diff options
authorDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2006-09-03 19:54:21 +0000
committerDavid Heinemeier Hansson <david@loudthinking.com>2006-09-03 19:54:21 +0000
commit3142502964f94d6144312ae2c368b4c4589fa25a (patch)
parent6fcc81b7f9a8b27b898794dfe4f0a8202393e8a3 (diff)
Added assert_select* for CSS selector-based testing (deprecates assert_tag) #5936 [assaf.arkin@gmail.com]
git-svn-id: http://svn-commit.rubyonrails.org/rails/trunk@4929 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
9 files changed, 2624 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/actionpack/CHANGELOG b/actionpack/CHANGELOG
index fcbb7f3a2f..d5213be69a 100644
--- a/actionpack/CHANGELOG
+++ b/actionpack/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+* Added assert_select* for CSS selector-based testing (deprecates assert_tag) #5936 [assaf.arkin@gmail.com]
* radio_button_tag generates unique id attributes. #3353 [Bob Silva, somekool@gmail.com]
* strip_tags returns nil for a blank arg such as nil or "". #2229 [duncan@whomwah.com]
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_select.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_select.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01bb3ca28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_select.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Assaf Arkin (http://labnotes.org)
+# Under MIT and/or CC By license.
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'test/unit/assertions'
+require 'rexml/document'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/vendor/html-scanner/html/document"
+module ActionController
+ module Assertions
+ # Adds the #assert_select method for use in Rails functional
+ # test cases.
+ #
+ # Use #assert_select to make assertions on the response HTML of a controller
+ # action. You can also call #assert_select within another #assert_select to
+ # make assertions on elements selected by the enclosing assertion.
+ #
+ # Use #css_select to select elements without making an assertions, either
+ # from the response HTML or elements selected by the enclosing assertion.
+ #
+ # In addition to HTML responses, you can make the following assertions:
+ # * #assert_select_rjs -- Assertions on HTML content of RJS update and
+ # insertion operations.
+ # * #assert_select_encoded -- Assertions on HTML encoded inside XML,
+ # for example for dealing with feed item descriptions.
+ # * #assert_select_email -- Assertions on the HTML body of an e-mail.
+ #
+ # Also see HTML::Selector for learning how to use selectors.
+ module SelectorAssertions
+ # :call-seq:
+ # css_select(selector) => array
+ # css_select(element, selector) => array
+ #
+ # Select and return all matching elements.
+ #
+ # If called with a single argument, uses that argument as a selector
+ # to match all elements of the current page. Returns an empty array
+ # if no match is found.
+ #
+ # If called with two arguments, uses the first argument as the base
+ # element and the second argument as the selector. Attempts to match the
+ # base element and any of its children. Returns an empty array if no
+ # match is found.
+ #
+ # The selector may be a CSS selector expression (+String+), an expression
+ # with substitution values (+Array+) or an HTML::Selector object.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # forms = css_select("form")
+ # forms.each do |form|
+ # inputs = css_select(form, "input")
+ # ...
+ # end
+ def css_select(*args)
+ # See assert_select to understand what's going on here.
+ arg = args.shift
+ if arg.is_a?(HTML::Node)
+ root = arg
+ arg = args.shift
+ elsif arg == nil
+ raise ArgumentError, "First arugment is either selector or element to select, but nil found. Perhaps you called assert_select with an element that does not exist?"
+ elsif @selected
+ matches = []
+ @selected.each do |selected|
+ subset = css_select(selected, HTML::Selector.new(arg.dup, args.dup))
+ subset.each do |match|
+ matches << match unless matches.any? { |m| m.equal?(match) }
+ end
+ end
+ return matches
+ else
+ root = response_from_page_or_rjs
+ end
+ case arg
+ when String
+ selector = HTML::Selector.new(arg, args)
+ when Array
+ selector = HTML::Selector.new(*arg)
+ when HTML::Selector
+ selector = arg
+ else raise ArgumentError, "Expecting a selector as the first argument"
+ end
+ selector.select(root)
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # assert_select(selector, equality?, message?)
+ # assert_select(element, selector, equality?, message?)
+ #
+ # An assertion that selects elements and makes one or more equality tests.
+ #
+ # If the first argument is an element, selects all matching elements
+ # starting from (and including) that element and all its children in
+ # depth-first order.
+ #
+ # If no element if specified, calling #assert_select will select from the
+ # response HTML. Calling #assert_select inside an #assert_select block will
+ # run the assertion for each element selected by the enclosing assertion.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # assert_select "ol>li" do |elements|
+ # elements.each do |element|
+ # assert_select element, "li"
+ # end
+ # end
+ # Or for short:
+ # assert_select "ol>li" do
+ # assert_select "li"
+ # end
+ #
+ # The selector may be a CSS selector expression (+String+), an expression
+ # with substitution values, or an HTML::Selector object.
+ #
+ # === Equality Tests
+ #
+ # The equality test may be one of the following:
+ # * <tt>nil/true</tt> -- Assertion is true if at least one element is
+ # selected.
+ # * <tt>String</tt> -- Assertion is true if the text value of all
+ # selected elements equals to the string.
+ # * <tt>Regexp</tt> -- Assertion is true if the text value of all
+ # selected elements matches the regular expression.
+ # * <tt>false</tt> -- Assertion is true if no element is selected.
+ # * <tt>Integer</tt> -- Assertion is true if exactly that number of
+ # elements are selected.
+ # * <tt>Range</tt> -- Assertion is true if the number of selected
+ # elements fit the range.
+ #
+ # To perform more than one equality tests, use a hash the following keys:
+ # * <tt>:text</tt> -- Assertion is true if the text value of each
+ # selected elements equals to the value (+String+ or +Regexp+).
+ # * <tt>:count</tt> -- Assertion is true if the number of matched elements
+ # is equal to the value.
+ # * <tt>:minimum</tt> -- Assertion is true if the number of matched
+ # elements is at least that value.
+ # * <tt>:maximum</tt> -- Assertion is true if the number of matched
+ # elements is at most that value.
+ #
+ # If the method is called with a block, once all equality tests are
+ # evaluated the block is called with an array of all matched elements.
+ #
+ # === Examples
+ #
+ # # At least one form element
+ # assert_select "form"
+ #
+ # # Form element includes four input fields
+ # assert_select "form input", 4
+ #
+ # # Page title is "Welcome"
+ # assert_select "title", "Welcome"
+ #
+ # # Page title is "Welcome" and there is only one title element
+ # assert_select "title", {:count=>1, :text=>"Welcome"},
+ # "Wrong title or more than one title element"
+ #
+ # # Page contains no forms
+ # assert_select "form", false, "This page must contain no forms"
+ #
+ # # Test the content and style
+ # assert_select "body div.header ul.menu"
+ #
+ # # Use substitution values
+ # assert_select "ol>li#?", /item-\d+/
+ #
+ # # All input fields in the form have a name
+ # assert_select "form input" do
+ # assert_select "[name=?]", /.+/ # Not empty
+ # end
+ def assert_select(*args, &block)
+ # Start with optional element followed by mandatory selector.
+ arg = args.shift
+ if arg.is_a?(HTML::Node)
+ # First argument is a node (tag or text, but also HTML root),
+ # so we know what we're selecting from.
+ root = arg
+ arg = args.shift
+ elsif arg == nil
+ # This usually happens when passing a node/element that
+ # happens to be nil.
+ raise ArgumentError, "First arugment is either selector or element to select, but nil found. Perhaps you called assert_select with an element that does not exist?"
+ elsif @selected
+ root = HTML::Node.new(nil)
+ root.children.concat @selected
+ else
+ # Otherwise just operate on the response document.
+ root = response_from_page_or_rjs
+ end
+ # First or second argument is the selector: string and we pass
+ # all remaining arguments. Array and we pass the argument. Also
+ # accepts selector itself.
+ case arg
+ when String
+ selector = HTML::Selector.new(arg, args)
+ when Array
+ selector = HTML::Selector.new(*arg)
+ when HTML::Selector
+ selector = arg
+ else raise ArgumentError, "Expecting a selector as the first argument"
+ end
+ # Next argument is used for equality tests.
+ equals = {}
+ case arg = args.shift
+ when Hash
+ equals = arg
+ when String, Regexp
+ equals[:text] = arg
+ when Integer
+ equals[:count] = arg
+ when Range
+ equals[:minimum] = arg.begin
+ equals[:maximum] = arg.end
+ when FalseClass
+ equals[:count] = 0
+ when NilClass, TrueClass
+ equals[:minimum] = 1
+ else raise ArgumentError, "I don't understand what you're trying to match"
+ end
+ # If we have a text test, by default we're looking for at least one match.
+ # Without this statement text tests pass even if nothing is selected.
+ # Can always override by specifying minimum or count.
+ if equals[:text]
+ equals[:minimum] ||= 1
+ end
+ # If a count is specified, it takes precedence over minimum/maximum.
+ if equals[:count]
+ equals[:minimum] = equals[:maximum] = equals.delete(:count)
+ end
+ # Last argument is the message we use if the assertion fails.
