book/index.rhtml b/actionpack/examples/address_book/index.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..217d39075c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book/index.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<h1>Address Book</h1>
+<% if @people.empty? %>
+ <p>No people in the address book yet</p>
+<% else %>
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Name</th><th>Email Address</th><th>Phone Number</th></tr>
+ <% for person in @people %>
+ <tr><td><%= person.name %></td><td><%= person.email_address %></td><td><%= person.phone_number %></td></tr>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
+<% end %>
+<form action="create_person">
+ <p>
+ Name:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="person[name]">
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Email address:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="person[email_address]">
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Phone number:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="person[phone_number]">
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <input type="submit" value="Create Person">
+ </p>
+</form> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book/layout.rhtml b/actionpack/examples/address_book/layout.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..931e141c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book/layout.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ <title><%= @title || "Untitled" %></title>
+<%= @content_for_layout %>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.cgi b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2e15467285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require "address_book_controller"
+ AddressBookController.process_cgi(CGI.new)
+rescue => e
+ CGI.new.out { "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" }
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.fcgi b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.fcgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..39947b4444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.fcgi
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require "address_book_controller"
+require "fcgi"
+FCGI.each_cgi { |cgi| AddressBookController.process_cgi(cgi) } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rb b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01d498e1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
+require "action_controller"
+require "action_controller/test_process"
+Person = Struct.new("Person", :id, :name, :email_address, :phone_number)
+class AddressBookService
+ attr_reader :people
+ def initialize() @people = [] end
+ def create_person(data) people.unshift(Person.new(next_person_id, data["name"], data["email_address"], data["phone_number"])) end
+ def find_person(topic_id) people.select { |person| person.id == person.to_i }.first end
+ def next_person_id() people.first.id + 1 end
+class AddressBookController < ActionController::Base
+ layout "address_book/layout"
+ before_filter :initialize_session_storage
+ # Could also have used a proc
+ # before_filter proc { |c| c.instance_variable_set("@address_book", c.session["address_book"] ||= AddressBookService.new) }
+ def index
+ @title = "Address Book"
+ @people = @address_book.people
+ end
+ def person
+ @person = @address_book.find_person(@params["id"])
+ end
+ def create_person
+ @address_book.create_person(@params["person"])
+ redirect_to :action => "index"
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize_session_storage
+ @address_book = @session["address_book"] ||= AddressBookService.new
+ end
+ActionController::Base.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+# ActionController::Base.logger = Logger.new("debug.log") # Remove first comment to turn on logging in current dir
+ AddressBookController.process_cgi(CGI.new) if $0 == __FILE__
+rescue => e
+ CGI.new.out { "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" }
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rbx b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rbx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c04eeccc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/address_book_controller.rbx
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require "address_book_controller"
+AddressBookController.process_cgi(CGI.new) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/benchmark.rb b/actionpack/examples/benchmark.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e10a0c962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/benchmark.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
+require "action_controller"
+require 'action_controller/test_process'
+Person = Struct.new("Person", :name, :address, :age)
+class BenchmarkController < ActionController::Base
+ def message
+ render_text "hello world"
+ end
+ def list
+ @people = [ Person.new("David"), Person.new("Mary") ]
+ render_template "hello: <% for person in @people %>Name: <%= person.name %><% end %>"
+ end
+ def form_helper
+ @person = Person.new "david", "hyacintvej", 24
+ render_template(
+ "<% person = Person.new 'Mary', 'hyacintvej', 22 %> " +
+ "change the name <%= text_field 'person', 'name' %> and <%= text_field 'person', 'address' %> and <%= text_field 'person', 'age' %>"
+ )
+ end
+#ActionController::Base.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+require "benchmark"
+RUNS = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0].to_i : 50
+require "profile" if ARGV[1]
+runtime = Benchmark.measure {
+ RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "list" })) }
+puts "List: #{RUNS / runtime.real}"
+runtime = Benchmark.measure {
+ RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "message" })) }
+puts "Message: #{RUNS / runtime.real}"
+runtime = Benchmark.measure {
+ RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "form_helper" })) }
+puts "Form helper: #{RUNS / runtime.real}"
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/benchmark_with_ar.fcgi b/actionpack/examples/benchmark_with_ar.fcgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b9de370e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/benchmark_with_ar.fcgi
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../edge/activerecord/lib")
+require 'fcgi'
+require 'action_controller'
+require 'action_controller/test_process'
+require 'active_record'
+class Post < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "mysql", :database => "basecamp")
+SESSION_OPTIONS = { "database_manager" => CGI::Session::MemoryStore }
+class TestController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ render_template <<-EOT
+ <% for post in Post.find_all(nil,nil,100) %>
+ <%= post.title %>
+ <% end %>
+ end
+ def show_one
+ render_template <<-EOT
+ <%= Post.find_first.title %>
+ end
+ def text
+ render_text "hello world"
+ end
+ def erb_text
+ render_template "hello <%= 'world' %>"
+ end
+ def erb_loop
+ render_template <<-EOT
+ <% for post in 1..100 %>
+ <%= post %>
+ <% end %>
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e) puts e.message + e.backtrace.join("\n") end
+if ARGV.empty? && ENV["REQUEST_URI"]
+ FCGI.each_cgi do |cgi|
+ TestController.process(ActionController::CgiRequest.new(cgi, SESSION_OPTIONS), ActionController::CgiResponse.new(cgi)).out
+ end
+ if ARGV.empty?
