* Added authentication framework to protect actions behind a condition and redirect on failure. See ActionController::Authentication for more.
* Added Base#render_nothing as a cleaner way of doing render_text "" when you're not interested in returning anything but an empty response.
* Added the possibility of passing nil to UrlHelper#link_to to use the link itself as the name
*1.2.0* (January 4th, 2005)
* Added MemCacheStore for storing session data in Danga's MemCache system [Bob Cottrell]
Depends on: MemCached server (http://www.danga.com/memcached/), MemCache client (http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/memcache/)
* Added thread-safety to the DRbStore #66, #389 [Ben Stiglitz]
* Added DateHelper#select_time and DateHelper#select_second #373 [Scott Baron]
* Added :host and :protocol options to url_for and friends to redirect to another host and protocol than the current.
* Added class declaration for the MissingFile exception #388 [Kent Sibilev]
* Added "short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s)" to redirects to fulfill compliance with RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) section 10.3.3 #397 [Tim Bates]
* Added second boolean parameter to Base.redirect_to_url and Response#redirect to control whether the redirect is permanent or not (301 vs 302) #375 [Hodel]
* Fixed redirects when the controller and action is named the same. Still haven't fixed same controller, module, and action, though #201 [Josh]
* Fixed problems with running multiple functional tests in Rails under 1.8.2 by including hack for test/unit weirdness
* Fixed that @request.remote_ip didn't work in the test environment #369 [Bruno Mattarollo]
* Added search through session to clear out association caches at the end of each request. This makes it possible to place Active Record objects
in the session without worrying about stale data in the associations (the main object is still subject to caching, naturally) #347 [Tobias Luetke]
* Added more informative exception when using helper :some_helper and the helper requires another file that fails, you'll get an
error message tells you what file actually failed to load, rather than falling back on assuming it was the helper file itself #346 [dblack]
* Added use of *_before_type_cast for all input and text fields. This is helpful for getting "100,000" back on a integer-based
validation where the value would normally be "100".
* Added Request#port_string to get something like ":8080" back on 8080 and "" on 80 (or 443 with https).
* Added Request#domain (returns string) and Request#subdomains (returns array).
* Added POST support for the breakpoint retries, so form processing that raises an exception can be retried with the original request [Florian Gross]
* Fixed regression with Base#reset_session that wouldn't use the the DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS [adam@the-kramers.net]
* Fixed error rendering of rxml documents to not just swallow the exception and return 0 (still not guessing the right line, but hey)
* Fixed that textilize and markdown would instantiate their engines even on empty strings. This also fixes #333 [Ulysses]
* Fixed UrlHelper#link_to_unless so it doesn't care if the id is a string or fixnum [zenspider]
* Fixed a bug that would cause an ApplicationController to require itself three times and hence cause filters to be run three times [evl]
* Added that controllers will now attempt to require a model dependency with their name and in a singular attempt for their name.
So both PostController and PostsController will automatically have the post.rb model required. If no model is found, no error is raised,
as it is then expected that no match is available and the programmer will have included his own models.