+ message = args.shift
+ #- message = "No match made with selector #{selector.inspect}" unless message
+ if args.shift
+ raise ArgumentError, "Not expecting that last argument, you either have too many arguments, or they're the wrong type"
+ end
+ matches = selector.select(root)
+ # Equality test.
+ equals.each do |type, value|
+ case type
+ when :text
+ for match in matches
+ text = ""
+ stack = match.children.reverse
+ while node = stack.pop
+ if node.tag?
+ stack.concat node.children.reverse
+ else
+ text << node.content
+ end
+ end
+ text.strip! unless match.name == "pre"
+ if value.is_a?(Regexp)
+ assert text =~ value, build_message(message, <<EOT, value, text)
+<?> expected but was
+ else
+ assert_equal value.to_s, text, message
+ end
+ end
+ when :html
+ for match in matches
+ html = match.children.map(&:to_s).join
+ html.strip! unless match.name == "pre"
+ if value.is_a?(Regexp)
+ assert html =~ value, build_message(message, <<EOT, value, html)
+<?> expected but was
+ else
+ assert_equal value.to_s, html, message
+ end
+ end
+ when :minimum
+ assert matches.size >= value, message || "Expecting at least #{value} selected elements, found #{matches.size}"
+ when :maximum
+ assert matches.size <= value, message || "Expecting at most #{value} selected elements, found #{matches.size}"
+ else raise ArgumentError, "I don't support the equality test #{key}"
+ end
+ end
+ # If a block is given call that block. Set @selected to allow
+ # nested assert_select, which can be nested several levels deep.
+ if block_given? && !matches.empty?
+ begin
+ in_scope, @selected = @selected, matches
+ yield matches
+ ensure
+ @selected = in_scope
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns all matches elements.
+ matches
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # assert_select_rjs(id?) { |elements| ... }
+ # assert_select_rjs(statement, id?) { |elements| ... }
+ # assert_select_rjs(:insert, position, id?) { |elements| ... }
+ #
+ # Selects content from the RJS response.
+ #
+ # === Narrowing down
+ #
+ # With no arguments, asserts that one or more elements are updated or
+ # inserted by RJS statements.
+ #
+ # Use the +id+ argument to narrow down the assertion to only statements
+ # that update or insert an element with that identifier.
+ #
+ # Use the first argument to narrow down assertions to only statements
+ # of that type. Possible values are +:replace+, +:replace_html+ and
+ # +:insert_html+.
+ #
+ # Use the argument +:insert+ followed by an insertion position to narrow
+ # down the assertion to only statements that insert elements in that
+ # position. Possible values are +:top+, +:bottom+, +:before+ and +:after+.
+ #
+ # === Using blocks
+ #
+ # Without a block, #assert_select_rjs merely asserts that the response
+ # contains one or more RJS statements that replace or update content.
+ #
+ # With a block, #assert_select_rjs also selects all elements used in
+ # these statements and passes them to the block. Nested assertions are
+ # supported.
+ #
+ # Calling #assert_select_rjs with no arguments and using nested asserts
+ # asserts that the HTML content is returned by one or more RJS statements.
+ # Using #assert_select directly makes the same assertion on the content,
+ # but without distinguishing whether the content is returned in an HTML
+ # or JavaScript.
+ #
+ # === Examples
+ #
+ # # Updating the element foo.
+ # assert_select_rjs :update, "foo"
+ #
+ # # Inserting into the element bar, top position.
+ # assert_select rjs, :insert, :top, "bar"
+ #
+ # # Changing the element foo, with an image.
+ # assert_select_rjs "foo" do
+ # assert_select "img[src=/images/logo.gif""
+ # end
+ #
+ # # RJS inserts or updates a list with four items.
+ # assert_select_rjs do
+ # assert_select "ol>li", 4
+ # end
+ #
+ # # The same, but shorter.
+ # assert_select "ol>li", 4
+ def assert_select_rjs(*args, &block)
+ arg = args.shift
+ # If the first argument is a symbol, it's the type of RJS statement we're looking
+ # for (update, replace, insertion, etc). Otherwise, we're looking for just about
+ # any RJS statement.
+ if arg.is_a?(Symbol)
+ if arg == :insert
+ arg = args.shift
+ insertion = "insert_#{arg}".to_sym
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown RJS insertion type #{arg}" unless RJS_STATEMENTS[insertion]
+ statement = "(#{RJS_STATEMENTS[insertion]})"
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown RJS statement type #{arg}" unless RJS_STATEMENTS[arg]
+ statement = "(#{RJS_STATEMENTS[arg]})"
+ end
+ arg = args.shift
+ else
+ statement = "#{RJS_STATEMENTS[:any]}"
+ end
+ # Next argument we're looking for is the element identifier. If missing, we pick
+ # any element.
+ if arg.is_a?(String)
+ id = Regexp.quote(arg)
+ arg = args.shift
+ else
+ id = "[^\"]*"
+ end
+ pattern = Regexp.new("#{statement}\\(\"#{id}\", #{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)", Regexp::MULTILINE)
+ # Duplicate the body since the next step involves destroying it.
+ matches = nil
+ @response.body.gsub(pattern) do |match|
+ html = $2
+ # RJS encodes double quotes and line breaks.
+ html.gsub!(/\\"/, "\"")
+ html.gsub!(/\\n/, "\n")
+ matches ||= []
+ matches.concat HTML::Document.new(html).root.children.select { |n| n.tag? }
+ ""
+ end
+ if matches
+ if block_given?
+ begin
+ in_scope, @selected = @selected, matches
+ yield matches
+ ensure
+ @selected = in_scope
+ end
+ end
+ matches
+ else
+ # RJS statement not found.
+ flunk args.shift || "No RJS statement that replaces or inserts HTML content."
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # assert_select_encoded(element?) { |elements| ... }
+ #
+ # Extracts the content of an element, treats it as encoded HTML and runs
+ # nested assertion on it.
+ #
+ # You typically call this method within another assertion to operate on
+ # all currently selected elements. You can also pass an element or array
+ # of elements.
+ #
+ # The content of each element is un-encoded, and wrapped in the root
+ # element +encoded+. It then calls the block with all un-encoded elements.
+ #
+ # === Example
+ #
+ # assert_select_feed :rss, 2.0 do
+ # # Select description element of each feed item.
+ # assert_select "channel>item>description" do
+ # # Run assertions on the encoded elements.
+ # assert_select_encoded do
+ # assert_select "p"
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ def assert_select_encoded(element = nil, &block)
+ case element
+ when Array
+ elements = element
+ when HTML::Node
+ elements = [element]
+ when nil
+ unless elements = @selected
+ raise ArgumentError, "First argument is optional, but must be called from a nested assert_select"
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Argument is optional, and may be node or array of nodes"
+ end
+ fix_content = lambda do |node|
+ # Gets around a bug in the Rails 1.1 HTML parser.
+ node.content.gsub(/<!\[CDATA\[(.*)(\]\]>)?/m) { CGI.escapeHTML($1) }
+ end
+ selected = elements.map do |element|
+ text = element.children.select{ |c| not c.tag? }.map{ |c| fix_content[c] }.join
+ root = HTML::Document.new(CGI.unescapeHTML("<encoded>#{text}</encoded>")).root
+ css_select(root, "encoded:root", &block)[0]
+ end
+ begin
+ old_selected, @selected = @selected, selected
+ assert_select ":root", &block
+ ensure
+ @selected = old_selected
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # assert_select_email { }
+ #
+ # Extracts the body of an email and runs nested assertions on it.
+ #
+ # You must enable deliveries for this assertion to work, use:
+ # ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
+ #
+ # === Example
+ #
+ # assert_select_email do
+ # assert_select "h1", "Email alert"
+ # end
+ def assert_select_email(&block)
+ deliveries = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
+ assert !deliveries.empty?, "No e-mail in delivery list"
+ for delivery in deliveries
+ for part in delivery.parts
+ if part["Content-Type"].to_s =~ /^text\/html\W/
+ root = HTML::Document.new(part.body).root
+ assert_select root, ":root", &block
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ unless const_defined?(:RJS_STATEMENTS)
+ :replace => /Element\.replace/,
+ :replace_html => /Element\.update/
+ }
+ RJS_INSERTIONS = [:top, :bottom, :before, :after]
+ RJS_INSERTIONS.each do |insertion|
+ RJS_STATEMENTS["insert_#{insertion}".to_sym] = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote("new Insertion.#{insertion.to_s.camelize}"))
+ end
+ RJS_STATEMENTS[:any] = Regexp.new("(#{RJS_STATEMENTS.values.join('|')})")
+ RJS_STATEMENTS[:insert_html] = Regexp.new(RJS_INSERTIONS.collect do |insertion|
+ Regexp.quote("new Insertion.#{insertion.to_s.camelize}")
+ end.join('|'))
+ RJS_PATTERN_HTML = /"((\\"|[^"])*)"/
+ RJS_PATTERN_EVERYTHING = Regexp.new("#{RJS_STATEMENTS[:any]}\\(\"([^\"]*)\", #{RJS_PATTERN_HTML}\\)",
+ Regexp::MULTILINE)
+ end
+ # #assert_select and #css_select call this to obtain the content in the HTML
+ # page, or from all the RJS statements, depending on the type of response.
