path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers
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-Advanced Features {#advanced.features}
-## Table of contents
-- [Security](./advanced-features/advanced-features-security.md)
-- [Changing settings by template](./advanced-features/advanced-features-template-settings.md)
-- [Template Inheritance](./advanced-features/advanced-features-template-inheritance.md)
-- [Streams](./advanced-features/advanced-features-streams.md)
-- [Objects](./advanced-features/advanced-features-objects.md)
-- [Static Classes](./advanced-features/advanced-features-static-classes.md)
-- [Prefilters](./advanced-features/advanced-features-prefilters.md)
-- [Postfilters](./advanced-features/advanced-features-postfilters.md)
-- [Output Filters](./advanced-features/advanced-features-outputfilters.md)
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-Objects {#advanced.features.objects}
-Smarty allows access to PHP [objects](&url.php-manual;object) through
-the templates.
-> **Note**
-> When you assign/register objects to templates, be sure that all
-> properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation
-> purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through
-> objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage.
-> See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
-There are two ways to access them.
-- One way is to [register objects](#api.register.object) to the
- template, then use access them via syntax similar to [custom
- functions](#language.custom.functions).
-- The other way is to [`assign()`](#api.assign) objects to the
- templates and access them much like any other assigned variable.
-The first method has a much nicer template syntax. It is also more
-secure, as a registered object can be restricted to certain methods or
-properties. However, **a registered object cannot be looped over or
-assigned in arrays of objects**, etc. The method you choose will be
-determined by your needs, but use the first method whenever possible to
-keep template syntax to a minimum.
-If security is enabled, no private methods or functions can be accessed
-(beginningwith \'\_\'). If a method and property of the same name exist,
-the method will be used.
-You can restrict the methods and properties that can be accessed by
-listing them in an array as the third registration parameter.
-By default, parameters passed to objects through the templates are
-passed the same way [custom functions](#language.custom.functions) get
-them. An associative array is passed as the first parameter, and the
-smarty object as the second. If you want the parameters passed one at a
-time for each argument like traditional object parameter passing, set
-the fourth registration parameter to FALSE.
-The optional fifth parameter has only effect with `format` being TRUE
-and contains a list of methods that should be treated as blocks. That
-means these methods have a closing tag in the template
-(`{foobar->meth2}...{/foobar->meth2}`) and the parameters to the methods
-have the same synopsis as the parameters for
-[`block-function-plugins`](#plugins.block.functions): They get the four
-parameters `$params`, `$content`, `$smarty` and `&$repeat` and they also
-behave like block-function-plugins.
- <?php
- // the object
- class My_Object {
- function meth1($params, $smarty_obj) {
- return 'this is my meth1';
- }
- }
- $myobj = new My_Object;
- // registering the object (will be by reference)
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj);
- // if we want to restrict access to certain methods or properties, list them
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj,array('meth1','meth2','prop1'));
- // if you want to use the traditional object parameter format, pass a boolean of false
- $smarty->registerObject('foobar',$myobj,null,false);
- // We can also assign objects. assign_by_ref when possible.
- $smarty->assign_by_ref('myobj', $myobj);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-And here\'s how to access your objects in `index.tpl`:
- {* access our registered object *}
- {foobar->meth1 p1='foo' p2=$bar}
- {* you can also assign the output *}
- {foobar->meth1 p1='foo' p2=$bar assign='output'}
- the output was {$output}
- {* access our assigned object *}
- {$myobj->meth1('foo',$bar)}
-See also [`registerObject()`](#api.register.object) and
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-Output Filters {#advanced.features.outputfilters}
-When the template is invoked via [`display()`](#api.display) or
-[`fetch()`](#api.fetch), its output can be sent through one or more
-output filters. This differs from
-[`postfilters`](#advanced.features.postfilters) because postfilters
-operate on compiled templates before they are saved to the disk, whereas
-output filters operate on the template output when it is executed.
-Output filters can be either [registered](#api.register.filter) or
-loaded from the [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using the
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) method or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable. Smarty will
-pass the template output as the first argument, and expect the function
-to return the result of the processing.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function protect_email($tpl_output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- $tpl_output =
- preg_replace('!(\S+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}))!',
- '$1%40$2', $tpl_output);
- return $tpl_output;
- }
- // register the outputfilter
- $smarty->registerFilter("output","protect_email");
- $smarty->display("index.tpl');
- // now any occurrence of an email address in the template output will have
- // a simple protection against spambots
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) and
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-Postfilters {#advanced.features.postfilters}
-Template postfilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran
-through *after they are compiled*. Postfilters can be either
-[registered](#api.register.filter) or loaded from the [plugins
-directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using the
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) function or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable. Smarty will
-pass the compiled template code as the first argument, and expect the
-function to return the result of the processing.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function add_header_comment($tpl_source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return "<?php echo \"<!-- Created by Smarty! -->\n\"; ?>\n".$tpl_source;
- }
- // register the postfilter
- $smarty->registerFilter('post','add_header_comment');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-The postfilter above will make the compiled Smarty template `index.tpl`
-look like:
- <!-- Created by Smarty! -->
- {* rest of template content... *}
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[outputfilters](#advanced.features.outputfilters), and
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-Prefilters {#advanced.features.prefilters}
-Template prefilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran
-through *before they are compiled*. This is good for preprocessing your
-templates to remove unwanted comments, keeping an eye on what people are
-putting in their templates, etc.
-Prefilters can be either [registered](#api.register.filter) or loaded
-from the [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) by using
-[`loadFilter()`](#api.load.filter) function or by setting the
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) variable.
-Smarty will pass the template source code as the first argument, and
-expect the function to return the resulting template source code.
-This will remove all the html comments in the template source.
- <?php
- // put this in your application
- function remove_dw_comments($tpl_source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return preg_replace("/<!--#.*-->/U",'',$tpl_source);
- }
- // register the prefilter
- $smarty->registerFilter('pre','remove_dw_comments');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) and
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-Security {#advanced.features.security}
-Security is good for situations when you have untrusted parties editing
-the templates eg via ftp, and you want to reduce the risk of system
-security compromises through the template language.
-The settings of the security policy are defined by properties of an
-instance of the Smarty\_Security class. These are the possible settings:
-- `$php_handling` determines how Smarty to handle PHP code embedded in
- templates. Possible values are:
- - Smarty::PHP\_PASSTHRU -\> echo PHP tags as they are
- - Smarty::PHP\_QUOTE -\> escape tags as entities
- - Smarty::PHP\_REMOVE -\> remove php tags
- - Smarty::PHP\_ALLOW -\> execute php tags
- The default value is Smarty::PHP\_PASSTHRU.
- If security is enabled the [`$php_handling`](#variable.php.handling)
- setting of the Smarty object is not checked for security.
-- `$secure_dir` is an array of template directories that are
- considered secure. [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir)
- concidered secure implicitly. The default is an empty array.
-- `$trusted_dir` is an array of all directories that are considered
- trusted. Trusted directories are where you keep php scripts that are
- executed directly from the templates with
- [`{include_php}`](#language.function.include.php). The default is an
- empty array.
-- `$trusted_uri` is an array of regular expressions matching URIs that
- are considered trusted. This security directive used by
- [`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch) and
- [`{html_image}`](#language.function.html.image). URIs passed to
- these functions are reduced to `{$PROTOCOL}://{$HOSTNAME}` to allow
- simple regular expressions (without having to deal with edge cases
- like authentication-tokens).
- The expression `'#https?://.*smarty.net$#i'` would allow accessing
- the follwing URIs:
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://www.smarty.net/foo`
- - `http://smarty.net/foo`
- - `https://foo.bar.www.smarty.net/foo/bla?blubb=1`
- but deny access to these URIs:
- - `http://smarty.com/foo` (not matching top-level domain \"com\")
- - `ftp://www.smarty.net/foo` (not matching protocol \"ftp\")
- - `http://www.smarty.net.otherdomain.com/foo` (not matching end of
- domain \"smarty.net\")
-- `$static_classes` is an array of classes that are considered
- trusted. The default is an empty array which allows access to all
- static classes. To disable access to all static classes set
- \$static\_classes = null.
-- `$php_functions` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
- trusted and can be used from within template. To disable access to
- all PHP functions set \$php\_functions = null. An empty array (
- \$php\_functions = array() ) will allow all PHP functions. The
- default is array(\'isset\', \'empty\', \'count\', \'sizeof\',
- \'in\_array\', \'is\_array\',\'time\',\'nl2br\').
-- `$php_modifiers` is an array of PHP functions that are considered
- trusted and can be used from within template as modifier. To disable
- access to all PHP modifier set \$php\_modifier = null. An empty
- array ( \$php\_modifier = array() ) will allow all PHP functions.
- The default is array(\'escape\',\'count\').
-- `$streams` is an array of streams that are considered trusted and
- can be used from within template. To disable access to all streams
- set \$streams = null. An empty array ( \$streams = array() ) will
- allow all streams. The default is array(\'file\').
-- `$allowed_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
- modifiers that should be accessible to the template. If this array
- is non-empty, only the herein listed modifiers may be used. This is
- a whitelist.
-- `$disabled_modifiers` is an array of (registered / autoloaded)
- modifiers that may not be accessible to the template.
-- `$allowed_tags` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
- function-, block and filter plugins that should be accessible to the
- template. If this array is non-empty, only the herein listed
- modifiers may be used. This is a whitelist.
-- `$disabled_tags` is an array of (registered / autoloaded) function-,
- block and filter plugins that may not be accessible to the template.
-- `$allow_constants` is a boolean flag which controls if constants can
- be accessed by the template. The default is \"true\".
-- `$allow_super_globals` is a boolean flag which controls if the PHP
- super globals can be accessed by the template. The default is
- \"true\".
-- `$allow_php_tag` is a boolean flag which controls if {php} and
- {include\_php} tags can be used by the template. The default is
- \"false\".
-If security is enabled, no private methods, functions or properties of
-static classes or assigned objects can be accessed (beginningwith
-\'\_\') by the template.
-To customize the security policy settings you can extend the
-Smarty\_Security class or create an instance of it.
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- class My_Security_Policy extends Smarty_Security {
- // disable all PHP functions
- public $php_functions = null;
- // remove PHP tags
- public $php_handling = Smarty::PHP_REMOVE;
- // allow everthing as modifier
- public $php_modifiers = array();
- }
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- // enable security
- $smarty->enableSecurity('My_Security_Policy');
- ?>
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $my_security_policy = new Smarty_Security($smarty);
- // disable all PHP functions
- $my_security_policy->php_functions = null;
- // remove PHP tags
- $my_security_policy->php_handling = Smarty::PHP_REMOVE;
- // allow everthing as modifier
- $my_security_policy->php_modifiers = array();
- // enable security
- $smarty->enableSecurity($my_security_policy);
- ?>
- <?php
- require 'Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- // enable default security
- $smarty->enableSecurity();
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> Most security policy settings are only checked when the template gets
-> compiled. For that reasion you should delete all cached and compiled
-> template files when you change your security settings.
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-Static Classes {#advanced.features.static.classes}
-You can directly access static classes. The syntax is the same as in
-> **Note**
-> Direct access to PHP classes is not recommended. This ties the
-> underlying application code structure directly to the presentation,
-> and also complicates template syntax. It is recommended to register
-> plugins which insulate templates from PHP classes/objects. Use at your
-> own discretion. See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::BAR} <--- class constant BAR
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::method()} <--- method result
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::method1()->method2} <--- method chaining
- {assign var=foo value=myclass::$bar} <--- property bar of class myclass
- {assign var=foo value=$bar::method} <--- using Smarty variable bar as class name
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-Streams {#advanced.features.streams}
-You can also use streams to call variables. *{\$foo:bar}* will use the
-*foo://bar* stream to get the template variable.
-Using a PHP stream for a template variable resource from within a
- {$foo:bar}
-See also [`Template Resources`](#resources)
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-Template Inheritance {#advanced.features.template.inheritance}
-Inheritance brings the concept of Object Oriented Programming to
-templates, allowing you to define one (or more) base templates that can
-be extended by child templates. Extending means that the child template
-can override all or some of the parent named block areas.
-- The inheritance tree can be as deep as you want, meaning you can
- extend a file that extends another one that extends another one and
- so on.
-- The child templates can not define any content besides what\'s
- inside [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags they override.
- Anything outside of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags will
- be removed.
-- The content of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags from child
- and parent templates can be merged by the `append` or `prepend`
- [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tag option flags and
- `{$smarty.block.parent}` or `{$smarty.block.child}` placeholders.
-- Template inheritance is a compile time process which creates a
- single compiled template file. Compared to corresponding solutions
- based on subtemplates included with the
- [`{include}`](#language.function.include) tag it does have much
- better performance when rendering.
-- The child template extends its parent defined with the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tag, which must be the
- first line in the child template. Instead of using the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the template files
- you can define the whole template inheritance tree in the PHP script
- when you are calling [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) or
- [`display()`](#api.display) with the `extends:` template resource
- type. The later provides even more flexibillity.
-> **Note**
-> When `$compile_check` is enabled, all files in the inheritance tree
-> are checked for modifications upon each invocation. You may want to
-> disable `$compile_check` on production servers for this reason.
-> **Note**
-> If you have a subtemplate which is included with
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) and it contains
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) areas it works only if the
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) itself is called from within
-> a surrounding [`{block}`](#language.function.block). In the final
-> parent template you may need a dummy
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) for it.
-layout.tpl (parent)
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>{block name=title}Default Page Title{/block}</title>
- {block name=head}{/block}
- </head>
- <body>
- {block name=body}{/block}
- </body>
- </html>
-myproject.tpl (child)
- {extends file='layout.tpl'}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
-mypage.tpl (grandchild)
- {extends file='myproject.tpl'}
- {block name=title}My Page Title{/block}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
- {block name=body}My HTML Page Body goes here{/block}
-To render the above use
- $smarty->display('mypage.tpl');
-The resulting output is
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>My Page Title</title>
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- My HTML Page Body goes here
- </body>
- </html>
-Instead of using [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the
-template files you can define the inheritance tree in your PHP script by
-using the [`extends:` resource](#resources.extends) type.
-The code below will return same result as the example above.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('extends:layout.tpl|myproject.tpl|mypage.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`{block}`](#language.function.block),
-[`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) and [`extends:`
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-Changing settings by template {#advanced.features.template.settings}
-Normally you configure the Smarty settings by modifying the
-[`Smarty class variables`](#api.variables). Furthermore you can register
-plugins, filters etc. with [`Smarty functions`](#api.functions).
-Modifications done to the Smarty object will be global for all
-However the Smarty class variables and functions can be accessed or
-called by induvidual template objects. Modification done to a template
-object will apply only for that template and its included subtemplates.