* Fixed DateHelper#date_select so that you can pass include_blank as an option even if you don't use start_year and end_year #59 [what-a-day]
* Added that controllers will now search for a layout in $template_root/layouts/$controller_name.r(html|xml), so PostsController will look
for layouts/posts.rhtml or layouts/posts.rxml and automatically configure this layout if found #307 [Marcel]
* Added FormHelper#radio_button to work with radio buttons like its already possible with check boxes [Michael Koziarski]
* Added TemplateError#backtrace that makes it much easier to debug template errors from unit and functional tests
* Added display of error messages with scaffolded form pages
* Added option to ERB templates to swallow newlines by using <% if something -%> instead of just <% if something %>. Example:
class SomeController < ApplicationController
<% if options[:scaffold] %>
scaffold :<%= singular_name %>
<% end %>
helper :post
...produces this on post as singular_name:
class SomeController < ApplicationController
scaffold :post
helper :post
...where as:
class SomeController < ApplicationController
<% if options[:scaffold] -%>
scaffold :<%= singular_name %>
<% end -%>
helper :post
class SomeController < ApplicationController
scaffold :post
helper :post
[This undocumented gem for ERb was uncovered by bitsweat]
* Fixed CgiRequest so that it'll now accept session options with Symbols as keys (as the documentation points out) [Suggested by Andreas]
* Added that render_partial will always by default include a counter with value 1 unless there is a counter passed in via the
local_assigns hash that overrides it. As a result, render_collection_of_partials can still be written in terms of render_partial
and partials that make use of a counter can be called without problems from both render_collection_of_partials as well as
render_partial #295 [marcel]
* Fixed CgiRequest#out to fall back to #write if $stdout doesn't have #syswrite [bitsweat]
* Fixed all helpers so that they use XHTML compliant double quotes for values instead of single quotes [htonl/bitsweat]
* Added link_to_image(src, options = {}, html_options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference). Documentation:
Creates a link tag to the image residing at the +src+ using an URL created by the set of +options+. See the valid options in
link:classes/ActionController/Base.html#M000021. It's also possible to pass a string instead of an options hash to
get a link tag that just points without consideration. The <tt>html_options</tt> works jointly for the image and ahref tag by
letting the following special values enter the options on the image and the rest goes to the ahref:
::alt: If no alt text is given, the file name part of the +src+ is used (capitalized and without the extension)
::size: Supplied as "XxY", so "30x45" becomes width="30" and height="45"
::align: Sets the alignment, no special features
The +src+ can be supplied as a...
* full path, like "/my_images/image.gif"
* file name, like "rss.gif", that gets expanded to "/images/rss.gif"
* file name without extension, like "logo", that gets expanded to "/images/logo.png"
* Fixed to_input_field_tag so it no longer explicitly uses InstanceTag.value if value was specified in the options hash [evl]
* Added the possibility of having validate be protected for assert_(in)valid_column #263 [Tobias Luetke]
* Added that ActiveRecordHelper#form now calls url_for on the :action option.
* Added all the HTTP methods as alternatives to the generic "process" for functional testing #276 [Tobias Luetke]. Examples:
# Calls Controller#miletone with a GET request
process :milestone
# Calls Controller#miletone with a POST request that has parameters
post :milestone, { "name" => "David" }
# Calls Controller#milestone with a HEAD request that has both parameters and session data
head :milestone, { "id" => 1 }, { "user_id" => 23 }
This is especially useful for testing idiomatic REST web services.
* Added proper handling of HEAD requests, so that content isn't returned (Request#head? added as well) #277 [Eric Hodel]
* Added indifference to whether @headers["Content-Type"], @headers["Content-type"], or @headers["content-type"] is used.
* Added TestSession#session_id that returns an empty string to make it easier to functional test applications that doesn't use
cookie-based sessions #275 [jcf]
* Fixed that cached template loading would still check the file system to see if the file existed #258 [Andreas Schwarz]
* Added options to tailor header tag, div id, and div class on ActiveRecordHelper#error_messages_for [josh]
* Added graceful handling of non-alphanumeric names and misplaced brackets in input parameters [bitsweat]
* Added a new container for cookies that makes them more intuative to use. The old methods of cookie and @cookies have been deprecated.
Examples for writing:
cookies["user_name"] = "david" # => Will set a simple session cookie
cookies["login"] = { "value" => "XJ-122", "expires" => Time.now + 360} # => Will set a cookie that expires in 1 hour
Examples for reading:
cookies["user_name"] # => "david"
cookies.size # => 2
Read more in ActionController::Cookies
NOTE: If you were using the old accessor (cookies instead of @cookies), this could potentially break your code -- if you expect a full cookie object!
* Added the opportunity to defined method_missing on a controller which will handle all requests for actions not otherwise defined #223 [timb]
* Fixed AbstractRequest#remote_ip for users going through proxies - Patch #228 [Eric Hodel]
* Added Request#ssl? which is shorthand for @request.protocol == "https://"
* Added the choice to call form_tag with no arguments (resulting in a form posting to current action) [bitsweat]
* Upgraded to Builder 1.2.1
* Added :module as an alias for :controller_prefix to url_for and friends, so you can do redirect_to(:module => "shop", :controller => "purchases")
and go to /shop/purchases/
* Added support for controllers in modules through @params["module"].