+ def response_from_page_or_rjs()
+ content_type = @response.headers["Content-Type"]
+ if content_type && content_type =~ /text\/javascript/
+ body = @response.body.dup
+ root = HTML::Node.new(nil)
+ while true
+ next if body.sub!(RJS_PATTERN_EVERYTHING) do |match|
+ # RJS encodes double quotes and line breaks.
+ html = $3
+ html.gsub!(/\\"/, "\"")
+ html.gsub!(/\\n/, "\n")
+ matches = HTML::Document.new(html).root.children.select { |n| n.tag? }
+ root.children.concat matches
+ ""
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ root
+ else
+ html_document.root
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Test::Unit::TestCase.send :include, ActionController::Assertions::SelectorAssertions \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_tag.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_tag.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64d39b0010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assert_tag.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'test/unit/assertions'
+require 'rexml/document'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/vendor/html-scanner/html/document"
+module ActionController
+ module Assertions
+ module TagAssertions
+ # Asserts that there is a tag/node/element in the body of the response
+ # that meets all of the given conditions. The +conditions+ parameter must
+ # be a hash of any of the following keys (all are optional):
+ #
+ # * <tt>:tag</tt>: the node type must match the corresponding value
+ # * <tt>:attributes</tt>: a hash. The node's attributes must match the
+ # corresponding values in the hash.
+ # * <tt>:parent</tt>: a hash. The node's parent must match the
+ # corresponding hash.
+ # * <tt>:child</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's immediate children
+ # must meet the criteria described by the hash.
+ # * <tt>:ancestor</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's ancestors must
+ # meet the criteria described by the hash.
+ # * <tt>:descendant</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's descendants
+ # must meet the criteria described by the hash.
+ # * <tt>:sibling</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's siblings must
+ # meet the criteria described by the hash.
+ # * <tt>:after</tt>: a hash. The node must be after any sibling meeting
+ # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match.
+ # * <tt>:before</tt>: a hash. The node must be before any sibling meeting
+ # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match.
+ # * <tt>:children</tt>: a hash, for counting children of a node. Accepts
+ # the keys:
+ # * <tt>:count</tt>: either a number or a range which must equal (or
+ # include) the number of children that match.
+ # * <tt>:less_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be less
+ # than this number.
+ # * <tt>:greater_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be
+ # greater than this number.
+ # * <tt>:only</tt>: another hash consisting of the keys to use
+ # to match on the children, and only matching children will be
+ # counted.
+ # * <tt>:content</tt>: the textual content of the node must match the
+ # given value. This will not match HTML tags in the body of a
+ # tag--only text.
+ #
+ # Conditions are matched using the following algorithm:
+ #
+ # * if the condition is a string, it must be a substring of the value.
+ # * if the condition is a regexp, it must match the value.
+ # * if the condition is a number, the value must match number.to_s.
+ # * if the condition is +true+, the value must not be +nil+.
+ # * if the condition is +false+ or +nil+, the value must be +nil+.
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" tag
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span"
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x"
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span", :attributes => { :id => "x" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" tag using the short-hand
+ # assert_tag :span
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x" using the short-hand
+ # assert_tag :span, :attributes => { :id => "x" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" inside of a "div"
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span", :parent => { :tag => "div" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" somewhere inside a table
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span", :ancestor => { :tag => "table" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" with at least one "em" child
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span", :child => { :tag => "em" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" containing a (possibly nested)
+ # # "strong" tag.
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span", :descendant => { :tag => "strong" }
+ #
+ # # assert that there is a "span" containing between 2 and 4 "em" tags
+ # # as immediate children
+ # assert_tag :tag => "span",
+ # :children => { :count => 2..4, :only => { :tag => "em" } }
+ #
+ # # get funky: assert that there is a "div", with an "ul" ancestor
+ # # and an "li" parent (with "class" = "enum"), and containing a
+ # # "span" descendant that contains text matching /hello world/
+ # assert_tag :tag => "div",
+ # :ancestor => { :tag => "ul" },
+ # :parent => { :tag => "li",
+ # :attributes => { :class => "enum" } },
+ # :descendant => { :tag => "span",
+ # :child => /hello world/ }
+ #
+ # <strong>Please note</strong: #assert_tag and #assert_no_tag only work
+ # with well-formed XHTML. They recognize a few tags as implicitly self-closing
+ # (like br and hr and such) but will not work correctly with tags
+ # that allow optional closing tags (p, li, td). <em>You must explicitly
+ # close all of your tags to use these assertions.</em>
+ def assert_tag(*opts)
+ clean_backtrace do
+ opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first
+ tag = find_tag(opts)
+ assert tag, "expected tag, but no tag found matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Identical to #assert_tag, but asserts that a matching tag does _not_
+ # exist. (See #assert_tag for a full discussion of the syntax.)
+ def assert_no_tag(*opts)
+ clean_backtrace do
+ opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first
+ tag = find_tag(opts)
+ assert !tag, "expected no tag, but found tag matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Test::Unit::TestCase.send :include, ActionController::Assertions::TagAssertions \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions.rb
index 443449345b..db130ea3d1 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/assertions.rb
@@ -221,115 +221,6 @@ module Test #:nodoc:
assert_generates(path, options, defaults, extras, message)
- # Asserts that there is a tag/node/element in the body of the response
- # that meets all of the given conditions. The +conditions+ parameter must
- # be a hash of any of the following keys (all are optional):
- #
- # * <tt>:tag</tt>: the node type must match the corresponding value
- # * <tt>:attributes</tt>: a hash. The node's attributes must match the
- # corresponding values in the hash.
- # * <tt>:parent</tt>: a hash. The node's parent must match the
- # corresponding hash.
- # * <tt>:child</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's immediate children
- # must meet the criteria described by the hash.
- # * <tt>:ancestor</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's ancestors must
- # meet the criteria described by the hash.
- # * <tt>:descendant</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's descendants
- # must meet the criteria described by the hash.
- # * <tt>:sibling</tt>: a hash. At least one of the node's siblings must
- # meet the criteria described by the hash.
- # * <tt>:after</tt>: a hash. The node must be after any sibling meeting
- # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match.
- # * <tt>:before</tt>: a hash. The node must be before any sibling meeting
- # the criteria described by the hash, and at least one sibling must match.
- # * <tt>:children</tt>: a hash, for counting children of a node. Accepts
- # the keys:
- # * <tt>:count</tt>: either a number or a range which must equal (or
- # include) the number of children that match.
- # * <tt>:less_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be less
- # than this number.
- # * <tt>:greater_than</tt>: the number of matching children must be
- # greater than this number.
- # * <tt>:only</tt>: another hash consisting of the keys to use
- # to match on the children, and only matching children will be
- # counted.
- # * <tt>:content</tt>: the textual content of the node must match the
- # given value. This will not match HTML tags in the body of a
- # tag--only text.
- #
- # Conditions are matched using the following algorithm:
- #
- # * if the condition is a string, it must be a substring of the value.
- # * if the condition is a regexp, it must match the value.
- # * if the condition is a number, the value must match number.to_s.
- # * if the condition is +true+, the value must not be +nil+.
- # * if the condition is +false+ or +nil+, the value must be +nil+.
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" tag
- # assert_tag :tag => "span"
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x"
- # assert_tag :tag => "span", :attributes => { :id => "x" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" tag using the short-hand
- # assert_tag :span
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" tag with id="x" using the short-hand
- # assert_tag :span, :attributes => { :id => "x" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" inside of a "div"
- # assert_tag :tag => "span", :parent => { :tag => "div" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" somewhere inside a table
- # assert_tag :tag => "span", :ancestor => { :tag => "table" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" with at least one "em" child
- # assert_tag :tag => "span", :child => { :tag => "em" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" containing a (possibly nested)
- # # "strong" tag.
- # assert_tag :tag => "span", :descendant => { :tag => "strong" }
- #
- # # assert that there is a "span" containing between 2 and 4 "em" tags
- # # as immediate children
- # assert_tag :tag => "span",
- # :children => { :count => 2..4, :only => { :tag => "em" } }
- #
- # # get funky: assert that there is a "div", with an "ul" ancestor
- # # and an "li" parent (with "class" = "enum"), and containing a
- # # "span" descendant that contains text matching /hello world/
- # assert_tag :tag => "div",
- # :ancestor => { :tag => "ul" },
- # :parent => { :tag => "li",
- # :attributes => { :class => "enum" } },
- # :descendant => { :tag => "span",
- # :child => /hello world/ }
- #
- # <strong>Please note</strong: #assert_tag and #assert_no_tag only work
- # with well-formed XHTML. They recognize a few tags as implicitly self-closing
- # (like br and hr and such) but will not work correctly with tags
- # that allow optional closing tags (p, li, td). <em>You must explicitly
- # close all of your tags to use these assertions.</em>
- def assert_tag(*opts)
- clean_backtrace do
- opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first
- tag = find_tag(opts)
- assert tag, "expected tag, but no tag found matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}"
- end
- end
- # Identical to #assert_tag, but asserts that a matching tag does _not_
- # exist. (See #assert_tag for a full discussion of the syntax.)
