path: root/library/sodium-plus/test/sodiumplus-test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/sodium-plus/test/sodiumplus-test.js')
1 files changed, 732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/sodium-plus/test/sodiumplus-test.js b/library/sodium-plus/test/sodiumplus-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0009b252c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/sodium-plus/test/sodiumplus-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+const assert = require('assert');
+const expectError = require('./async-helper');
+const fsp = require('fs').promises;
+const path = require('path');
+const { describe, it } = require('mocha');
+const { expect } = require('chai');
+const { CryptographyKey, SodiumPlus, X25519PublicKey, X25519SecretKey } = require('../index');
+const Util = require('../lib/util');
+const VERBOSE = false;
+let sodium;
+(async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ if (VERBOSE) {
+ console.log({
+ 'libsodium-wrappers': sodium.isLibsodiumWrappers(),
+ 'sodium-native': sodium.isSodiumNative()
+ });
+ }
+describe('SodiumPlus', () => {
+ it('ensureLoaded', async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ await sodium.ensureLoaded();
+ expect('string').to.be.equal(typeof sodium.getBackendName());
+ expect('boolean').to.be.equal(typeof sodium.isSodiumNative());
+ expect('boolean').to.be.equal(typeof sodium.isLibsodiumWrappers());
+ });
+ it('index.js', async () => {
+ const indexFile = require('../index');
+ expect(typeof indexFile.getBackendObject()).to.be.equal('function');
+ expect(typeof indexFile.getBackendObject('SodiumNative')).to.be.equal('function');
+ expect(typeof indexFile.getBackendObject('LibsodiumWrappers')).to.be.equal('function');
+ expect(() => {
+ indexFile.getBackendObject('Sodium')
+ }).to.throw('Unrecognized backend type: Sodium');
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.CONSTANTS', async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let dummy = Util.populateConstants({});
+ for (let val in dummy) {
+ expect(sodium.backend[val]).to.be.equals(dummy[val]);
+ expect(sodium[val]).to.be.equals(dummy[val]);
+ }
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_*', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let plaintext = Buffer.from(
+ '4c616469657320616e642047656e746c656d656e206f662074686520636c6173' +
+ '73206f66202739393a204966204920636f756c64206f6666657220796f75206f' +
+ '6e6c79206f6e652074697020666f7220746865206675747572652c2073756e73' +
+ '637265656e20776f756c642062652069742e',
+ 'hex'
+ );
+ let assocData = Buffer.from('50515253c0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7', 'hex');
+ let nonce = Buffer.from('404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f5051525354555657', 'hex');
+ let key = CryptographyKey.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f', 'hex');
+ let ciphertext = await sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(plaintext, nonce, key, assocData);
+ let expected = 'bd6d179d3e83d43b9576579493c0e939572a1700252bfaccbed2902c21396cbb' +
+ '731c7f1b0b4aa6440bf3a82f4eda7e39ae64c6708c54c216cb96b72e1213b452' +
+ '2f8c9ba40db5d945b11b69b982c1bb9e3f3fac2bc369488f76b2383565d3fff9' +
+ '21f9664c97637da9768812f615c68b13b52e' +
+ 'c0875924c1c7987947deafd8780acf49';
+ expect(ciphertext.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(expected);
+ let decrypted = await sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(ciphertext, nonce, key, assocData);
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(plaintext.toString('hex'));
+ let randomKey = await sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen();
+ assert(randomKey instanceof CryptographyKey);
+ let ciphertext2 = await sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(plaintext, nonce, randomKey);
+ decrypted = await sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(ciphertext2, nonce, randomKey);
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(plaintext.toString('hex'));
+ expect(ciphertext.toString('hex')).to.not.equals(ciphertext2.toString('hex'));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(plaintext, nonce.slice(1), randomKey),
+ 'Argument 2 must be 24 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(plaintext, nonce, Buffer.alloc(32)),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(plaintext, nonce.slice(1), randomKey),
+ 'Argument 2 must be 24 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(plaintext, nonce, Buffer.alloc(32)),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_auth', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let key = await sodium.crypto_auth_keygen();
+ let message = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let mac = await sodium.crypto_auth(message, key);
+ assert(await sodium.crypto_auth_verify(message, key, mac) === true);
