path: root/mod/photos.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/photos.php')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/mod/photos.php b/mod/photos.php
index 8099c71e6..23733e121 100644
--- a/mod/photos.php
+++ b/mod/photos.php
@@ -335,208 +335,77 @@ function photos_post(&$a) {
$str_tags = '';
$inform = '';
- // if the new tag doesn't have a namespace specifier (@foo or #foo) give it a hashtag
+ // if the new tag doesn't have a namespace specifier (@foo or #foo) give it a mention
$x = substr($rawtags,0,1);
if($x !== '@' && $x !== '#')
- $rawtags = '#' . $rawtags;
+ $rawtags = '@' . $rawtags;
$taginfo = array();
$tags = get_tags($rawtags);
if(count($tags)) {
foreach($tags as $tag) {
- if(isset($profile))
- unset($profile);
- if(strpos($tag,'@') === 0) {
- $name = substr($tag,1);
- if((strpos($name,'@')) || (strpos($name,'http://'))) {
- $newname = $name;
- $links = @lrdd($name);
- if(count($links)) {
- foreach($links as $link) {
- if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page')
- $profile = $link['@attributes']['href'];
- if($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') {
- $salmon = '$url:' . str_replace(',','%sc',$link['@attributes']['href']);
- if(strlen($inform))
- $inform .= ',';
- $inform .= $salmon;
- }
- }
- }
- $taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$salmon);
+ // If we already tagged 'Robert Johnson', don't try and tag 'Robert'.
+ // Robert Johnson should be first in the $tags array
+ $fullnametagged = false;
+ for($x = 0; $x < count($tagged); $x ++) {
+ if(stristr($tagged[$x],$tag . ' ')) {
+ $fullnametagged = true;
+ break;
- else {
- $newname = $name;
- $alias = '';
- $tagcid = 0;
- if(strrpos($newname,'+'))
- $tagcid = intval(substr($newname,strrpos($newname,'+') + 1));
- if($tagcid) {
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($tagcid),
- intval($profile_uid)
- );
- }
- else {
- $newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name);
- //select someone from this user's contacts by name
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($newname),
- intval($page_owner_uid)
- );
- if(! $r) {
- //select someone by attag or nick and the name passed in
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($name),
- dbesc($name),
- intval($page_owner_uid)
- );
- }
- }
-/* elseif(strstr($name,'_') || strstr($name,' ')) {
- $newname = str_replace('_',' ',$name);
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($newname),
- intval($page_owner_uid)
- );
- }
- else {
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($name),
- dbesc($name),
- intval($page_owner_uid)
- );
- }*/
- if(count($r)) {
- $newname = $r[0]['name'];
- $profile = $r[0]['url'];
- $notify = 'cid:' . $r[0]['id'];
- if(strlen($inform))
- $inform .= ',';
- $inform .= $notify;
- }
+ }
+ if($fullnametagged)
+ continue;
+ require_once('mod/item.php');
+ $body = $access_tag = '';
+ $success = handle_tag($a, $body, $access_tag, $str_tags, (local_user()) ? local_user() : $a->profile['profile_uid'] , $tag);
+ logger('handle_tag: ' . print_r($success,tue), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if($access_tag) {
+ logger('access_tag: ' . $tag . ' ' . print_r($access_tag,true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if(strpos($access_tag,'cid:') === 0) {
+ $str_contact_allow .= '<' . substr($access_tag,4) . '>';
+ $access_tag = '';
- if($profile) {
- if(substr($notify,0,4) === 'cid:')
- $taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$notify,$r[0],'@[zrl=' . str_replace(',','%2c',$profile) . ']' . $newname . '[/zrl]');
- else
- $taginfo[] = array($newname,$profile,$notify,null,$str_tags .= '@[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]');
- if(strlen($str_tags))
- $str_tags .= ',';
- $profile = str_replace(',','%2c',$profile);
- $str_tags .= '@[zrl=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/zrl]';
+ elseif(strpos($access_tag,'gid:') === 0) {
+ $str_group_allow .= '<' . substr($access_tag,4) . '>';
+ $access_tag = '';
+ if($success['replaced']) {
+ $tagged[] = $tag;
+ $post_tags[] = array(
+ 'uid' => $a->profile['profile_uid'],
+ 'type' => $success['termtype'],
+ 'otype' => TERM_OBJ_POST,
+ 'term' => $success['term'],
+ 'url' => $success['url']
+ );
+ }
- $newtag = $old_tag;
- if(strlen($newtag) && strlen($str_tags))
- $newtag .= ',';
- $newtag .= $str_tags;