- def assert_no_tag(*opts)
- clean_backtrace do
- opts = opts.size > 1 ? opts.last.merge({ :tag => opts.first.to_s }) : opts.first
- tag = find_tag(opts)
- assert !tag, "expected no tag, but found tag matching #{opts.inspect} in:\n#{@response.body.inspect}"
- end
- end
# test 2 html strings to be equivalent, i.e. identical up to reordering of attributes
def assert_dom_equal(expected, actual, message="")
clean_backtrace do
@@ -382,4 +273,4 @@ module Test #:nodoc:
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
index 118e48e5cf..511c759e97 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_process.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/assertions'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/assert_select'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/assert_tag'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/deprecated_assertions'
module ActionController #:nodoc:
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/document.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/document.rb
index 25230f2ee4..19b349e886 100644
--- a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/document.rb
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/document.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/tokenizer'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/node'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/selector'
module HTML #:nodoc:
diff --git a/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/selector.rb b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/selector.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fa26918cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/lib/action_controller/vendor/html-scanner/html/selector.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Assaf Arkin (http://labnotes.org)
+# Under MIT and/or CC By license.
+module HTML
+ # Selects HTML elements using CSS 2 selectors.
+ #
+ # The +Selector+ class uses CSS selector expressions to match and select
+ # HTML elements.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # selector = HTML::Selector.new "form.login[action=/login]"
+ # creates a new selector that matches any +form+ element with the class
+ # +login+ and an attribute +action+ with the value <tt>/login</tt>.
+ #
+ # === Matching Elements
+ #
+ # Use the #match method to determine if an element matches the selector.
+ #
+ # For simple selectors, the method returns an array with that element,
+ # or +nil+ if the element does not match. For complex selectors (see below)
+ # the method returns an array with all matched elements, of +nil+ if no
+ # match found.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # if selector.match(element)
+ # puts "Element is a login form"
+ # end
+ #
+ # === Selecting Elements
+ #
+ # Use the #select method to select all matching elements starting with
+ # one element and going through all children in depth-first order.
+ #
+ # This method returns an array of all matching elements, an empty array
+ # if no match is found
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # selector = HTML::Selector.new "input[type=text]"
+ # matches = selector.select(element)
+ # matches.each do |match|
+ # puts "Found text field with name #{match.attributes['name']}"
+ # end
+ #
+ # === Expressions
+ #
+ # Selectors can match elements using any of the following criteria:
+ # * <tt>name</tt> -- Match an element based on its name (tag name).
+ # For example, <tt>p</tt> to match a paragraph. You can use <tt>*</tt>
+ # to match any element.
+ # * <tt>#</tt><tt>id</tt> -- Match an element based on its identifier (the
+ # <tt>id</tt> attribute). For example, <tt>#</tt><tt>page</tt>.
+ # * <tt>.class</tt> -- Match an element based on its class name, all
+ # class names if more than one specified.
+ # * <tt>[attr]</tt> -- Match an element that has the specified attribute.
+ # * <tt>[attr=value]</tt> -- Match an element that has the specified
+ # attribute and value. (More operators are supported see below)
+ # * <tt>:pseudo-class</tt> -- Match an element based on a pseudo class,
+ # such as <tt>:nth-child</tt> and <tt>:empty</tt>.
+ # * <tt>:not(expr)</tt> -- Match an element that does not match the
+ # negation expression.
+ #
+ # When using a combination of the above, the element name comes first
+ # followed by identifier, class names, attributes, pseudo classes and
+ # negation in any order. Do not seprate these parts with spaces!
+ # Space separation is used for descendant selectors.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # selector = HTML::Selector.new "form.login[action=/login]"
+ # The matched element must be of type +form+ and have the class +login+.
+ # It may have other classes, but the class +login+ is required to match.
+ # It must also have an attribute called +action+ with the value
+ # <tt>/login</tt>.
+ #
+ # This selector will match the following element:
+ # <form class="login form" method="post" action="/login">
+ # but will not match the element:
+ # <form method="post" action="/logout">
+ #
+ # === Attribute Values
+ #
+ # Several operators are supported for matching attributes:
+ # * <tt>name</tt> -- The element must have an attribute with that name.
+ # * <tt>name=value</tt> -- The element must have an attribute with that
+ # name and value.
+ # * <tt>name^=value</tt> -- The attribute value must start with the
+ # specified value.
+ # * <tt>name$=value</tt> -- The attribute value must end with the
+ # specified value.
+ # * <tt>name*=value</tt> -- The attribute value must contain the
+ # specified value.
+ # * <tt>name~=word</tt> -- The attribute value must contain the specified
+ # word (space separated).
+ # * <tt>name|=word</tt> -- The attribute value must start with specified
+ # word.
+ #
+ # For example, the following two selectors match the same element:
+ # #my_id
+ # [id=my_id]
+ # and so do the following two selectors:
+ # .my_class
+ # [class~=my_class]
+ #
+ # === Alternatives, siblings, children
+ #
+ # Complex selectors use a combination of expressions to match elements:
+ # * <tt>expr1 expr2</tt> -- Match any element against the second expression
+ # if it has some parent element that matches the first expression.
+ # * <tt>expr1 > expr2</tt> -- Match any element against the second expression
+ # if it is the child of an element that matches the first expression.
+ # * <tt>expr1 + expr2</tt> -- Match any element against the second expression
+ # if it immediately follows an element that matches the first expression.
+ # * <tt>expr1 ~ expr2</tt> -- Match any element against the second expression
+ # that comes after an element that matches the first expression.
+ # * <tt>expr1, expr2</tt> -- Match any element against the first expression,
+ # or against the second expression.
+ #
+ # Since children and sibling selectors may match more than one element given
+ # the first element, the #match method may return more than one match.
+ #
+ # === Pseudo classes
+ #
+ # Pseudo classes were introduced in CSS 3. They are most often used to select
+ # elements in a given position:
+ # * <tt>:root</tt> -- Match the element only if it is the root element
+ # (no parent element).
+ # * <tt>:empty</tt> -- Match the element only if it has no child elements,
+ # and no text content.
+ # * <tt>:only-child</tt> -- Match the element if it is the only child (element)
+ # of its parent element.
+ # * <tt>:only-of-type</tt> -- Match the element if it is the only child (element)
+ # of its parent element and its type.
+ # * <tt>:first-child</tt> -- Match the element if it is the first child (element)
+ # of its parent element.
+ # * <tt>:first-of-type</tt> -- Match the element if it is the first child (element)
+ # of its parent element of its type.
+ # * <tt>:last-child</tt> -- Match the element if it is the last child (element)
+ # of its parent element.
+ # * <tt>:last-of-type</tt> -- Match the element if it is the last child (element)
+ # of its parent element of its type.
+ # * <tt>:nth-child(b)</tt> -- Match the element if it is the b-th child (element)
+ # of its parent element. The value <tt>b</tt> specifies its index, starting with 1.
+ # * <tt>:nth-child(an+b)</tt> -- Match the element if it is the b-th child (element)
+ # in each group of <tt>a</tt> child elements of its parent element.
+ # * <tt>:nth-child(-an+b)</tt> -- Match the element if it is the first child (element)
+ # in each group of <tt>a</tt> child elements, up to the first <tt>b</tt> child
+ # elements of its parent element.
+ # * <tt>:nth-child(odd)</tt> -- Match element in the odd position (i.e. first, third).
+ # Same as <tt>:nth-child(2n+1)</tt>.
+ # * <tt>:nth-child(even)</tt> -- Match element in the even position (i.e. second,
+ # fourth). Same as <tt>:nth-child(2n+2)</tt>.
+ # * <tt>:nth-of-type(..)</tt> -- As above, but only counts elements of its type.
+ # * <tt>:nth-last-child(..)</tt> -- As above, but counts from the last child.
+ # * <tt>:nth-last-of-type(..)</tt> -- As above, but counts from the last child and
+ # only elements of its type.
+ # * <tt>:not(selector)</tt> -- Match the element only if the element does not
+ # match the simple selector.
+ #
+ # As you can see, <tt>:nth-child<tt> pseudo class and its varient can get quite
+ # tricky and the CSS specification doesn't do a much better job explaining it.
+ # But after reading the examples and trying a few combinations, it's easy to
+ # figure out.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # table tr:nth-child(odd)
+ # Selects every second row in the table starting with the first one.
+ #
+ # div p:nth-child(4)
+ # Selects the fourth paragraph in the +div+, but not if the +div+ contains
+ # other elements, since those are also counted.