+ cgi = CGI.new
+ end
+ require 'benchmark'
+ require 'profile' if ARGV[2] == "profile"
+ RUNS = ARGV[1] ? ARGV[1].to_i : 50
+ runtime = Benchmark::measure {
+ RUNS.times {
+ if ARGV.empty?
+ TestController.process(ActionController::CgiRequest.new(cgi, SESSION_OPTIONS), ActionController::CgiResponse.new(cgi))
+ else
+ response = TestController.process_test(
+ ActionController::TestRequest.new({"action" => ARGV[0]})
+ )
+ puts(response.body) if ARGV[2] == "show"
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ puts "Runs: #{RUNS}"
+ puts "Avg. runtime: #{runtime.real / RUNS}"
+ puts "Requests/second: #{RUNS / runtime.real}"
+rescue Exception => e
+ # CGI.new.out { "<pre>" + e.message + e.backtrace.join("\n") + "</pre>" }
+ $stderr << e.message + e.backtrace.join("\n")
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/blog_controller.cgi b/actionpack/examples/blog_controller.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e64fe85f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/blog_controller.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
+require "action_controller"
+Post = Struct.new("Post", :title, :body)
+class BlogController < ActionController::Base
+ before_filter :initialize_session_storage
+ def index
+ @posts = @session["posts"]
+ render_template <<-"EOF"
+ <html><body>
+ <%= @flash["alert"] %>
+ <h1>Posts</h1>
+ <% @posts.each do |post| %>
+ <p><b><%= post.title %></b><br /><%= post.body %></p>
+ <% end %>
+ <h1>Create post</h1>
+ <form action="create">
+ Title: <input type="text" name="post[title]"><br>
+ Body: <textarea name="post[body]"></textarea><br>
+ <input type="submit" value="save">
+ </form>
+ </body></html>
+ end
+ def create
+ @session["posts"].unshift(Post.new(@params["post"]["title"], @params["post"]["body"]))
+ flash["alert"] = "New post added!"
+ redirect_to :action => "index"
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize_session_storage
+ @session["posts"] = [] if @session["posts"].nil?
+ end
+ActionController::Base.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+# ActionController::Base.logger = Logger.new("debug.log") # Remove first comment to turn on logging in current dir
+ BlogController.process_cgi(CGI.new) if $0 == __FILE__
+rescue => e
+ CGI.new.out { "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" }
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/debate/index.rhtml b/actionpack/examples/debate/index.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddaa87da57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/debate/index.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<%= link_to "New topic", :action => "new_topic" %>
+<% for topic in @topics %>
+ <li><%= link_to "#{topic.title} (#{topic.replies.length} replies)", :action => "topic", :path_params => { "id" => topic.id } %></li>
+<% end %>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/debate/new_topic.rhtml b/actionpack/examples/debate/new_topic.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f52a69cc31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/debate/new_topic.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<h1>New topic</h1>
+<form action="<%= url_for(:action => "create_topic") %>" method="post">
+ <p>
+ Title:<br>
+ <input type="text" name="topic[title]">
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Body:<br>
+ <textarea name="topic[body]" style="width: 200px; height: 200px"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <input type="submit" value="Create topic">
+ </p>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/debate/topic.rhtml b/actionpack/examples/debate/topic.rhtml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e247c00f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/debate/topic.rhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<h1><%= @topic.title %></h1>
+<p><%= @topic.body %></p>
+<%= link_to "Back to topics", :action => "index" %>
+<% unless @topic.replies.empty? %>
+ <h2>Replies</h2>
+ <ol>
+ <% for reply in @topic.replies %>
+ <li><%= reply.body %></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ol>
+<% end %>
+<h2>Reply to this topic</h2>
+<form action="<%= url_for(:action => "create_reply") %>" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" name="reply[topic_id]" value="<%= @topic.id %>">
+ <p>
+ <textarea name="reply[body]" style="width: 200px; height: 200px"></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <input type="submit" value="Create reply">
+ </p>
+</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/examples/debate_controller.cgi b/actionpack/examples/debate_controller.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b82ac6259d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/examples/debate_controller.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib")
+require "action_controller"
+Topic = Struct.new("Topic", :id, :title, :body, :replies)
+Reply = Struct.new("Reply", :body)
+class DebateService
+ attr_reader :topics
+ def initialize() @topics = [] end
+ def create_topic(data) topics.unshift(Topic.new(next_topic_id, data["title"], data["body"], [])) end
+ def create_reply(data) find_topic(data["topic_id"]).replies << Reply.new(data["body"]) end
+ def find_topic(topic_id) topics.select { |topic| topic.id == topic_id.to_i }.first end
+ def next_topic_id() topics.first.id + 1 end
+class DebateController < ActionController::Base
+ before_filter :initialize_session_storage
+ def index
+ @topics = @debate.topics
+ end
+ def topic
+ @topic = @debate.find_topic(@params["id"])
+ end
+ # def new_topic() end <-- This is not needed as the template doesn't require any assigns
+ def create_topic
+ @debate.create_topic(@params["topic"])
+ redirect_to :action => "index"
+ end
+ def create_reply
+ @debate.create_reply(@params["reply"])
+ redirect_to :action => "topic", :path_params => { "id" => @params["reply"]["topic_id"] }
+ end
+ private
+ def initialize_session_storage
+ @session["debate"] = DebateService.new if @session["debate"].nil?
+ @debate = @session["debate"]
+ end
+ActionController::Base.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+# ActionController::Base.logger = Logger.new("debug.log") # Remove first comment to turn on logging in current dir
+ DebateController.process_cgi(CGI.new) if $0 == __FILE__
+rescue => e
+ CGI.new.out { "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" }
+end \ No newline at end of file