diff options
authorJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2007-01-13 07:15:07 +0000
committerJeremy Kemper <jeremy@bitsweat.net>2007-01-13 07:15:07 +0000
commit7b07baac27120edb22a9b9f80c53a3b22d292b46 (patch)
parentba814a903386ce12ea5370f5c7df8ef9fb693612 (diff)
Unbundle flexmock.
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@5917 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 1068 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG b/activesupport/CHANGELOG
index 0fc1488974..8d935ecac5 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+* Unbundle flexmock. [Jeremy Kemper]
* Fix Dependencies.autoloaded? to ignore anonymous modules. Closes #6561. [Nicholas Seckar]
* Update load once paths to prevent nested once constants from being detected and claimed by an external non-once load. [Nicholas Seckar]
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/flexmock.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/flexmock.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad6877715a..0000000000
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/flexmock.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1068 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org).
-# All rights reserved.
-# Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
-# and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the
-# above copyright notice is included.
-require 'test/unit'
-# FlexMock is a flexible mock object suitable for using with Ruby's
-# Test::Unit unit test framework. FlexMock has a simple interface
-# that's easy to remember, and leaves the hard stuff to all those
-# other mock object implementations.
-# Basic Usage:
-# m = FlexMock.new("name")
-# m.mock_handle(:meth) { |args| assert_stuff }
-# Simplified Usage:
-# m = FlexMock.new("name")
-# m.should_receive(:upcase).with("stuff").
-# returns("STUFF")
-# m.should_receive(:downcase).with(String).
-# returns { |s| s.downcase }.once
-# With Test::Unit Integration:
-# class TestSomething < Test::Unit::TestCase
-# include FlexMock::TestCase
-# def test_something
-# m = flexmock("name")
-# m.should_receive(:hi).and_return("Hello")
-# m.hi
-# end
-# end
-# Note: When using Test::Unit integeration, don't forget to include
-# FlexMock::TestCase. Also, if you override +teardown+, make sure you
-# call +super+.
-class FlexMock
- include Test::Unit::Assertions
- class BadInterceptionError < RuntimeError; end
- attr_reader :mock_name, :mock_groups
- attr_accessor :mock_current_order
- # Create a FlexMock object with the given name. The name is used in
- # error messages.
- def initialize(name="unknown")
- @mock_name = name
- @expectations = Hash.new
- @allocated_order = 0
- @mock_current_order = 0
- @mock_groups = {}
- @ignore_missing = false
- @verified = false
- end
- # Handle all messages denoted by +sym+ by calling the given block
- # and passing any parameters to the block. If we know exactly how
- # many calls are to be made to a particular method, we may check
- # that by passing in the number of expected calls as a second
- # paramter.
- def mock_handle(sym, expected_count=nil, &block)
- self.should_receive(sym).times(expected_count).returns(&block)
- end
- # Verify that each method that had an explicit expected count was
- # actually called that many times.
- def mock_verify
- return if @verified
- @verified = true
- mock_wrap do
- @expectations.each do |sym, handler|
- handler.mock_verify
- end
- end
- end
- # Teardown and infrastructure setup for this mock.
- def mock_teardown
- end
- # Allocation a new order number from the mock.
- def mock_allocate_order
- @auto_allocate = true
- @allocated_order += 1
- end
- # Ignore all undefined (missing) method calls.
- def should_ignore_missing
- @ignore_missing = true
- end
- alias mock_ignore_missing should_ignore_missing
- # Handle missing methods by attempting to look up a handler.
- def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
- mock_wrap do
- if handler = @expectations[sym]
- args << block if block_given?
- handler.call(*args)
- else
- super(sym, *args, &block) unless @ignore_missing
- end
- end
- end
- # Save the original definition of respond_to? for use a bit later.
- alias mock_respond_to? respond_to?
- # Override the built-in respond_to? to include the mocked methods.
- def respond_to?(sym)
- super || (@expectations[sym] ? true : @ignore_missing)
- end
- # Override the built-in +method+ to include the mocked methods.