+ #
+ # div p:nth-of-type(4)
+ # Selects the fourth paragraph in the +div+, counting only paragraphs, and
+ # ignoring all other elements.
+ #
+ # div p:nth-of-type(-n+4)
+ # Selects the first four paragraphs, ignoring all others.
+ #
+ # And you can always select an element that matches one set of rules but
+ # not another using <tt>:not</tt>. For example:
+ # p:not(.post)
+ # Matches all paragraphs that do not have the class <tt>.post</tt>.
+ #
+ # === Substitution Values
+ #
+ # You can use substitution with identifiers, class names and element values.
+ # A substitution takes the form of a question mark (<tt>?</tt>) and uses the
+ # next value in the argument list following the CSS expression.
+ #
+ # The substitution value may be a string or a regular expression. All other
+ # values are converted to strings.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # selector = HTML::Selector.new "#?", /^\d+$/
+ # matches any element whose identifier consists of one or more digits.
+ #
+ # See http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/
+ class Selector
+ # An invalid selector.
+ class InvalidSelectorError < StandardError ; end
+ class << self
+ # :call-seq:
+ # Selector.for_class(cls) => selector
+ #
+ # Creates a new selector for the given class name.
+ def for_class(cls)
+ self.new([".?", cls])
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # Selector.for_id(id) => selector
+ #
+ # Creates a new selector for the given id.
+ def for_id(id)
+ self.new(["#?", id])
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # Selector.new(string, [values ...]) => selector
+ #
+ # Creates a new selector from a CSS 2 selector expression.
+ #
+ # The first argument is the selector expression. All other arguments
+ # are used for value substitution.
+ #
+ # Throws InvalidSelectorError is the selector expression is invalid.
+ def initialize(selector, *values)
+ raise ArgumentError, "CSS expression cannot be empty" if selector.empty?
+ @source = ""
+ values = values[0] if values.size == 1 && values[0].is_a?(Array)
+ # We need a copy to determine if we failed to parse, and also
+ # preserve the original pass by-ref statement.
+ statement = selector.strip.dup
+ # Create a simple selector, along with negation.
+ simple_selector(statement, values).each { |name, value| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) }
+ # Alternative selector.
+ if statement.sub!(/^\s*,\s*/, "")
+ second = Selector.new(statement, values)
+ (@alternates ||= []) << second
+ # If there are alternate selectors, we group them in the top selector.
+ if alternates = second.instance_variable_get(:@alternates)
+ second.instance_variable_set(:@alternates, nil)
+ @alternates.concat alternates
+ end
+ @source << " , " << second.to_s
+ # Sibling selector: create a dependency into second selector that will
+ # match element immediately following this one.
+ elsif statement.sub!(/^\s*\+\s*/, "")
+ second = next_selector(statement, values)
+ @depends = lambda do |element, first|
+ if element = next_element(element)
+ second.match(element, first)
+ end
+ end
+ @source << " + " << second.to_s
+ # Adjacent selector: create a dependency into second selector that will
+ # match all elements following this one.
+ elsif statement.sub!(/^\s*~\s*/, "")
+ second = next_selector(statement, values)
+ @depends = lambda do |element, first|
+ matches = []
+ while element = next_element(element)
+ if subset = second.match(element, first)
+ if first && !subset.empty?
+ matches << subset.first
+ break
+ else
+ matches.concat subset
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ matches.empty? ? nil : matches
+ end
+ @source << " ~ " << second.to_s
+ # Child selector: create a dependency into second selector that will
+ # match a child element of this one.
+ elsif statement.sub!(/^\s*>\s*/, "")
+ second = next_selector(statement, values)
+ @depends = lambda do |element, first|
+ matches = []
+ element.children.each do |child|
+ if child.tag? && subset = second.match(child, first)
+ if first && !subset.empty?
+ matches << subset.first
+ break
+ else
+ matches.concat subset
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ matches.empty? ? nil : matches
+ end
+ @source << " > " << second.to_s
+ # Descendant selector: create a dependency into second selector that
+ # will match all descendant elements of this one. Note,
+ elsif statement =~ /^\s+\S+/ && statement != selector
+ second = next_selector(statement, values)
+ @depends = lambda do |element, first|
+ matches = []
+ stack = element.children.reverse
+ while node = stack.pop
+ next unless node.tag?
+ if subset = second.match(node, first)
+ if first && !subset.empty?
+ matches << subset.first
+ break
+ else
+ matches.concat subset
+ end
+ elsif children = node.children
+ stack.concat children.reverse
+ end
+ end
+ matches.empty? ? nil : matches
+ end
+ @source << " " << second.to_s
+ else
+ # The last selector is where we check that we parsed
+ # all the parts.
+ unless statement.empty? || statement.strip.empty?
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid selector: #{statement}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # match(element, first?) => array or nil
+ #
+ # Matches an element against the selector.
+ #
+ # For a simple selector this method returns an array with the
+ # element if the element matches, nil otherwise.
+ #
+ # For a complex selector (sibling and descendant) this method
+ # returns an array with all matching elements, nil if no match is
+ # found.
+ #
+ # Use +first_only=true+ if you are only interested in the first element.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # if selector.match(element)
+ # puts "Element is a login form"
+ # end
+ def match(element, first_only = false)
+ # Match element if no element name or element name same as element name
+ if matched = (!@tag_name || @tag_name == element.name)
+ # No match if one of the attribute matches failed
+ for attr in @attributes
+ if element.attributes[attr[0]] !~ attr[1]
+ matched = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Pseudo class matches (nth-child, empty, etc).
+ if matched
+ for pseudo in @pseudo
+ unless pseudo.call(element)
+ matched = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Negation. Same rules as above, but we fail if a match is made.
+ if matched && @negation
+ for negation in @negation
+ if negation[:tag_name] == element.name
+ matched = false
+ else
+ for attr in negation[:attributes]
+ if element.attributes[attr[0]] =~ attr[1]
+ matched = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if matched
+ for pseudo in negation[:pseudo]
+ if pseudo.call(element)
+ matched = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ break unless matched
+ end
+ end
+ # If element matched but depends on another element (child,
+ # sibling, etc), apply the dependent matches instead.
+ if matched && @depends
+ matches = @depends.call(element, first_only)
+ else
+ matches = matched ? [element] : nil
+ end
+ # If this selector is part of the group, try all the alternative
+ # selectors (unless first_only).
+ if @alternates && (!first_only || !matches)
+ @alternates.each do |alternate|
+ break if matches && first_only
+ if subset = alternate.match(element, first_only)
+ if matches
+ matches.concat subset
+ else
+ matches = subset
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ matches
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # select(root) => array
+ #
+ # Selects and returns an array with all matching elements, beginning
+ # with one node and traversing through all children depth-first.
+ # Returns an empty array if no match is found.
+ #
+ # The root node may be any element in the document, or the document
+ # itself.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # selector = HTML::Selector.new "input[type=text]"
+ # matches = selector.select(element)
+ # matches.each do |match|
+ # puts "Found text field with name #{match.attributes['name']}"
+ # end
+ def select(root)
+ matches = []
+ stack = [root]
+ while node = stack.pop
+ if node.tag? && subset = match(node, false)
+ subset.each do |match|
+ matches << match unless matches.any? { |item| item.equal?(match) }
+ end
+ elsif children = node.children
+ stack.concat children.reverse
+ end
+ end
+ matches
+ end
+ # Similar to #select but returns the first matching element. Returns +nil+
+ # if no element matches the selector.
+ def select_first(root)
+ stack = [root]
+ while node = stack.pop
+ if node.tag? && subset = match(node, true)
+ return subset.first if !subset.empty?
+ elsif children = node.children
+ stack.concat children.reverse
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def to_s #:nodoc:
+ @source
+ end
+ # Return the next element after this one. Skips sibling text nodes.
+ #
+ # With the +name+ argument, returns the next element with that name,
+ # skipping other sibling elements.
+ def next_element(element, name = nil)
+ if siblings = element.parent.children
+ found = false
+ siblings.each do |node|
+ if node.equal?(element)
+ found = true
+ elsif found && node.tag?
+ return node if (name.nil? || node.name == name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ protected
+ # Creates a simple selector given the statement and array of
+ # substitution values.
+ #
+ # Returns a hash with the values +tag_name+, +attributes+,
+ # +pseudo+ (classes) and +negation+.
+ #
+ # Called the first time with +can_negate+ true to allow
+ # negation. Called a second time with false since negation
+ # cannot be negated.
+ def simple_selector(statement, values, can_negate = true)
+ tag_name = nil
+ attributes = []
+ pseudo = []
+ negation = []
+ # Element name. (Note that in negation, this can come at
+ # any order, but for simplicity we allow if only first).
+ statement.sub!(/^(\*|[[:alpha:]][\w\-]*)/) do |match|
+ match.strip!
+ tag_name = match.downcase unless match == "*"
+ @source << match
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Get identifier, class, attribute name, pseudo or negation.
+ while true
+ # Element identifier.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^#(\?|[\w\-]+)/) do |match|
+ id = $1
+ if id == "?"