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_auth(message, Buffer.alloc(32)),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_auth_verify(message, Buffer.alloc(32), mac),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_box', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let plaintext = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let aliceKeypair = await sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
+ let aliceSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(aliceKeypair);
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ let bobKeypair = await sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
+ let bobSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(bobKeypair);
+ let bobPublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(bobKeypair);
+ let nonce = await sodium.randombytes_buf(24);
+ let ciphertext = await sodium.crypto_box(plaintext, nonce, aliceSecret, bobPublic);
+ let decrypted = await sodium.crypto_box_open(ciphertext, nonce, bobSecret, alicePublic);
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(Buffer.from(plaintext).toString('hex'));
+ let derived = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey(aliceSecret);
+ expect(alicePublic.getBuffer().toString('hex'))
+ .to.be.equal(derived.getBuffer().toString('hex'));
+ /* Unhappy path: */
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box(plaintext, nonce, alicePublic, bobPublic),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box(plaintext, nonce, bobSecret, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 4 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box(plaintext, nonce.slice(1), bobSecret, alicePublic),
+ 'Nonce must be a buffer of exactly 24 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_open(ciphertext, nonce, alicePublic, bobPublic),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_open(ciphertext, nonce, bobSecret, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 4 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_open(ciphertext.slice(0, 14), nonce, bobSecret, alicePublic),
+ 'Ciphertext must be a buffer of at least 16 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_open(ciphertext, nonce.slice(1), bobSecret, alicePublic),
+ 'Nonce must be a buffer of exactly 24 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(alicePublic, alicePublic),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(aliceSecret, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(derived),
+ 'Keypair must be 64 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_publickey(derived),
+ 'Keypair must be 64 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey(derived),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_box_seal', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let plaintext = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let aliceKeypair = await sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
+ let aliceSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(aliceKeypair);
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ assert(aliceSecret instanceof X25519SecretKey);
+ assert(alicePublic instanceof X25519PublicKey);
+ let ciphertext = await sodium.crypto_box_seal(plaintext, alicePublic);
+ let decrypted = await sodium.crypto_box_seal_open(ciphertext, alicePublic, aliceSecret);
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(Buffer.from(plaintext).toString('hex'));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_seal(plaintext, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_seal_open(plaintext, aliceSecret, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_box_seal_open(plaintext, alicePublic, alicePublic),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_generichash', async() => {
+ let message = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let piece1 = message.slice(0, 16);
+ let piece2 = message.slice(16);
+ let hash1 = await sodium.crypto_generichash(message);
+ expect(hash1.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('47c1fdbde32b30b9c54dd47cf88ba92d2d05df1265e342c9563ed56aee84ab02');
+ let state = await sodium.crypto_generichash_init();
+ await sodium.crypto_generichash_update(state, piece1);
+ await sodium.crypto_generichash_update(state, piece2);
+ let hash2 = await sodium.crypto_generichash_final(state);
+ expect(hash1.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(hash2.toString('hex'));
+ let key = await sodium.crypto_generichash_keygen();
+ hash1 = await sodium.crypto_generichash(message, key);
+ state = await sodium.crypto_generichash_init(key);
+ await sodium.crypto_generichash_update(state, piece1);
+ await sodium.crypto_generichash_update(state, piece2);
+ hash2 = await sodium.crypto_generichash_final(state);
+ expect(hash1.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(hash2.toString('hex'));
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_kdf', async function() {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let subkey, expected;