- <?php
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl);
- $tpl->cache_lifetime = 600;
- //or
- $tpl->setCacheLifetime(600);
- $smarty->display($tpl);
- ?>
- <?php
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl);
- $tpl->registerPlugin('modifier','mymodifier');
- $smarty->display($tpl);
- ?>
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-Smarty Class Methods {#api.functions}
-## Table of contents
-- [addConfigDir()](./api-functions/api-add-config-dir.md) — add a directory to the list of directories where config files are stored
-- [addPluginsDir()](./api-functions/api-add-plugins-dir.md) — add a directory to the list of directories where plugins are stored
-- [addTemplateDir()](./api-functions/api-add-template-dir.md) — add a directory to the list of directories where templates are stored
-- [append()](./api-functions/api-append.md) — append an element to an assigned array
-- [appendByRef()](./api-functions/api-append-by-ref.md) — append values by reference
-- [assign()](./api-functions/api-assign.md) — assign variables/objects to the templates
-- [assignByRef()](./api-functions/api-assign-by-ref.md) — assign values by reference
-- [clearAllAssign()](./api-functions/api-clear-all-assign.md) — clears the values of all assigned variables
-- [clearAllCache()](./api-functions/api-clear-all-cache.md) — clears the entire template cache
-- [clearAssign()](./api-functions/api-clear-assign.md) — clears the value of an assigned variable
-- [clearCache()](./api-functions/api-clear-cache.md) — clears the cache for a specific template
-- [clearCompiledTemplate()](./api-functions/api-clear-compiled-tpl.md) — clears the compiled version of the specified template resource
-- [clearConfig()](./api-functions/api-clear-config.md) — clears assigned config variables
-- [compileAllConfig()](./api-functions/api-compile-all-config.md) — compiles all known config files
-- [compileAllTemplates()](./api-functions/api-compile-all-templates.md) — compiles all known templates
-- [configLoad()](./api-functions/api-config-load.md) — loads config file data and assigns it to the template
-- [createData()](./api-functions/api-create-data.md) — creates a data object
-- [createTemplate()](./api-functions/api-create-template.md) — returns a template object
-- [disableSecurity()](./api-functions/api-disable-security.md) — disables template security
-- [display()](./api-functions/api-display.md) — displays the template
-- [enableSecurity()](./api-functions/api-enable-security.md) — enables template security
-- [fetch()](./api-functions/api-fetch.md) — returns the template output
-- [getCacheDir()](./api-functions/api-get-cache-dir.md) — return the directory where the rendered template's output is stored
-- [getCompileDir()](./api-functions/api-get-compile-dir.md) — returns the directory where compiled templates are stored
-- [getConfigDir()](./api-functions/api-get-config-dir.md) — return the directory where config files are stored
-- [getConfigVars()](./api-functions/api-get-config-vars.md) — returns the given loaded config variable value
-- [getPluginsDir()](./api-functions/api-get-plugins-dir.md) — return the directory where plugins are stored
-- [getRegisteredObject()](./api-functions/api-get-registered-object.md) — returns a reference to a registered object
-- [getTags()](./api-functions/api-get-tags.md) — return tags used by template
-- [getTemplateDir()](./api-functions/api-get-template-dir.md) — return the directory where templates are stored
-- [getTemplateVars()](./api-functions/api-get-template-vars.md) — returns assigned variable value(s)
-- [isCached()](./api-functions/api-is-cached.md) — returns true if there is a valid cache for this template
-- [loadFilter()](./api-functions/api-load-filter.md) — load a filter plugin
-- [muteExpectedErrors()](./api-functions/api-mute-expected-errors.md) — mutes expected warnings and notices deliberately generated by Smarty
-- [registerCacheResource()](./api-functions/api-register-cacheresource.md) — dynamically register CacheResources
-- [registerClass()](./api-functions/api-register-class.md) — register a class for use in the templates
-- [registerDefaultPluginHandler()](./api-functions/api-register-default-plugin-handler.md) — register a function which gets called on undefined tags
-- [registerFilter()](./api-functions/api-register-filter.md) — dynamically register filters
-- [registerPlugin()](./api-functions/api-register-plugin.md) — dynamically register plugins
-- [registerObject()](./api-functions/api-register-object.md) — register an object for use in the templates
-- [registerResource()](./api-functions/api-register-resource.md) — dynamically register resources
-- [setCacheDir()](./api-functions/api-set-cache-dir.md) — set the directory where the rendered template's output is stored
-- [setCompileDir()](./api-functions/api-set-compile-dir.md) — set the directory where compiled templates are stored
-- [setConfigDir()](./api-functions/api-set-config-dir.md) — set the directories where config files are stored
-- [setPluginsDir()](./api-functions/api-set-plugins-dir.md) — set the directories where plugins are stored
-- [setTemplateDir()](./api-functions/api-set-template-dir.md) — set the directories where templates are stored
-- [templateExists()](./api-functions/api-template-exists.md) — checks whether the specified template exists
-- [unregisterCacheResource()](./api-functions/api-unregister-cacheresource.md) — dynamically unregister a CacheResource plugin
-- [unregisterFilter()](./api-functions/api-unregister-filter.md) — dynamically unregister a filter
-- [unregisterPlugin()](./api-functions/api-unregister-plugin.md) — dynamically unregister plugins
-- [unregisterObject()](./api-functions/api-unregister-object.md) — dynamically unregister an object
-- [unregisterResource()](./api-functions/api-unregister-resource.md) — dynamically unregister a resource plugin
-- [testInstall()](./api-functions/api-test-install.md) — checks Smarty installation
-> **Note**
-> See
-> [`Changing settings by template`](./advanced-features/advanced-features-template-settings.md)
-> section for how to use the functions for individual templates.
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-add a directory to the list of directories where config files are stored
- <?php
- // add directory where config files are stored
- $smarty->addConigDir('./config_1');
- // add directory where config files are stored and specify array-key
- $smarty->addConfigDir('./config_1', 'one');
- // add multiple directories where config files are stored and specify array-keys
- $smarty->addTemplateDir(array(
- 'two' => './config_2',
- 'three' => './config_3',
- ));
- // view the template dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getConfigDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setConfigDir('./config')
- ->addConfigDir('./config_1', 'one')
- ->addConfigDir('./config_2', 'two');
- ?>
-See also [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir),
-[`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-plugins-dir.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-plugins-dir.md
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-plugins-dir.md
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-add a directory to the list of directories where plugins are stored
- <?php
- // add directory where plugins are stored
- $smarty->addPluginsDir('./plugins_1');
- // add multiple directories where plugins are stored
- $smarty->setPluginsDir(array(
- './plugins_2',
- './plugins_3',
- ));
- // view the plugins dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getPluginsDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setPluginsDir('./plugins')
- ->addPluginsDir('./plugins_1')
- ->addPluginsDir('./plugins_2');
- ?>
-See also [`getPluginsDir()`](#api.get.plugins.dir),
-[`setPluginsDir()`](#api.set.plugins.dir) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-template-dir.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-template-dir.md
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-add-template-dir.md
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-add a directory to the list of directories where templates are stored
- <?php
- // add directory where templates are stored
- $smarty->addTemplateDir('./templates_1');
- // add directory where templates are stored and specify array-key
- $smarty->addTemplateDir('./templates_1', 'one');
- // add multiple directories where templates are stored and specify array-keys
- $smarty->addTemplateDir(array(
- 'two' => './templates_2',
- 'three' => './templates_3',
- ));
- // view the template dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getTemplateDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->addTemplateDir('./templates_1', 'one')
- ->addTemplateDir('./templates_2', 'two');
- ?>
-See also [`getTemplateDir()`](#api.get.template.dir),
-[`setTemplateDir()`](#api.set.template.dir) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-append-by-ref.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-append-by-ref.md
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-append-by-ref.md
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-append values by reference
-This is used to [`append()`](#api.append) values to the templates by
-> **Note**
-> With the introduction of PHP5, `appendByRef()` is not necessary for
-> most intents and purposes. `appendByRef()` is useful if you want a PHP
-> array index value to be affected by its reassignment from a template.
-> Assigned object properties behave this way by default.
- <?php
- // appending name/value pairs
- $smarty->appendByRef('Name', $myname);
- $smarty->appendByRef('Address', $address);
- ?>
-See also [`append()`](#api.append), [`assign()`](#api.assign) and
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-append an element to an assigned array
-If you append to a string value, it is converted to an array value and
-then appended to. You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or
-associative arrays containing the name/value pairs. If you pass the
-optional third parameter of TRUE, the value will be merged with the
-current array instead of appended.
- <?php
- // This is effectively the same as assign()
- $smarty->append('foo', 'Fred');
- // After this line, foo will now be seen as an array in the template
- $smarty->append('foo', 'Albert');
- $array = array(1 => 'one', 2 => 'two');
- $smarty->append('X', $array);
- $array2 = array(3 => 'three', 4 => 'four');
- // The following line will add a second element to the X array
- $smarty->append('X', $array2);
- // passing an associative array
- $smarty->append(array('city' => 'Lincoln', 'state' => 'Nebraska'));
- ?>
-See also [`appendByRef()`](#api.append.by.ref),
-[`assign()`](#api.assign) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-assign-by-ref.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-assign-by-ref.md
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-assign values by reference
-This is used to [`assign()`](#api.assign) values to the templates by
-> **Note**
-> With the introduction of PHP5, `assignByRef()` is not necessary for
-> most intents and purposes. `assignByRef()` is useful if you want a PHP
-> array index value to be affected by its reassignment from a template.
-> Assigned object properties behave this way by default.
- <?php
- // passing name/value pairs
- $smarty->assignByRef('Name', $myname);
- $smarty->assignByRef('Address', $address);
- ?>
-See also [`assign()`](#api.assign),
-[`clearAllAssign()`](#api.clear.all.assign), [`append()`](#api.append),
-[`{assign}`](#language.function.assign) and
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-assign variables/objects to the templates
-You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or associative arrays
-containing the name/value pairs.
-If you pass the optional third `nocache` parameter of TRUE, the variable
-is assigned as nocache variable. See
-[`Cacheability of Variables`](#cacheability.variables) for details.
-> **Note**
-> When you assign/register objects to templates, be sure that all
-> properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation
-> purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through
-> objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage.
-> See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
- <?php
- // passing name/value pairs
- $smarty->assign('Name', 'Fred');
- $smarty->assign('Address', $address);
- // passing an associative array
- $smarty->assign(array('city' => 'Lincoln', 'state' => 'Nebraska'));
- // passing an array
- $myArray = array('no' => 10, 'label' => 'Peanuts');
- $smarty->assign('foo',$myArray);
- // passing a row from a database (eg adodb)
- $sql = 'select id, name, email from contacts where contact ='.$id;
- $smarty->assign('contact', $db->getRow($sql));
- ?>
-These are accessed in the template with
- {* note the vars are case sensitive like php *}
- {$Name}
- {$Address}
- {$city}
- {$state}
- {$foo.no}, {$foo.label}
- {$contact.id}, {$contact.name},{$contact.email}
-To access more complex array assignments see
-[`{foreach}`](#language.function.foreach) and
-See also [`assignByRef()`](#api.assign.by.ref),
-[`clearAssign()`](#api.clear.assign), [`append()`](#api.append) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-all-assign.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-all-assign.md
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-clears the values of all assigned variables
- <?php
- // passing name/value pairs
- $smarty->assign('Name', 'Fred');
- $smarty->assign('Address', $address);
- // will output above
- print_r( $smarty->getTemplateVars() );
- // clear all assigned variables
- $smarty->clearAllAssign();
- // will output nothing
- print_r( $smarty->getTemplateVars() );
- ?>
-See also [`clearAssign()`](#api.clear.assign),
-[`getTemplateVars()`](#api.get.template.vars), [`assign()`](#api.assign)
-and [`append()`](#api.append)
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-all-cache.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-all-cache.md
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-clears the entire template cache
-As an optional parameter, you can supply a minimum age in seconds the
-cache files must be before they will get cleared.
-> **Note**
-> Since Smarty version 3.1.14 it is possible to delete cache files by
-> their individual expiration time at creation by passing constant
-> SMARTY::CLEAR\_EXPIRED as `expire_time` parameter.
- <?php
- // clear the entire cache
- $smarty->clearAllCache();
- // clears all files over one hour old
- $smarty->clearAllCache(3600);
- ?>
-See also [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache),
-[`isCached()`](#api.is.cached) and the [caching](#caching) page.
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-clears the value of an assigned variable
-This can be a single value, or an array of values.
- <?php
- // clear a single variable
- $smarty->clearAssign('Name');
- // clears multiple variables
- $smarty->clearAssign(array('Name', 'Address', 'Zip'));
- ?>
-See also [`clearAllAssign()`](#api.clear.all.assign),
-[`getTemplateVars()`](#api.get.template.vars), [`assign()`](#api.assign)
-and [`append()`](#api.append)
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-cache.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-cache.md
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-clears the cache for a specific template
-- If you have [multiple caches](#caching.multiple.caches) for a
- template, you can clear a specific cache by supplying the `cache_id`
- as the second parameter.
-- You can also pass a [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) as a third
- parameter. You can [group templates together](#caching.groups) so
- they can be removed as a group, see the [caching section](#caching)
- for more information.
-- As an optional fourth parameter, you can supply a minimum age in
- seconds the cache file must be before it will get cleared.
- > **Note**
- >
- > Since Smarty version 3.1.14 it is possible to delete cache files
- > by their individual expiration time at creation by passing
- > constant SMARTY::CLEAR\_EXPIRED as fourth parameter.
-<!-- -->
- <?php
- // clear the cache for a template
- $smarty->clearCache('index.tpl');
- // clear the cache for a particular cache id in an multiple-cache template
- $smarty->clearCache('index.tpl', 'MY_CACHE_ID');
- ?>
-See also [`clearAllCache()`](#api.clear.all.cache) and
-[`caching`](#caching) section.
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-compiled-tpl.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-compiled-tpl.md
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-clears the compiled version of the specified template resource
-This clears the compiled version of the specified template resource, or
-all compiled template files if one is not specified. If you pass a
-[`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) only the compiled template for
-this specific [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) is cleared. If you
-pass an exp\_time, then only compiled templates older than `exp_time`
-seconds are cleared, by default all compiled templates are cleared
-regardless of their age. This function is for advanced use only, not
-normally needed.
- <?php
- // clear a specific template resource
- $smarty->clearCompiledTemplate('index.tpl');
- // clear entire compile directory
- $smarty->clearCompiledTemplate();
- ?>
-See also [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache).
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-config.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-clear-config.md
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-clears assigned config variables
-This clears all assigned [config variables](#language.config.variables).
-If a variable name is supplied, only that variable is cleared.
- <?php
- // clear all assigned config variables.
- $smarty->clearConfig();
- // clear one variable
- $smarty->clearConfig('foobar');
- ?>
-See also [`getConfigVars()`](#api.get.config.vars),
-[`config variables`](#language.config.variables),
-[`config files`](#config.files),
-[`configLoad()`](#api.config.load) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-compile-all-config.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-compile-all-config.md
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-compiles all known config files
-This function compiles config files found in the
-[`$config_dir`](#variable.config.dir) folder. It uses the following
-- `extension` is an optional string which defines the file extension
- for the config files. The default is \".conf\".
-- `force` is an optional boolean which controls if only modified
- (false) or all (true) config files shall be compiled. The default is
- \"false\".
-- `timelimit` is an optional integer to set a runtime limit in seconds
- for the compilation process. The default is no limit.
-- `maxerror` is an optional integer to set an error limit. If more
- config files failed to compile the function will be aborted. The
- default is no limit.
-> **Note**
-> This function may not create desired results in all configurations.
-> Use is on own risk.
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // force compilation of all config files
- $smarty->compileAllConfig('.config',true);
- ?>
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-compile-all-templates.md
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-compiles all known templates
-This function compiles template files found in the
-[`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir) folder. It uses the following
-- `extension` is an optional string which defines the file extension
- for the template files. The default is \".tpl\".
-- `force` is an optional boolean which controls if only modified
- (false) or all (true) templates shall be compiled. The default is
- \"false\".
-- `timelimit` is an optional integer to set a runtime limit in seconds
- for the compilation process. The default is no limit.
-- `maxerror` is an optional integer to set an error limit. If more
- templates failed to compile the function will be aborted. The
- default is no limit.
-> **Note**
-> This function may not create desired results in all configurations.
-> Use is on own risk.
-> **Note**
-> If any template requires registered plugins, filters or objects you
-> must register all of them before running this function.
-> **Note**
-> If you are using template inheritance this function will create
-> compiled files of parent templates which will never be used.
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // force compilation of all template files
- $smarty->compileAllTemplates('.tpl',true);
- ?>
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-loads config file data and assigns it to the template
-This loads [config file](#config.files) data and assigns it to the
-template. This works identically to the template
-[`{config_load}`](#language.function.config.load) function.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 2.4.0, assigned template variables are kept across
-> invocations of [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) and
-> [`display()`](#api.display). Config vars loaded from `configLoad()`
-> are always global in scope. Config files are also compiled for faster
-> execution, and respect the [`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile)
-> and [`$compile_check`](#variable.compile.check) settings.
- <?php
- // load config variables and assign them
- $smarty->configLoad('my.conf');
- // load a section
- $smarty->configLoad('my.conf', 'foobar');
- ?>
-See also [`{config_load}`](#language.function.config.load),
-[`clearConfig()`](#api.clear.config), and
-[`config variables`](#language.config.variables)
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-create-data.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-create-data.md
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-create-data.md
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-creates a data object
-This creates a data object which will hold assigned variables. It uses
-the following parameters:
-- `parent` is an optional parameter. It is an uplink to the main
- Smarty object, a another user-created data object or to user-created
- template object. These objects can be chained. Templates can access
- variables assigned to any of the objects in it\'s parent chain.
-Data objects are used to create scopes for assigned variables. They can
-be used to have controll which variables are seen by which templates.
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // create data object with its private variable scope
- $data = $smarty->createData();
- // assign variable to data scope
- $data->assign('foo','bar');
- // create template object which will use variables from data object
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl',$data);
- // display the template
- $tpl->display();
- ?>
-See also [`display()`](#api.display), and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-create-template.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-create-template.md
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@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-returns a template object
-This creates a template object which later can be rendered by the
-[display](#api.display) or [fetch](#api.fetch) method. It uses the
-following parameters:
-- `template` must be a valid [template resource](#resources) type and
- path.
-<!-- -->
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // create template object with its private variable scope
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl');
- // assign variable to template scope
- $tpl->assign('foo','bar');
- // display the template
- $tpl->display();
- ?>
-See also [`display()`](#api.display), and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-disable-security.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-disable-security.md
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-disable-security.md
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-disables template security
-This disables securty checking on templates.
-See also [`enableSecurity()`](#api.enable.security), and
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--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-display.md
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-displays the template
-This displays the contents of a template. To return the contents of a
-template into a variable, use [`fetch()`](#api.fetch). Supply a valid
-[template resource](#resources) type and path. As an optional second
-parameter, you can pass a `$cache_id`, see the [caching
-section](#caching) for more information.
- <?php
- include(SMARTY_DIR.'Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->setCaching(true);
- // only do db calls if cache doesn't exist
- if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl')) {
- // dummy up some data
- $address = '245 N 50th';
- $db_data = array(
- 'City' => 'Lincoln',
- 'State' => 'Nebraska',
- 'Zip' => '68502'
- );
- $smarty->assign('Name', 'Fred');
- $smarty->assign('Address', $address);
- $smarty->assign('data', $db_data);
- }
- // display the output
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-Use the syntax for [template resources](#resources) to display files
-outside of the [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir) directory.