+ id = values.shift
+ end
+ @source << "##{id}"
+ id = Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.escape(id.to_s)}$") unless id.is_a?(Regexp)
+ attributes << ["id", id]
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Class name.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^\.([\w\-]+)/) do |match|
+ class_name = $1
+ @source << ".#{class_name}"
+ class_name = Regexp.new("(^|\s)#{Regexp.escape(class_name)}($|\s)") unless class_name.is_a?(Regexp)
+ attributes << ["class", class_name]
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Attribute value.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^\[\s*([[:alpha:]][\w\-]*)\s*((?:[~|^$*])?=)?\s*('[^']*'|"[^*]"|[^\]]*)\s*\]/) do |match|
+ name, equality, value = $1, $2, $3
+ if value == "?"
+ value = values.shift
+ else
+ # Handle single and double quotes.
+ value.strip!
+ if (value[0] == ?" || value[0] == ?') && value[0] == value[-1]
+ value = value[1..-2]
+ end
+ end
+ @source << "[#{name}#{equality}'#{value}']"
+ attributes << [name.downcase.strip, attribute_match(equality, value)]
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Root element only.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:root/) do |match|
+ pseudo << lambda do |element|
+ element.parent.nil? || !element.parent.tag?
+ end
+ @source << ":root"
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Nth-child including last and of-type.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:nth-(last-)?(child|of-type)\((odd|even|(\d+|\?)|(-?\d*|\?)?n([+\-]\d+|\?)?)\)/) do |match|
+ reverse = $1 == "last-"
+ of_type = $2 == "of-type"
+ @source << ":nth-#{$1}#{$2}("
+ case $3
+ when "odd"
+ pseudo << nth_child(2, 1, of_type, reverse)
+ @source << "odd)"
+ when "even"
+ pseudo << nth_child(2, 2, of_type, reverse)
+ @source << "even)"
+ when /^(\d+|\?)$/ # b only
+ b = ($1 == "?" ? values.shift : $1).to_i
+ pseudo << nth_child(0, b, of_type, reverse)
+ @source << "#{b})"
+ when /^(-?\d*|\?)?n([+\-]\d+|\?)?$/
+ a = ($1 == "?" ? values.shift :
+ $1 == "" ? 1 : $1 == "-" ? -1 : $1).to_i
+ b = ($2 == "?" ? values.shift : $2).to_i
+ pseudo << nth_child(a, b, of_type, reverse)
+ @source << (b >= 0 ? "#{a}n+#{b})" : "#{a}n#{b})")
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid nth-child #{match}"
+ end
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # First/last child (of type).
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:(first|last)-(child|of-type)/) do |match|
+ reverse = $1 == "last"
+ of_type = $2 == "of-type"
+ pseudo << nth_child(0, 1, of_type, reverse)
+ @source << ":#{$1}-#{$2}"
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Only child (of type).
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:only-(child|of-type)/) do |match|
+ of_type = $1 == "of-type"
+ pseudo << only_child(of_type)
+ @source << ":only-#{$1}"
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Empty: no child elements or meaningful content (whitespaces
+ # are ignored).
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:empty/) do |match|
+ pseudo << lambda do |element|
+ empty = true
+ for child in element.children
+ if child.tag? || !child.content.strip.empty?
+ empty = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ empty
+ end
+ @source << ":empty"
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Content: match the text content of the element, stripping
+ # leading and trailing spaces.
+ next if statement.sub!(/^:content\(\s*(\?|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|[^)]*)\s*\)/) do |match|
+ content = $1
+ if content == "?"
+ content = values.shift
+ elsif (content[0] == ?" || content[0] == ?') && content[0] == content[-1]
+ content = content[1..-2]
+ end
+ @source << ":content('#{content}')"
+ content = Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.escape(content.to_s)}$") unless content.is_a?(Regexp)
+ pseudo << lambda do |element|
+ text = ""
+ for child in element.children
+ unless child.tag?
+ text << child.content
+ end
+ end
+ text.strip =~ content
+ end
+ "" # Remove
+ end
+ # Negation. Create another simple selector to handle it.
+ if statement.sub!(/^:not\(\s*/, "")
+ raise ArgumentError, "Double negatives are not missing feature" unless can_negate
+ @source << ":not("
+ negation << simple_selector(statement, values, false)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Negation not closed" unless statement.sub!(/^\s*\)/, "")
+ @source << ")"
+ next
+ end
+ # No match: moving on.
+ break
+ end
+ # Return hash. The keys are mapped to instance variables.
+ {:tag_name=>tag_name, :attributes=>attributes, :pseudo=>pseudo, :negation=>negation}
+ end
+ # Create a regular expression to match an attribute value based
+ # on the equality operator (=, ^=, |=, etc).
+ def attribute_match(equality, value)
+ regexp = value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value : Regexp.escape(value.to_s)
+ case equality
+ when "=" then
+ # Match the attribute value in full
+ Regexp.new("^#{regexp}$")
+ when "~=" then
+ # Match a space-separated word within the attribute value
+ Regexp.new("(^|\s)#{regexp}($|\s)")
+ when "^="
+ # Match the beginning of the attribute value
+ Regexp.new("^#{regexp}")
+ when "$="
+ # Match the end of the attribute value
+ Regexp.new("#{regexp}$")
+ when "*="
+ # Match substring of the attribute value
+ regexp.is_a?(Regexp) ? regexp : Regexp.new(regexp)
+ when "|=" then
+ # Match the first space-separated item of the attribute value
+ Regexp.new("^#{regexp}($|\s)")
+ else
+ raise InvalidSelectorError, "Invalid operation/value" unless value.empty?
+ # Match all attributes values (existence check)
+ //
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns a lambda that can match an element against the nth-child
+ # pseudo class, given the following arguments:
+ # * +a+ -- Value of a part.
+ # * +b+ -- Value of b part.
+ # * +of_type+ -- True to test only elements of this type (of-type).
+ # * +reverse+ -- True to count in reverse order (last-).
+ def nth_child(a, b, of_type, reverse)
+ # a = 0 means select at index b, if b = 0 nothing selected
+ return lambda { |element| false } if a == 0 && b == 0
+ # a < 0 and b < 0 will never match against an index
+ return lambda { |element| false } if a < 0 && b < 0
+ b = a + b + 1 if b < 0 # b < 0 just picks last element from each group
+ b -= 1 unless b == 0 # b == 0 is same as b == 1, otherwise zero based
+ lambda do |element|
+ # Element must be inside parent element.
+ return false unless element.parent && element.parent.tag?
+ index = 0
+ # Get siblings, reverse if counting from last.
+ siblings = element.parent.children
+ siblings = siblings.reverse if reverse
+ # Match element name if of-type, otherwise ignore name.
+ name = of_type ? element.name : nil
+ found = false
+ for child in siblings
+ # Skip text nodes/comments.
+ if child.tag? && (name == nil || child.name == name)
+ if a == 0
+ # Shortcut when a == 0 no need to go past count
+ if index == b
+ found = child.equal?(element)
+ break
+ end
+ elsif a < 0
+ # Only look for first b elements
+ break if index > b
+ if child.equal?(element)
+ found = (index % a) == 0
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ # Otherwise, break if child found and count == an+b
+ if child.equal?(element)
+ found = (index % a) == b
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ index += 1
+ end
+ end
+ found
+ end
+ end
+ # Creates a only child lambda. Pass +of-type+ to only look at
+ # elements of its type.
+ def only_child(of_type)
+ lambda do |element|
+ # Element must be inside parent element.
+ return false unless element.parent && element.parent.tag?
+ name = of_type ? element.name : nil
+ other = false
+ for child in element.parent.children
+ # Skip text nodes/comments.
+ if child.tag? && (name == nil || child.name == name)
+ unless child.equal?(element)
+ other = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ !other
+ end
+ end
+ # Called to create a dependent selector (sibling, descendant, etc).
+ # Passes the remainder of the statement that will be reduced to zero
+ # eventually, and array of substitution values.
+ #
+ # This method is called from four places, so it helps to put it here
+ # for resue. The only logic deals with the need to detect comma
+ # separators (alternate) and apply them to the selector group of the
+ # top selector.
+ def next_selector(statement, values)
+ second = Selector.new(statement, values)
+ # If there are alternate selectors, we group them in the top selector.