* Added reloading for dependencies under cached environments like FastCGI and mod_ruby. This makes it possible to use those environments for development.
This is turned on by default, but can be turned off with ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = false in production environments.
NOTE: This will only have an effect if you use the new model, service, and observer class methods to mark dependencies. All libraries loaded through
require will be "forever" cached. You can, however, use ActionController::Base.load_or_require("library") to get this behavior outside of the new
dependency style.
* Added that controllers will automatically require their own helper if possible. So instead of doing:
class MsgController < ApplicationController
helper :msg
...you can just do:
class MsgController < ApplicationController
* Added dependencies_on(layer) to query the dependencies of a controller. Examples:
MsgController.dependencies_on(:model) # => [ :post, :comment, :attachment ]
MsgController.dependencies_on(:service) # => [ :notification_service ]
MsgController.dependencies_on(:observer) # => [ :comment_observer ]
* Added a new dependency model with the class methods model, service, and observer. Example:
class MsgController < ApplicationController
model :post, :comment, :attachment
service :notification_service
observer :comment_observer
These new "keywords" remove the need for explicitly calling 'require' in most cases. The observer method even instantiates the
observer as well as requiring it.
* Fixed that link_to would escape & in the url again after url_for already had done so
*0.9.5* (28)
* Added helper_method to designate that a given private or protected method you should available as a helper in the view. [bitsweat]
* Fixed assert_rendered_file so it actually verifies if that was the rendered file [htonl]
* Added the option for sharing partial spacer templates just like partials themselves [radsaq]
* Fixed that Russia was named twice in country_select [alexey]
* Fixed request_origin to use remote_ip instead of remote_addr [bitsweat]
* Fixed link_to breakage when nil was passed for html_options [alexey]
* Fixed redirect_to on a virtual server setup with apache with a port other than the default where it would forget the port number [seanohalpin]
* Fixed that auto-loading webrick on Windows would cause file uploads to fail [bitsweat]
* Fixed issues with sending files on WEBrick by setting the proper binmode [bitsweat]
* Added send_data as an alternative to send_file when the stream is not read off the filesystem but from a database or generated live [bitsweat]
* Added a new way to include helpers that doesn't require the include hack and can go without the explicit require. [bitsweat]
module WeblogHelper
def self.append_features(controller) #:nodoc:
controller.ancestors.include?(ActionController::Base) ? controller.add_template_helper(self) : super
require 'weblog_helper'
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
include WeblogHelper
module WeblogHelper
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
helper :weblog
* Added a default content-type of "text/xml" to .rxml renders [Ryan Platte]
* Fixed that when /controller/index was requested by the browser, url_for would generates wrong URLs [Ryan Platte]
* Fixed a bug that would share cookies between users when using FastCGI and mod_ruby [The Robot Co-op]
* Added an optional third hash parameter to the process method in functional tests that takes the session data to be used [alexey]
* Added UrlHelper#mail_to to make it easier to create mailto: style ahrefs
* Added better error messages for layouts declared with the .rhtml extension (which they shouldn't) [geech]
* Added another case to DateHelper#distance_in_minutes to return "less than a minute" instead of "0 minutes" and "1 minute" instead of "1 minutes"
* Added a hidden field to checkboxes generated with FormHelper#check_box that will make sure that the unchecked value (usually 0)
is sent even if the checkbox is not checked. This relieves the controller from doing custom checking if the the checkbox wasn't
checked. BEWARE: This might conflict with your run-on-the-mill work-around code. [Tobias Luetke]
* Fixed error_message_on to just use the first if more than one error had been added [marcel]
* Fixed that URL rewriting with /controller/ was working but /controller was not and that you couldn't use :id on index [geech]
* Fixed a bug with link_to where the :confirm option wouldn't be picked up if the link was a straight url instead of an option hash
* Changed scaffolding of forms to use <label> tags instead of <b> to please W3C [evl]
* Added DateHelper#distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(from_time) that works like distance_of_time_in_words,
but where <tt>to_time</tt> is fixed to <tt>Time.now</tt>.