+ let key = CryptographyKey.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f', 'hex');
+ let context = 'NaClTest';
+ subkey = await sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(32, 1, context, key);
+ expected = 'bce6fcf118cac2691bb23975a63dfac02282c1cd5de6ab9febcbb0ec4348181b';
+ expect(subkey.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(expected);
+ subkey = await sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(32, 2, context, key);
+ expected = '877cf1c1a2da9b900c79464acebc3731ed4ebe326a7951911639821d09dc6dda';
+ expect(subkey.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(expected);
+ let key2 = await sodium.crypto_kdf_keygen();
+ let subkey2 = await sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(32, 1, context, key2);
+ expect(subkey2.toString('hex')).to.not.equals(key2.toString('hex'));
+ expect(subkey2.toString('hex')).to.not.equals(subkey.toString('hex'));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(-32, 1, context, key2),
+ 'Length must be a positive integer.'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(32, -1, context, key2),
+ 'Key ID must be an unsigned integer'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_kx', async function() {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let clientKeys = await sodium.crypto_kx_keypair();
+ let clientSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(clientKeys);
+ let clientPublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(clientKeys);
+ let seed = 'Unit test static key seed goes here. Nothing too complicated. No randomness needed, really.';
+ let serverKeys = await sodium.crypto_kx_seed_keypair(seed);
+ let serverSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(serverKeys);
+ let serverPublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(serverKeys);
+ let clientRx, clientTx, serverRx, serverTx;
+ [clientRx, clientTx] = await sodium.crypto_kx_client_session_keys(clientPublic, clientSecret, serverPublic);
+ [serverRx, serverTx] = await sodium.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(serverPublic, serverSecret, clientPublic);
+ expect(clientRx.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(serverTx.toString('hex'));
+ expect(clientTx.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(serverRx.toString('hex'));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_client_session_keys(clientSecret, clientSecret, serverPublic),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_client_session_keys(clientPublic, clientPublic, serverPublic),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_client_session_keys(clientPublic, clientSecret, serverSecret),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(serverSecret, serverSecret, clientPublic),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(serverPublic, serverPublic, clientPublic),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_kx_server_session_keys(serverPublic, serverSecret, clientSecret),
+ 'Argument 3 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_onetimeauth', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let key = await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth_keygen();
+ let plaintext = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let tag = await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth(plaintext, key);
+ assert(await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth_verify(plaintext, key, tag));
+ assert((await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth_verify(plaintext + ' extra', key, tag)) === false);
+ let msg = Buffer.alloc(32, 0);
+ key = CryptographyKey.from('746869732069732033322d62797465206b657920666f7220506f6c7931333035', 'hex');
+ tag = await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth(msg, key);
+ expect(tag.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('49ec78090e481ec6c26b33b91ccc0307');
+ assert(await sodium.crypto_onetimeauth_verify(msg, key, tag));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_onetimeauth(msg, Buffer.alloc(32)),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_onetimeauth_verify(msg, Buffer.alloc(32), tag),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_scalarmult', async() => {
+ let aliceKeypair = await sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
+ let aliceSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(aliceKeypair);
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ assert(aliceSecret instanceof X25519SecretKey);
+ assert(alicePublic instanceof X25519PublicKey);
+ // crypto_scalarmult_base test:
+ let testPublic = await sodium.crypto_scalarmult_base(aliceSecret);
+ expect(testPublic.getBuffer().toString('hex')).to.be.equals(alicePublic.getBuffer().toString('hex'));
+ // crypto_scalarmult test:
+ let bobKeypair = await sodium.crypto_box_keypair();
+ let bobSecret = await sodium.crypto_box_secretkey(bobKeypair);
+ let bobPublic = await sodium.crypto_box_publickey(bobKeypair);
