diff options
authorEmilio Tagua <miloops@gmail.com>2009-08-21 17:43:46 -0300
committerEmilio Tagua <miloops@gmail.com>2009-08-21 17:43:46 -0300
commit689b89f548077264e46153222455d931a0d7ddf6 (patch)
parentc57f94d73010f5efbfe4bc52df5fad48ebd0aaa3 (diff)
Revert "Add bench script for ActiveRecord. Ignore log file and temporary cache"
This reverts commit 0c6aed0a09e3a4f8cdf2b277f3144f715c0e30fb.
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 17c77cc23e..43c4d7b124 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@@ -8,7 +7,6 @@ actionmailer/doc
diff --git a/activerecord/scripts/performance.rb b/activerecord/scripts/performance.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fb84543685..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/scripts/performance.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby -KU
-$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')
-require 'ftools'
-require 'rubygems'
-gem 'addressable', '~>2.0'
-gem 'faker', '~>0.3.1'
-gem 'rbench', '~>0.2.3'
-require 'active_record'
-require 'logger'
-require 'active_support'
-require 'addressable/uri'
-require 'faker'
-require 'rbench'
-socket_file = Pathname.glob(%w[
- /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock
- tmp/mysqld.sock
- /tmp/mysqld.sock
- tmp/mysql.sock
- /tmp/mysql.sock
- /var/mysql/mysql.sock
- /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
-]).find { |path| path.socket? }
-configuration_options = {
- :adapter => 'mysql',
- :username => 'rails',
- :password => '',
- :database => 'activerecord_unittest',
-configuration_options[:socket] = socket_file unless socket_file.nil?
-if configuration_options[:adapter]
- sqlfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tmp', 'performance.sql')
- mysql_bin = %w[ mysql mysql5 ].select { |bin| `which #{bin}`.length > 0 }
- mysqldump_bin = %w[ mysqldump mysqldump5 ].select { |bin| `which #{bin}`.length > 0 }
-ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'performance.log'))
-ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 0
-class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc:
- belongs_to :user
-class User < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc:
- has_many :exhibits
-ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :users, :force => true do |t|
- t.string :name, :email
- t.datetime :created_on
-ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :exhibits, :force => true do |t|
- t.string :name
- t.integer :user_id
- t.text :notes
- t.datetime :created_on
-Exhibit.find_by_sql('SELECT 1')
-def touch_attributes(*exhibits)
- exhibits.flatten.each do |exhibit|
- exhibit.id
- exhibit.name
- exhibit.created_on
- end
-def touch_relationships(*exhibits)
- exhibits.flatten.each do |exhibit|
- exhibit.id
- exhibit.name
- exhibit.created_on
- exhibit.user
- end
-c = configuration_options
-if sqlfile && File.exists?(sqlfile)
- puts "Found data-file. Importing from #{sqlfile}"
- `#{mysql_bin} -u #{c[:username]} #{"-p#{c[:password]}" unless c[:password].blank?} #{c[:database]} < #{sqlfile}`
- puts 'Generating data for benchmarking...'
- # pre-compute the insert statements and fake data compilation,
- # so the benchmarks below show the actual runtime for the execute
- # method, minus the setup steps
- # Using the same paragraph for all exhibits because it is very slow
- # to generate unique paragraphs for all exhibits.
- notes = Faker::Lorem.paragraphs.join($/)
- today = Date.today
- puts 'Inserting 10,000 users and exhibits...'
- 10_000.times do
- user = User.create(
- :created_on => today,
- :name => Faker::Name.name,
- :email => Faker::Internet.email
- )
- Exhibit.create(
- :created_on => today,
- :name => Faker::Company.name,
- :user => user,
- :notes => notes
- )
- end
- if sqlfile
- answer = nil
- until answer && answer[/^$|y|yes|n|no/]
- print('Would you like to dump data into tmp/performance.sql (for faster setup)? [Yn]');
- STDOUT.flush
- answer = gets
- end
- if answer[/^$|y|yes/]
- File.makedirs(File.dirname(sqlfile))
- `#{mysqldump_bin} -u #{c[:username]} #{"-p#{c[:password]}" unless c[:password].blank?} #{c[:database]} exhibits users > #{sqlfile}`
- puts "File saved\n"
- end
- end
-TIMES = ENV.key?('x') ? ENV['x'].to_i : 10_000
-puts 'You can specify how many times you want to run the benchmarks with rake:perf x=(number)'
-puts 'Some tasks will be run 10 and 1000 times less than (number)'
-puts "Benchmarks will now run #{TIMES} times"
-# Inform about slow benchmark
-# answer = nil
-# until answer && answer[/^$|y|yes|n|no/]
-# print("A slow benchmark exposing problems with SEL is newly added. It takes approx. 20s\n");
-# print("you have scheduled it to run #{TIMES / 100} times.\nWould you still include the particular benchmark? [Yn]")
-# STDOUT.flush
-# answer = gets
-# end
-# run_rel_bench = answer[/^$|y|yes/] ? true : false
-RBench.run(TIMES) do
- column :times
- column :ar
- report 'Model#id', (TIMES * 100).ceil do
- ar_obj = Exhibit.find(1)
- ar { ar_obj.id }
- end
- report 'Model.new (instantiation)' do
- ar { Exhibit.new }
- end
- report 'Model.new (setting attributes)' do
- attrs = { :name => 'sam' }
- ar { Exhibit.new(attrs) }
- end
- report 'Model.get specific (not cached)' do
- ActiveRecord::Base.uncached { ar { touch_attributes(Exhibit.find(1)) } }
- end
- report 'Model.get specific (cached)' do
- ActiveRecord::Base.cache { ar { touch_attributes(Exhibit.find(1)) } }
- end
- report 'Model.first' do
- ar { touch_attributes(Exhibit.first) }
- end
- report 'Model.all limit(100)', (TIMES / 10).ceil do
- ar { touch_attributes(Exhibit.find(:all, :limit => 100)) }
- end
- report 'Model.all limit(100) with relationship', (TIMES / 10).ceil do
- ar { touch_relationships(Exhibit.find(:all, :limit => 100, :include => [ :user ])) }
- end
- report 'Model.all limit(10,000)', (TIMES / 1000).ceil do
- ar { touch_attributes(Exhibit.find(:all, :limit => 10_000)) }
- end
- exhibit = {
- :name => Faker::Company.name,
- :notes => Faker::Lorem.paragraphs.join($/),
- :created_on => Date.today
- }
- report 'Model.create' do
- ar { Exhibit.create(exhibit) }
- end
- report 'Resource#attributes=' do
- attrs_first = { :name => 'sam' }
- attrs_second = { :name => 'tom' }
- ar { exhibit = Exhibit.new(attrs_first); exhibit.attributes = attrs_second }
- end
- report 'Resource#update' do
- ar { Exhibit.find(1).update_attributes(:name => 'bob') }
- end
- report 'Resource#destroy' do
- ar { Exhibit.first.destroy }
- end
- report 'Model.transaction' do
- ar { Exhibit.transaction { Exhibit.new } }
- end
- summary 'Total'
-ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table "exhibits"
-ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table "users"