path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins
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11 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Block Functions {#plugins.block.functions}
+Block functions are functions of the form: `{func} .. {/func}`. In other
+words, they enclose a template block and operate on the contents of this
+block. Block functions take precedence over [custom
+functions](#language.custom.functions) of the same name, that is, you
+cannot have both custom function `{func}` and block function
+- By default your function implementation is called twice by Smarty:
+ once for the opening tag, and once for the closing tag. (See
+ `$repeat` below on how to change this.)
+- Starting with Smarty 3.1 the returned value of the opening tag call
+ is displayed as well.
+- Only the opening tag of the block function may have
+ [attributes](#language.syntax.attributes). All attributes passed to
+ template functions from the template are contained in the `$params`
+ variable as an associative array. The opening tag attributes are
+ also accessible to your function when processing the closing tag.
+- The value of the `$content` variable depends on whether your
+ function is called for the opening or closing tag. In case of the
+ opening tag, it will be NULL, and in case of the closing tag it will
+ be the contents of the template block. Note that the template block
+ will have already been processed by Smarty, so all you will receive
+ is the template output, not the template source.
+- The parameter `$repeat` is passed by reference to the function
+ implementation and provides a possibility for it to control how many
+ times the block is displayed. By default `$repeat` is TRUE at the
+ first call of the block-function (the opening tag) and FALSE on all
+ subsequent calls to the block function (the block\'s closing tag).
+ Each time the function implementation returns with `$repeat` being
+ TRUE, the contents between `{func}...{/func}` are evaluated and the
+ function implementation is called again with the new block contents
+ in the parameter `$content`.
+If you have nested block functions, it\'s possible to find out what the
+parent block function is by accessing `$smarty->_tag_stack` variable.
+Just do a [`var_dump()`](&url.php-manual;var_dump) on it and the
+structure should be apparent.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: block.translate.php
+ * Type: block
+ * Name: translate
+ * Purpose: translate a block of text
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_block_translate($params, $content, Smarty_Internal_Template $template, &$repeat)
+ {
+ // only output on the closing tag
+ if(!$repeat){
+ if (isset($content)) {
+ $lang = $params['lang'];
+ // do some intelligent translation thing here with $content
+ return $translation;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ?>
+See also: [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-compiler-functions.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-compiler-functions.md
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+Compiler Functions {#plugins.compiler.functions}
+Compiler functions are called only during compilation of the template.
+They are useful for injecting PHP code or time-sensitive static content
+into the template. If there is both a compiler function and a [custom
+function](#language.custom.functions) registered under the same name,
+the compiler function has precedence.
+The compiler function is passed two parameters: the params array which
+contains precompiled strings for the attribute values and the Smarty
+object. It\'s supposed to return the code to be injected into the
+compiled template including the surrounding PHP tags.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: compiler.tplheader.php
+ * Type: compiler
+ * Name: tplheader
+ * Purpose: Output header containing the source file name and
+ * the time it was compiled.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_compiler_tplheader($params, Smarty $smarty)
+ {
+ return "<?php\necho '" . $smarty->_current_file . " compiled at " . date('Y-m-d H:M'). "';\n?>";
+ }
+ ?>
+This function can be called from the template as:
+ {* this function gets executed at compile time only *}
+ {tplheader}
+The resulting PHP code in the compiled template would be something like
+ <?php
+ echo 'index.tpl compiled at 2002-02-20 20:02';
+ ?>
+See also [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
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+Template Functions {#plugins.functions}
+All [attributes](#language.syntax.attributes) passed to template
+functions from the template are contained in the `$params` as an
+associative array.
+The output (return value) of the function will be substituted in place
+of the function tag in the template, eg the
+[`{fetch}`](#language.function.fetch) function. Alternatively, the
+function can simply perform some other task without any output, eg the
+[`{assign}`](#language.function.assign) function.