- def method(sym)
- @expectations[sym] || super
- rescue NameError => ex
- if @ignore_missing
- proc { }
- else
- raise ex
- end
- end
- # Declare that the mock object should receive a message with the
- # given name. An expectation object for the method name is returned
- # as the result of this method. Further expectation constraints can
- # be added by chaining to the result.
- #
- # See Expectation for a list of declarators that can be used.
- def should_receive(sym)
- @expectations[sym] ||= ExpectationDirector.new(sym)
- result = Expectation.new(self, sym)
- @expectations[sym] << result
- override_existing_method(sym) if mock_respond_to?(sym)
- result
- end
- # Override the existing definition of method +sym+ in the mock.
- # Most methods depend on the method_missing trick to be invoked.
- # However, if the method already exists, it will not call
- # method_missing. This method defines a singleton method on the
- # mock to explicitly invoke the method_missing logic.
- def override_existing_method(sym)
- sclass.class_eval "def #{sym}(*args, &block) method_missing(:#{sym}, *args, &block) end"
- end
- private :override_existing_method
- # Return the singleton class of the mock object.
- def sclass
- class << self; self; end
- end
- private :sclass
- # Declare that the mock object should expect methods by providing a
- # recorder for the methods and having the user invoke the expected
- # methods in a block. Further expectations may be applied the
- # result of the recording call.
- #
- # Example Usage:
- #
- # mock.should_expect do |record|
- # record.add(Integer, 4) { |a, b|
- # a + b
- # }.at_least.once
- #
- def should_expect
- yield Recorder.new(self)
- end
- # Return a factory object that returns this mock. This is useful in
- # Class Interception.
- def mock_factory
- Factory.new(self)
- end
- class << self
- include Test::Unit::Assertions
- # Class method to make sure that verify is called at the end of a
- # test. One mock object will be created for each name given to
- # the use method. The mocks will be passed to the block as
- # arguments. If no names are given, then a single anonymous mock
- # object will be created.
- #
- # At the end of the use block, each mock object will be verified
- # to make sure the proper number of calls have been made.
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- # FlexMock.use("name") do |mock| # Creates a mock named "name"
- # mock.should_receive(:meth).
- # returns(0).once
- # end # mock is verified here
- #
- # NOTE: If you include FlexMock::TestCase into your test case
- # file, you can create mocks that will be automatically verified in
- # the test teardown by using the +flexmock+ method.
- #
- def use(*names)
- names = ["unknown"] if names.empty?
- got_excecption = false
- mocks = names.collect { |n| new(n) }
- yield(*mocks)
- rescue Exception => ex
- got_exception = true
- raise
- ensure
- mocks.each do |mock|
- mock.mock_verify unless got_exception
- end
- end
- # Class method to format a method name and argument list as a nice
- # looking string.
- def format_args(sym, args)
- if args
- "#{sym}(#{args.collect { |a| a.inspect }.join(', ')})"
- else
- "#{sym}(*args)"
- end
- end
- # Check will assert the block returns true. If it doesn't, an
- # assertion failure is triggered with the given message.
- def check(msg, &block)
- assert_block(msg, &block)
- end
- end
- private
- # Wrap a block of code so the any assertion errors are wrapped so
- # that the mock name is added to the error message .
- def mock_wrap(&block)
- yield
- rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => ex
- raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError,
- "in mock '#{@mock_name}': #{ex.message}",
- ex.backtrace
- end
- ####################################################################
- # A Factory object is returned from a mock_factory method call. The
- # factory merely returns the manufactured object it is initialized
- # with. The factory is handy to use with class interception,
- # allowing the intercepted class to return the mock object.
- #
- # If the user needs more control over the mock factory, they are
- # free to create their own.
- #
- # Typical Usage:
- # intercept(Bar).in(Foo).with(a_mock.mack_factory)
- #
- class Factory
- def initialize(manufactured_object)
- @obj = manufactured_object
- end
- def new(*args, &block)
- @obj
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # The expectation director is responsible for routing calls to the
- # correct expectations for a given argument list.
- #
- class ExpectationDirector
- # Create an ExpectationDirector for a mock object.
