path: root/activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/assertions.rb
blob: 771c116dff0d8e066671491cf3ca94f411990310 (plain) (tree)






module ActiveSupport
  module Testing
    module Assertions
      # Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated
      # in the yielded block.
      #   assert_difference 'Article.count' do
      #     post :create, :article => {...}
      #   end
      # An arbitrary expression is passed in and evaluated.
      #   assert_difference 'assigns(:article).comments(:reload).size' do
      #     post :create, :comment => {...}
      #   end
      # An arbitrary positive or negative difference can be specified. The default is +1.
      #   assert_difference 'Article.count', -1 do
      #     post :delete, :id => ...
      #   end
      # An array of expressions can also be passed in and evaluated.
      #   assert_difference [ 'Article.count', 'Post.count' ], +2 do
      #     post :create, :article => {...}
      #   end
      # A error message can be specified.
      #   assert_difference 'Article.count', -1, "An Article should be destroyed" do
      #     post :delete, :id => ...
      #   end
      def assert_difference(expression, difference = 1, message = nil, &block)
        case expression
        when String
          before = eval(expression, block.send(:binding))
          error = "#{expression.inspect} didn't change by #{difference}"
          error = "#{message}.\n#{error}" if message
          assert_equal(before + difference, eval(expression, block.send(:binding)), error)
        when Enumerable
          expression.each { |e| assert_difference(e, difference, message, &block) }
          raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized expression: #{expression.inspect}"

      # Assertion that the numeric result of evaluating an expression is not changed before and after
      # invoking the passed in block.
      #   assert_no_difference 'Article.count' do
      #     post :create, :article => invalid_attributes
      #   end
      # A error message can be specified.
      #   assert_no_difference 'Article.count', "An Article should not be destroyed" do
      #     post :create, :article => invalid_attributes
      #   end
      def assert_no_difference(expression, message = nil, &block)
        assert_difference expression, 0, message, &block