- <?php
- // absolute filepath
- $smarty->display('/usr/local/include/templates/header.tpl');
- // absolute filepath (same thing)
- $smarty->display('file:/usr/local/include/templates/header.tpl');
- // windows absolute filepath (MUST use "file:" prefix)
- $smarty->display('file:C:/www/pub/templates/header.tpl');
- // include from template resource named "db"
- $smarty->display('db:header.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) and
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-enables template security
-This enables securty checking on templates. It uses the following
-- `securityclass` is an optional parameter. It\'s the name of the
- class with defines the security policy parameters.
-- `securityobject` is an optional parameter. It\'s the object with
- defines the security policy parameters.
-For the details how to setup a security policy see the
-[Security](#advanced.features.security) section.
-See also [`disableSecurity()`](#api.disable.security), and
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-returns the template output
-This returns the template output instead of [displaying](#api.display)
-it. Supply a valid [template resource](#resources) type and path. As an
-optional second parameter, you can pass a `$cache id`, see the [caching
-section](#caching) for more information.
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(true);
- // set a separate cache_id for each unique URL
- $cache_id = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- // capture the output
- $output = $smarty->fetch('index.tpl', $cache_id);
- // do something with $output here
- echo $output;
- ?>
-The `email_body.tpl` template
- Dear {$contact_info.name},
- Welcome and thank you for signing up as a member of our user group.
- Click on the link below to login with your user name
- of '{$contact_info.username}' so you can post in our forums.
- {$login_url}
- List master
- {textformat wrap=40}
- This is some long-winded disclaimer text that would automatically get wrapped
- at 40 characters. This helps make the text easier to read in mail programs that
- do not wrap sentences for you.
- {/textformat}
-The php script using the PHP [`mail()`](&url.php-manual;function.mail)
- <?php
- // get $contact_info from db or other resource here
- $smarty->assign('contact_info',$contact_info);
- $smarty->assign('login_url',"http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/login");
- mail($contact_info['email'], 'Thank You', $smarty->fetch('email_body.tpl'));
- ?>
-See also [`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch)
-[`display()`](#api.display), [`{eval}`](#language.function.eval), and
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-return the directory where the rendered template\'s output is stored
- <?php
- // get directory where compiled templates are stored
- $cacheDir = $smarty->getCacheDir();
- ?>
-See also [`setCacheDir()`](#api.set.cache.dir) and
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-returns the directory where compiled templates are stored
- <?php
- // get directory where compiled templates are stored
- $compileDir = $smarty->getCompileDir();
- ?>
-See also [`setCompileDir()`](#api.set.compile.dir) and
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-return the directory where config files are stored
- <?php
- // set some config directories
- $smarty->setConfigDir(array(
- 'one' => './config',
- 'two' => './config_2',
- 'three' => './config_3',
- ));
- // get all directories where config files are stored
- $config_dir = $smarty->getConfigDir();
- var_dump($config_dir); // array
- // get directory identified by key
- $config_dir = $smarty->getConfigDir('one');
- var_dump($config_dir); // string
- ?>
-See also [`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir),
-[`addConfigDir()`](#api.add.config.dir) and
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-returns the given loaded config variable value
-If no parameter is given, an array of all loaded [config
-variables](#language.config.variables) is returned.
- <?php
- // get loaded config template var #foo#
- $myVar = $smarty->getConfigVars('foo');
- // get all loaded config template vars
- $all_config_vars = $smarty->getConfigVars();
- // take a look at them
- print_r($all_config_vars);
- ?>
-See also [`clearConfig()`](#api.clear.config),
-[`configLoad()`](#api.config.load) and
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-return the directory where plugins are stored
- <?php
- // set some plugins directories
- $smarty->setPluginsDir(array(
- './plugins',
- './plugins_2',
- ));
- // get all directories where plugins are stored
- $config_dir = $smarty->getPluginsDir();
- var_dump($config_dir); // array
- ?>
-See also [`setPluginsDir()`](#api.set.plugins.dir),
-[`addPluginsDir()`](#api.add.plugins.dir) and
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-returns a reference to a registered object
-This is useful from within a custom function when you need direct access
-to a [registered object](#api.register.object). See the
-[objects](#advanced.features.objects) page for more info.
- <?php
- function smarty_block_foo($params, $smarty)
- {
- if (isset($params['object'])) {
- // get reference to registered object
- $obj_ref = $smarty->getRegisteredObject($params['object']);
- // use $obj_ref is now a reference to the object
- }
- }
- ?>
-See also [`registerObject()`](#api.register.object),
-[`unregisterObject()`](#api.unregister.object) and [objects
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-return tags used by template
-This function returns an array of tagname/attribute pairs for all tags
-used by the template. It uses the following parameters:
-- `template` is the template object.
-> **Note**
-> This function is experimental.
- <?php
- include('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // create template object
- $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('index.tpl');
- // get tags
- $tags = $smarty->getTags($tpl);
- print_r($tags);
- ?>
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-return the directory where templates are stored
- <?php
- // set some template directories
- $smarty->setTemplateDir(array(
- 'one' => './templates',
- 'two' => './templates_2',
- 'three' => './templates_3',
- ));
- // get all directories where templates are stored
- $template_dir = $smarty->getTemplateDir();
- var_dump($template_dir); // array
- // get directory identified by key
- $template_dir = $smarty->getTemplateDir('one');
- var_dump($template_dir); // string
- ?>
-See also [`setTemplateDir()`](#api.set.template.dir),
-[`addTemplateDir()`](#api.add.template.dir) and
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-returns assigned variable value(s)
-If no parameter is given, an array of all [assigned](#api.assign)
-variables are returned.
- <?php
- // get assigned template var 'foo'
- $myVar = $smarty->getTemplateVars('foo');
- // get all assigned template vars
- $all_tpl_vars = $smarty->getTemplateVars();
- // take a look at them
- print_r($all_tpl_vars);
- ?>
-See also [`assign()`](#api.assign),
-[`{assign}`](#language.function.assign), [`append()`](#api.append),
-[`clearAllAssign()`](#api.clear.all.assign) and
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-returns true if there is a valid cache for this template
-- This only works if [`$caching`](#variable.caching) is set to one of
- `Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED` to enable caching. See the [caching
- section](#caching) for more info.
-- You can also pass a `$cache_id` as an optional second parameter in
- case you want [multiple caches](#caching.multiple.caches) for the
- given template.
-- You can supply a [`$compile id`](#variable.compile.id) as an
- optional third parameter. If you omit that parameter the persistent
- [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) is used if its set.
-- If you do not want to pass a `$cache_id` but want to pass a
- [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) you have to pass NULL as a
- `$cache_id`.
-> **Note**
-> If `isCached()` returns TRUE it actually loads the cached output and
-> stores it internally. Any subsequent call to
-> [`display()`](#api.display) or [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) will return
-> this internally stored output and does not try to reload the cache
-> file. This prevents a race condition that may occur when a second
-> process clears the cache between the calls to `isCached()` and to
-> [`display()`](#api.display) in the example above. This also means
-> calls to [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache) and other changes of the
-> cache-settings may have no effect after `isCached()` returned TRUE.
- <?php
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl')) {
- // do database calls, assign vars here
- }
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
- <?php
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl', 'FrontPage')) {
- // do database calls, assign vars here
- }
- $smarty->display('index.tpl', 'FrontPage');
- ?>
-See also [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache),
-[`clearAllCache()`](#api.clear.all.cache), and [caching
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-load a filter plugin
-The first argument specifies the type of the filter to load and can be
-one of the following: `pre`, `post` or `output`. The second argument
-specifies the `name` of the filter plugin.
- <?php
- // load prefilter named 'trim'
- $smarty->loadFilter('pre', 'trim');
- // load another prefilter named 'datefooter'
- $smarty->loadFilter('pre', 'datefooter');
- // load output filter named 'compress'
- $smarty->loadFilter('output', 'compress');
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters) and [advanced
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-mutes expected warnings and notices deliberately generated by Smarty
-muteExpectedErrors() registers a custom error handler using
-[set\_error\_handler()](&url.php-manual;set_error_handler). The error
-handler merely inspects `$errno` and `$errfile` to determine if the
-given error was produced deliberately and must be ignored, or should be
-passed on to the next error handler.
-`Smarty::unmuteExpectedErrors()` removes the current error handler.
-Please note, that if you\'ve registerd any custom error handlers after
-the muteExpectedErrors() call, the unmute will not remove Smarty\'s
-muting error handler, but the one registered last.
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-dynamically register CacheResources
-Use this to dynamically register a [CacheResource
-plugin](#caching.custom) with Smarty. Pass in the `name` of the
-CacheResource and the object extending Smarty\_CacheResource. See
-[Custom Cache Implementation](#caching.custom) for more information on
-how to create custom CacheResources.
-> **Note**
-> In Smarty2 this used to be a callback function called
-> `$cache_handler_func`. Smarty3 replaced this callback by the
-> `Smarty_CacheResource` module.
- <?php
- $smarty->registerCacheResource('mysql', new Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql());
- ?>
-See also [`unregisterCacheResource()`](#api.unregister.cacheresource)
-and the [Custom CacheResource Implementation](#caching.custom) section.
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-register a class for use in the templates
-Smarty allows you to access static classes from templates as long as the
-[Security Policy](#advanced.features.security) does not tell it
-otherwise. If security is enabled, classes registered with
-`registerClass()` are accessible to templates.
- <?php
- class Bar {
- $property = "hello world";
- }
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerClass("Foo", "Bar");
- {* Smarty will access this class as long as it's not prohibited by security *}
- {Bar::$property}
- {* Foo translates to the real class Bar *}
- {Foo::$property}
- <?php
- namespace my\php\application {
- class Bar {
- $property = "hello world";
- }
- }
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerClass("Foo", "\my\php\application\Bar");
- {* Foo translates to the real class \my\php\application\Bar *}
- {Foo::$property}
-See also [`registerObject()`](#api.register.object), and
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-register a function which gets called on undefined tags
-Register a default plugin handler which gets called if the compiler can
-not find a definition for a tag otherwise. It uses the following
-If during compilation Smarty encounters tag which is not defined
-internal, registered or loacted in the plugins folder it tries to
-resolve it by calling the registered default plugin handler. The handler
-may be called several times for same undefined tag looping over valid
-plugin types.
- <?php
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerDefaultPluginHandler('my_plugin_handler');
- /**
- * Default Plugin Handler
- *
- * called when Smarty encounters an undefined tag during compilation
- *
- * @param string $name name of the undefined tag
- * @param string $type tag type (e.g. Smarty::PLUGIN_FUNCTION, Smarty::PLUGIN_BLOCK,
- * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
- * @param string &$callback returned function name
- * @param string &$script optional returned script filepath if function is external
- * @param bool &$cacheable true by default, set to false if plugin is not cachable (Smarty >= 3.1.8)
- * @return bool true if successfull
- */
- function my_plugin_handler ($name, $type, $template, &$callback, &$script, &$cacheable)
- {
- switch ($type) {
- case Smarty::PLUGIN_FUNCTION:
- switch ($name) {
- case 'scriptfunction':
- $script = './scripts/script_function_tag.php';
- $callback = 'default_script_function_tag';
- return true;
- case 'localfunction':
- $callback = 'default_local_function_tag';
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- case Smarty::PLUGIN_COMPILER:
- switch ($name) {
- case 'scriptcompilerfunction':
- $script = './scripts/script_compiler_function_tag.php';
- $callback = 'default_script_compiler_function_tag';
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- case Smarty::PLUGIN_BLOCK:
- switch ($name) {
- case 'scriptblock':
- $script = './scripts/script_block_tag.php';
- $callback = 'default_script_block_tag';
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> The return callback must be static; a function name or an array of
-> class and method name.
-> Dynamic callbacks like objects methods are not supported.
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-dynamically register filters
-Use this to dynamically register filters to operate on a templates. It
-uses the following parameters:
-A [prefilter](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) runs through the template
-source before it gets compiled. See [template
-prefilters](#advanced.features.prefilters) for more information on how
-to setup a prefiltering function.
-A [postfilter](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) runs through the
-template code after it was compiled to PHP. See [template
-postfilters](#advanced.features.postfilters) for more information on how
-to setup a postfiltering function.
-A [outputfilter](#plugins.outputfilters) operates on a template\'s
-output before it is [displayed](#api.display). See [template output
-filters](#advanced.features.outputfilters) for more information on how
-to set up an output filter function.
-See also [`unregisterFilter()`](#api.unregister.filter),
-[`$autoload_filters`](#variable.autoload.filters), [template pre
-filters](#advanced.features.prefilters) [template post
-filters](#advanced.features.postfilters) [template output
-filters](#advanced.features.outputfilters) section.
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-register an object for use in the templates
-> **Note**
-> When you register/assign objects to templates, be sure that all
-> properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation
-> purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through
-> objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage.
-> See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.
-See the [objects section](#advanced.features.objects) for more
-See also [`getRegisteredObject()`](#api.get.registered.object), and
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-dynamically register plugins
-This method registers functions or methods defined in your script as
-plugin. It uses the following parameters:
-- `cacheable` and `cache_attrs` can be omitted in most cases. See
- [controlling cacheability of plugins output](#caching.cacheable) on
- how to use them properly.
-<!-- -->
- <?php
- $smarty->registerPlugin("function","date_now", "print_current_date");
- function print_current_date($params, $smarty)
- {
- if(empty($params["format"])) {
- $format = "%b %e, %Y";
- } else {
- $format = $params["format"];
- }
- return strftime($format,time());
- }
- ?>
-And in the template
- {date_now}
- {* or to format differently *}
- {date_now format="%Y/%m/%d"}
- <?php
- // function declaration
- function do_translation ($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat, $template)
- {
- if (isset($content)) {
- $lang = $params["lang"];
- // do some translation with $content
- return $translation;
- }
- }
- // register with smarty
- $smarty->registerPlugin("block","translate", "do_translation");
- ?>
-Where the template is:
- {translate lang="br"}Hello, world!{/translate}
- <?php
- // let's map PHP's stripslashes function to a Smarty modifier.
- $smarty->registerPlugin("modifier","ss", "stripslashes");
- ?>
-In the template, use `ss` to strip slashes.
- <?php
- {$var|ss}
- ?>
-See also [`unregisterPlugin()`](#api.unregister.plugin), [plugin
-functions](#plugins.functions), [plugin block
-functions](#plugins.block.functions), [plugin compiler
-functions](#plugins.compiler.functions), and the [creating plugin
-modifiers](#plugins.modifiers) section.
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-dynamically register resources
-Use this to dynamically register a [Resource plugin](#resources) with
-Smarty. Pass in the `name` of the Resource and the object extending
-Smarty\_Resource. See [template resources](#resources) for more
-information on how to setup a function for fetching templates.
-> **Note**
-> A resource name must be at least two characters in length. One
-> character resource names will be ignored and used as part of the file
-> path, such as `$smarty->display('c:/path/to/index.tpl');`
-> **Note**
-> Prior to Smarty 3.1 `registerResource()` accepted an array of callback
-> functions. While this is still possible for backward compatibility
-> reasons, it is strongly discouraged as callback functions have been
-> deprecated as of Smarty 3.1.
- <?php
- $smarty->registerResource('mysql', new Smarty_Resource_Mysql());
- ?>
-See also [`unregisterResource()`](#api.unregister.resource) and the
-[template resources](#resources) section.
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-set the directory where the rendered template\'s output is stored
- <?php
- // set directory where rendered template's output is stored
- $smarty->setCacheDir('./cache');
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->setCompileDir('./templates_c')
- ->setCacheDir('./cache');
- ?>
-See also [`getCacheDir()`](#api.get.cache.dir) and
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-set the directory where compiled templates are stored
- <?php
- // set directory where compiled templates are stored
- $smarty->setCompileDir('./templates_c');
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->setCompileDir('./templates_c')
- ->setCacheDir('./cache');
- ?>
-See also [`getCompileDir()`](#api.get.compile.dir) and
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-set the directories where config files are stored
- <?php
- // set a single directory where the config files are stored
- $smarty->setConfigDir('./config');
- // view the config dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getConfigDir());
- // set multiple directoríes where config files are stored
- $smarty->setConfigDir(array(
- 'one' => './config',
- 'two' => './config_2',
- 'three' => './config_3',
- ));
- // view the config dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getConfigDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->setConfigDir('./config')
- ->setCompileDir('./templates_c')
- ->setCacheDir('./cache');
- ?>
-See also [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir),
-[`addConfigDir()`](#api.add.config.dir) and
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-set the directories where plugins are stored
- <?php
- // set a single directory where the plugins are stored
- $smarty->setPluginsDir('./plugins');
- // view the plugins dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getPluginsDir());
- // set multiple directoríes where plugins are stored
- $smarty->setPluginsDir(array(
- './plugins',
- './plugins_2',
- ));
- // view the plugins dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getPluginsDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->setPluginsDir('./plugins')
- ->setCompileDir('./templates_c')
- ->setCacheDir('./cache');
- ?>
-See also [`getPluginsDir()`](#api.get.plugins.dir),
-[`addPluginsDir()`](#api.add.plugins.dir) and
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-set the directories where templates are stored
- <?php
- // set a single directory where the templates are stored
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./cache');
- // view the template dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getTemplateDir());
- // set multiple directoríes where templates are stored
- $smarty->setTemplateDir(array(
- 'one' => './templates',
- 'two' => './templates_2',
- 'three' => './templates_3',
- ));
- // view the template dir chain
- var_dump($smarty->getTemplateDir());
- // chaining of method calls
- $smarty->setTemplateDir('./templates')
- ->setCompileDir('./templates_c')
- ->setCacheDir('./cache');
- ?>
-See also [`getTemplateDir()`](#api.get.template.dir),
-[`addTemplateDir()`](#api.add.template.dir) and
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-template-exists.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-functions/api-template-exists.md
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-checks whether the specified template exists
-It can accept either a path to the template on the filesystem or a
-resource string specifying the template.