- def initialize(sym)
- @sym = sym
- @expectations = []
- @expected_order = nil
- end
- # Invoke the expectations for a given set of arguments.
- #
- # First, look for an expectation that matches the arguements and
- # is eligible to be called. Failing that, look for a expectation
- # that matches the arguments (at this point it will be ineligible,
- # but at least we will get a good failure message). Finally,
- # check for expectations that don't have any argument matching
- # criteria.
- def call(*args)
- exp = @expectations.find { |e| e.match_args(args) && e.eligible? } ||
- @expectations.find { |e| e.match_args(args) } ||
- @expectations.find { |e| e.expected_args.nil? }
- FlexMock.check("no matching handler found for " +
- FlexMock.format_args(@sym, args)) { ! exp.nil? }
- exp.verify_call(*args)
- end
- # Same as call.
- def [](*args)
- call(*args)
- end
- # Append an expectation to this director.
- def <<(expectation)
- @expectations << expectation
- end
- # Do the post test verification for this directory. Check all the
- # expectations.
- def mock_verify
- @expectations.each do |exp|
- exp.mock_verify
- end
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Match any object
- class AnyMatcher
- def ===(target)
- true
- end
- def inspect
- "ANY"
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Match only things that are equal.
- class EqualMatcher
- def initialize(obj)
- @obj = obj
- end
- def ===(target)
- @obj == target
- end
- def inspect
- "==(#{@obj.inspect})"
- end
- end
- ANY = AnyMatcher.new
- ####################################################################
- # Match only things where the block evaluates to true.
- class ProcMatcher
- def initialize(&block)
- @block = block
- end
- def ===(target)
- @block.call(target)
- end
- def inspect
- "on{...}"
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Include this module in your test class if you wish to use the +eq+
- # and +any+ argument matching methods without a prefix. (Otherwise
- # use <tt>FlexMock.any</tt> and <tt>FlexMock.eq(obj)</tt>.
- #
- module ArgumentTypes
- # Return an argument matcher that matches any argument.
- def any
- end
- # Return an argument matcher that only matches things equal to
- # (==) the given object.
- def eq(obj)
- EqualMatcher.new(obj)
- end
- # Return an argument matcher that matches any object, that when
- # passed to the supplied block, will cause the block to return
- # true.
- def on(&block)
- ProcMatcher.new(&block)
- end
- end
- extend ArgumentTypes
- ####################################################################
- # Base class for all the count validators.
- #
- class CountValidator
- include Test::Unit::Assertions
- def initialize(expectation, limit)
- @exp = expectation
- @limit = limit
- end
- # If the expectation has been called +n+ times, is it still
- # eligible to be called again? The default answer compares n to
- # the established limit.
- def eligible?(n)
- n < @limit
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Validator for exact call counts.
- #
- class ExactCountValidator < CountValidator
- # Validate that the method expectation was called exactly +n+
- # times.
- def validate(n)
- assert_equal @limit, n,
- "method '#{@exp}' called incorrect number of times"
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Validator for call counts greater than or equal to a limit.
- #
- class AtLeastCountValidator < CountValidator
- # Validate the method expectation was called no more than +n+
- # times.
- def validate(n)
- assert n >= @limit,
- "Method '#{@exp}' should be called at least #{@limit} times,\n" +
- "only called #{n} times"
- end
- # If the expectation has been called +n+ times, is it still
- # eligible to be called again? Since this validator only
- # establishes a lower limit, not an upper limit, then the answer
- # is always true.
- def eligible?(n)
- true
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Validator for call counts less than or equal to a limit.
- #
- class AtMostCountValidator < CountValidator
- # Validate the method expectation was called at least +n+ times.
- def validate(n)
- assert n <= @limit,
- "Method '#{@exp}' should be called at most #{@limit} times,\n" +
- "only called #{n} times"
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # An Expectation is returned from each +should_receive+ message sent
- # to mock object. Each expectation records how a message matching
- # the message name (argument to +should_receive+) and the argument
- # list (given by +with+) should behave. Mock expectations can be
- # recorded by chaining the declaration methods defined in this
- # class.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # mock.should_receive(:meth).with(args).and_returns(result)
- #
- class Expectation
- include Test::Unit::Assertions
- attr_reader :expected_args, :mock, :order_number
- # Create an expectation for a method named +sym+.
