path: root/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-template-inheritance.md
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diff --git a/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-template-inheritance.md b/vendor/smarty/smarty/docs/programmers/advanced-features/advanced-features-template-inheritance.md
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-Template Inheritance {#advanced.features.template.inheritance}
-Inheritance brings the concept of Object Oriented Programming to
-templates, allowing you to define one (or more) base templates that can
-be extended by child templates. Extending means that the child template
-can override all or some of the parent named block areas.
-- The inheritance tree can be as deep as you want, meaning you can
- extend a file that extends another one that extends another one and
- so on.
-- The child templates can not define any content besides what\'s
- inside [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags they override.
- Anything outside of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags will
- be removed.
-- The content of [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tags from child
- and parent templates can be merged by the `append` or `prepend`
- [`{block}`](#language.function.block) tag option flags and
- `{$smarty.block.parent}` or `{$smarty.block.child}` placeholders.
-- Template inheritance is a compile time process which creates a
- single compiled template file. Compared to corresponding solutions
- based on subtemplates included with the
- [`{include}`](#language.function.include) tag it does have much
- better performance when rendering.
-- The child template extends its parent defined with the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tag, which must be the
- first line in the child template. Instead of using the
- [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the template files
- you can define the whole template inheritance tree in the PHP script
- when you are calling [`fetch()`](#api.fetch) or
- [`display()`](#api.display) with the `extends:` template resource
- type. The later provides even more flexibillity.
-> **Note**
-> When `$compile_check` is enabled, all files in the inheritance tree
-> are checked for modifications upon each invocation. You may want to
-> disable `$compile_check` on production servers for this reason.
-> **Note**
-> If you have a subtemplate which is included with
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) and it contains
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) areas it works only if the
-> [`{include}`](#language.function.include) itself is called from within
-> a surrounding [`{block}`](#language.function.block). In the final
-> parent template you may need a dummy
-> [`{block}`](#language.function.block) for it.
-layout.tpl (parent)
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>{block name=title}Default Page Title{/block}</title>
- {block name=head}{/block}
- </head>
- <body>
- {block name=body}{/block}
- </body>
- </html>
-myproject.tpl (child)
- {extends file='layout.tpl'}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
-mypage.tpl (grandchild)
- {extends file='myproject.tpl'}
- {block name=title}My Page Title{/block}
- {block name=head}
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- {/block}
- {block name=body}My HTML Page Body goes here{/block}
-To render the above use
- $smarty->display('mypage.tpl');
-The resulting output is
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>My Page Title</title>
- <link href="/css/mypage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
- <script src="/js/mypage.js"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- My HTML Page Body goes here
- </body>
- </html>
-Instead of using [`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) tags in the
-template files you can define the inheritance tree in your PHP script by
-using the [`extends:` resource](#resources.extends) type.
-The code below will return same result as the example above.
- <?php
- $smarty->display('extends:layout.tpl|myproject.tpl|mypage.tpl');
- ?>
-See also [`{block}`](#language.function.block),
-[`{extends}`](#language.function.extends) and [`extends:`