* Added assert_flash_equal(expected, key, message), assert_session_equal(expected, key, message),
assert_assigned_equal(expected, key, message) to test the contents of flash, session, and template assigns.
* Improved the failure report on assert_success when the action triggered a redirection [alexey].
* Added "markdown" to accompany "textilize" as a TextHelper method for converting text to HTML using the Markdown syntax.
BlueCloth must be installed in order for this method to become available.
* Made sure that an active session exists before we attempt to delete it [Samuel]
* Changed link_to with Javascript confirmation to use onclick instead of onClick for XHTML validity [Scott Barron]
*0.9.0 (43)*
* Added support for Builder-based templates for files with the .rxml extension. These new templates are an alternative to ERb that
are especially useful for generating XML content, such as this RSS example from Basecamp:
xml.rss("version" => "2.0", "xmlns:dc" => "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/") do
xml.channel do
xml.description "Basecamp: Recent items"
xml.language "en-us"
xml.ttl "40"
for item in @recent_items
xml.item do
xml.description(item_description(item)) if item_description(item)
xml.guid(@person.firm.account.url + @recent_items.url(item))
xml.link(@person.firm.account.url + @recent_items.url(item))
xml.tag!("dc:creator", item.author_name) if item_has_creator?(item)
...which will generate something like:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
<title>Web Site Redesign</title>
<description>Basecamp: Recent items</description>
<title>Post: don't you know</title>
<description>&lt;p&gt;deeper and down&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:13:50 CEST</pubDate>
<dc:creator>David H. Heinemeier</dc:creator>
<title>Milestone completed: Design Comp 2</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 9 Aug 2004 14:42:06 CEST</pubDate>
The "xml" local variable is automatically available in .rxml templates. You construct the template by calling a method with the name
of the tag you want. Options for the tag can be specified as a hash parameter to that method.
Builder-based templates can be mixed and matched with the regular ERb ones. The only thing that differentiates them is the extension.
No new methods have been added to the public interface to handle them.
Action Pack ships with a version of Builder, but it will use the RubyGems version if you have one installed.
Read more about Builder on: http://onestepback.org/index.cgi/Tech/Ruby/StayingSimple.rdoc
[Builder is created by Jim Weirich]
* Added much improved support for functional testing [what-a-day].
# Old style
def test_failing_authenticate
@request.request_uri = "/login/authenticate"
@request.action = "authenticate"
@request.request_parameters["user_name"] = "nop"
@request.request_parameters["password"] = ""
response = LoginController.process_test(@request)
assert_equal "The username and/or password you entered is invalid.", response.session["flash"]["alert"]
assert_equal "http://37signals.basecamp.com/login/", response.headers["location"]
# New style
def test_failing_authenticate
process :authenticate, "user_name" => "nop", "password" => ""
assert_flash_has 'alert'
assert_redirected_to :action => "index"
See a full example on http://codepaste.org/view/paste/334
* Increased performance by up to 100% with a revised cookie class that fixes the performance problems with the
default one that ships with 1.8.1 and below. It replaces the inheritance on SimpleDelegator with DelegateClass(Array)
following the suggestion from Matz on:
* Added caching for compiled ERb templates. On Basecamp, it gave between 8.5% and 71% increase in performance [Andreas Schwarz].
* Added implicit counter variable to render_collection_of_partials [Marcel]. From the docs:
<%= render_collection_of_partials "ad", @advertisements %>
This will render "advertiser/_ad.rhtml" and pass the local variable +ad+ to the template for display. An iteration counter
will automatically be made available to the template with a name of the form +partial_name_counter+. In the case of the
example above, the template would be fed +ad_counter+.
* Fixed problems with two sessions being maintained on reset_session that would particularly screw up ActiveRecordStore.
* Fixed reset_session to start an entirely new session instead of merely deleting the old. So you can now safely access @session
after calling reset_ression and expect it to work.
