diff options
authorAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2011-12-09 16:03:18 -0800
committerAaron Patterson <aaron.patterson@gmail.com>2011-12-09 16:05:57 -0800
commit04ef93dae6d9cec616973c1110a33894ad4ba6ed (patch)
parentf79b257e0bdddc22c21b3dc0c0929a4865daa940 (diff)
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#silence is deprecated. If you want to squelch
logs for a certain block, change the log level for that block. * ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#open_log is deprecated. This method should not have been public in the first place. * ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger's behavior of automatically creating the directory for your log file is deprecated. Please make sure to create the directory for your log file before instantiating. * ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#auto_flushing is deprecated. Either set the sync level on the underlying file handle like this: f = File.open('foo.log', 'w') f.sync = true ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new f Or tune your filesystem. The FS cache is now what controls flushing. * ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#flush is deprecated. Set sync on your filehandle, or tune your filesystem.
6 files changed, 96 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
index 7f1103a6d7..1516472fed 100644
--- a/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activesupport/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -47,6 +47,28 @@
* ActiveSupport::OrderedHash now has different behavior for #each and
\#each_pair when given a block accepting its parameters with a splat. *Andrew Radev*
+* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#silence is deprecated. If you want to squelch
+ logs for a certain block, change the log level for that block.
+* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#open_log is deprecated. This method should
+ not have been public in the first place.
+* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger's behavior of automatically creating the
+ directory for your log file is deprecated. Please make sure to create the
+ directory for your log file before instantiating.
+* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#auto_flushing is deprecated. Either set the
+ sync level on the underlying file handle like this:
+ f = File.open('foo.log', 'w')
+ f.sync = true
+ ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new f
+ Or tune your filesystem. The FS cache is now what controls flushing.
+* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#flush is deprecated. Set sync on your
+ filehandle, or tune your filesystem.
## Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011) ##
* ActiveSupport::Dependencies#load and ActiveSupport::Dependencies#require now
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb
index 136e245859..fc01225966 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/buffered_logger.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
require 'thread'
+require 'logger'
require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors'
+require 'active_support/deprecation'
+require 'fileutils'
module ActiveSupport
# Inspired by the buffered logger idea by Ezra
@@ -25,40 +28,35 @@ module ActiveSupport
# Silences the logger for the duration of the block.
def silence(temporary_level = ERROR)
if silencer
- old_logger_level = @tmp_levels[Thread.current]
- @tmp_levels[Thread.current] = temporary_level
- yield self
+ logger = self.class.new @log_dest, temporary_level
+ yield logger
- if old_logger_level
- @tmp_levels[Thread.current] = old_logger_level
- else
- @tmp_levels.delete(Thread.current)
- end
+ logger.close
yield self
+ deprecate :silence
- attr_writer :level
attr_reader :auto_flushing
+ deprecate :auto_flushing
def initialize(log, level = DEBUG)
@level = level
- @tmp_levels = {}
- @buffer = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
- @auto_flushing = 1
- @guard = Mutex.new
- if log.respond_to?(:write)
- @log = log
- elsif File.exist?(log)
- @log = open_log(log, (File::WRONLY | File::APPEND))
- else
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(log))
- @log = open_log(log, (File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT))
+ @log_dest = log
+ unless log.respond_to?(:write)
+ unless File.exist?(File.dirname(log))
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-eowarn)
+Automatic directory creation for '#{log}' is deprecated. Please make sure the directory for your log file exists before creating the logger.
+ eowarn
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(log))
+ end
+ @log = open_logfile log
def open_log(log, mode)
@@ -67,20 +65,18 @@ module ActiveSupport
open_log.sync = true
+ deprecate :open_log
def level
- @tmp_levels[Thread.current] || @level
+ @log.level
+ end
+ def level=(l)
+ @log.level = l
def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block)
- return if level > severity
- message = (message || (block && block.call) || progname).to_s
- # If a newline is necessary then create a new message ending with a newline.
- # Ensures that the original message is not mutated.