- def initialize(mock, sym)
- @mock = mock
- @sym = sym
- @expected_args = nil
- @count_validators = []
- @count_validator_class = ExactCountValidator
- @actual_count = 0
- @return_value = nil
- @return_block = lambda { @return_value }
- @order_number = nil
- end
- def to_s
- FlexMock.format_args(@sym, @expected_args)
- end
- # Verify the current call with the given arguments matches the
- # expectations recorded in this object.
- def verify_call(*args)
- validate_order
- @actual_count += 1
- @return_block.call(*args)
- end
- # Is this expectation eligible to be called again? It is eligible
- # only if all of its count validators agree that it is eligible.
- def eligible?
- @count_validators.all? { |v| v.eligible?(@actual_count) }
- end
- # Validate that the order
- def validate_order
- return if @order_number.nil?
- FlexMock.check("method #{to_s} called out of order " +
- "(expected order #{@order_number}, was #{@mock.mock_current_order})") {
- @order_number >= @mock.mock_current_order
- }
- @mock.mock_current_order = @order_number
- end
- private :validate_order
- # Validate the correct number of calls have been made. Called by
- # the teardown process.
- def mock_verify
- @count_validators.each do |v|
- v.validate(@actual_count)
- end
- end
- # Does the argument list match this expectation's argument
- # specification.
- def match_args(args)
- return false if @expected_args.nil?
- return false if args.size != @expected_args.size
- (0...args.size).all? { |i| match_arg(@expected_args[i], args[i]) }
- end
- # Does the expected argument match the corresponding actual value.
- def match_arg(expected, actual)
- expected === actual ||
- expected == actual ||
- ( Regexp === expected && expected === actual.to_s )
- end
- # Declare that the method should expect the given argument list.
- def with(*args)
- @expected_args = args
- self
- end
- # Declare that the method should be called with no arguments.
- def with_no_args
- with
- end
- # Declare that the method can be called with any number of
- # arguments of any type.
- def with_any_args
- @expected_args = nil
- self
- end
- # Declare that the method returns a particular value (when the
- # argument list is matched).
- #
- # * If a single value is given, it will be returned for all matching
- # calls.
- # * If multiple values are given, each value will be returned in turn for
- # each successive call. If the number of matching calls is greater
- # than the number of values, the last value will be returned for
- # the extra matching calls.
- # * If a block is given, it is evaluated on each call and its
- # value is returned.
- #
- # For example:
- #
- # mock.should_receive(:f).returns(12) # returns 12
- #
- # mock.should_receive(:f).with(String). # returns an
- # returns { |str| str.upcase } # upcased string
- #
- # +and_return+ is an alias for +returns+.
- #
- def returns(*args, &block)
- @return_block = block_given? ?
- block :
- lambda { args.size == 1 ? args.first : args.shift }
- self
- end
- alias :and_return :returns # :nodoc:
- # Declare that the method may be called any number of times.
- def zero_or_more_times
- at_least.never
- end
- # Declare that the method is called +limit+ times with the
- # declared argument list. This may be modified by the +at_least+
- # and +at_most+ declarators.
- def times(limit)
- @count_validators << @count_validator_class.new(self, limit) unless limit.nil?
- @count_validator_class = ExactCountValidator
- self
- end
- # Declare that the method is never expected to be called with the
- # given argument list. This may be modified by the +at_least+ and
- # +at_most+ declarators.
- def never
- times(0)
- end
- # Declare that the method is expected to be called exactly once
- # with the given argument list. This may be modified by the
- # +at_least+ and +at_most+ declarators.
- def once
- times(1)
- end
- # Declare that the method is expected to be called exactly twice
- # with the given argument list. This may be modified by the
- # +at_least+ and +at_most+ declarators.