+If the function needs to assign some variables to the template or use
+some other Smarty-provided functionality, it can use the supplied
+`$template` object to do so eg `$template->foo()`.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: function.eightball.php
+ * Type: function
+ * Name: eightball
+ * Purpose: outputs a random magic answer
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_function_eightball($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ $answers = array('Yes',
+ 'No',
+ 'No way',
+ 'Outlook not so good',
+ 'Ask again soon',
+ 'Maybe in your reality');
+ $result = array_rand($answers);
+ return $answers[$result];
+ }
+ ?>
+which can be used in the template as:
+ Question: Will we ever have time travel?
+ Answer: {eightball}.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: function.assign.php
+ * Type: function
+ * Name: assign
+ * Purpose: assign a value to a template variable
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_function_assign($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ if (empty($params['var'])) {
+ trigger_error("assign: missing 'var' parameter");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!in_array('value', array_keys($params))) {
+ trigger_error("assign: missing 'value' parameter");
+ return;
+ }
+ $template->assign($params['var'], $params['value']);
+ }
+ ?>
+See also: [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
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+How Plugins Work {#plugins.howto}
+Plugins are always loaded on demand. Only the specific modifiers,
+functions, resources, etc invoked in the templates scripts will be
+loaded. Moreover, each plugin is loaded only once, even if you have
+several different instances of Smarty running within the same request.
+Pre/postfilters and output filters are a bit of a special case. Since
+they are not mentioned in the templates, they must be registered or
+loaded explicitly via API functions before the template is processed.
+The order in which multiple filters of the same type are executed
+depends on the order in which they are registered or loaded.
+The [plugins directory](#variable.plugins.dir) can be a string
+containing a path or an array containing multiple paths. To install a
+plugin, simply place it in one of the directories and Smarty will use it
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+Inserts {#plugins.inserts}
+Insert plugins are used to implement functions that are invoked by
+[`{insert}`](#language.function.insert) tags in the template.
+The first parameter to the function is an associative array of
+attributes passed to the insert.
+The insert function is supposed to return the result which will be
+substituted in place of the `{insert}` tag in the template.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: insert.time.php
+ * Type: time
+ * Name: time
+ * Purpose: Inserts current date/time according to format
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_insert_time($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ if (empty($params['format'])) {
+ trigger_error("insert time: missing 'format' parameter");
+ return;
+ }
+ return strftime($params['format']);
+ }
+ ?>
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+Modifiers {#plugins.modifiers}
+[Modifiers](#language.modifiers) are little functions that are applied
+to a variable in the template before it is displayed or used in some
+other context. Modifiers can be chained together.
+, \...\]
+The first parameter to the modifier plugin is the value on which the
+modifier is to operate. The rest of the parameters are optional,
+depending on what kind of operation is to be performed.
+The modifier has to [return](&url.php-manual;return) the result of its
+This plugin basically aliases one of the built-in PHP functions. It does
+not have any additional parameters.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: modifier.capitalize.php
+ * Type: modifier
+ * Name: capitalize
+ * Purpose: capitalize words in the string
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_modifier_capitalize($string)
+ {
+ return ucwords($string);
+ }
+ ?>
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: modifier.truncate.php
+ * Type: modifier
+ * Name: truncate
+ * Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary,
+ * optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and
+ * appending the $etc string.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...',
+ $break_words = false)
+ {
+ if ($length == 0)
+ return '';
+ if (strlen($string) > $length) {
+ $length -= strlen($etc);
+ $fragment = substr($string, 0, $length+1);
+ if ($break_words)
+ $fragment = substr($fragment, 0, -1);
+ else
+ $fragment = preg_replace('/\s+(\S+)?$/', '', $fragment);
+ return $fragment.$etc;
+ } else
+ return $string;
+ }
+ ?>
+See also [`registerPlugin()`](#api.register.plugin),
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-naming-conventions.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-naming-conventions.md
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+Naming Conventions {#plugins.naming.conventions}
+Plugin files and functions must follow a very specific naming convention
+in order to be located by Smarty.