-This example uses `$_GET['page']` to
-[`{include}`](#language.function.include) a content template. If the
-template does not exist then an error page is displayed instead. First
-the `page_container.tpl`
- <html>
- <head><title>{$title}</title></head>
- <body>
- {include file='page_top.tpl'}
- {* include middle content page *}
- {include file=$content_template}
- {include file='page_footer.tpl'}
- </body>
-And the php script
- <?php
- // set the filename eg index.inc.tpl
- $mid_template = $_GET['page'].'.inc.tpl';
- if( !$smarty->templateExists($mid_template) ){
- $mid_template = 'page_not_found.tpl';
- }
- $smarty->assign('content_template', $mid_template);
- $smarty->display('page_container.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`display()`](#api.display), [`fetch()`](#api.fetch),
-[`{include}`](#language.function.include) and
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-checks Smarty installation
-This function verifies that all required working folders of the Smarty
-installation can be accessed. It does output a corresponding protocoll.
- <?php
- require_once('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->testInstall();
- ?>
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-dynamically unregister a CacheResource plugin
-Pass in the `name` of the CacheResource.
- <?php
- $smarty->unregisterCacheResource('mysql');
- ?>
-See also [`registerCacheResource()`](#api.register.cacheresource) and
-the [Custom CacheResource Implementation](#caching.custom) section.
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-dynamically unregister a filter
-Use this to dynamically unregister filters. It uses the following
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter).
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-dynamically unregister an object
-See also [`registerObject()`](#api.register.object) and [objects
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-dynamically unregister plugins
-This method unregisters plugins which previously have been registered by
-[registerPlugin()](#api.register.plugin), It uses the following
-<!-- -->
- <?php
- // we don't want template designers to have access to function plugin "date_now"
- $smarty->unregisterPlugin("function","date_now");
- ?>
-See also [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin).
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-dynamically unregister a resource plugin
-Pass in the `name` of the resource.
- <?php
- $smarty->unregisterResource('db');
- ?>
-See also [`registerResource()`](#api.register.resource) and [template
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-Smarty Class Variables {#api.variables}
-These are all of the available Smarty class variables. You can access
-them directly, or use the corresponding setter/getter methods.
-- [$allow_php_templates](./api-variables/variable-allow-php-templates.md)
-- [$auto_literal](./api-variables/variable-auto-literal.md)
-- [$autoload_filters](./api-variables/variable-autoload-filters.md)
-- [$cache_dir](./api-variables/variable-cache-dir.md)
-- [$cache_id](./api-variables/variable-cache-id.md)
-- [$cache_lifetime](./api-variables/variable-cache-lifetime.md)
-- [$cache_locking](./api-variables/variable-cache-locking.md)
-- [$cache_modified_check](./api-variables/variable-cache-modified-check.md)
-- [$caching](./api-variables/variable-caching.md)
-- [$caching_type](./api-variables/variable-caching-type.md)
-- [$compile_check](./api-variables/variable-compile-check.md)
-- [$compile_dir](./api-variables/variable-compile-dir.md)
-- [$compile_id](./api-variables/variable-compile-id.md)
-- [$compile_locking](./api-variables/variable-compile-locking.md)
-- [$compiler_class](./api-variables/variable-compiler-class.md)
-- [$config_booleanize](./api-variables/variable-config-booleanize.md)
-- [$config_dir](./api-variables/variable-config-dir.md)
-- [$config_overwrite](./api-variables/variable-config-overwrite.md)
-- [$config_read_hidden](./api-variables/variable-config-read-hidden.md)
-- [$debug_tpl](./api-variables/variable-debug-template.md)
-- [$debugging](./api-variables/variable-debugging.md)
-- [$debugging_ctrl](./api-variables/variable-debugging-ctrl.md)
-- [$default_config_type](./api-variables/variable-default-config-type.md)
-- [$default_modifiers](./api-variables/variable-default-modifiers.md)
-- [$default_resource_type](./api-variables/variable-default-resource-type.md)
-- [$default_config_handler_func](./api-variables/variable-default-config-handler-func.md)
-- [$default_template_handler_func](./api-variables/variable-default-template-handler-func.md)
-- [$direct_access_security](./api-variables/variable-direct-access-security.md)
-- [$error_reporting](./api-variables/variable-error-reporting.md)
-- [$escape_html](./api-variables/variable-escape-html.md)
-- [$force_cache](./api-variables/variable-force-cache.md)
-- [$force_compile](./api-variables/variable-force-compile.md)
-- [$left_delimiter](./api-variables/variable-left-delimiter.md)
-- [$locking_timeout](./api-variables/variable-locking-timeout.md)
-- [$merge_compiled_includes](./api-variables/variable-merge-compiled-includes.md)
-- [$php_handling](./api-variables/variable-php-handling.md)
-- [$plugins_dir](./api-variables/variable-plugins-dir.md)
-- [$right_delimiter](./api-variables/variable-right-delimiter.md)
-- [$smarty_debug_id](./api-variables/variable-smarty-debug-id.md)
-- [$template_dir](./api-variables/variable-template-dir.md)
-- [$trusted_dir](./api-variables/variable-trusted-dir.md)
-- [$use_include_path](./api-variables/variable-use-include-path.md)
-- [$use_sub_dirs](./api-variables/variable-use-sub-dirs.md)
-> **Note**
-> All class variables have magic setter/getter methods available.
-> setter/getter methods are camelCaseFormat, unlike the variable itself.
-> So for example, you can set and get the \$smarty-\>template\_dir
-> variable with \$smarty-\>setTemplateDir(\$dir) and \$dir =
-> \$smarty-\>getTemplateDir() respectively.
-> **Note**
-> See
-> [`Changing settings by template`](./advanced-features/advanced-features-template-settings.md)
-> section for how to change Smarty class variables for individual
-> templates.
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-\$allow\_php\_templates {#variable.allow.php.templates}
-By default the PHP template file resource is disabled. Setting
-`$allow_php_templates` to TRUE will enable PHP template files.
-::: {.informalexample}
- <?php
- $smarty->allow_php_templates = true;
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> The PHP template file resource is an undocumented deprecated feature.
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-\$auto\_literal {#variable.auto.literal}
-The Smarty delimiter tags { and } will be ignored so long as they are
-surrounded by white space. This behavior can be disabled by setting
-auto\_literal to false.
-::: {.informalexample}
- <?php
- $smarty->auto_literal = false;
- ?>
-See also [Escaping Smarty Parsing](#language.escaping),
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-\$autoload\_filters {#variable.autoload.filters}
-If there are some filters that you wish to load on every template
-invocation, you can specify them using this variable and Smarty will
-automatically load them for you. The variable is an associative array
-where keys are filter types and values are arrays of the filter names.
-For example:
-::: {.informalexample}
- <?php
- $smarty->autoload_filters = array('pre' => array('trim', 'stamp'),
- 'output' => array('convert'));
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter) and
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-\$cache\_dir {#variable.cache.dir}
-This is the name of the directory where template caches are stored. By
-default this is `./cache`, meaning that Smarty will look for the
-`cache/` directory in the same directory as the executing php script.
-**This directory must be writeable by the web server**, [see
-install](#installing.smarty.basic) for more info.
-You can also use your own [custom cache implementation](#caching.custom)
-to control cache files, which will ignore this setting. See also
-> **Note**
-> This setting must be either a relative or absolute path. include\_path
-> is not used for writing files.
-> **Note**
-> It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server
-> document root.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$cache\_dir is no longer accessible
-> directly. Use [`getCacheDir()`](#api.get.cache.dir) and
-> [`setCacheDir()`](#api.set.cache.dir) instead.
-See also [`getCacheDir()`](#api.get.cache.dir),
-[`setCacheDir()`](#api.set.cache.dir), [`$caching`](#variable.caching),
-[`$cache_modified_check`](#variable.cache.modified.check) and the
-[caching section](#caching).
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-\$cache\_id {#variable.cache.id}
-Persistent cache\_id identifier. As an alternative to passing the same
-`$cache_id` to each and every function call, you can set this
-`$cache_id` and it will be used implicitly thereafter.
-With a `$cache_id` you can have multiple cache files for a single call
-to [`display()`](#api.display) or [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) depending for
-example from different content of the same template. See the [caching
-section](#caching) for more information.
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-\$cache\_lifetime {#variable.cache.lifetime}
-This is the length of time in seconds that a template cache is valid.
-Once this time has expired, the cache will be regenerated.
-- `$caching` must be turned on (either
- Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_SAVED) for `$cache_lifetime` to have any
- purpose.
-- A `$cache_lifetime` value of -1 will force the cache to never
- expire.
-- A value of 0 will cause the cache to always regenerate (good for
- testing only, to disable caching a more efficient method is to set
- [`$caching`](#variable.caching) = Smarty::CACHING\_OFF).
-- If you want to give certain templates their own cache lifetime, you
- could do this by setting [`$caching`](#variable.caching) =
- Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_SAVED, then set `$cache_lifetime` to a
- unique value just before calling [`display()`](#api.display) or
- [`fetch()`](#api.fetch).
-If [`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile) is enabled, the cache
-files will be regenerated every time, effectively disabling caching. You
-can clear all the cache files with the
-[`clear_all_cache()`](#api.clear.all.cache) function, or individual
-cache files (or groups) with the [`clear_cache()`](#api.clear.cache)
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-\$cache\_locking {#variable.cache.locking}
-Cache locking avoids concurrent cache generation. This means resource
-intensive pages can be generated only once, even if they\'ve been
-requested multiple times in the same moment.
-Cache locking is disabled by default. To enable it set `$cache_locking`
-to TRUE.
-See also [`$locking_timeout`](#variable.locking.timeout)
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-\$cache\_modified\_check {#variable.cache.modified.check}
-If set to TRUE, Smarty will respect the If-Modified-Since header sent
-from the client. If the cached file timestamp has not changed since the
-last visit, then a `'304: Not Modified'` header will be sent instead of
-the content. This works only on cached content without
-[`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) tags.
-See also [`$caching`](#variable.caching),
-[`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime), and the [caching
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-variables/variable-caching-type.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/api-variables/variable-caching-type.md
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-\$caching\_type {#variable.caching.type}
-This property specifies the name of the caching handler to use. It
-defaults to `file`, enabling the internal filesystem based cache
-See [Custom Cache Implementation](#caching.custom) for pointers on
-setting up your own cache handler.
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-\$caching {#variable.caching}
-This tells Smarty whether or not to cache the output of the templates to
-the [`$cache_dir`](#variable.cache.dir). By default this is set to the
-constant Smarty::CACHING\_OFF. If your templates consistently generate
-the same content, it is advisable to turn on `$caching`, as this may
-result in significant performance gains.
-You can also have [multiple](#caching.multiple.caches) caches for the
-same template.
-- A constant value of Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_CURRENT or
- Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_SAVED enables caching.
-- A value of Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_CURRENT tells Smarty to use
- the current [`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime) variable
- to determine if the cache has expired.
-- A value of Smarty::CACHING\_LIFETIME\_SAVED tells Smarty to use the
- [`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime) value at the time the
- cache was generated. This way you can set the
- [`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime) just before
- [fetching](#api.fetch) the template to have granular control over
- when that particular cache expires. See also
- [`isCached()`](#api.is.cached).
-- If [`$compile_check`](#variable.compile.check) is enabled, the
- cached content will be regenerated if any of the templates or config
- files that are part of this cache are changed.
-- If [`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile) is enabled, the
- cached content will always be regenerated.
-See also [`$cache_dir`](#variable.cache.dir),
-[`is_cached()`](#api.is.cached) and the [caching section](#caching).
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-\$compile\_check {#variable.compile.check}
-Upon each invocation of the PHP application, Smarty tests to see if the
-current template has changed (different timestamp) since the last time
-it was compiled. If it has changed, it recompiles that template. If the
-template has yet not been compiled at all, it will compile regardless of
-this setting. By default this variable is set to TRUE.
-Once an application is put into production (ie the templates won\'t be
-changing), the compile check step is no longer needed. Be sure to set
-`$compile_check` to FALSE for maximum performance. Note that if you
-change this to FALSE and a template file is changed, you will \*not\*
-see the change since the template will not get recompiled.
-If [`$caching`](#variable.caching) is enabled and `$compile_check` is
-enabled, then the cache files will get regenerated if an involved
-template file or config file was updated.
-As of Smarty 3.1 `$compile_check` can be set to the value
-`Smarty::COMPILECHECK_CACHEMISS`. This enables Smarty to revalidate the
-compiled template, once a cache file is regenerated. So if there was a
-cached template, but it\'s expired, Smarty will run a single
-compile\_check before regenerating the cache.
-See [`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile) and
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-\$compile\_dir {#variable.compile.dir}
-This is the name of the directory where compiled templates are located.
-By default this is `./templates_c`, meaning that Smarty will look for
-the `templates_c/` directory in the same directory as the executing php
-script. **This directory must be writeable by the web server**, [see
-install](#installing.smarty.basic) for more info.
-> **Note**
-> This setting must be either a relative or absolute path. include\_path
-> is not used for writing files.
-> **Note**
-> It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server
-> document root.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$compile\_dir is no longer accessible
-> directly. Use [`getCompileDir()`](#api.get.compile.dir) and
-> [`setCompileDir()`](#api.set.compile.dir) instead.
-See also [`getCompileDir()`](#api.get.compile.dir),
-[`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) and
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-\$compile\_id {#variable.compile.id}
-Persistant compile identifier. As an alternative to passing the same
-`$compile_id` to each and every function call, you can set this
-`$compile_id` and it will be used implicitly thereafter.
-If you use the same template with different [pre- and/or
-post-filters](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) you must use a unique
-`$compile_id` to keep the compiled template files separated.
-For example a [prefilter](#plugins.prefilters.postfilters) that
-localizes your templates (that is: translates language dependend parts)
-at compile time, then you could use the current language as
-`$compile_id` and you will get a set of compiled templates for each
-language you use.
- <?php
- $smarty->compile_id = 'en';
- ?>
-Another application would be to use the same compile directory across
-multiple domains / multiple virtual hosts.
- <?php
- $smarty->compile_id = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
- $smarty->compile_dir = '/path/to/shared_compile_dir';
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> In Smarty 3 a `$compile_id` is no longer required to keep templates
-> with same name in different [`$template_dir`
-> folders](#variable.template.dir) separated. The [`$template_dir` file
-> path](#variable.template.dir) is encoded in the file name of compiled
-> and cached template files.
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-\$compile\_locking {#variable.compile.locking}
-Compile locking avoids concurrent compilation of the same template.
-Compile locking is enabled by default. To disable it set
-`$compile_locking` to FALSE.
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-\$compiler\_class {#variable.compiler.class}
-Specifies the name of the compiler class that Smarty will use to compile
-the templates. The default is \'Smarty\_Compiler\'. For advanced users
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-\$config\_booleanize {#variable.config.booleanize}
-If set to TRUE, [config files](#config.files) values of `on/true/yes`
-and `off/false/no` get converted to boolean values automatically. This
-way you can use the values in the template like so:
-`{if #foobar#}...{/if}`. If foobar was `on`, `true` or `yes`, the `{if}`
-statement will execute. Defaults to TRUE.
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-\$config\_dir {#variable.config.dir}
-This is the directory used to store [config files](#config.files) used
-in the templates. Default is `./configs`, meaning that Smarty will look
-for the `configs/` directory in the same directory as the executing php
-> **Note**
-> It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server
-> document root.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$config\_dir is no longer accessible
-> directly. Use [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir),
-> [`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir) and
-> [`addConfigDir()`](#api.add.config.dir) instead.
-See also [`getConfigDir()`](#api.get.config.dir),
-[`setConfigDir()`](#api.set.config.dir) and
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-\$config\_overwrite {#variable.config.overwrite}
-If set to TRUE, the default then variables read in from [config
-files](#config.files) will overwrite each other. Otherwise, the
-variables will be pushed onto an array. This is helpful if you want to
-store arrays of data in config files, just list each element multiple
-This examples uses [`{cycle}`](#language.function.cycle) to output a
-table with alternating red/green/blue row colors with
-`$config_overwrite` = FALSE.