- def twice
- times(2)
- end
- # Modifies the next call count declarator (+times+, +never+,
- # +once+ or +twice+) so that the declarator means the method is
- # called at least that many times.
- #
- # E.g. method f must be called at least twice:
- #
- # mock.should_receive(:f).at_least.twice
- #
- def at_least
- @count_validator_class = AtLeastCountValidator
- self
- end
- # Modifies the next call count declarator (+times+, +never+,
- # +once+ or +twice+) so that the declarator means the method is
- # called at most that many times.
- #
- # E.g. method f must be called no more than twice
- #
- # mock.should_receive(:f).at_most.twice
- #
- def at_most
- @count_validator_class = AtMostCountValidator
- self
- end
- # Declare that the given method must be called in order. All
- # ordered method calls must be received in the order specified by
- # the ordering of the +should_receive+ messages. Receiving a
- # methods out of the specified order will cause a test failure.
- #
- # If the user needs more fine control over ordering
- # (e.g. specifying that a group of messages may be received in any
- # order as long as they all come after another group of messages),
- # a _group_ _name_ may be specified in the +ordered+ calls. All
- # messages within the same group may be received in any order.
- #
- # For example, in the following, messages +flip+ and +flop+ may be
- # received in any order (because they are in the same group), but
- # must occur strictly after +start+ but before +end+. The message
- # +any_time+ may be received at any time because it is not
- # ordered.
- #
- # m = FlexMock.new
- # m.should_receive(:any_time)
- # m.should_receive(:start).ordered
- # m.should_receive(:flip).ordered(:flip_flop_group)
- # m.should_receive(:flop).ordered(:flip_flop_group)
- # m.should_receive(:end).ordered
- #
- def ordered(group_name=nil)
- if group_name.nil?
- @order_number = @mock.mock_allocate_order
- elsif (num = @mock.mock_groups[group_name])
- @order_number = num
- else
- @order_number = @mock.mock_allocate_order
- @mock.mock_groups[group_name] = @order_number
- end
- self
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Translate arbitrary method calls into expectations on the given
- # mock object.
- #
- class Recorder
- include FlexMock::ArgumentTypes
- # Create a method recorder for the mock +mock+.
- def initialize(mock)
- @mock = mock
- @strict = false
- end
- # Place the record in strict mode. While recording expectations
- # in strict mode, the following will be true.
- #
- # * All expectations will be expected in the order they were
- # recorded.
- # * All expectations will be expected once.
- # * All arguments will be placed in exact match mode,
- # including regular expressions and class objects.
- #
- # Strict mode is usually used when giving the recorder to a known
- # good algorithm. Strict mode captures the exact sequence of
- # calls and validate that the code under test performs the exact
- # same sequence of calls.
- #
- # The recorder may exit strict mode via a
- # <tt>should_be_strict(false)</tt> call. Non-strict expectations
- # may be recorded at that point, or even explicit expectations
- # (using +should_receieve+) can be specified.
- #
- def should_be_strict(is_strict=true)
- @strict = is_strict
- end
- # Is the recorder in strict mode?
- def strict?
- @strict
- end
- # Record an expectation for receiving the method +sym+ with the
- # given arguments.
- def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
- expectation = @mock.should_receive(sym).and_return(&block)
- if @strict
- args = args.collect { |arg| eq(arg) }
- expectation.with(*args).ordered.once
- else
- expectation.with(*args)
- end
- expectation
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Test::Unit::TestCase Integration.
- #
- # Include this module in any TestCase class in a Test::Unit test
- # suite to get integration with FlexMock. When this module is
- # included, mocks may be created with a simple call to the
- # +flexmock+ method. Mocks created with via the method call will
- # automatically be verified in the teardown of the test case.
- #
- # <b>Note:</b> If you define a +teardown+ method in the test case,
- # <em>dont' forget to invoke the +super+ method!</em> Failure to
- # invoke super will cause all mocks to not be verified.
- #
- module TestCase
- include ArgumentTypes
- # Teardown the test case, verifying any mocks that might have been
- # defined in this test case.