+**plugin files** must be named as follows:
+> `
+> type.name.php
+> `
+- Where `type` is one of these plugin types:
+ - function
+ - modifier
+ - block
+ - compiler
+ - prefilter
+ - postfilter
+ - outputfilter
+ - resource
+ - insert
+- And `name` should be a valid identifier; letters, numbers, and
+ underscores only, see [php
+ variables](&url.php-manual;language.variables).
+- Some examples: `function.html_select_date.php`, `resource.db.php`,
+ `modifier.spacify.php`.
+**plugin functions** inside the PHP files must be named as follows:
+> `smarty_type_name`
+- The meanings of `type` and `name` are the same as above.
+- An example modifier name `foo` would be
+ `function smarty_modifier_foo()`.
+Smarty will output appropriate error messages if the plugin file it
+needs is not found, or if the file or the plugin function are named
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+Output Filters {#plugins.outputfilters}
+Output filter plugins operate on a template\'s output, after the
+template is loaded and executed, but before the output is displayed.
+The first parameter to the output filter function is the template output
+that needs to be processed, and the second parameter is the instance of
+Smarty invoking the plugin. The plugin is supposed to do the processing
+and return the results.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: outputfilter.protect_email.php
+ * Type: outputfilter
+ * Name: protect_email
+ * Purpose: Converts @ sign in email addresses to %40 as
+ * a simple protection against spambots
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_outputfilter_protect_email($output, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ return preg_replace('!(\S+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}))!',
+ '$1%40$2', $output);
+ }
+ ?>
+See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter),
diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-prefilters-postfilters.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/plugins/plugins-prefilters-postfilters.md
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+Prefilters/Postfilters {#plugins.prefilters.postfilters}
+Prefilter and postfilter plugins are very similar in concept; where they
+differ is in the execution \-- more precisely the time of their
+Prefilters are used to process the source of the template immediately
+before compilation. The first parameter to the prefilter function is the
+template source, possibly modified by some other prefilters. The plugin
+is supposed to return the modified source. Note that this source is not
+saved anywhere, it is only used for compilation.
+Postfilters are used to process the compiled output of the template (the
+PHP code) immediately after the compilation is done but before the
+compiled template is saved to the filesystem. The first parameter to the
+postfilter function is the compiled template code, possibly modified by
+other postfilters. The plugin is supposed to return the modified version
+of this code.
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: prefilter.pre01.php
+ * Type: prefilter
+ * Name: pre01
+ * Purpose: Convert html tags to be lowercase.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_prefilter_pre01($source, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ return preg_replace('!<(\w+)[^>]+>!e', 'strtolower("$1")', $source);
+ }
+ ?>
+ <?php
+ /*
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: postfilter.post01.php
+ * Type: postfilter
+ * Name: post01
+ * Purpose: Output code that lists all current template vars.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ function smarty_postfilter_post01($compiled, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ $compiled = "<pre>\n<?php print_r(\$template->getTemplateVars()); ?>\n</pre>" . $compiled;
+ return $compiled;
+ }
+ ?>
+See also [`registerFilter()`](#api.register.filter) and
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+Resources {#plugins.resources}
+Resource plugins are meant as a generic way of providing template
+sources or PHP script components to Smarty. Some examples of resources:
+databases, LDAP, shared memory, sockets, and so on.
+Custom Resources may be put in a file `resource.foobarxyz.php` within
+your [`$plugins_dir`](#variable.plugins.dir), or registered on runtime
+with [`registerResource()`](#api.register.resource). In either case you
+will be able to access that resource by prepending its name to the
+template you\'re addressing: `foobarxyz:yourtemplate.tpl`.
+If a Resource\'s templates should not be run through the Smarty
+compiler, the Custom Resource may extend `Smarty_Resource_Uncompiled`.
+The Resource Handler must then implement the function
+`renderUncompiled(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template)`. `$_template` is
+a reference to the current template and contains all assigned variables
+which the implementor can access via
+`$_template->smarty->getTemplateVars()`. These Resources simply echo
+their rendered content to the output stream. The rendered output will be
+output-cached if the Smarty instance was configured accordingly. See
+`libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_php.php` for an example.
