path: root/.travis.yml
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* :construction_worker:Extend Travis, add PostgreSQL10.Klaus Weidenbach2018-03-171-9/+17
| | | | | | Add PostgreSQL10 to TravisCI through Docker container. Use PHP7.2 instead of PHP7.1 as default test environment. Update to current stable MariaDB 10.2 from stable (GA) 10.1.
* :construction_worker:Improve Travis, add PHP7.2.Klaus Weidenbach2017-11-251-5/+19
| | | | | | Improve Travis CI configuration a bit and add PHP7.2 to the test matrix. Add PHPUnit Testdox output and optionally deploy test results on release tags. Add a configuration file for infection (Mutation Testing Framework).
* :construction_worker::white_check_mark: Add MySQL 5.7 in TravisCI.Klaus Weidenbach2017-06-051-0/+8
| | | | | | Use a Docker container to add MySQL 5.7 in TravisCI. A lot of sql_mode settings have changed with 5.7, so finnaly provide it to test against it.
* :construction_worker::white_check_mark::bug: Import table structure in TravisCI.Klaus Weidenbach2017-05-061-1/+1
| | | | | Fix a syntax error in schema_postres.sql which was discovered while working on this.
* :construction_worker: Add Travis' GitHub deployment steps.Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-9/+21
| | | | | | | | | Changed API documentation deployment to gh_pages to Travis's GitHub Pages deployment. Also add Travis GitHub Release Deployment step to offer API documentation. Both steps are optional and need to be activated in Travis by setting GH_TOKEN.
* :construction_worker: :arrow_up: :heavy_plus_sign: Update PHPUnit to current ↵Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-4/+2
| | | | | | | stable 6. Update requirements to PHP7 for dev. Add php-mock-phpunit to mock and stub global functions in a better way.
* :construction_worker: Add old MySQL 5.5 to Travis CI again.Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-3/+10
| | | | | | The trusty distro contains MySQL 5.6. Add a precise distro with MySQL 5.5. Unfortunately 5.7 is not yet provided, which would be interesting because of the enabled strict SQL mode.
* :construction_worker: use PHP7.1 and add PostgreSQL9.6Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-15/+25
| | | | | | | | Use newer distro for Travis CI runs. New environment provides PostgreSQL9.6. Also no need to install custom Doxygen, made it optional. Changed default PHP environment from PHP7.0 to current PHP7.1. Changed codecoverage reporting.
* :green_heart: Update Travis CI's Doxygen.Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-2/+4
| | | | | | | | Travis CI has Doxygen 1.7. We need 1.8 to generate our API documentation. Get a static version and use it. Always build API Documentation, but changed Doxygen configuration to only print out errors in the documentation generation, so these can be reviewed.
* [FEATURE] :construction_worker: Extend Travis CI integration.Klaus Weidenbach2017-03-141-25/+108
| | | | | | | Testing several Travis CI features. Add DBs to travis execution matrix. Doxygen API docu generation and deployment to gh-pages. Update phpunit to 5.7.
* :arrow_up: :hammer: Upgrade PHP Markdown library.Klaus Weidenbach2017-02-271-1/+1
| | | | | | The current version throws deprecated warning with PHP7.1 and PHPUnit. Upgrade the Markdown library to the current PHP Markdown Lib 1.7.0. Used composer to manage this library.
* [TASK] Fix travis' phpunit execution.Klaus Weidenbach2016-10-191-7/+5
| | | | | Removed php5.4 and php5.5 from test matrix, as they are not compatible with new phpunit releases and have reached EOL anyway.
* Add yml file for travis, as an experiment.ken restivo2015-10-271-0/+46