- def teardown
- super
- flexmock_teardown
- end
- # Do the flexmock specific teardown stuff.
- def flexmock_teardown
- @flexmock_created_mocks ||= []
- if passed?
- @flexmock_created_mocks.each do |m|
- m.mock_verify
- end
- end
- ensure
- @flexmock_created_mocks.each do |m|
- m.mock_teardown
- end
- @flexmock_interceptors ||= []
- @flexmock_interceptors.each do |i|
- i.restore
- end
- end
- # Create a FlexMock object with the given name. Mocks created
- # with this method will be automatically verify during teardown
- # (assuming the the flexmock teardown isn't overridden).
- #
- # If a block is given, then the mock object is passed to the block and
- # may be configured in the block.
- def flexmock(name="unknown")
- mock = FlexMock.new(name)
- yield(mock) if block_given?
- flexmock_remember(mock)
- mock
- end
- # Stub the given object by overriding the behavior of individual methods.
- # The stub object returned will respond to the +should_receive+
- # method, just like normal stubs. Singleton methods cannot be
- # stubbed.
- #
- # Example: Stub out DBI to return a fake db connection.
- #
- # flexstub(DBI).should_receive(:connect).and_return {
- # fake_db = flexmock("db connection")
- # fake_db.should_receive(:select_all).and_return(...)
- # fake_db
- # }
- #
- def flexstub(obj, name=nil)
- name ||= "flexstub(#{obj.class.to_s})"
- obj.instance_eval {
- @flexmock_proxy ||= StubProxy.new(obj, FlexMock.new(name))
- }
- flexmock_remember(obj.instance_variable_get("@flexmock_proxy"))
- end
- # Intercept the named class in the target class for the duration
- # of the test. Class interception is very simple-minded and has a
- # number of restrictions. First, the intercepted class must be
- # reference in the tested class via a simple constant name
- # (e.g. no scoped names using "::") that is not directly defined
- # in the class itself. After the test, a proxy class constant
- # will be left behind that will forward all calls to the original
- # class.
- #
- # Usage:
- # intercept(SomeClass).in(ClassBeingTested).with(MockClass)
- # intercept(SomeClass).with(MockClass).in(ClassBeingTested)
- #
- def intercept(intercepted_class)
- result = Interception.new(intercepted_class)
- @flexmock_interceptors ||= []
- @flexmock_interceptors << result
- result
- end
- private
- def flexmock_remember(mocking_object)
- @flexmock_created_mocks ||= []
- @flexmock_created_mocks << mocking_object
- mocking_object
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # A Class Interception defines a constant in the target class to be
- # a proxy that points to a replacement class for the duration of a
- # test. When an interception is restored, the proxy will point to
- # the original intercepted class.
- #
- class Interception
- # Create an interception object with the class to intercepted.
- def initialize(intercepted_class)
- @intercepted = nil
- @target = nil
- @replacement = nil
- @proxy = nil
- intercept(intercepted_class)
- update
- end
- # Intercept this class in the class to be tested.
- def intercept(intercepted_class)
- @intercepted = intercepted_class
- update
- self
- end
- # Define the class number test that will receive the
- # interceptioned definition.
- def in(target_class)
- @target = target_class
- update
- self
- end
- # Define the replacement class. This is normally a proxy or a
- # stub.
- def with(replacement_class)
- @replacement = replacement_class
- update
- self
- end
- # Restore the original class. The proxy remains in place however.
- def restore
- @proxy.proxied_class = @restore_class if @proxy
- end
- private
- # Update the interception if the definition is complete.
- def update
- if complete?
- do_interception
- end
- end
- # Is the interception definition complete. In other words, are
- # all three actors defined?
- def complete?
- @intercepted && @target && @replacement
- end
- # Implement interception on the classes defined.