* Added @request.get?, @request.post?, @request.put?, @request.delete? as convenience query methods for @request.method [geech]
* Added @request.method that'll return a symbol representing the HTTP method, such as :get, :post, :put, :delete [geech]
* Changed @request.remote_ip and @request.host to work properly even when a proxy is in front of the application [geech]
* Added JavaScript confirm feature to link_to. Documentation:
The html_options have a special feature for creating javascript confirm alerts where if you pass
:confirm => 'Are you sure?', the link will be guarded with a JS popup asking that question.
If the user accepts, the link is processed, otherwise not.
* Added link_to_unless_current as a UrlHelper method [Sam Stephenson]. Documentation:
Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using an URL created by the set of +options+, unless the current
controller, action, and id are the same as the link's, in which case only the name is returned (or the
given block is yielded, if one exists). This is useful for creating link bars where you don't want to link
to the page currently being viewed.
* Fixed that UrlRewriter (the driver for url_for, link_to, etc) would blow up when the anchor was an integer [alexey]
* Added that layouts defined with no directory defaults to layouts. So layout "weblog/standard" will use
weblog/standard (as always), but layout "standard" will use layouts/standard.
* Fixed that partials (or any template starting with an underscore) was publically viewable [Marten]
* Added HTML escaping to text_area helper.
* Added :overwrite_params to url_for and friends to keep the parameters as they were passed to the current action and only overwrite a subset.
The regular :params will clear the slate so you need to manually add in existing parameters if you want to reuse them. [raphinou]
* Fixed scaffolding problem with composite named objects [Moo Jester]
* Added the possibility for shared partials. Example:
<%= render_partial "advertisement/ad", ad %>
This will render the partial "advertisement/_ad.rhtml" regardless of which controller this is being called from.
[Jacob Fugal]
* Fixed crash when encountering forms that have empty-named fields [James Prudente]
* Added check_box form helper method now accepts true/false as well as 1/0 [what-a-day]
* Fixed the lacking creation of all directories with install.rb [Dave Steinberg]
* Fixed that date_select returns valid XHTML selected options [Andreas Schwarz]
* Fixed referencing an action with the same name as a controller in url_for [what-a-day]
* Fixed the destructive nature of Base#attributes= on the argument [Kevin Watt]
* Changed ActionControllerError to decent from StandardError instead of Exception. It can now be caught by a generic rescue.
* Added SessionRestoreError that is raised when a session being restored holds objects where there is no class available.
* Added block as option for inline filters. So what used to be written as:
before_filter Proc { |controller| return false if controller.params["stop_action"] }
...can now be as:
before_filter { |controller| return false if controller.params["stop_action"] }
[Jeremy Kemper]
* Made the following methods public (was protected): url_for, controller_class_name, controller_name, action_name
This makes it easier to write filters without cheating around the encapsulation with send.
* ActionController::Base#reset_session now sticks even if you access @session afterwards [Kent Sibilev]
* Improved the exception logging so the log file gets almost as much as in-browser debugging.
* Changed base class setup from AbstractTemplate/ERbTemplate to ActionView::Base. This change should be harmless unless you were
accessing Action View directly in which case you now need to reference the Base class.\
* Added that render_collection_of_partials returns nil if the collection is empty. This makes showing a “no items” message easier.
For example: <%= render_collection_of_partials("message", @messages) || "No messages found." %> [Sam Stephenson]
* Added :month_before_year as an option to date_select to get the month select before the year. Especially useful for credit card forms.
* Added :add_month_numbers to select_month to get options like "3 - March".
* Removed Base.has_active_layout? as it couldn't answer the question without the instance. Use Base#active_layout instead.