-The config file.
- # row colors
- rowColors = #FF0000
- rowColors = #00FF00
- rowColors = #0000FF
-The template with a [`{section}`](#language.function.section) loop.
- <table>
- {section name=r loop=$rows}
- <tr bgcolor="{cycle values=#rowColors#}">
- <td> ....etc.... </td>
- </tr>
- {/section}
- </table>
-See also [`{config_load}`](#language.function.config.load),
-[`clearConfig()`](#api.clear.config), [`configLoad()`](#api.config.load)
-and the [config files section](#config.files).
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-\$config\_read\_hidden {#variable.config.read.hidden}
-If set to TRUE, hidden sections ie section names beginning with a
-period(.) in [config files](#config.files) can be read from templates.
-Typically you would leave this FALSE, that way you can store sensitive
-data in the config files such as database parameters and not worry about
-the template loading them. FALSE by default.
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-\$debug\_tpl {#variable.debug_template}
-This is the name of the template file used for the debugging console. By
-default, it is named `debug.tpl` and is located in the
-See also [`$debugging`](#variable.debugging) and the [debugging
-console](#chapter.debugging.console) section.
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-\$debugging\_ctrl {#variable.debugging.ctrl}
-This allows alternate ways to enable debugging. `NONE` means no
-alternate methods are allowed. `URL` means when the keyword
-`SMARTY_DEBUG` is found in the `QUERY_STRING`, debugging is enabled for
-that invocation of the script. If [`$debugging`](#variable.debugging) is
-TRUE, this value is ignored.
- <?php
- // shows debug console only on localhost ie
- // http://localhost/script.php?foo=bar&SMARTY_DEBUG
- $smarty->debugging = false; // the default
- $smarty->debugging_ctrl = ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'localhost') ? 'URL' : 'NONE';
- ?>
-See also [debugging console](#chapter.debugging.console) section,
-[`$debugging`](#variable.debugging) and
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-\$debugging {#variable.debugging}
-This enables the [debugging console](#chapter.debugging.console). The
-console is a javascript popup window that informs you of the
-[included](#language.function.include) templates, variables
-[assigned](#api.assign) from php and [config file
-variables](#language.config.variables) for the current script. It does
-not show variables assigned within a template with the
-[`{assign}`](#language.function.assign) function.
-The console can also be enabled from the url with
-See also [`{debug}`](#language.function.debug),
-[`$debug_tpl`](#variable.debug_template), and
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-\$default\_config\_handler\_func {#variable.default.config.handler.func}
-This function is called when a config file cannot be obtained from its
-> **Note**
-> The default handler is currently only invoked for file resources. It
-> is not triggered when the resource itself cannot be found, in which
-> case a SmartyException is thrown.
- <?php
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->default_config_handler_func = 'my_default_config_handler_func';
- /**
- * Default Config Handler
- *
- * called when Smarty's file: resource is unable to load a requested file
- *
- * @param string $type resource type (e.g. "file", "string", "eval", "resource")
- * @param string $name resource name (e.g. "foo/bar.tpl")
- * @param string &$content config's content
- * @param integer &$modified config's modification time
- * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty instance
- * @return string|boolean path to file or boolean true if $content and $modified
- * have been filled, boolean false if no default config
- * could be loaded
- */
- function my_default_config_handler_func($type, $name, &$content, &$modified, Smarty $smarty) {
- if (false) {
- // return corrected filepath
- return "/tmp/some/foobar.tpl";
- } elseif (false) {
- // return a config directly
- $content = 'someVar = "the config source"';
- $modified = time();
- return true;
- } else {
- // tell smarty that we failed
- return false;
- }
- }
- ?>
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-\$default\_config\_type {#variable.default.config.type}
-This tells smarty what resource type to use for config files. The
-default value is `file`, meaning that `$smarty->configLoad('test.conf')`
-and `$smarty->configLoad('file:test.conf')` are identical in meaning.
-See the [resource](#resources) chapter for more details.
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-\$default\_modifiers {#variable.default.modifiers}
-This is an array of modifiers to implicitly apply to every variable in a
-template. For example, to HTML-escape every variable by default, use
-`array('escape:"htmlall"')`. To make a variable exempt from default
-modifiers, add the \'nofilter\' attribute to the output tag such as
-`{$var nofilter}`.
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-\$default\_resource\_type {#variable.default.resource.type}
-This tells smarty what resource type to use implicitly. The default
-value is `file`, meaning that `$smarty->display('index.tpl')` and
-`$smarty->display('file:index.tpl')` are identical in meaning. See the
-[resource](#resources) chapter for more details.
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-\$default\_template\_handler\_func {#variable.default.template.handler.func}
-This function is called when a template cannot be obtained from its
-> **Note**
-> The default handler is currently only invoked for file resources. It
-> is not triggered when the resource itself cannot be found, in which
-> case a SmartyException is thrown.
- <?php
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->default_template_handler_func = 'my_default_template_handler_func';
- /**
- * Default Template Handler
- *
- * called when Smarty's file: resource is unable to load a requested file
- *
- * @param string $type resource type (e.g. "file", "string", "eval", "resource")
- * @param string $name resource name (e.g. "foo/bar.tpl")
- * @param string &$content template's content
- * @param integer &$modified template's modification time
- * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty instance
- * @return string|boolean path to file or boolean true if $content and $modified
- * have been filled, boolean false if no default template
- * could be loaded
- */
- function my_default_template_handler_func($type, $name, &$content, &$modified, Smarty $smarty) {
- if (false) {
- // return corrected filepath
- return "/tmp/some/foobar.tpl";
- } elseif (false) {
- // return a template directly
- $content = "the template source";
- $modified = time();
- return true;
- } else {
- // tell smarty that we failed
- return false;
- }
- }
- ?>
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-\$direct\_access\_security {#variable.direct.access.security}
-Direct access security inhibits direct browser access to compiled or
-cached template files.
-Direct access security is enabled by default. To disable it set
-`$direct_access_security` to FALSE.
-> **Note**
-> This is a compile time option. If you change the setting you must make
-> sure that the templates get recompiled.
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-\$error\_reporting {#variable.error.reporting}
-When this value is set to a non-null-value it\'s value is used as php\'s
-[`error_reporting`](&url.php-manual;error_reporting) level inside of
-[`display()`](#api.display) and [`fetch()`](#api.fetch).
-Smarty 3.1.2 introduced the
-[`muteExpectedErrors()`](#api.mute.expected.errors) function. Calling
-`Smarty::muteExpectedErrors();` after setting up custom error handling
-will ensure that warnings and notices (deliberately) produced by Smarty
-will not be passed to other custom error handlers. If your error logs
-are filling up with warnings regarding `filemtime()` or `unlink()`
-calls, please enable Smarty\'s error muting.
-See also [debugging](#chapter.debugging.console) and
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-\$escape\_html {#variable.escape.html}
-Setting `$escape_html` to TRUE will escape all template variable output
-by wrapping it in
-`htmlspecialchars({$output}, ENT_QUOTES, SMARTY_RESOURCE_CHAR_SET);`,
-which is the same as `{$variable|escape:"html"}`.
-Template designers can choose to selectively disable this feature by
-adding the `nofilter` flag: `{$variable nofilter}`.
-Modifiers and Filters are run in the following order: modifier,
-default\_modifier, \$escape\_html, registered variable filters,
-autoloaded variable filters, template instance\'s variable filters.
-Everything except the individual modifier can be disabled with the
-`nofilter` flag.
-> **Note**
-> This is a compile time option. If you change the setting you must make
-> sure that the templates get recompiled.
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-\$force\_cache {#variable.force.cache}
-This forces Smarty to (re)cache templates on every invocation. It does
-not override the [`$caching`](#variable.caching) level, but merely
-pretends the template has never been cached before.
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-\$force\_compile {#variable.force.compile}
-This forces Smarty to (re)compile templates on every invocation. This
-setting overrides [`$compile_check`](#variable.compile.check). By
-default this is FALSE. This is handy for development and
-[debugging](#chapter.debugging.console). It should never be used in a
-production environment. If [`$caching`](#variable.caching) is enabled,
-the cache file(s) will be regenerated every time.
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-\$left\_delimiter {#variable.left.delimiter}
-This is the left delimiter used by the template language. Default is
-See also [`$right_delimiter`](#variable.right.delimiter) and [escaping
-smarty parsing](#language.escaping) .
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-\$locking\_timeout {#variable.locking.timeout}
-This is maximum time in seconds a cache lock is valid to avoid dead
-locks. The deafult value is 10 seconds.
-See also [`$cache_locking`](#variable.cache.locking)
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-\$merge\_compiled\_includes {#variable.merge.compiled.includes}
-By setting `$merge_compiled_includes` to TRUE Smarty will merge the
-compiled template code of subtemplates into the compiled code of the
-main template. This increases rendering speed of templates using a many
-different sub-templates.
-Individual sub-templates can be merged by setting the `inline` option
-flag within the `{include}` tag. `$merge_compiled_includes` does not
-have to be enabled for the `inline` merge.
-::: {.informalexample}
- <?php
- $smarty->merge_compiled_includes = true;
- ?>
-> **Note**
-> This is a compile time option. If you change the setting you must make
-> sure that the templates get recompiled.
-See also [`{include}`](#language.function.include) tag
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-\$php\_handling {#variable.php.handling}
-This tells Smarty how to handle PHP code embedded in the templates.
-There are four possible settings, the default being
-`Smarty::PHP_PASSTHRU`. Note that this does NOT affect php code within
-[`{php}{/php}`](#language.function.php) tags in the template.
-- `Smarty::PHP_PASSTHRU` - Smarty echos tags as-is.
-- `Smarty::PHP_QUOTE` - Smarty quotes the tags as html entities.
-- `Smarty::PHP_REMOVE` - Smarty removes the tags from the templates.
-- `Smarty::PHP_ALLOW` - Smarty will execute the tags as PHP code.
-> **Note**
-> Embedding PHP code into templates is highly discouraged. Use [custom
-> functions](#plugins.functions) or [modifiers](#plugins.modifiers)
-> instead.
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-\$plugins\_dir {#variable.plugins.dir}
-This is the directory or directories where Smarty will look for the
-plugins that it needs. Default is `plugins/` under the
-[`SMARTY_DIR`](#constant.smarty.dir). If you supply a relative path,
-Smarty will first look under the [`SMARTY_DIR`](#constant.smarty.dir),
-then relative to the current working directory, then relative to the PHP
-include\_path. If `$plugins_dir` is an array of directories, Smarty will
-search for your plugin in each plugin directory **in the order they are
-> **Note**
-> For best performance, do not setup your `$plugins_dir` to have to use
-> the PHP include path. Use an absolute pathname, or a path relative to
-> `SMARTY_DIR` or the current working directory.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$plugins\_dir is no longer accessible
-> directly. Use [`getPluginsDir()`](#api.get.plugins.dir),
-> [`setPluginsDir()`](#api.set.plugins.dir) and
-> [`addPluginsDir()`](#api.add.plugins.dir) instead.
-See also [`getPluginsDir()`](#api.get.plugins.dir),
-[`setPluginsDir()`](#api.set.plugins.dir) and
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-\$right\_delimiter {#variable.right.delimiter}
-This is the right delimiter used by the template language. Default is
-See also [`$left_delimiter`](#variable.left.delimiter) and [escaping
-smarty parsing](#language.escaping).
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-\$smarty\_debug\_id {#variable.smarty.debug.id}
-The value of `$smarty_debug_id` defines the URL keyword to enable
-debugging at browser level. The default value is `SMARTY_DEBUG`.
-See also [debugging console](#chapter.debugging.console) section,
-[`$debugging`](#variable.debugging) and
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-\$template\_dir {#variable.template.dir}
-This is the name of the default template directory. If you do not supply
-a resource type when including files, they will be found here. By
-default this is `./templates`, meaning that Smarty will look for the
-`templates/` directory in the same directory as the executing php
-script. \$template\_dir can also be an array of directory paths: Smarty
-will traverse the directories and stop on the first matching template
-> **Note**
-> It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server
-> document root.
-> **Note**
-> If the directories known to `$template_dir` are relative to
-> directories known to the
-> [include\_path](&url.php-manual;ini.core.php#ini.include-path) you
-> need to activate the [`$use_include_path`](#variable.use.include.path)
-> option.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the attribute \$template\_dir is no longer accessible
-> directly. Use [`getTemplateDir()`](#api.get.template.dir),
-> [`setTemplateDir()`](#api.set.template.dir) and
-> [`addTemplateDir()`](#api.add.template.dir) instead.
-See also [`Template Resources`](#resources),
-[`setTemplateDir()`](#api.set.template.dir) and
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-\$trusted\_dir {#variable.trusted.dir}
-`$trusted_dir` is only for use when security is enabled. This is an
-array of all directories that are considered trusted. Trusted
-directories are where you keep php scripts that are executed directly
-from the templates with
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-\$use\_include\_path {#variable.use.include.path}
-This tells smarty to respect the
-[include\_path](&url.php-manual;ini.core.php#ini.include-path) within
-the [`File Template Resource`](#resources.file) handler and the plugin
-loader to resolve the directories known to
-[`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir). The flag also makes the
-plugin loader check the include\_path for
-> **Note**
-> You should not design your applications to rely on the include\_path,
-> as this may - depending on your implementation - slow down your system
-> (and Smarty) considerably.
-If use\_include\_path is enabled, file discovery for
-[`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir) and
-[`$plugins_dir`](#variable.plugins.dir) work as follows.
-- For each element `$directory` in array (\$template\_dir or
- \$plugins\_dir) do
-- Test if requested file is in `$directory` relative to the [current
- working directory](&url.php-manual;function.getcwd.php). If file
- found, return it.
-- For each `$path` in include\_path do
-- Test if requested file is in `$directory` relative to the `$path`
- (possibly relative to the [current working
- directory](&url.php-manual;function.getcwd.php)). If file found,
- return it.
-- Try default\_handler or fail.
-This means that whenever a directory/file relative to the current
-working directory is encountered, it is preferred over anything
-potentially accessible through the include\_path.
-> **Note**
-> Smarty does not filter elements of the include\_path. That means a
-> \".:\" within your include path will trigger the current working
-> directory lookup twice.
-See also [`Template Resources`](#resources) and
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-\$use\_sub\_dirs {#variable.use.sub.dirs}
-Smarty will create subdirectories under the [compiled
-templates](#variable.compile.dir) and [cache](#variable.cache.dir)
-directories if `$use_sub_dirs` is set to TRUE, default is FALSE. In an
-environment where there are potentially tens of thousands of files
-created, this may help the filesystem speed. On the other hand, some
-environments do not allow PHP processes to create directories, so this
-must be disabled which is the default.
-Sub directories are more efficient, so use them if you can.
-Theoretically you get much better perfomance on a filesystem with 10
-directories each having 100 files, than with 1 directory having 1000
-files. This was certainly the case with Solaris 7 (UFS)\... with newer
-filesystems such as ext3 and especially reiserfs, the difference is
-almost nothing.
-> **Note**
-> - `$use_sub_dirs=true` doesn\'t work with
-> [safe\_mode=On](&url.php-manual;features.safe-mode), that\'s why
-> it\'s switchable and why it\'s off by default.
-> - `$use_sub_dirs=true` on Windows can cause problems.
-> - Safe\_mode is being deprecated in PHP6.
-See also [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id),
-[`$cache_dir`](#variable.cache.dir), and
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-Caching is used to speed up a call to [`display()`](./api-functions/api-display.md) or
-[`fetch()`](./api-functions/api-fetch.md) by saving its output to a file. If a cached
-version of the call is available, that is displayed instead of
-regenerating the output. Caching can speed things up tremendously,
-especially templates with longer computation times. Since the output of
-[`display()`](./api-functions/api-display.md) or [`fetch()`](./api-functions/api-fetch.md) is cached, one
-cache file could conceivably be made up of several template files,
-config files, etc.
-Since templates are dynamic, it is important to be careful what you are
-caching and for how long. For instance, if you are displaying the front
-page of your website that does not change its content very often, it
-might work well to cache this page for an hour or more. On the other
-hand, if you are displaying a page with a timetable containing new
-information by the minute, it would not make sense to cache this page.
-## Table of contents
-- [Setting Up Caching](./caching/caching-setting-up.md)
-- [Multiple Caches Per Page](./caching/caching-multiple-caches.md)
-- [Controlling Cacheability of Output](./caching/caching-groups.md)
-- [Custom Cache Implementation](./caching/caching-custom.md)
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-Controlling Cacheability of Output {#caching.cacheable}
-If caching is enabled normally the whole final output of the page gets
-cached. However Smarty3 offers several options how to exclude sections
-of your output from caching.
-> **Note**
-> Be sure any variables used within a non-cached section are also
-> assigned from PHP when the page is loaded from the cache.