+ if alternates = second.instance_variable_get(:@alternates)
+ second.instance_variable_set(:@alternates, nil)
+ (@alternates ||= []).concat alternates
+ end
+ second
+ end
+ end
+ # See HTML::Selector.new
+ def self.selector(statement, *values)
+ Selector.new(statement, *values)
+ end
+ class Tag
+ def select(selector, *values)
+ selector = HTML::Selector.new(selector, values)
+ selector.select(self)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2117c852c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/assert_select_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Assaf Arkin (http://labnotes.org)
+# Under MIT and/or CC By license.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fake_controllers'
+require "action_mailer"
+class AssertSelectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ class AssertSelectController < ActionController::Base
+ def response_with=(content)
+ @content = content
+ end
+ def response_with(&block)
+ @update = block
+ end
+ def html()
+ render :text=>@content, :layout=>false, :content_type=>Mime::HTML
+ @content = nil
+ end
+ def rjs()
+ render :update do |page|
+ @update.call page
+ end
+ @update = nil
+ end
+ def xml()
+ render :text=>@content, :layout=>false, :content_type=>Mime::XML
+ @content = nil
+ end
+ def rescue_action(e)
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ class AssertSelectMailer < ActionMailer::Base
+ def test(html)
+ recipients "test <test@test.host>"
+ from "test@test.host"
+ subject "Test e-mail"
+ part :content_type=>"text/html", :body=>html
+ end
+ end
+ AssertionFailedError = Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
+ def setup
+ @controller = AssertSelectController.new
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test
+ ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
+ end
+ def teardown
+ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear
+ end
+ #
+ # Test assert select.
+ #
+ def test_assert_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_select "div", 2
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", 3 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError){ assert_select "p" }
+ end
+ def test_equality_true_false
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div" }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", true }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p", true }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", false }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", false }
+ end
+ def test_equality_string_and_regexp
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", "foo" }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", "bar" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :text=>"foo" }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :text=>"bar" }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", /(foo|bar)/ }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", /foobar/ }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :text=>/(foo|bar)/ }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :text=>/foobar/ }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p", :text=>/foobar/ }
+ end
+ def test_equality_of_html
+ render_html %Q{<p>\n<em>"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,"</em> he said.\n</p>}
+ text = "\"This is not a big problem,\" he said."
+ html = "<em>\"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,\"</em> he said."
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", text }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p", html }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "p", :html=>html }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "p", :html=>text }
+ # No stripping for pre.
+ render_html %Q{<pre>\n<em>"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,"</em> he said.\n</pre>}
+ text = "\n\"This is not a big problem,\" he said.\n"
+ html = "\n<em>\"This is <strong>not</strong> a big problem,\"</em> he said.\n"
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "pre", text }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "pre", html }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "pre", :html=>html }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "pre", :html=>text }
+ end
+ def test_equality_of_instances
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", 2 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", 3 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", 1..2 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", 3..4 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :count=>2 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :count=>3 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>1 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>2 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :minimum=>3 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :maximum=>2 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :maximum=>3 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :maximum=>1 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { assert_select "div", :minimum=>1, :maximum=>2 }
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select "div", :minimum=>3, :maximum=>4 }
+ end
+ def test_substitution_values
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nested_assert_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ assert_select elements[0], "#1"
+ assert_select elements[1], "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ # Testing in a group is one thing
+ assert_select "#1,#2"
+ # Testing individually is another.
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ assert_select "#3", false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_from_rjs
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>\n<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert elements.size == 2
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ # With multiple results.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do |elements|
+ assert elements.size == 2
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Test css_select.
+ #
+ def test_css_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1"></div><div id="2"></div>}
+ assert 2, css_select("div").size
+ assert 0, css_select("p").size
+ end
+ def test_nested_css_select
+ render_html %Q{<div id="1">foo</div><div id="2">foo</div>}
+ assert_select "div#?", /\d+/ do |elements|
+ assert_equal 1, css_select(elements[0], "div").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select(elements[1], "div").size
+ end
+ assert_select "div" do
+ assert_equal 2, css_select("div").size
+ css_select("div").each do |element|
+ # Testing as a group is one thing
+ assert !css_select("#1,#2").empty?
+ # Testing individually is another
+ assert !css_select("#1").empty?
+ assert !css_select("#2").empty?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_css_select_from_rjs
+ # With one result.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>\n<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, css_select("div").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select("#1").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select("#2").size
+ # With multiple results.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, css_select("div").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select("#1").size
+ assert_equal 1, css_select("#2").size
+ end
+ #
+ # Test assert_select_rjs.
+ #
+ def test_assert_select_rjs
+ # Test that we can pick up all statements in the result.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ found = false
+ assert_select_rjs do
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ assert_select "#3"
+ found = true
+ end
+ assert found
+ # Test that we fail if there is nothing to pick.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ end
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs }
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_rjs_with_id
+ # Test that we can pick up all statements in the result.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test1" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#1"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test2" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test3" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#3"
+ end
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs "test4" }
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_rjs_for_replace
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ # Replace.
+ assert_select_rjs :replace do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#1"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :replace, "test1" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#1"
+ end
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs :replace, "test2" }
+ # Replace HTML.
+ assert_select_rjs :replace_html do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :replace_html, "test2" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs :replace_html, "test1" }
+ end
+ def test_assert_select_rjs_for_insert
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :top, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ # Non-positioned.
+ assert_select_rjs :insert_html do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#3"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert_html, "test3" do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#3"
+ end
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_rjs :insert_html, "test1" }
+ # Positioned.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.insert_html :top, "test1", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :bottom, "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :before, "test3", "<div id=\"3\">foo</div>"
+ page.insert_html :after, "test4", "<div id=\"4\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert, :top do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#1"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert, :bottom do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert, :before do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#3"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert, :after do
+ assert_select "div", 1
+ assert_select "#4"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs :insert_html do
+ assert_select "div", 4
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nested_assert_select_rjs
+ # Simple selection from a single result.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>\n<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 2, elements.size
+ assert_select "#1"
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ # Deal with two results.
+ render_rjs do |page|
+ page.replace_html "test", "<div id=\"1\">foo</div>"
+ page.replace_html "test2", "<div id=\"2\">foo</div>"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 1, elements.size
+ assert_select "#1"
+ end
+ assert_select_rjs "test2" do |elements|
+ assert_equal 1, elements.size
+ assert_select "#2"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_feed_item_encoded
+ render_xml <<-EOF
+<rss version="2.0">
+ <channel>
+ <item>
+ <description>
+ <![CDATA[
+ <p>Test 1</p>
+ ]]>
+ </description>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <description>
+ <![CDATA[
+ <p>Test 2</p>
+ ]]>
+ </description>
+ </item>
+ </channel>
+ assert_select "channel item description" do
+ # Test element regardless of wrapper.
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select "p", :count=>2, :text=>/Test/
+ end
+ # Test through encoded wrapper.
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select "encoded p", :count=>2, :text=>/Test/
+ end
+ # Use :root instead (recommended)
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select ":root p", :count=>2, :text=>/Test/
+ end
+ # Test individually.
+ assert_select "description" do |elements|
+ assert_select_encoded elements[0] do
+ assert_select "p", "Test 1"
+ end
+ assert_select_encoded elements[1] do
+ assert_select "p", "Test 2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Test that we only un-encode element itself.
+ assert_select "channel item" do
+ assert_select_encoded do
+ assert_select "p", 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Test assert_select_email
+ #
+ def test_assert_select_email
+ assert_raises(AssertionFailedError) { assert_select_email {} }
+ AssertSelectMailer.deliver_test "<div><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></div>"
+ assert_select_email do
+ assert_select "div:root" do
+ assert_select "p:first-child", "foo"
+ assert_select "p:last-child", "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ protected
+ def render_html(html)
+ @controller.response_with = html
+ get :html
+ end
+ def render_rjs(&block)
+ @controller.response_with &block
+ get :rjs
+ end
+ def render_xml(xml)
+ @controller.response_with = xml
+ get :xml
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/actionpack/test/controller/selector_test.rb b/actionpack/test/controller/selector_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d004290097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/actionpack/test/controller/selector_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Assaf Arkin (http://labnotes.org)
+# Under MIT and/or CC By license.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../abstract_unit'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fake_controllers'
+class SelectorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ #
+ # Basic selector: element, id, class, attributes.
+ #
+ def test_element
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1"></div><p></p><div id="2"></div>})
+ # Match element by name.
+ select("div")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Not case sensitive.
+ select("DIV")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Universal match (all elements).
+ select("*")
+ assert_equal 3, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal nil, @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[2].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_identifier
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1"></div><p></p><div id="2"></div>})
+ # Match element by ID.
+ select("div#1")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match element by ID, substitute value.
+ select("div#?", 2)
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Element name does not match ID.
+ select("p#?", 2)
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ # Use regular expression.
+ select("#?", /\d/)
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_class_name
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1" class=" foo "></div><p id="2" class=" foo bar "></p><div id="3" class="bar"></div>})
+ # Match element with specified class.
+ select("div.foo")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match any element with specified class.
+ select("*.foo")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Match elements with other class.
+ select("*.bar")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Match only element with both class names.
+ select("*.bar.foo")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_attribute
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1"></div><p id="2" title="" bar="foo"></p><div id="3" title="foo"></div>})
+ # Match element with attribute.
+ select("div[title]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match any element with attribute.
+ select("*[title]")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Match alement with attribute value.
+ select("*[title=foo]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match alement with attribute and attribute value.
+ select("[bar=foo][title]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Not case sensitive.
+ select("[BAR=foo][TiTle]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_attribute_quoted
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1" title="foo"></div><div id="2" title="bar"></div><div id="3" title=" bar "></div>})
+ # Match without quotes.