* Removed redundant call to update on ActionController::Base#close_session [Andreas Schwarz]
* Fixed that DRb Store accidently started its own server (instead of just client) [Andreas]
* Fixed strip_links so it now works across multiple lines [Chad Fowler]
* Fixed the TemplateError exception to show the proper trace on to_s (useful for unit test debugging)
* Implemented class inheritable attributes without eval [Caio Chassot]
* Made TextHelper#concat accept binding as it would otherwise not work
* The FormOptionsHelper will now call to_s on the keys and values used to generate options
* Introduced passing of locally scoped variables between templates:
You can pass local variables to sub templates by using a hash of with the variable
names as keys and the objects as values:
<%= render "shared/header", { "headline" => "Welcome", "person" => person } %>
These can now be accessed in shared/header with:
Headline: <%= headline %>
First name: <%= person.first_name %>
* Introduced the concept of partials as a certain type of sub templates:
There's also a convenience method for rendering sub templates within the current
controller that depends on a single object (we call this kind of sub templates for
partials). It relies on the fact that partials should follow the naming convention
of being prefixed with an underscore -- as to separate them from regular templates
that could be rendered on their own. In the template for Advertiser#buy, we could have:
<% for ad in @advertisements %>
<%= render_partial "ad", ad %>
<% end %>
This would render "advertiser/_ad.rhtml" and pass the local variable +ad+
for the template to display.
== Rendering a collection of partials
The example of partial use describes a familar pattern where a template needs
to iterate over a array and render a sub template for each of the elements.
This pattern has been implemented as a single method that accepts an array and
renders a partial by the same name of as the elements contained within. So the
three-lined example in "Using partials" can be rewritten with a single line:
<%= render_collection_of_partials "ad", @advertisements %>
So this will render "advertiser/_ad.rhtml" and pass the local variable +ad+ for
the template to display.
* Improved send_file by allowing a wide range of options to be applied [Jeremy Kemper]:
Sends the file by streaming it 4096 bytes at a time. This way the
whole file doesn't need to be read into memory at once. This makes
it feasible to send even large files.
Be careful to sanitize the path parameter if it coming from a web
page. send_file(@params['path'] allows a malicious user to
download any file on your server.
* <tt>:filename</tt> - specifies the filename the browser will see.
Defaults to File.basename(path).
* <tt>:type</tt> - specifies an HTTP content type.
Defaults to 'application/octet-stream'.
* <tt>:disposition</tt> - specifies whether the file will be shown inline or downloaded.
Valid values are 'inline' and 'attachment' (default).
* <tt>:buffer_size</tt> - specifies size (in bytes) of the buffer used to stream
the file. Defaults to 4096.
The default Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers are
set to download arbitrary binary files in as many browsers as
possible. IE versions 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 are all known to have
a variety of quirks (especially when downloading over SSL).
Simple download:
send_file '/path/to.zip'
Show a JPEG in browser:
send_file '/path/to.jpeg', :type => 'image/jpeg', :disposition => 'inline'
Read about the other Content-* HTTP headers if you'd like to
provide the user with more information (such as Content-Description).
Also be aware that the document may be cached by proxies and browsers.
The Pragma and Cache-Control headers declare how the file may be cached
by intermediaries. They default to require clients to validate with
the server before releasing cached responses. See
http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/ for an overview of web caching and
for the Cache-Control header spec.
* Added pluralize method to the TextHelper that makes it easy to get strings like "1 message", "3 messages"
* Added proper escaping for the rescues [Andreas Schwartz]
* Added proper escaping for the option and collection tags [Andreas Schwartz]
* Fixed NaN errors on benchmarking [Jim Weirich]
* Fixed query string parsing for URLs that use the escaped versions of & or ; as part of a key or value
* Fixed bug with custom Content-Type headers being in addition to rather than instead of the default header.
(This bug didn't matter with neither CGI or mod_ruby, but FCGI exploded on it) [With help from Ara T. Howard]
* Added select, collection_select, and country_select to make it easier for Active Records to set attributes through
drop-down lists of options. Example:
<%= select "person", "gender", %w( Male Female ) %>
...would give the following:
<select name="person[gender]" id="person_gender"><option>Male</option><option>Female</option></select>
* Added an option for getting multiple values on a single form name into an array instead of having the last one overwrite.
This is especially useful for groups of checkboxes, which can now be written as:
<input type="checkbox" name="rights[]" value="CREATE" />
<input type="checkbox" name="rights[]" value="UPDATE" />
<input type="checkbox" name="rights[]" value="DELETE" />
...and retrieved in the controller action with:
@params["rights"] # => [ "CREATE", "UPDATE", "DELETE" ]
The old behavior (where the last one wins, "DELETE" in the example) is still available. Just don't add "[]" to the
end of the name. [Scott Baron]
* Added send_file which uses the new render_text block acceptance to make it feasible to send large files.