-Cacheability of Template Section {#cacheability.sections}
-A larger section of your template can easily excluded from caching by
-using the [`{nocache}`](#language.function.nocache) and
-[`{/nocache}`](#language.function.nocache) tags.
- Today's date is
- {nocache}
- {$smarty.now|date_format}
- {/nocache}
-The above code will output the current date on a cached page.
-Cacheability of Tags {#cacheability.tags}
-Caching for an individual tag can be disabled by adding the \"nocache\"
-option flag to the tag.
- Today's date is
- {$smarty.now|date_format nocache}
-Cacheability of Variables {#cacheability.variables}
-You can [`assign()`](#api.assign) variables as not cachable. Any tag
-which uses such variable will be automatically executed in nocache mode.
-> **Note**
-> If a tag is executed in nocache mode you must make sure that all other
-> variables used by that tag are also assigned from PHP when the page is
-> loaded from the cache.
-> **Note**
-> The nocache status of an assigned variable will effect the compiled
-> template code. If you change the status you must manually delete
-> existing compiled and cached template files to force a recompile.
- // assign $foo as nocahe variable
- $smarty->assign('foo',time(),true);
- Dynamic time value is {$foo}
-Cacheability of Plugins {#cacheability.plugins}
-The cacheability of plugins can be declared when registering them. The
-third parameter to [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin) is called
-`$cacheable` and defaults to TRUE.
-When registering a plugin with `$cacheable=false` the plugin is called
-everytime the page is displayed, even if the page comes from the cache.
-The plugin function behaves a little like an
-[`{insert}`](#plugins.inserts) function.
-> **Note**
-> The `$cacheable` status will effect the compiled template code. If you
-> change the status you must manually delete existing compiled and
-> cached template files to force a recompile.
-In contrast to [`{insert}`](#plugins.inserts) the attributes to the
-plugins are not cached by default. They can be declared to be cached
-with the fourth parameter `$cache_attrs`. `$cache_attrs` is an array of
-attribute-names that should be cached, so the plugin-function get value
-as it was the time the page was written to cache everytime it is fetched
-from the cache.
- <?php
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- function remaining_seconds($params, $smarty) {
- $remain = $params['endtime'] - time();
- if($remain >= 0){
- return $remain . ' second(s)';
- }else{
- return 'done';
- }
- }
- $smarty->registerPlugin('function','remaining', 'remaining_seconds', false, array('endtime'));
- if (!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl')) {
- // fetch $obj from db and assign...
- $smarty->assignByRef('obj', $obj);
- }
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-where `index.tpl` is:
- Time Remaining: {remaining endtime=$obj->endtime}
-The number of seconds till the endtime of `$obj` is reached changes on
-each display of the page, even if the page is cached. Since the endtime
-attribute is cached the object only has to be pulled from the database
-when page is written to the cache but not on subsequent requests of the
- index.php:
- <?php
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- function smarty_block_dynamic($param, $content, $smarty) {
- return $content;
- }
- $smarty->registerPlugin('block','dynamic', 'smarty_block_dynamic', false);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-where `index.tpl` is:
- Page created: {'0'|date_format:'%D %H:%M:%S'}
- {dynamic}
- Now is: {'0'|date_format:'%D %H:%M:%S'}
- ... do other stuff ...
- {/dynamic}
-When reloading the page you will notice that both dates differ. One is
-"dynamic" one is "static". You can do everything between
-`{dynamic}...{/dynamic}` and be sure it will not be cached like the rest
-of the page.
-> **Note**
-> The above example shall just demonstrate how a dynamic block plugins
-> works. See
-> [`Cacheability of Template Section`](#cacheability.sections) on how to
-> disable caching of a template section by the built-in
-> [`{nocache}`](#language.function.nocache) and
-> [`{/nocache}`](#language.function.nocache) tags.
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-Custom Cache Implementation {#caching.custom}
-As an alternative to using the default file-based caching mechanism, you
-can specify a custom cache implementation that will be used to read,
-write and clear cached files.
-> **Note**
-> In Smarty2 this used to be a callback function called
-> `$cache_handler_func`. Smarty3 replaced this callback by the
-> `Smarty_CacheResource` module.
-With a custom cache implementation you\'re likely trying to achieve at
-least one of the following goals: replace the slow filesystem by a
-faster storage engine, centralize the cache to be accessible to multiple
-Smarty allows CacheResource implementations to use one of the APIs
-`Smarty_CacheResource_Custom` or `Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore`.
-`Smarty_CacheResource_Custom` is a simple API directing all read, write,
-clear calls to your implementation. This API allows you to store
-wherever and however you deem fit. The
-`Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore` API allows you to turn any \"dumb\"
-KeyValue-Store (like APC, Memcache, ...) into a full-featured
-CacheResource implementation. That is, everything around deep
-cache-groups like \"a\|b\|c\" is being handled for you in way that
-allows clearing the cache-group \"a\" and all nested groups are cleared
-as well - even though KeyValue-Stores don\'t allow this kind of
-hierarchy by nature.
-Custom CacheResources may be put in a file `cacheresource.foobarxyz.php`
-within your [`$plugins_dir`](#variable.plugins.dir), or registered on
-runtime with [`registerCacheResource()`](#api.register.cacheresource).
-In either case you need to set [`$caching_type`](#variable.caching.type)
-to invoke your custom CacheResource implementation.
- <?php
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->caching_type = 'mysql';
- /**
- * MySQL CacheResource
- *
- * CacheResource Implementation based on the Custom API to use
- * MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's output caching.
- *
- * Table definition:
- * <pre>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `output_cache` (
- * `id` CHAR(40) NOT NULL COMMENT 'sha1 hash',
- * `name` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
- * `cache_id` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
- * `compile_id` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
- * `content` LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
- * PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- * INDEX(`name`),
- * INDEX(`cache_id`),
- * INDEX(`compile_id`),
- * INDEX(`modified`)
- * ) ENGINE = InnoDB;</pre>
- *
- * @package CacheResource-examples
- * @author Rodney Rehm
- */
- class Smarty_CacheResource_Mysql extends Smarty_CacheResource_Custom {
- // PDO instance
- protected $db;
- protected $fetch;
- protected $fetchTimestamp;
- protected $save;
- public function __construct() {
- try {
- $this->db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "smarty", "smarty");
- } catch (PDOException $e) {
- throw new SmartyException('Mysql Resource failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
- }
- $this->fetch = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified, content FROM output_cache WHERE id = :id');
- $this->fetchTimestamp = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified FROM output_cache WHERE id = :id');
- $this->save = $this->db->prepare('REPLACE INTO output_cache (id, name, cache_id, compile_id, content)
- VALUES (:id, :name, :cache_id, :compile_id, :content)');
- }
- /**
- * fetch cached content and its modification time from data source
- *
- * @param string $id unique cache content identifier
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $cache_id cache id
- * @param string $compile_id compile id
- * @param string $content cached content
- * @param integer $mtime cache modification timestamp (epoch)
- * @return void
- */
- protected function fetch($id, $name, $cache_id, $compile_id, &$content, &$mtime)
- {
- $this->fetch->execute(array('id' => $id));
- $row = $this->fetch->fetch();
- $this->fetch->closeCursor();
- if ($row) {
- $content = $row['content'];
- $mtime = strtotime($row['modified']);
- } else {
- $content = null;
- $mtime = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetch cached content's modification timestamp from data source
- *
- * @note implementing this method is optional. Only implement it if modification times can be accessed faster than loading the complete cached content.
- * @param string $id unique cache content identifier
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $cache_id cache id
- * @param string $compile_id compile id
- * @return integer|boolean timestamp (epoch) the template was modified, or false if not found
- */
- protected function fetchTimestamp($id, $name, $cache_id, $compile_id)
- {
- $this->fetchTimestamp->execute(array('id' => $id));
- $mtime = strtotime($this->fetchTimestamp->fetchColumn());
- $this->fetchTimestamp->closeCursor();
- return $mtime;
- }
- /**
- * Save content to cache
- *
- * @param string $id unique cache content identifier
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $cache_id cache id
- * @param string $compile_id compile id
- * @param integer|null $exp_time seconds till expiration time in seconds or null
- * @param string $content content to cache
- * @return boolean success
- */
- protected function save($id, $name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time, $content)
- {
- $this->save->execute(array(
- 'id' => $id,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'cache_id' => $cache_id,
- 'compile_id' => $compile_id,
- 'content' => $content,
- ));
- return !!$this->save->rowCount();
- }
- /**
- * Delete content from cache
- *
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $cache_id cache id
- * @param string $compile_id compile id
- * @param integer|null $exp_time seconds till expiration or null
- * @return integer number of deleted caches
- */
- protected function delete($name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time)
- {
- // delete the whole cache
- if ($name === null && $cache_id === null && $compile_id === null && $exp_time === null) {
- // returning the number of deleted caches would require a second query to count them
- $query = $this->db->query('TRUNCATE TABLE output_cache');
- return -1;
- }
- // build the filter
- $where = array();
- // equal test name
- if ($name !== null) {
- $where[] = 'name = ' . $this->db->quote($name);
- }
- // equal test compile_id
- if ($compile_id !== null) {
- $where[] = 'compile_id = ' . $this->db->quote($compile_id);
- }
- // range test expiration time
- if ($exp_time !== null) {
- $where[] = 'modified < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . intval($exp_time) . ' SECOND)';
- }
- // equal test cache_id and match sub-groups
- if ($cache_id !== null) {
- $where[] = '(cache_id = '. $this->db->quote($cache_id)
- . ' OR cache_id LIKE '. $this->db->quote($cache_id .'|%') .')';
- }
- // run delete query
- $query = $this->db->query('DELETE FROM output_cache WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $where));
- return $query->rowCount();
- }
- }
- <?php
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->caching_type = 'memcache';
- /**
- * Memcache CacheResource
- *
- * CacheResource Implementation based on the KeyValueStore API to use
- * memcache as the storage resource for Smarty's output caching.
- *
- * Note that memcache has a limitation of 256 characters per cache-key.
- * To avoid complications all cache-keys are translated to a sha1 hash.
- *
- * @package CacheResource-examples
- * @author Rodney Rehm
- */
- class Smarty_CacheResource_Memcache extends Smarty_CacheResource_KeyValueStore {
- /**
- * memcache instance
- * @var Memcache
- */
- protected $memcache = null;
- public function __construct()
- {
- $this->memcache = new Memcache();
- $this->memcache->addServer( '', 11211 );
- }
- /**
- * Read values for a set of keys from cache
- *
- * @param array $keys list of keys to fetch
- * @return array list of values with the given keys used as indexes
- * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
- */
- protected function read(array $keys)
- {
- $_keys = $lookup = array();
- foreach ($keys as $k) {
- $_k = sha1($k);
- $_keys[] = $_k;
- $lookup[$_k] = $k;
- }
- $_res = array();
- $res = $this->memcache->get($_keys);
- foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
- $_res[$lookup[$k]] = $v;
- }
- return $_res;
- }
- /**
- * Save values for a set of keys to cache
- *
- * @param array $keys list of values to save
- * @param int $expire expiration time
- * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
- */
- protected function write(array $keys, $expire=null)
- {
- foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
- $k = sha1($k);
- $this->memcache->set($k, $v, 0, $expire);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Remove values from cache
- *
- * @param array $keys list of keys to delete
- * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
- */
- protected function delete(array $keys)
- {
- foreach ($keys as $k) {
- $k = sha1($k);
- $this->memcache->delete($k);
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Remove *all* values from cache
- *
- * @return boolean true on success, false on failure
- */
- protected function purge()
- {
- return $this->memcache->flush();
- }
- }
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Cache Groups {#caching.groups}
-You can do more elaborate grouping by setting up `$cache_id` groups.
-This is accomplished by separating each sub-group with a vertical bar
-`|` in the `$cache_id` value. You can have as many sub-groups as you
-- You can think of cache groups like a directory hierarchy. For
- instance, a cache group of `'a|b|c'` could be thought of as the
- directory structure `'/a/b/c/'`.
-- `clearCache(null,'a|b|c')` would be like removing the files
- `'/a/b/c/*'`. `clearCache(null,'a|b')` would be like removing the
- files `'/a/b/*'`.
-- If you specify a [`$compile_id`](#variable.compile.id) such as
- `clearCache(null,'a|b','foo')` it is treated as an appended cache
- group `'/a/b/c/foo/'`.
-- If you specify a template name such as
- `clearCache('foo.tpl','a|b|c')` then Smarty will attempt to remove
- `'/a/b/c/foo.tpl'`.
-- You CANNOT remove a specified template name under multiple cache
- groups such as `'/a/b/*/foo.tpl'`, the cache grouping works
- left-to-right ONLY. You will need to group your templates under a
- single cache group heirarchy to be able to clear them as a group.
-Cache grouping should not be confused with your template directory
-heirarchy, the cache grouping has no knowledge of how your templates are
-structured. So for example, if you have a template structure like
-`themes/blue/index.tpl` and you want to be able to clear all the cache
-files for the "blue" theme, you will need to create a cache group
-structure that mimics your template file structure, such as
-`display('themes/blue/index.tpl','themes|blue')`, then clear them with
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- // clear all caches with 'sports|basketball' as the first two cache_id groups
- $smarty->clearCache(null,'sports|basketball');
- // clear all caches with "sports" as the first cache_id group. This would
- // include "sports|basketball", or "sports|(anything)|(anything)|(anything)|..."
- $smarty->clearCache(null,'sports');
- // clear the foo.tpl cache file with "sports|basketball" as the cache_id
- $smarty->clearCache('foo.tpl','sports|basketball');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl','sports|basketball');
- ?>
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-Multiple Caches Per Page {#caching.multiple.caches}
-You can have multiple cache files for a single call to
-[`display()`](#api.display) or [`fetch()`](#api.fetch). Let\'s say that
-a call to `display('index.tpl')` may have several different output
-contents depending on some condition, and you want separate caches for
-each one. You can do this by passing a `$cache_id` as the second
-parameter to the function call.
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- $my_cache_id = $_GET['article_id'];
- $smarty->display('index.tpl', $my_cache_id);
- ?>
-Above, we are passing the variable `$my_cache_id` to
-[`display()`](#api.display) as the `$cache_id`. For each unique value of
-`$my_cache_id`, a separate cache will be generated for `index.tpl`. In
-this example, `article_id` was passed in the URL and is used as the
-> **Note**
-> Be very cautious when passing values from a client (web browser) into
-> Smarty or any PHP application. Although the above example of using the
-> article\_id from the URL looks handy, it could have bad consequences.
-> The `$cache_id` is used to create a directory on the file system, so
-> if the user decided to pass an extremely large value for article\_id,
-> or write a script that sends random article\_id\'s at a rapid pace,
-> this could possibly cause problems at the server level. Be sure to
-> sanitize any data passed in before using it. In this instance, maybe
-> you know the article\_id has a length of ten characters and is made up
-> of alpha-numerics only, and must be a valid article\_id in the
-> database. Check for this!
-Be sure to pass the same `$cache_id` as the second parameter to
-[`isCached()`](#api.is.cached) and [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache).
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- $my_cache_id = $_GET['article_id'];
- if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl',$my_cache_id)) {
- // No cache available, do variable assignments here.
- $contents = get_database_contents();
- $smarty->assign($contents);
- }
- $smarty->display('index.tpl',$my_cache_id);
- ?>
-You can clear all caches for a particular `$cache_id` by passing NULL as
-the first parameter to [`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache).
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- // clear all caches with "sports" as the $cache_id
- $smarty->clearCache(null,'sports');
- $smarty->display('index.tpl','sports');
- ?>
-In this manner, you can "group" your caches together by giving them the
-same `$cache_id`.
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-Setting Up Caching {#caching.setting.up}
-The first thing to do is enable caching by setting
-[`$caching`](#variable.caching) to one of
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // uses the value of $smarty->cacheLifetime() to determine
- // the number of seconds a cache is good for
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-With caching enabled, the function call to `display('index.tpl')` will
-render the template as usual, but also saves a copy of its output to a
-file (a cached copy) in the [`$cache_dir`](#variable.cache.dir). On the
-next call to `display('index.tpl')`, the cached copy will be used
-instead of rendering the template again.
-> **Note**
-> The files in the [`$cache_dir`](#variable.cache.dir) are named similar
-> to the template name. Although they end in the `.php` extension, they
-> are not intended to be directly executable. Do not edit these files!
-Each cached page has a limited lifetime determined by
-[`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime). The default value is 3600
-seconds, or one hour. After that time expires, the cache is regenerated.
-It is possible to give individual caches their own expiration time by
-setting [`$caching`](#variable.caching) to
-[`$cache_lifetime`](#variable.cache.lifetime) for more details.
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- // retain current cache lifetime for each specific display call
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED);
- // set the cache_lifetime for index.tpl to 5 minutes
- $smarty->setCacheLifetime(300);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- // set the cache_lifetime for home.tpl to 1 hour
- $smarty->setCacheLifetime(3600);
- $smarty->display('home.tpl');
- // NOTE: the following $cache_lifetime setting will not work when $caching
- // is set to Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED.