- message = "#{message}\n" unless message[-1] == ?\n
- buffer << message
- auto_flush
- message
+ @log.add(severity, message, progname, &block)
# Dynamically add methods such as:
@@ -104,62 +100,20 @@ module ActiveSupport
# never auto-flush. If you turn auto-flushing off, be sure to regularly
# flush the log yourself -- it will eat up memory until you do.
def auto_flushing=(period)
- @auto_flushing =
- case period
- when true; 1
- when false, nil, 0; MAX_BUFFER_SIZE
- when Integer; period
- else raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized auto_flushing period: #{period.inspect}"
- end
+ deprecate :auto_flushing=
def flush
- @guard.synchronize do
- write_buffer(buffer)
- # Important to do this even if buffer was empty or else @buffer will
- # accumulate empty arrays for each request where nothing was logged.
- clear_buffer
- # Clear buffers associated with dead threads or else spawned threads
- # that don't call flush will result in a memory leak.
- flush_dead_buffers
- end
+ deprecate :flush
def close
- flush
- @log.close if @log.respond_to?(:close)
- @log = nil
+ @log.close
- protected
- def auto_flush
- flush if buffer.size >= @auto_flushing
- end
- def buffer
- @buffer[Thread.current]
- end
- def clear_buffer
- @buffer.delete(Thread.current)
- end
- # Find buffers created by threads that are no longer alive and flush them to the log
- # in order to prevent memory leaks from spawned threads.
- def flush_dead_buffers #:nodoc:
- @buffer.keys.reject{|thread| thread.alive?}.each do |thread|
- buffer = @buffer[thread]
- write_buffer(buffer)
- @buffer.delete(thread)
- end
- end
- def write_buffer(buffer)
- buffer.each do |content|
- @log.write(content)
- end
- end
+ private
+ def open_logfile(log)
+ Logger.new log
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb
index 63e8837a07..c3c61e178e 100644
--- a/activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb
@@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ module ActiveSupport
- def flush(*args)
+ def flush
- @logger.flush(*args) if @logger.respond_to?(:flush)
def method_missing(method, *args)
diff --git a/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb b/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb
index 06f5172e1f..24b5b5bee1 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/benchmarkable_test.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,23 @@ require 'abstract_unit'
class BenchmarkableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable
- def teardown
- logger.send(:clear_buffer)
+ attr_reader :buffer, :logger
+ class Buffer
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize; @lines = []; end
+ def each(&block); @lines.each(&block); end
+ def write(x); @lines << x; end
+ def close; end
+ def last; @lines.last; end
+ def size; @lines.size; end
+ def empty?; @lines.empty?; end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @buffer = Buffer.new
+ @logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(@buffer)
def test_without_block
@@ -40,35 +55,7 @@ class BenchmarkableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::DEBUG
- def test_without_silencing
- benchmark('debug_run', :silence => false) do
- logger.info "not silenced!"
- end
- assert_equal 2, buffer.size
- end
- def test_with_silencing
- benchmark('debug_run', :silence => true) do
- logger.info "silenced!"
- end
- assert_equal 1, buffer.size
- end
- def logger
- @logger ||= begin
- logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(StringIO.new)
- logger.auto_flushing = false
- logger
- end
- end
- def buffer
- logger.send(:buffer)
- end
def assert_last_logged(message = 'Benchmarking')
assert_match(/^#{message} \(.*\)$/, buffer.last)
diff --git a/activesupport/test/buffered_logger_test.rb b/activesupport/test/buffered_logger_test.rb
index 386006677b..c818235fc0 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/buffered_logger_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/buffered_logger_test.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ require 'active_support/buffered_logger'
class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include MultibyteTestHelpers
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Deprecation
Logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger
@@ -23,7 +24,10 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
t.write 'hi mom!'
- logger = Logger.new t.path
+ f = File.open(t.path, 'w')
+ f.binmode
+ logger = Logger.new f
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
str = "\x80"
@@ -32,7 +36,6 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
logger.add Logger::DEBUG, str
- logger.flush
t.close true
@@ -40,7 +43,10 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_write_binary_data_create_file
fname = File.join Dir.tmpdir, 'lol', 'rofl.log'
- logger = Logger.new fname
+ f = File.open(fname, 'w')
+ f.binmode
+ logger = Logger.new f
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
str = "\x80"
@@ -49,7 +55,6 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
logger.add Logger::DEBUG, str
- logger.flush
File.unlink fname
@@ -104,34 +109,6 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal message_copy, @message
- [false, nil, 0].each do |disable|
- define_method "test_disabling_auto_flush_with_#{disable.inspect}_should_buffer_until_explicit_flush" do
- @logger.auto_flushing = disable
- 4.times do
- @logger.info 'wait for it..'