The files is sent with a bunch of voodoo HTTP headers required to get arbitrary files to download as
expected in as many browsers as possible (eg, IE hacks). Example:
def play_movie
send_file "/movies/that_movie.avi"
[Jeremy Kemper]
* render_text now accepts a block for deferred rendering. Useful for streaming large files, displaying
a “please wait” message during a complex search, etc. Streaming example:
render_text do |response|
File.open(path, 'rb') do |file|
while buf = file.read(1024)
print buf
[Jeremy Kemper]
* Added a new Tag Helper that can generate generic tags programmatically insted of through HTML. Example:
tag("br", "clear" => "all") => <br clear="all" />
...that's usually not terribly interesting (unless you have a lot of options already in a hash), but it
gives way for more specific tags, like the new form tag:
form_tag({ :controller => "weblog", :action => "update" }, { :multipart => "true", "style" => "width: 200px"}) =>
<form action="/weblog/update" enctype="multipart/formdata" style="width: 200px">
There's even a "pretty" version for people who don't like to open tags in code and close them in HTML:
<%= start_form_tag :action => "update" %>
# all the input fields
<%= end_form_tag %>
(end_form_tag just returns "</form>")
* The selected parameter in options_for_select may now also an array of values to be selected when
using a multiple select. Example:
options_for_select([ "VISA", "Mastercard", "Discover" ], ["VISA", "Discover"]) =>
<option selected>VISA</option>\n<option>Mastercard</option>\n<option selected>Discover</option>
[Scott Baron]
* Changed the URL rewriter so controller_prefix and action_prefix can be used in isolation. You can now do:
url_for(:controller_prefix => "clients")
url_for(:action_prefix => "category/messages")
Neither would have worked in isolation before (:controller_prefix required a :controller and :action_prefix required an :action)
* Started process of a cleaner separation between Action Controller and ERb-based Action Views by introducing an
abstract base class for views. And Amita adapter could be fitted in more easily now.
* The date helper methods date_select and datetime_select now also use the field error wrapping
(div with class fieldWithErrors by default).
* The date helper methods date_select and datetime_select can now discard selects
* Added option on AbstractTemplate to specify a different field error wrapping. Example:
ActionView::AbstractTemplate.field_error_proc = Proc.new do |html, instance|
"<p>#{instance.method_name + instance.error_message}</p><div style='background-color: red'>#{html}</div>"
...would give the following on a Post#title (text field) error:
<p>Title can't be empty</p>
<div style='background-color: red'>
<input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="Hello World" />
* The UrlHelper methods url_for and link_to will now by default only return paths, not complete URIs.
That should make it easier to fit a Rails application behind a proxy or load-balancer.
You can overwrite this by passing :only_path => false as part of the options. [Suggested by U235]
* Fixed bug with having your own layout for use with scaffolding [Kevin Radloff]
* Fixed bug where redirect_to_path didn't append the port on non-standard ports [dhawkins]
* Scaffolding plays nicely with single-table inheritance (LoadErrors are caught) [Jeremy Kemper]
* Scaffolding plays nice with plural models like Category/categories [Jeremy Kemper]
* Fixed missing suffix appending in scaffolding [Kevin Radloff]
* The "form" method now present boolean fields from PostgreSQL as drop-down menu. [Scott]
* Scaffolding now automatically attempts to require the class that's being scaffolded.
* Scaffolding will use the current active layout, instead of its own, if one has been specified. Example:
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
layout "layouts/weblog"
scaffold :post
[Suggested by Scott]
* Changed url_for (and all the that drives, like redirect_to, link_to, link_for) so you can pass it a symbol instead of a hash.
This symbol is a method reference which is then called to calculate the url. Example:
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
def update
# do some update
redirect_to :dashboard_url
def dashboard_url
if @project.active?
url_for :controller => "project", :action => "dashboard"
url_for :controller => "account", :action => "dashboard"
* Added default_url_options to specialize behavior for all url_for (and friends) calls:
Overwrite to implement a number of default options that all url_for-based methods will use.