- // The cache lifetime for home.tpl has already been set
- // to 1 hour, and will no longer respect the value of $cache_lifetime.
- // The home.tpl cache will still expire after 1 hour.
- $smarty->setCacheLifetime(30); // 30 seconds
- $smarty->display('home.tpl');
- ?>
-If [`$compile_check`](#variable.compile.check) is enabled (default),
-every template file and config file that is involved with the cache file
-is checked for modification. If any of the files have been modified
-since the cache was generated, the cache is immediately regenerated.
-This is a computational overhead, so for optimum performance set
-[`$compile_check`](#variable.compile.check) to FALSE.
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- $smarty->setCompileCheck(false);
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-If [`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile) is enabled, the cache
-files will always be regenerated. This effectively disables caching,
-however this also seriously degrades performance.
-[`$force_compile`](#variable.force.compile) is meant to be used for
-[debugging](#chapter.debugging.console) purposes. The appropriate way to
-disable caching is to set [`$caching`](#variable.caching) to
-The [`isCached()`](#api.is.cached) function can be used to test if a
-template has a valid cache or not. If you have a cached template that
-requires something like a database fetch, you can use this to skip that
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- if(!$smarty->isCached('index.tpl')) {
- // No cache available, do variable assignments here.
- $contents = get_database_contents();
- $smarty->assign($contents);
- }
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
-You can keep parts of a page dynamic (disable caching) with the
-[`{nocache}{/nocache}`](#language.function.nocache) block function, the
-[`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) function, or by using the
-`nocache` parameter for most template functions.
-Let\'s say the whole page can be cached except for a banner that is
-displayed down the side of the page. By using the
-[`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) function for the banner, you can
-keep this element dynamic within the cached content. See the
-documentation on [`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) for more
-details and examples.
-You can clear all the cache files with the
-[`clearAllCache()`](#api.clear.all.cache) function, or individual cache
-files [and groups](#caching.groups) with the
-[`clearCache()`](#api.clear.cache) function.
- <?php
- require('Smarty.class.php');
- $smarty = new Smarty;
- $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT);
- // clear only cache for index.tpl
- $smarty->clearCache('index.tpl');
- // clear out all cache files
- $smarty->clearAllCache();
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- ?>
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-Charset Encoding {#charset}
-Charset Encoding {#charset.encoding}
-There are a variety of encodings for textual data, ISO-8859-1 (Latin1)
-and UTF-8 being the most popular. Unless specified otherwise with the
-`SMARTY_RESOURCE_CHAR_SET` constant, Smarty recognizes `UTF-8` as the
-internal charset if [Multibyte String](https://www.php.net/mbstring) is
-available, `ISO-8859-1` if not.
-> **Note**
-> `ISO-8859-1` has been PHP\'s default internal charset since the
-> beginning. Unicode has been evolving since 1991. Since then it has
-> become the one charset to conquer them all, as it is capable of
-> encoding most of the known characters even accross different character
-> systems (latin, cyrillic, japanese, ...). `UTF-8` is unicode\'s most
-> used encoding, as it allows referencing the thousands of character
-> with the smallest size overhead possible.
-> Since unicode and UTF-8 are very wide spread nowadays, their use is
-> strongly encouraged.
-> **Note**
-> Smarty\'s internals and core plugins are truly UTF-8 compatible since
-> Smarty 3.1. To achieve unicode compatibility, the [Multibyte
-> String](https://www.php.net/mbstring) PECL is required. Unless your PHP
-> environment offers this package, Smarty will not be able to offer
-> full-scale UTF-8 compatibility.
- // use japanese character encoding
- if (function_exists('mb_internal_charset')) {
- mb_internal_charset('EUC-JP');
- }
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
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-Extending Smarty With Plugins {#plugins}
-## Table of contents
-- [How Plugins Work](./plugins/plugins-howto.md)
-- [Naming Conventions](./plugins/plugins-naming-conventions.md)
-- [Writing Plugins](./plugins/plugins-writing.md)
-- [Template Functions](./plugins/plugins-functions.md)
-- [Modifiers](./plugins/plugins-modifiers.md)
-- [Block Functions](./plugins/plugins-block-functions.md)
-- [Compiler Functions](./plugins/plugins-compiler-functions.md)
-- [Prefilters/Postfilters](./plugins/plugins-prefilters-postfilters.md)
-- [Output Filters](./plugins/plugins-outputfilters.md)
-- [Resources](./plugins/plugins-resources.md)
-- [Inserts](./plugins/plugins-inserts.md)
-Version 2.0 introduced the plugin architecture that is used for almost
-all the customizable functionality of Smarty. This includes:
-- functions
-- modifiers
-- block functions
-- compiler functions
-- prefilters
-- postfilters
-- outputfilters
-- resources
-- inserts
-With the exception of resources, backwards compatibility with the old
-way of registering handler functions via register\_\* API is preserved.
-If you did not use the API but instead modified the class variables
-`$custom_funcs`, `$custom_mods`, and other ones directly, then you will
-need to adjust your scripts to either use the API or convert your custom
-functionality into plugins.
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-Block Functions {#plugins.block.functions}
-Block functions are functions of the form: `{func} .. {/func}`. In other
-words, they enclose a template block and operate on the contents of this
-block. Block functions take precedence over [custom
-functions](#language.custom.functions) of the same name, that is, you
-cannot have both custom function `{func}` and block function
-- By default your function implementation is called twice by Smarty:
- once for the opening tag, and once for the closing tag. (See
- `$repeat` below on how to change this.)
-- Starting with Smarty 3.1 the returned value of the opening tag call
- is displayed as well.
-- Only the opening tag of the block function may have
- [attributes](#language.syntax.attributes). All attributes passed to
- template functions from the template are contained in the `$params`
- variable as an associative array. The opening tag attributes are
- also accessible to your function when processing the closing tag.
-- The value of the `$content` variable depends on whether your
- function is called for the opening or closing tag. In case of the
- opening tag, it will be NULL, and in case of the closing tag it will
- be the contents of the template block. Note that the template block
- will have already been processed by Smarty, so all you will receive
- is the template output, not the template source.
-- The parameter `$repeat` is passed by reference to the function
- implementation and provides a possibility for it to control how many
- times the block is displayed. By default `$repeat` is TRUE at the
- first call of the block-function (the opening tag) and FALSE on all
- subsequent calls to the block function (the block\'s closing tag).
- Each time the function implementation returns with `$repeat` being
- TRUE, the contents between `{func}...{/func}` are evaluated and the
- function implementation is called again with the new block contents
- in the parameter `$content`.
-If you have nested block functions, it\'s possible to find out what the
-parent block function is by accessing `$smarty->_tag_stack` variable.
-Just do a [`var_dump()`](&url.php-manual;var_dump) on it and the
-structure should be apparent.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: block.translate.php
- * Type: block
- * Name: translate
- * Purpose: translate a block of text
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_block_translate($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template $template, &$repeat)
- {
- // only output on the closing tag
- if(!$repeat){
- if (isset($content)) {
- $lang = $params['lang'];
- // do some intelligent translation thing here with $content
- return $translation;
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
-See also: [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
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-Compiler Functions {#plugins.compiler.functions}
-Compiler functions are called only during compilation of the template.
-They are useful for injecting PHP code or time-sensitive static content
-into the template. If there is both a compiler function and a [custom
-function](#language.custom.functions) registered under the same name,
-the compiler function has precedence.
-The compiler function is passed two parameters: the params array which
-contains precompiled strings for the attribute values and the Smarty
-object. It\'s supposed to return the code to be injected into the
-compiled template including the surrounding PHP tags.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: compiler.tplheader.php
- * Type: compiler
- * Name: tplheader
- * Purpose: Output header containing the source file name and
- * the time it was compiled.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_compiler_tplheader($params, Smarty $smarty)
- {
- return "<?php\necho '" . $smarty->_current_file . " compiled at " . date('Y-m-d H:M'). "';\n?>";
- }
- ?>
-This function can be called from the template as:
- {* this function gets executed at compile time only *}
- {tplheader}
-The resulting PHP code in the compiled template would be something like
- <?php
- echo 'index.tpl compiled at 2002-02-20 20:02';
- ?>
-See also [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
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-Template Functions {#plugins.functions}
-All [attributes](#language.syntax.attributes) passed to template
-functions from the template are contained in the `$params` as an
-associative array.
-The output (return value) of the function will be substituted in place
-of the function tag in the template, eg the
-[`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch) function. Alternatively, the
-function can simply perform some other task without any output, eg the
-[`{assign}`](#language.function.assign) function.
-If the function needs to assign some variables to the template or use
-some other Smarty-provided functionality, it can use the supplied
-`$template` object to do so eg `$template->foo()`.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: function.eightball.php
- * Type: function
- * Name: eightball
- * Purpose: outputs a random magic answer
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_function_eightball($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- $answers = array('Yes',
- 'No',
- 'No way',
- 'Outlook not so good',
- 'Ask again soon',
- 'Maybe in your reality');
- $result = array_rand($answers);
- return $answers[$result];
- }
- ?>
-which can be used in the template as:
- Question: Will we ever have time travel?
- Answer: {eightball}.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: function.assign.php
- * Type: function
- * Name: assign
- * Purpose: assign a value to a template variable
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_function_assign($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- if (empty($params['var'])) {
- trigger_error("assign: missing 'var' parameter");
- return;
- }
- if (!in_array('value', array_keys($params))) {
- trigger_error("assign: missing 'value' parameter");
- return;
- }
- $template->assign($params['var'], $params['value']);
- }
- ?>
-See also: [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
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-How Plugins Work {#plugins.howto}
-Plugins are always loaded on demand. Only the specific modifiers,
-functions, resources, etc invoked in the templates scripts will be
-loaded. Moreover, each plugin is loaded only once, even if you have
-several different instances of Smarty running within the same request.
-Pre/postfilters and output filters are a bit of a special case. Since
-they are not mentioned in the templates, they must be registered or
-loaded explicitly via API functions before the template is processed.
-The order in which multiple filters of the same type are executed
-depends on the order in which they are registered or loaded.
-The [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) can be a string
-containing a path or an array containing multiple paths. To install a
-plugin, simply place it in one of the directories and Smarty will use it
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-Inserts {#plugins.inserts}
-Insert plugins are used to implement functions that are invoked by
-[`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) tags in the template.
-The first parameter to the function is an associative array of
-attributes passed to the insert.
-The insert function is supposed to return the result which will be
-substituted in place of the `{insert}` tag in the template.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: insert.time.php
- * Type: time
- * Name: time
- * Purpose: Inserts current date/time according to format
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_insert_time($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- if (empty($params['format'])) {
- trigger_error("insert time: missing 'format' parameter");
- return;
- }
- return strftime($params['format']);
- }
- ?>
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-Modifiers {#plugins.modifiers}
-[Modifiers](#language.modifiers) are little functions that are applied
-to a variable in the template before it is displayed or used in some
-other context. Modifiers can be chained together.
-, \...\]
-The first parameter to the modifier plugin is the value on which the
-modifier is to operate. The rest of the parameters are optional,
-depending on what kind of operation is to be performed.
-The modifier has to [return](&url.php-manual;return) the result of its
-This plugin basically aliases one of the built-in PHP functions. It does
-not have any additional parameters.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: modifier.capitalize.php
- * Type: modifier
- * Name: capitalize
- * Purpose: capitalize words in the string
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_modifier_capitalize($string)
- {
- return ucwords($string);
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: modifier.truncate.php
- * Type: modifier
- * Name: truncate
- * Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary,
- * optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and
- * appending the $etc string.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...',
- $break_words = false)
- {
- if ($length == 0)
- return '';
- if (strlen($string) > $length) {
- $length -= strlen($etc);
- $fragment = substr($string, 0, $length+1);
- if ($break_words)
- $fragment = substr($fragment, 0, -1);
- else
- $fragment = preg_replace('/\s+(\S+)?$/', '', $fragment);
- return $fragment.$etc;
- } else
- return $string;
- }
- ?>
-See also [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-naming-conventions.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-naming-conventions.md
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-Naming Conventions {#plugins.naming.conventions}
-Plugin files and functions must follow a very specific naming convention
-in order to be located by Smarty.
-**plugin files** must be named as follows:
-> `
-> type.name.php
-> `
-- Where `type` is one of these plugin types:
- - function
- - modifier
- - block
- - compiler
- - prefilter
- - postfilter
- - outputfilter
- - resource
- - insert
-- And `name` should be a valid identifier; letters, numbers, and
- underscores only, see [php
- variables](&url.php-manual;language.variables).
-- Some examples: `function.html_select_date.php`, `resource.db.php`,
- `modifier.spacify.php`.
-**plugin functions** inside the PHP files must be named as follows:
-> `smarty_type_name`
-- The meanings of `type` and `name` are the same as above.
-- An example modifier name `foo` would be
- `function smarty_modifier_foo()`.
-Smarty will output appropriate error messages if the plugin file it
-needs is not found, or if the file or the plugin function are named
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-Output Filters {#plugins.outputfilters}
-Output filter plugins operate on a template\'s output, after the
-template is loaded and executed, but before the output is displayed.
-The first parameter to the output filter function is the template output
-that needs to be processed, and the second parameter is the instance of
-Smarty invoking the plugin. The plugin is supposed to do the processing
-and return the results.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: outputfilter.protect_email.php
- * Type: outputfilter
- * Name: protect_email
- * Purpose: Converts @ sign in email addresses to %40 as
- * a simple protection against spambots
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_outputfilter_protect_email($output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return preg_replace('!(\S+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}))!',
- '$1%40$2', $output);
- }
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
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-Prefilters/Postfilters {#plugins.prefilters.postfilters}
-Prefilter and postfilter plugins are very similar in concept; where they
-differ is in the execution \-- more precisely the time of their
-Prefilters are used to process the source of the template immediately
-before compilation. The first parameter to the prefilter function is the
-template source, possibly modified by some other prefilters. The plugin
-is supposed to return the modified source. Note that this source is not
-saved anywhere, it is only used for compilation.
-Postfilters are used to process the compiled output of the template (the
-PHP code) immediately after the compilation is done but before the
-compiled template is saved to the filesystem. The first parameter to the
-postfilter function is the compiled template code, possibly modified by
-other postfilters. The plugin is supposed to return the modified version
-of this code.
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: prefilter.pre01.php
- * Type: prefilter
- * Name: pre01
- * Purpose: Convert html tags to be lowercase.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_prefilter_pre01($source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- return preg_replace('!<(\w+)[^>]+>!e', 'strtolower("$1")', $source);
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- /*
- * Smarty plugin
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- * File: postfilter.post01.php
- * Type: postfilter
- * Name: post01
- * Purpose: Output code that lists all current template vars.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- function smarty_postfilter_post01($compiled, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- $compiled = "<pre>\n<?php print_r(\$template->getTemplateVars()); ?>\n</pre>" . $compiled;
- return $compiled;
- }
- ?>
-See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter) and
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-Resources {#plugins.resources}
-Resource plugins are meant as a generic way of providing template
-sources or PHP script components to Smarty. Some examples of resources:
-databases, LDAP, shared memory, sockets, and so on.
-Custom Resources may be put in a file `resource.foobarxyz.php` within
-your [`$plugins_dir`](#variable.plugins.dir), or registered on runtime
-with [`registerResource()`](#api.register.resource). In either case you
-will be able to access that resource by prepending its name to the
-template you\'re addressing: `foobarxyz:yourtemplate.tpl`.
-If a Resource\'s templates should not be run through the Smarty
-compiler, the Custom Resource may extend `Smarty_Resource_Uncompiled`.
-The Resource Handler must then implement the function
-`renderUncompiled(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template)`. `$_template` is
-a reference to the current template and contains all assigned variables
-which the implementor can access via
-`$_template->smarty->getTemplateVars()`. These Resources simply echo
-their rendered content to the output stream. The rendered output will be
-output-cached if the Smarty instance was configured accordingly. See
-`libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_php.php` for an example.
-If the Resource\'s compiled templates should not be cached on disk, the
-Custom Resource may extend `Smarty_Resource_Recompiled`. These Resources
-are compiled every time they are accessed. This may be an expensive
-overhead. See `libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_eval.php` for an
- <?php
- /**
- * MySQL Resource
- *
- * Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use
- * MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs.
- *
- * Table definition:
- * <pre>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` (
- * `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- * `source` text,
- * PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
- * ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;</pre>
- *
- * Demo data:
- * <pre>INSERT INTO `templates` (`name`, `modified`, `source`) VALUES ('test.tpl', "2010-12-25 22:00:00", '{$x="hello world"}{$x}');</pre>
- *
- * @package Resource-examples
- * @author Rodney Rehm
- */
- class Smarty_Resource_Mysql extends Smarty_Resource_Custom {
- // PDO instance
- protected $db;
- // prepared fetch() statement
- protected $fetch;
- // prepared fetchTimestamp() statement
- protected $mtime;
- public function __construct() {
- try {
- $this->db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "smarty", "smarty");
- } catch (PDOException $e) {
- throw new SmartyException('Mysql Resource failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
- }
- $this->fetch = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified, source FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- $this->mtime = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template and its modification time from database
- *
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $source template source
- * @param integer $mtime template modification timestamp (epoch)
- * @return void
- */
- protected function fetch($name, &$source, &$mtime)
- {
- $this->fetch->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $row = $this->fetch->fetch();
- $this->fetch->closeCursor();
- if ($row) {
- $source = $row['source'];
- $mtime = strtotime($row['modified']);
- } else {
- $source = null;
- $mtime = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template's modification time from database
- *
- * @note implementing this method is optional. Only implement it if modification times can be accessed faster than loading the comple template source.
