path: root/content/blog/2015-12-21-setting-up-lets-encrypt-with-ruby-on-rails-and-freebsd
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authorHarald Eilertsen <>2020-06-05 13:02:55 +0200
committerHarald Eilertsen <>2020-06-05 13:02:55 +0200
commit1fa58a612e0d66b69cc0196831d0d375793aaac9 (patch)
tree5440b44862aaa9a9b6a8cb584086576578707c07 /content/blog/2015-12-21-setting-up-lets-encrypt-with-ruby-on-rails-and-freebsd
parent0fc2c0bee34c62e4196b553d9c4c6368906a2e41 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/blog/2015-12-21-setting-up-lets-encrypt-with-ruby-on-rails-and-freebsd')
2 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/content/blog/2015-12-21-setting-up-lets-encrypt-with-ruby-on-rails-and-freebsd/
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+title = "Setting up Let's Encrypt with Ruby on Rails and FreeBSD"
+lang = "en"
+tags = ["FreeBSD", "letsencrypt", "tips & tricks"]
+author = "harald"
+{% figure(img="letsencrypt-logo-horizontal.svg") %}
+Let's Encrypt logo.
+{% end %}
+I've been following [Let's Encrypt] for a while, and the idea is as simple as
+it's brilliant! Make it so easy to add a encryption to your webserver setup
+that there's really no reson not to. Traditionally this has been both a
+cumbersome and potentially expensive investment. At least for smaller stuff
+like your average blog or community web site getting a certificate and setting
+it all up has been a hassle.
+<!-- more -->
+So I really like the idea of Let's Encrypt, and since they've just launched
+their [public beta program] in time for the renewal of one of my certificates
+I decided to give it a spin. The process was surprisingly painless.
+The base Let's Encrypt program is already in the [FreeBSD ports collection],
+so installing it was as simple as running:
+ portmaster -P /usr/ports/security/py-letsencrypt
+There was quite a bit of dependencies to be installed, but the ports system
+takes care of that, and portmaster helps make the process really smooth. A few
+config options and 10 minutes later everything was built and installed.
+Next step was to generate the certificates. After a few misses I found the
+right invocation:
+ sudo letsencrypt certonly --webroot \
+ -w /usr/local/www/my_rails_app_dir/current/public/ \
+ -d -d
+Half a minute later I have my certificates in
+`/usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/`. I just had to update the apache
+config and everything worked right away.
+The Let's Encrypt website warns that you may have to shut down your webserver
+while it does it's job. That was not neccesary in this case. It seems this is
+only neccesary if you run with the `--standalone` option. The `--webroot`
+and `-w` options on the other hand allows you to specify manually where
+`letsencrypt` should put it's challenge files.
+The Let's Encrypt server then accesses these files using the regular webserver
+you're already running. Since this particular domain runs a [Ruby on Rails]
+app deployed using [Capistrano] I ended up with the path above.
+I had quite frankly expected that there should be more bumps. For one, this
+*is* still a beta, and they do warn that there will be bugs on their website.
+Further not all software developed for Linux runs equally smooth on FreeBSD,
+but this time there was no need for worrying.
+The plugins for apache and nginx are not yet available in the ports tree
+however, so I'm running things manually for now.
+[Let's Encrypt]:
+[public beta program]:
+[FreeBSD ports collection]:
+[Ruby on Rails]:
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