- $newinform = $old_inform;
- if(strlen($newinform) && strlen($inform))
- $newinform .= ',';
- $newinform .= $inform;
-//FIXME - inform is gone
-// $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `tag` = '%s', `inform` = '%s', `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
-// dbesc($newtag),
-// dbesc($newinform),
-// dbesc(datetime_convert()),
-// dbesc(datetime_convert()),
-// intval($item_id),
-// intval($page_owner_uid)
-// );
- $best = 0;
- foreach($p as $scales) {
- if(intval($scales['scale']) == 2) {
- $best = 2;
- break;
- }
- if(intval($scales['scale']) == 4) {
- $best = 4;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(count($taginfo)) {
- foreach($taginfo as $tagged) {
- $mid = item_message_id();
- $arr = array();
- $arr['uid'] = $page_owner_uid;
- $arr['mid'] = $mid;
- $arr['parent_mid'] = $mid;
- $arr['type'] = 'activity';
- $arr['wall'] = 1;
- $arr['contact-id'] = $owner_record['id'];
- $arr['owner-name'] = $owner_record['name'];
- $arr['owner-link'] = $owner_record['url'];
- $arr['owner-avatar'] = $owner_record['thumb'];
- $arr['author-name'] = $owner_record['name'];
- $arr['author-link'] = $owner_record['url'];
- $arr['author-avatar'] = $owner_record['thumb'];
- $arr['title'] = '';
- $arr['allow_cid'] = $p[0]['allow_cid'];
- $arr['allow_gid'] = $p[0]['allow_gid'];
- $arr['deny_cid'] = $p[0]['deny_cid'];
- $arr['deny_gid'] = $p[0]['deny_gid'];
- $arr['visible'] = 1;
- $arr['verb'] = ACTIVITY_TAG;
- $arr['obj_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON;
- $arr['tgt_type'] = ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO;
- $arr['tag'] = $tagged[4];
- $arr['inform'] = $tagged[2];
- $arr['origin'] = 1;
- $arr['body'] = sprintf( t('%1$s was tagged in %2$s by %3$s'), '[zrl=' . $tagged[1] . ']' . $tagged[0] . '[/zrl]', '[zrl=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $owner_record['nickname'] . '/image/' . $p[0]['resource-id'] . ']' . t('a photo') . '[/zrl]', '[zrl=' . $owner_record['url'] . ']' . $owner_record['name'] . '[/zrl]') ;
- $arr['body'] .= "\n\n" . '[zrl=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $owner_record['nickname'] . '/image/' . $p[0]['resource_id'] . ']' . '[zmg]' . $a->get_baseurl() . "/photo/" . $p[0]['resource_id'] . '-' . $best . '.' . $ext . '[/zmg][/zrl]' . "\n" ;
- $arr['object'] = '<object><type>' . ACTIVITY_OBJ_PERSON . '</type><title>' . $tagged[0] . '</title><id>' . $tagged[1] . '/' . $tagged[0] . '</id>';
- $arr['object'] .= '<link>' . xmlify('<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="' . $tagged[1] . '" />' . "\n");
- if($tagged[3])
- $arr['object'] .= xmlify('<link rel="photo" type="'.$p[0]['type'].'" href="' . $tagged[3]['photo'] . '" />' . "\n");
- $arr['object'] .= '</link></object>' . "\n";
- $arr['target'] = '<target><type>' . ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO . '</type><title>' . $p[0]['description'] . '</title><id>'
- . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $owner_record['nickname'] . '/image/' . $p[0]['resource_id'] . '</id>';
- $arr['target'] .= '<link>' . xmlify('<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/photos/' . $owner_record['nickname'] . '/image/' . $p[0]['resource_id'] . '" />' . "\n" . '<link rel="preview" type="'.$p[0]['type'].'" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . "/photo/" . $p[0]['resource_id'] . '-' . $best . '.' . $ext . '" />') . '</link></target>';
- if ((! $arr['plink']) && ($arr['item_flags'] & ITEM_THREAD_TOP)) {
- $arr['plink'] = z_root() . '/channel/' . $owner_record['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . $arr['mid'];
- }
- $post = item_store($arr);
- $item_id = $post['item_id'];
- if($item_id) {
- q("UPDATE `item` SET `plink` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1",
- dbesc($a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $owner_record['nickname'] . '/' . $item_id),
- intval($page_owner_uid),
- intval($item_id)
- );
- proc_run('php',"include/notifier.php","tag","$item_id");
- }
- }
+ $r = q("select * from item where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1",
+ intval($item_id),
+ intval($page_owner_uid)
+ );
+ if($r) {
+ $datarray = $r[0];
+ $datarray['term'] = $post_tags;
+ item_store_update($datarray,$execflag);
goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_SESSION['photo_return']);
return; // NOTREACHED