- * @param string $name template name
- * @return integer timestamp (epoch) the template was modified
- */
- protected function fetchTimestamp($name) {
- $this->mtime->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $mtime = $this->mtime->fetchColumn();
- $this->mtime->closeCursor();
- return strtotime($mtime);
- }
- }
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerResource('mysql', new Smarty_Resource_Mysql());
- // using resource from php script
- $smarty->display("mysql:index.tpl");
- ?>
-And from within Smarty template:
- {include file='mysql:extras/navigation.tpl'}
-See also [`registerResource()`](#api.register.resource),
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-Writing Plugins {#plugins.writing}
-Plugins can be either loaded by Smarty automatically from the filesystem
-or they can be registered at runtime via one of the register\_\* API
-functions. They can also be unregistered by using unregister\_\* API
-For the plugins that are registered at runtime, the name of the plugin
-function(s) does not have to follow the naming convention.
-If a plugin depends on some functionality provided by another plugin (as
-is the case with some plugins bundled with Smarty), then the proper way
-to load the needed plugin is this:
- <?php
- function smarty_function_yourPlugin(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
- {
- // load plugin depended upon
- $template->smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_shared_make_timestamp');
- // plugin code
- }
- ?>
-As a general rule, the currently evaluated template\'s
-Smarty\_Internal\_Template object is always passed to the plugins as the
-last parameter with two exceptions:
-- modifiers do not get passed the Smarty\_Internal\_Template object at
- all
-- blocks get passed `$repeat` after the Smarty\_Internal\_Template
- object to keep backwards compatibility to older versions of Smarty.
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-The templates may come from a variety of sources. When you
-[`display()`](./api-functions/api-display.md) or [`fetch()`](./api-functions/api-fetch.md) a template, or
-when you include a template from within another template, you supply a
-resource type, followed by the appropriate path and template name. If a
-resource is not explicitly given, the value of
-[`$default_resource_type`](./api-variables/variable-default-resource-type.md) (default:
-\"file\") is assumed.
-## Table of contents
-- [File Template Resources](./resources/resources-file.md)
-- [String Template Resources](./resources/resources-string.md)
-- [Stream Template Resources](./resources/resources-streams.md)
-- [Extends Template Resources](./resources/resources-extends.md)
-- [Custom Template Resources](./resources/resources-custom.md)
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-Custom Template Resources {#resources.custom}
-You can retrieve templates using whatever possible source you can access
-with PHP: databases, sockets, files, etc. You do this by writing
-resource plugin functions and registering them with Smarty.
-See [resource plugins](#plugins.resources) section for more information
-on the functions you are supposed to provide.
-> **Note**
-> Note that you cannot override the built-in `file:` resource, but you
-> can provide a resource that fetches templates from the file system in
-> some other way by registering under another resource name.
- <?php
- /**
- * MySQL Resource
- *
- * Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use
- * MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs.
- *
- * Table definition:
- * <pre>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` (
- * `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- * `source` text,
- * PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
- * ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;</pre>
- *
- * Demo data:
- * <pre>INSERT INTO `templates` (`name`, `modified`, `source`) VALUES ('test.tpl', "2010-12-25 22:00:00", '{$x="hello world"}{$x}');</pre>
- *
- * @package Resource-examples
- * @author Rodney Rehm
- */
- class Smarty_Resource_Mysql extends Smarty_Resource_Custom {
- // PDO instance
- protected $db;
- // prepared fetch() statement
- protected $fetch;
- // prepared fetchTimestamp() statement
- protected $mtime;
- public function __construct() {
- try {
- $this->db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "smarty", "smarty");
- } catch (PDOException $e) {
- throw new SmartyException('Mysql Resource failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
- }
- $this->fetch = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified, source FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- $this->mtime = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template and its modification time from database
- *
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $source template source
- * @param integer $mtime template modification timestamp (epoch)
- * @return void
- */
- protected function fetch($name, &$source, &$mtime)
- {
- $this->fetch->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $row = $this->fetch->fetch();
- $this->fetch->closeCursor();
- if ($row) {
- $source = $row['source'];
- $mtime = strtotime($row['modified']);
- } else {
- $source = null;
- $mtime = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template's modification time from database
- *
- * @note implementing this method is optional. Only implement it if modification times can be accessed faster than loading the comple template source.
- * @param string $name template name
- * @return integer timestamp (epoch) the template was modified
- */
- protected function fetchTimestamp($name) {
- $this->mtime->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $mtime = $this->mtime->fetchColumn();
- $this->mtime->closeCursor();
- return strtotime($mtime);
- }
- }
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerResource('mysql', new Smarty_Resource_Mysql());
- // using resource from php script
- $smarty->display("mysql:index.tpl");
- ?>
-And from within Smarty template:
- {include file='mysql:extras/navigation.tpl'}
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-Extends Template Resources {#resources.extends}
-The `extends:` resource is used to define child/parent relationships for
-template inheritance from the PHP script. For details see section of
-[Template Interitance](#advanced.features.template.inheritance).
-As of Smarty 3.1 the `extends:` resource may use any available [template
-resource](#resources), including `string:` and `eval:`. When [templates
-from strings](#resources.string) are used, make sure they are properly
-(url or base64) encoded. Is an `eval:` resource found within an
-inheritance chain, its \"don\'t save a compile file\" property is
-superseeded by the `extends:` resource. The templates within an
-inheritance chain are not compiled separately, though. Only a single
-compiled template will be generated.
-> **Note**
-> Use this when inheritance is required programatically. When inheriting
-> within PHP, it is not obvious from the child template what inheritance
-> took place. If you have a choice, it is normally more flexible and
-> intuitive to handle inheritance chains from within the templates.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('extends:parent.tpl|child.tpl|grandchild.tpl');
- // inheritance from multiple template sources
- $smarty->display('extends:db:parent.tpl|file:child.tpl|grandchild.tpl|eval:{block name="fooBazVar_"}hello world{/block}');
- ?>
-See also [Template Inheritance](#advanced.features.template.inheritance)
-[`{block}`](#language.function.block) and
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-File Template Resources {#resources.file}
-Smarty ships with a built-in template resource for the filesystem. The
-`file:` is the default resource. The resource key `file:` must only be
-specified, if the
-[`$default_resource_type`](#variable.default.resource.type) has been
-If the file resource cannot find the requested template, the
-is invoked.
-> **Note**
-> As of Smarty 3.1 the file resource no longer walks through the
-> [include\_path](&url.php-manual;ini.core.php#ini.include-path) unless
-> [`$use_include_path` is activated](#variable.use.include.path)
-Templates from \$template\_dir {#templates.from.template.dir}
-The file resource pulls templates source files from the directories
-specified in [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir). The list of
-directories is traversed in the order they appear in the array. The
-first template found is the one to process.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('index.tpl');
- $smarty->display('file:index.tpl'); // same as above
- ?>
-From within a Smarty template
- {include file='index.tpl'}
- {include file='file:index.tpl'} {* same as above *}
-Templates from a specific \$template\_dir {#templates.from.specified.template.dir}
-Smarty 3.1 introduced the bracket-syntax for specifying an element from
-[`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir). This allows websites
-employing multiple sets of templates better control over which template
-to acces.
-The bracket-syntax can be used from anywhere you can specify the `file:`
-resource type.
- <?php
- // setup template directories
- $smarty->setTemplateDir(array(
- './templates', // element: 0, index: 0
- './templates_2', // element: 1, index: 1
- '10' => 'templates_10', // element: 2, index: '10'
- 'foo' => 'templates_foo', // element: 3, index: 'foo'
- ));
- /*
- assume the template structure
- ./templates/foo.tpl
- ./templates_2/foo.tpl
- ./templates_2/bar.tpl
- ./templates_10/foo.tpl
- ./templates_10/bar.tpl
- ./templates_foo/foo.tpl
- */
- // regular access
- $smarty->display('file:foo.tpl');
- // will load ./templates/foo.tpl
- // using numeric index
- $smarty->display('file:[1]foo.tpl');
- // will load ./templates_2/foo.tpl
- // using numeric string index
- $smarty->display('file:[10]foo.tpl');
- // will load ./templates_10/foo.tpl
- // using string index
- $smarty->display('file:[foo]foo.tpl');
- // will load ./templates_foo/foo.tpl
- // using "unknown" numeric index (using element number)
- $smarty->display('file:[2]foo.tpl');
- // will load ./templates_10/foo.tpl
- ?>
-From within a Smarty template
- {include file="file:foo.tpl"}
- {* will load ./templates/foo.tpl *}
- {include file="file:[1]foo.tpl"}
- {* will load ./templates_2/foo.tpl *}
- {include file="file:[foo]foo.tpl"}
- {* will load ./templates_foo/foo.tpl *}
-Templates from any directory {#templates.from.any.dir}
-Templates outside of the [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir)
-require the `file:` template resource type, followed by the absolute
-path to the template (with leading slash.)
-> **Note**
-> With [`Security`](#advanced.features.security) enabled, access to
-> templates outside of the [`$template_dir`](#variable.template.dir) is
-> not allowed unless you list those directories in `$secure_dir`.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('file:/export/templates/index.tpl');
- $smarty->display('file:/path/to/my/templates/menu.tpl');
- ?>
-And from within a Smarty template:
- {include file='file:/usr/local/share/templates/navigation.tpl'}
-Windows Filepaths {#templates.windows.filepath}
-If you are using a Windows machine, filepaths usually include a drive
-letter (C:) at the beginning of the pathname. Be sure to use `file:` in
-the path to avoid namespace conflicts and get the desired results.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('file:C:/export/templates/index.tpl');
- $smarty->display('file:F:/path/to/my/templates/menu.tpl');
- ?>
-And from within Smarty template:
- {include file='file:D:/usr/local/share/templates/navigation.tpl'}
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-Stream Template Resources {#resources.streams}
-Streams allow you to use PHP streams as a template resource. The syntax
-is much the same a traditional template resource names.
-Smarty will first look for a registered template resource. If nothing is
-found, it will check if a PHP stream is available. If a stream is
-available, Smarty will use it to fetch the template.
-> **Note**
-> You can further define allowed streams with security enabled.
-Using a PHP stream for a template resource from the display() function.
- $smarty->display('foo:bar.tpl');
-Using a PHP stream for a template resource from within a template.
- {include file="foo:bar.tpl"}
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-String Template Resources {#resources.string}
-Smarty can render templates from a string by using the `string:` or
-`eval:` resource.
-- The `string:` resource behaves much the same as a template file. The
- template source is compiled from a string and stores the compiled
- template code for later reuse. Each unique template string will
- create a new compiled template file. If your template strings are
- accessed frequently, this is a good choice. If you have frequently
- changing template strings (or strings with low reuse value), the
- `eval:` resource may be a better choice, as it doesn\'t save
- compiled templates to disk.
-- The `eval:` resource evaluates the template source every time a page
- is rendered. This is a good choice for strings with low reuse value.
- If the same string is accessed frequently, the `string:` resource
- may be a better choice.
-> **Note**
-> With a `string:` resource type, each unique string generates a
-> compiled file. Smarty cannot detect a string that has changed, and
-> therefore will generate a new compiled file for each unique string. It
-> is important to choose the correct resource so that you do not fill
-> your disk space with wasted compiled strings.
- <?php
- $smarty->assign('foo','value');
- $template_string = 'display {$foo} here';
- $smarty->display('string:'.$template_string); // compiles for later reuse
- $smarty->display('eval:'.$template_string); // compiles every time
- ?>
-From within a Smarty template
- {include file="string:$template_string"} {* compiles for later reuse *}
- {include file="eval:$template_string"} {* compiles every time *}
-Both `string:` and `eval:` resources may be encoded with
-[`urlencode()`](&url.php-manual;urlencode) or
-[`base64_encode()`](&url.php-manual;urlencode). This is not necessary
-for the usual use of `string:` and `eval:`, but is required when using
-either of them in conjunction with
-[`Extends Template Resource`](#resources.extends)
- <?php
- $smarty->assign('foo','value');
- $template_string_urlencode = urlencode('display {$foo} here');
- $template_string_base64 = base64_encode('display {$foo} here');
- $smarty->display('eval:urlencode:'.$template_string_urlencode); // will decode string using urldecode()
- $smarty->display('eval:base64:'.$template_string_base64); // will decode string using base64_decode()
- ?>
-From within a Smarty template
- {include file="string:urlencode:$template_string_urlencode"} {* will decode string using urldecode() *}
- {include file="eval:base64:$template_string_base64"} {* will decode string using base64_decode() *}
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-Resources {#resasdources}
-The templates may come from a variety of sources. When you
-[`display()`](#api.display) or [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) a template, or
-when you include a template from within another template, you supply a
-resource type, followed by the appropriate path and template name. If a
-resource is not explicitly given, the value of
-[`$default_resource_type`](#variable.default.resource.type) is assumed.
-Templates from other sources {#templates.from.elsewhere}
-You can retrieve templates using whatever possible source you can access
-with PHP: databases, sockets, files, etc. You do this by writing
-resource plugin functions and registering them with Smarty.
-See [resource plugins](#plugins.resources) section for more information
-on the functions you are supposed to provide.
-> **Note**
-> Note that you cannot override the built-in `file:` resource, but you
-> can provide a resource that fetches templates from the file system in
-> some other way by registering under another resource name.
- <?php
- /**
- * MySQL Resource
- *
- * Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use
- * MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs.
- *
- * Table definition:
- * <pre>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` (
- * `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- * `source` text,
- * PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
- * ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;</pre>
- *
- * Demo data:
- * <pre>INSERT INTO `templates` (`name`, `modified`, `source`) VALUES ('test.tpl', "2010-12-25 22:00:00", '{$x="hello world"}{$x}');</pre>
- *
- * @package Resource-examples
- * @author Rodney Rehm
- */
- class Smarty_Resource_Mysql extends Smarty_Resource_Custom {
- // PDO instance
- protected $db;
- // prepared fetch() statement
- protected $fetch;
- // prepared fetchTimestamp() statement
- protected $mtime;
- public function __construct() {
- try {
- $this->db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "smarty", "smarty");
- } catch (PDOException $e) {
- throw new SmartyException('Mysql Resource failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
- }
- $this->fetch = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified, source FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- $this->mtime = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template and its modification time from database
- *
- * @param string $name template name
- * @param string $source template source
- * @param integer $mtime template modification timestamp (epoch)
- * @return void
- */
- protected function fetch($name, &$source, &$mtime)
- {
- $this->fetch->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $row = $this->fetch->fetch();
- $this->fetch->closeCursor();
- if ($row) {
- $source = $row['source'];
- $mtime = strtotime($row['modified']);
- } else {
- $source = null;
- $mtime = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a template's modification time from database
- *
- * @note implementing this method is optional. Only implement it if modification times can be accessed faster than loading the comple template source.
- * @param string $name template name
- * @return integer timestamp (epoch) the template was modified
- */
- protected function fetchTimestamp($name) {
- $this->mtime->execute(array('name' => $name));
- $mtime = $this->mtime->fetchColumn();
- $this->mtime->closeCursor();
- return strtotime($mtime);
- }
- }
- require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
- $smarty = new Smarty();
- $smarty->registerResource('mysql', new Smarty_Resource_Mysql());
- // using resource from php script
- $smarty->display("mysql:index.tpl");
- ?>
-And from within Smarty template:
- {include file='mysql:extras/navigation.tpl'}
-Default template handler function {#default.template.handler.function}
-You can specify a function that is used to retrieve template contents in
-the event the template cannot be retrieved from its resource. One use of
-this is to create templates that do not exist on-the-fly.
-See also [`Streams`](#advanced.features.streams)
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/smarty-constants.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/smarty-constants.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 042ea5e38..000000000
--- a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/smarty-constants.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Constants {#smarty.constants}
-SMARTY\_DIR {#constant.smarty.dir}
-This is the **full system path** to the location of the Smarty class
-files. If this is not defined in your script, then Smarty will attempt
-to determine the appropriate value automatically. If defined, the path
-**must end with a trailing slash/**.
- <?php
- // set path to Smarty directory *nix style
- define('SMARTY_DIR', '/usr/local/lib/php/Smarty-v.e.r/libs/');
- // path to Smarty windows style
- define('SMARTY_DIR', 'c:/webroot/libs/Smarty-v.e.r/libs/');
- // include the smarty class, note 'S' is upper case
- require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php');
- ?>
-See also [`$smarty.const`](../designers/language-variables/language-variables-smarty.md) and
-[`$php_handling constants`](./api-variables/variable-php-handling.md)