+ select("[title = bar]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match with single quotes.
+ select("[title = 'bar' ]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match with double quotes.
+ select("[title = \"bar\" ]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match with spaces.
+ select("[title = \" bar \" ]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_attribute_equality
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1" title="foo bar"></div><div id="2" title="barbaz"></div>})
+ # Match (fail) complete value.
+ select("[title=bar]")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ # Match space-separate word.
+ select("[title~=foo]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("[title~=bar]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match beginning of value.
+ select("[title^=ba]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match end of value.
+ select("[title$=ar]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Match text in value.
+ select("[title*=bar]")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Match first space separated word.
+ select("[title|=foo]")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("[title|=bar]")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ #
+ # Selector composition: groups, sibling, children
+ #
+ def test_selector_group
+ parse(%Q{<h1 id="1"></h1><h2 id="2"></h2><h3 id="3"></h3>})
+ # Simple group selector.
+ select("h1,h3")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("h1 , h3")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Complex group selector.
+ parse(%Q{<h1 id="1"><a href="foo"></a></h1><h2 id="2"><a href="bar"></a></h2><h3 id="2"><a href="baz"></a></h3>})
+ select("h1 a, h3 a")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "foo", @matches[0].attributes["href"]
+ assert_equal "baz", @matches[1].attributes["href"]
+ # And now for the three selector challange.
+ parse(%Q{<h1 id="1"><a href="foo"></a></h1><h2 id="2"><a href="bar"></a></h2><h3 id="2"><a href="baz"></a></h3>})
+ select("h1 a, h2 a, h3 a")
+ assert_equal 3, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "foo", @matches[0].attributes["href"]
+ assert_equal "bar", @matches[1].attributes["href"]
+ assert_equal "baz", @matches[2].attributes["href"]
+ end
+ def test_sibling_selector
+ parse(%Q{<h1 id="1"></h1><h2 id="2"></h2><h3 id="3"></h3>})
+ # Test next sibling.
+ select("h1+*")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("h1+h2")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("h1+h3")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("*+h3")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Test any sibling.
+ select("h1~*")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("h2~*")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_children_selector
+ parse(%Q{<div><p id="1"><span id="2"></span></p></div><div><p id="3"><span id="4" class="foo"></span></p></div>})
+ # Test child selector.
+ select("div>p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("div>span")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("div>p#3")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("div>p>span")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Test descendant selector.
+ select("div p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("div span")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("div *#3")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("div *#4")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # This is here because it failed before when whitespaces
+ # were not properly stripped.
+ select("div .foo")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ #
+ # Pseudo selectors: root, nth-child, empty, content, etc
+ #
+ def test_root_selector
+ parse(%Q{<div id="1"><div id="2"></div></div>})
+ # Can only find element if it's root.
+ select(":root")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("#1:root")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("#2:root")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ # Opposite for nth-child.
+ select("#1:nth-child(1)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_odd_even
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Test odd nth children.
+ select("tr:nth-child(odd)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Test even nth children.
+ select("tr:nth-child(even)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_a_is_zero
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Test the third child.
+ select("tr:nth-child(0n+3)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Same but an can be omitted when zero.
+ select("tr:nth-child(3)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Second element (but not every second element).
+ select("tr:nth-child(0n+2)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Before first and past last returns nothing.:
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { select("tr:nth-child(-1)") }
+ select("tr:nth-child(0)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("tr:nth-child(5)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_a_is_one
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # a is group of one, pick every element in group.
+ select("tr:nth-child(1n+0)")
+ assert_equal 4, @matches.size
+ # Same but a can be omitted when one.
+ select("tr:nth-child(n+0)")
+ assert_equal 4, @matches.size
+ # Same but b can be omitted when zero.
+ select("tr:nth-child(n)")
+ assert_equal 4, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_b_is_zero
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # If b is zero, pick the n-th element (here each one).
+ select("tr:nth-child(n+0)")
+ assert_equal 4, @matches.size
+ # If b is zero, pick the n-th element (here every second).
+ select("tr:nth-child(2n+0)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # If a and b are both zero, no element selected.
+ select("tr:nth-child(0n+0)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("tr:nth-child(0)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_a_is_negative
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Since a is -1, picks the first three elements.
+ select("tr:nth-child(-n+3)")
+ assert_equal 3, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[2].attributes["id"]
+ # Since a is -2, picks the first in every second of first four elements.
+ select("tr:nth-child(-2n+3)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Since a is -2, picks the first in every second of first three elements.
+ select("tr:nth-child(-2n+2)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_b_is_negative
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Select last of four.
+ select("tr:nth-child(4n-1)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Select first of four.
+ select("tr:nth-child(4n-4)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Select last of every second.
+ select("tr:nth-child(2n-1)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # Select nothing since an+b always < 0
+ select("tr:nth-child(-1n-1)")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_child_substitution_values
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Test with ?n?.
+ select("tr:nth-child(?n?)", 2, 1)
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("tr:nth-child(?n?)", 2, 2)
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ select("tr:nth-child(?n?)", 4, 2)
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Test with ? (b only).
+ select("tr:nth-child(?)", 3)
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("tr:nth-child(?)", 5)
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_nth_last_child
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # Last two elements.
+ select("tr:nth-last-child(-n+2)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "3", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # All old elements counting from last one.
+ select("tr:nth-last-child(odd)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_nth_of_type
+ parse(%Q{<table><thead></thead><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # First two elements.
+ select("tr:nth-of-type(-n+2)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ # All old elements counting from last one.
+ select("tr:nth-last-of-type(odd)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_first_and_last
+ parse(%Q{<table><thead></thead><tr id="1"></tr><tr id="2"></tr><tr id="3"></tr><tr id="4"></tr></table>})
+ # First child.
+ select("tr:first-child")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select(":first-child")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "thead", @matches[0].name
+ # First of type.
+ select("tr:first-of-type")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("thead:first-of-type")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "thead", @matches[0].name
+ select("div:first-of-type")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ # Last child.
+ select("tr:last-child")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ # Last of type.
+ select("tr:last-of-type")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "4", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("thead:last-of-type")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "thead", @matches[0].name
+ select("div:last-of-type")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_first_and_last
+ # Only child.
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr></tr></table>})
+ select("table:only-child")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("tr:only-child")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "tr", @matches[0].name
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr></tr><tr></tr></table>})
+ select("tr:only-child")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ # Only of type.
+ parse(%Q{<table><thead></thead><tr></tr><tr></tr></table>})
+ select("thead:only-of-type")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "thead", @matches[0].name
+ select("td:only-of-type")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_empty
+ parse(%Q{<table><tr></tr></table>})
+ select("table:empty")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("tr:empty")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ parse(%Q{<div> </div>})
+ select("div:empty")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_content
+ parse(%Q{<div> </div>})
+ select("div:content()")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ parse(%Q{<div>something </div>})
+ select("div:content()")
+ assert_equal 0, @matches.size
+ select("div:content(something)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ select("div:content( 'something' )")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ select("div:content( \"something\" )")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ select("div:content(?)", "something")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ select("div:content(?)", /something/)
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ end
+ #
+ # Test negation.
+ #
+ def test_element_negation
+ parse(%Q{<p></p><div></div>})
+ select("*")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ select("*:not(p)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "div", @matches[0].name
+ select("*:not(div)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "p", @matches[0].name
+ select("*:not(span)")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ end
+ def test_id_negation
+ parse(%Q{<p id="1"></p><p id="2"></p>})
+ select("p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ select(":not(#1)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select(":not(#2)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_class_name_negation
+ parse(%Q{<p class="foo"></p><p class="bar"></p>})
+ select("p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ select(":not(.foo)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "bar", @matches[0].attributes["class"]
+ select(":not(.bar)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "foo", @matches[0].attributes["class"]
+ end
+ def test_attribute_negation
+ parse(%Q{<p title="foo"></p><p title="bar"></p>})
+ select("p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ select(":not([title=foo])")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "bar", @matches[0].attributes["title"]
+ select(":not([title=bar])")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "foo", @matches[0].attributes["title"]
+ end
+ def test_pseudo_class_negation
+ parse(%Q{<div><p id="1"></p><p id="2"></p></div>})
+ select("p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ select("p:not(:first-child)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ select("p:not(:nth-child(2))")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_negation_details
+ parse(%Q{<p id="1"></p><p id="2"></p><p id="3"></p>})
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { select(":not(") }
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { select(":not(:not())") }
+ select("p:not(#1):not(#3)")
+ assert_equal 1, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def test_select_from_element
+ parse(%Q{<div><p id="1"></p><p id="2"></p></div>})
+ select("div")
+ @matches = @matches[0].select("p")
+ assert_equal 2, @matches.size
+ assert_equal "1", @matches[0].attributes["id"]
+ assert_equal "2", @matches[1].attributes["id"]
+ end
+ def parse(html)
+ @html = HTML::Document.new(html).root
+ end
+ def select(*selector)
+ @matches = HTML.selector(*selector).select(@html)
+ end