The default options should come in form of a hash, just like the one you would use for
url_for directly. Example:
def default_url_options(options)
{ :controller_prefix => @project.active? ? "projects/" : "accounts/" }
As you can infer from the example, this is mostly useful for situations where you want to
centralize dynamic dissions about the urls as they stem from the business domain. Please note
that any individual url_for call can always override the defaults set by this method.
* Changed url_for so that an "id" passed in the :params is not treated special. You need to use the dedicated :id to get
the special auto path-params treatment. Considering the url http://localhost:81/friends/list
url_for(:action => "show", :params => { "id" => 5 })
...used to give http://localhost:81/friends/show/5
......now gives http://localhost:81/friends/show?id=5
If you want the automated id behavior, do:
url_for(:action => "show", :id => 5 )
....which gives http://localhost:81/friends/show/5
* Fixed problem with anchor being inserted before path parameters with url_for (and friends)
* Fixed session bug where you couldn't store any objects that didn't exist in the standard library
(such as Active Record objects).
* Added reset_session method for Action Controller objects to clear out all objects in the session.
* Fixed that exceptions raised during filters are now also caught by the default rescues
* Added new around_filter for doing before and after filtering with a single object [Florian Weber]:
class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
around_filter BenchmarkingFilter.new
# Before this action is performed, BenchmarkingFilter#before(controller) is executed
def index
# After this action has been performed, BenchmarkingFilter#after(controller) is executed
class BenchmarkingFilter
def initialize
def before
def after
* Added the options for specifying a different name and id for the form helper methods than what is guessed [Florian Weber]:
text_field "post", "title"
...just gives: <input id="post_title" name="post[title]" size="30" type="text" value="" />
text_field "post", "title", "id" => "title_for_post", "name" => "first_post_title"
...can now give: <input id="title_for_post" name="first_post_title" size="30" type="text" value="" />
* Added DebugHelper with a single "debug" method for doing pretty dumps of objects in the view
(now used in the default rescues to better present the contents of session and template variables)
* Added note to log about the templates rendered within layouts (before just the layout was shown)
* Fixed redirects on https setups [Andreas]
* Fixed scaffolding problem on the edit action when using :suffix => true [Scott]
* Fixed scaffolding problem where implementing list.rhtml wouldn't work for the index action
* URLs generated now uses & instead of just & so pages using it can validate with W3C [Spotted by Andreas]
* Fixed bug in CGI extension that prevented multipart forms from working
* Included ERB::Util so all templates can easily escape HTML content with <%=h @person.content %>
* All requests are now considered local by default, so everyone will be exposed to detailed debugging screens on errors.
When the application is ready to go public, set ActionController::Base.consider_all_requests_local to false,
and implement the protected method local_request? in the controller to determine when debugging screens should be shown.
* Fixed three bugs with the url_for/redirect_to/link_to handling. Considering the url http://localhost:81/friends/show/1
url_for(:action => "list")
...used to give http://localhost:81/friends/list/1
......now gives http://localhost:81/friends/list
url_for(:controller => "friends", :action => "destroy", :id => 5)
...used to give http://localhost:81/friends/destroy
......now gives http://localhost:81/friends/destroy/5
Considering the url http://localhost:81/teachers/show/t
url_for(:action => "list", :id => 5)
...used to give http://localhost:81/5eachers/list/t
......now gives http://localhost:81/teachers/list/5
[Reported by David Morton & Radsaq]
* Logs exception to logfile in addition to showing them for local requests
* Protects the eruby load behind a begin/rescue block. eRuby is not required to run ActionController.
* Fixed install.rb to also install clean_logger and the templates
* Added ActiveRecordStore as a session option. Read more in lib/action_controller/session/active_record_store.rb [Tim Bates]
* Change license to MIT License (and included license file in package)
* Application error page now returns status code 500 instead of 200
* Fixed using Procs as layout handlers [Florian Weber]
* Fixed bug with using redirects ports other than 80
* Added index method that calls list on scaffolding
* First public release