- assert @output.string.empty?, "@output.string should be empty but it is #{@output.string}"
- end
- @logger.flush
- assert !@output.string.empty?, "@logger.send(:buffer).size.to_s should not be empty but it is empty"
- end
- define_method "test_disabling_auto_flush_with_#{disable.inspect}_should_flush_at_max_buffer_size_as_failsafe" do
- @logger.auto_flushing = disable
- assert_equal Logger::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, @logger.auto_flushing
- (Logger::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1).times do
- @logger.info 'wait for it..'
- assert @output.string.empty?, "@output.string should be empty but is #{@output.string}"
- end
- @logger.info 'there it is.'
- assert !@output.string.empty?, "@logger.send(:buffer).size.to_s should not be empty but it is empty"
- end
- end
def test_should_know_if_its_loglevel_is_below_a_given_level
Logger::Severity.constants.each do |level|
@logger.level = Logger::Severity.const_get(level) - 1
@@ -139,56 +116,17 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_should_auto_flush_every_n_messages
- @logger.auto_flushing = 5
- 4.times do
- @logger.info 'wait for it..'
- assert @output.string.empty?, "@output.string should be empty but it is #{@output.string}"
- end
- @logger.info 'there it is.'
- assert !@output.string.empty?, "@output.string should not be empty but it is empty"
- end
def test_should_create_the_log_directory_if_it_doesnt_exist
tmp_directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "tmp")
log_file = File.join(tmp_directory, "development.log")
- @logger = Logger.new(log_file)
- assert File.exist?(tmp_directory)
- end
- def test_logger_should_maintain_separate_buffers_for_each_thread
- @logger.auto_flushing = false
- a = Thread.new do
- @logger.info("a"); Thread.pass;
- @logger.info("b"); Thread.pass;
- @logger.info("c"); @logger.flush
- end
- b = Thread.new do
- @logger.info("x"); Thread.pass;
- @logger.info("y"); Thread.pass;
- @logger.info("z"); @logger.flush
+ assert_deprecated do
+ @logger = Logger.new(log_file)
- a.join
- b.join
- assert @output.string.include?("a\nb\nc\n")
- assert @output.string.include?("x\ny\nz\n")
- end
- def test_flush_should_remove_empty_buffers
- @logger.send :buffer
- @logger.expects :clear_buffer
- @logger.flush
+ assert File.exist?(tmp_directory)
def test_buffer_multibyte
- @logger.auto_flushing = 2
assert @output.string.include?(UNICODE_STRING)
@@ -198,57 +136,4 @@ class BufferedLoggerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert byte_string.include?(BYTE_STRING)
- def test_silence_only_current_thread
- @logger.auto_flushing = true
- run_thread_a = false
- a = Thread.new do
- while !run_thread_a do
- sleep(0.001)
- end
- @logger.info("x")
- run_thread_a = false
- end
- @logger.silence do
- run_thread_a = true
- @logger.info("a")
- while run_thread_a do
- sleep(0.001)
- end
- end
- a.join
- assert @output.string.include?("x")
- assert !@output.string.include?("a")
- end
- def test_flush_dead_buffers
- @logger.auto_flushing = false
- a = Thread.new do
- @logger.info("a")
- end
- keep_running = true
- Thread.new do
- @logger.info("b")
- while keep_running
- sleep(0.001)
- end
- end
- @logger.info("x")
- a.join
- @logger.flush
- assert @output.string.include?("x")
- assert @output.string.include?("a")
- assert !@output.string.include?("b")
- keep_running = false
- end
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
index c2cb121e42..1ae90056d9 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
@@ -24,9 +24,18 @@ module Rails
initializer :initialize_logger, :group => :all do
Rails.logger ||= config.logger || begin
path = config.paths["log"].first
- logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(path))
+ unless File.exist? File.dirname path
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname path
+ end
+ f = File.open path, 'w'
+ f.binmode
+ f.sync = !Rails.env.production? # make sure every write flushes
+ logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(
+ ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(f)
+ )
logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.const_get(config.log_level.to_s.upcase)
- logger.auto_flushing = false if Rails.env.production?
rescue StandardError
logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(STDERR))
@@ -37,7 +46,6 @@ module Rails
- at_exit { Rails.logger.flush if Rails.logger.respond_to?(:flush) }
# Initialize cache early in the stack so railties can make use of it.