+If the Resource\'s compiled templates should not be cached on disk, the
+Custom Resource may extend `Smarty_Resource_Recompiled`. These Resources
+are compiled every time they are accessed. This may be an expensive
+overhead. See `libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_eval.php` for an
+ <?php
+ /**
+ * MySQL Resource
+ *
+ * Resource Implementation based on the Custom API to use
+ * MySQL as the storage resource for Smarty's templates and configs.
+ *
+ * Table definition:
+ * <pre>CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` (
+ * `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ * `source` text,
+ * PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
+ * ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;</pre>
+ *
+ * Demo data:
+ * <pre>INSERT INTO `templates` (`name`, `modified`, `source`) VALUES ('test.tpl', "2010-12-25 22:00:00", '{$x="hello world"}{$x}');</pre>
+ *
+ * @package Resource-examples
+ * @author Rodney Rehm
+ */
+ class Smarty_Resource_Mysql extends Smarty_Resource_Custom {
+ // PDO instance
+ protected $db;
+ // prepared fetch() statement
+ protected $fetch;
+ // prepared fetchTimestamp() statement
+ protected $mtime;
+ public function __construct() {
+ try {
+ $this->db = new PDO("mysql:dbname=test;host=", "smarty", "smarty");
+ } catch (PDOException $e) {
+ throw new SmartyException('Mysql Resource failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ $this->fetch = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified, source FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
+ $this->mtime = $this->db->prepare('SELECT modified FROM templates WHERE name = :name');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a template and its modification time from database
+ *
+ * @param string $name template name
+ * @param string $source template source
+ * @param integer $mtime template modification timestamp (epoch)
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function fetch($name, &$source, &$mtime)
+ {
+ $this->fetch->execute(array('name' => $name));
+ $row = $this->fetch->fetch();
+ $this->fetch->closeCursor();
+ if ($row) {
+ $source = $row['source'];
+ $mtime = strtotime($row['modified']);
+ } else {
+ $source = null;
+ $mtime = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a template's modification time from database
+ *
+ * @note implementing this method is optional. Only implement it if modification times can be accessed faster than loading the comple template source.
+ * @param string $name template name
+ * @return integer timestamp (epoch) the template was modified
+ */
+ protected function fetchTimestamp($name) {
+ $this->mtime->execute(array('name' => $name));
+ $mtime = $this->mtime->fetchColumn();
+ $this->mtime->closeCursor();
+ return strtotime($mtime);
+ }
+ }
+ require_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
+ $smarty = new Smarty();
+ $smarty->registerResource('mysql', new Smarty_Resource_Mysql());
+ // using resource from php script
+ $smarty->display("mysql:index.tpl");
+ ?>
+And from within Smarty template:
+ {include file='mysql:extras/navigation.tpl'}
+See also [`registerResource()`](#api.register.resource),
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+Writing Plugins {#plugins.writing}
+Plugins can be either loaded by Smarty automatically from the filesystem
+or they can be registered at runtime via one of the register\_\* API
+functions. They can also be unregistered by using unregister\_\* API
+For the plugins that are registered at runtime, the name of the plugin
+function(s) does not have to follow the naming convention.
+If a plugin depends on some functionality provided by another plugin (as
+is the case with some plugins bundled with Smarty), then the proper way
+to load the needed plugin is this:
+ <?php
+ function smarty_function_yourPlugin(array $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
+ {
+ // load plugin depended upon
+ $template->smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_shared_make_timestamp');
+ // plugin code
+ }
+ ?>
+As a general rule, the currently evaluated template\'s
+Smarty\_Internal\_Template object is always passed to the plugins as the
+last parameter with two exceptions:
+- modifiers do not get passed the Smarty\_Internal\_Template object at
+ all
+- blocks get passed `$repeat` after the Smarty\_Internal\_Template
+ object to keep backwards compatibility to older versions of Smarty.