- def do_interception
- @target_class = coerce_class(@target, "target")
- @replacement_class = coerce_class(@replacement, "replacement")
- case @intercepted
- when String, Symbol
- @intercepted_name = @intercepted.to_s
- when Class
- @intercepted_name = @intercepted.name
- end
- @intercepted_class = coerce_class(@intercepted, "intercepted")
- current_class = @target_class.const_get(@intercepted_name)
- if ClassProxy === current_class
- @proxy = current_class
- @restore_class = @proxy.proxied_class
- @proxy.proxied_class = @replacement_class
- else
- @proxy = ClassProxy.new(@replacement_class)
- @restore_class = current_class
- @target_class.const_set(@intercepted_name, @proxy)
- end
- end
- # Coerce a class object, string to symbol to be the class object.
- def coerce_class(klass, where)
- case klass
- when String, Symbol
- lookup_const(klass.to_s, where)
- else
- klass
- end
- end
- def lookup_const(name, where, target=Object)
- begin
- target.const_get(name)
- rescue NameError
- raise BadInterceptionError, "in #{where} class #{name}"
- end
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # Class Proxy for class interception. Forward all method calls to
- # whatever is the proxied_class.
- #
- class ClassProxy
- attr_accessor :proxied_class
- def initialize(default_class)
- @proxied_class = default_class
- end
- def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
- @proxied_class.__send__(sym, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- ####################################################################
- # StubProxy is used to mate the mock framework to an existing
- # object. The object is "enhanced" with a reference to a mock
- # object (stored in <tt>@flexmock_mock</tt>). When the
- # +should_receive+ method is sent to the proxy, it overrides the
- # existing object's method by creating singleton method that
- # forwards to the mock. When testing is complete, StubProxy
- # will erase the mocking infrastructure from the object being
- # stubbed (e.g. remove instance variables and mock singleton
- # methods).
- #
- class StubProxy
- attr_reader :mock
- def initialize(obj, mock)
- @obj = obj
- @mock = mock
- @method_definitions = {}
- @methods_proxied = []
- end
- # Stub out the given method in the existing object and then let the
- # mock object handle should_receive.
- def should_receive(method_name)
- method_name = method_name.to_sym
- unless @methods_proxied.include?(method_name)
- hide_existing_method(method_name)
- @methods_proxied << method_name
- end
- @mock.should_receive(method_name)
- end
- # Verify that the mock has been properly called. After verification,
- # detach the mocking infrastructure from the existing object.
- def mock_verify
- @mock.mock_verify
- end
- # Remove all traces of the mocking framework from the existing object.
- def mock_teardown
- if ! detached?
- @methods_proxied.each do |method_name|
- remove_current_method(method_name)
- restore_original_definition(method_name)
- end
- @obj.instance_variable_set("@flexmock_proxy", nil)
- @obj = nil
- end
- end
- private
- # The singleton class of the object.
- def sclass
- class << @obj; self; end
- end
- # Is the current method a singleton method in the object we are
- # mocking?
- def singleton?(method_name)
- @obj.methods(false).include?(method_name.to_s)
- end
- # Hide the existing method definition with a singleton defintion
- # that proxies to our mock object. If the current definition is a
- # singleton, we need to record the definition and remove it before
- # creating our own singleton method. If the current definition is
- # not a singleton, all we need to do is override it with our own
- # singleton.
- def hide_existing_method(method_name)
- if singleton?(method_name)
- @method_definitions[method_name] = @obj.method(method_name)
- remove_current_method(method_name)
- end
- define_proxy_method(method_name)
- end
- # Define a proxy method that forwards to our mock object. The
- # proxy method is defined as a singleton method on the object
- # being mocked.
- def define_proxy_method(method_name)
- sclass.class_eval %{
- def #{method_name}(*args, &block)
- @flexmock_proxy.mock.#{method_name}(*args, &block)
- end
- }
- end
- # Restore the original singleton defintion for method_name that
- # was saved earlier.
- def restore_original_definition(method_name)
- method_def = @method_definitions[method_name]
- if method_def
- sclass.class_eval {
- define_method(method_name, &method_def)
- }
- end
- end
- # Remove the current method if it is a singleton method of the
- # object being mocked.
- def remove_current_method(method_name)
- sclass.class_eval { remove_method(method_name) }
- end
- # Have we been detached from the existing object?
- def detached?
- @obj.nil?
- end
- end