+ expect(alicePublic.getBuffer().toString('hex')).to.be.equals(alicePublic.getBuffer().toString('hex'));
+ let ab = await sodium.crypto_scalarmult(aliceSecret, bobPublic);
+ expect(ab.toString('hex')).to.not.equals('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
+ let ba = await sodium.crypto_scalarmult(bobSecret, alicePublic);
+ expect(ba.toString('hex')).to.not.equals('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000');
+ expect(ab.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(ba.toString('hex'));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_scalarmult(alicePublic, bobPublic),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_scalarmult(aliceSecret, bobSecret),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of X25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_scalarmult_base(alicePublic),
+ 'Argument 1 must be an instance of X25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_secretbox', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let plaintext = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let key = await sodium.crypto_secretbox_keygen();
+ let nonce = await sodium.randombytes_buf(24);
+ let ciphertext = await sodium.crypto_secretbox(plaintext, nonce, key);
+ let decrypted = await sodium.crypto_secretbox_open(ciphertext, nonce, key);
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(Buffer.from(plaintext).toString('hex'));
+ // Unhappy path:
+ let ed25519key = await sodium.crypto_sign_secretkey(await sodium.crypto_sign_keypair());
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretbox(ciphertext.slice(0, 14), nonce, ed25519key),
+ 'Argument 3 must not be an asymmetric key'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretbox(ciphertext, nonce.slice(1), key),
+ 'Nonce must be a buffer of exactly 24 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretbox_open(ciphertext.slice(0, 14), nonce, ed25519key),
+ 'Argument 3 must not be an asymmetric key'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretbox_open(ciphertext.slice(0, 14), nonce, key),
+ 'Ciphertext must be a buffer of at least 16 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretbox_open(ciphertext, nonce.slice(1), key),
+ 'Nonce must be a buffer of exactly 24 bytes'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let key = await sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen();
+ let encryptor, decryptor;
+ encryptor = await sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(key);
+ decryptor = await sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(key, encryptor.header);
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(Buffer.alloc(31)),
+ 'Key must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(Buffer.alloc(31), encryptor.header),
+ 'Key must be an instance of CryptographyKey'
+ );
+ let invalidKey = new CryptographyKey(Buffer.alloc(31));
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(invalidKey),
+ 'crypto_secretstream keys must be 32 bytes long'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(invalidKey, encryptor.header),
+ 'crypto_secretstream keys must be 32 bytes long'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(key, encryptor.header.slice(1)),
+ 'crypto_secretstream headers must be 24 bytes long'
+ );
+ // Get a test input from the text file.
+ let longText = await fsp.readFile(path.join(__dirname, 'longtext.md'));
+ let chunk, readUntil;
+ let ciphertext = Buffer.concat([encryptor.header]);
+ // How big are our chunks going to be?
+ let PUSH_CHUNK_SIZE = await sodium.randombytes_uniform(longText.length - 32) + 32;
+ // Encrypt
+ for (let i = 0; i < longText.length; i += PUSH_CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ readUntil = (i + PUSH_CHUNK_SIZE) > longText.length ? longText.length : i + PUSH_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ chunk = await encryptor.push(
+ longText.slice(i, readUntil)
+ );
+ ciphertext = Buffer.concat([ciphertext, chunk]);
+ }
+ expect(ciphertext.slice(0, 24).toString('hex')).to.be
+ .equals(encryptor.header.toString('hex'));
+ // Decrypt, starting at 24 (after the header, which we already have)
+ let decrypted = Buffer.alloc(0);
+ for (let i = 24; i < ciphertext.length; i += PULL_CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ readUntil = (i + PULL_CHUNK_SIZE) > ciphertext.length ? ciphertext.length : i + PULL_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ chunk = await decryptor.pull(
+ ciphertext.slice(i, readUntil)
+ );
+ decrypted = Buffer.concat([decrypted, chunk]);
+ }
+ expect(decrypted.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(longText.toString('hex'));
+ await encryptor.rekey();
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_shorthash', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let key = CryptographyKey.from('808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f', 'hex');
+ let message;
+ let hash;
+ message = 'This is short input0';
+ hash = await sodium.crypto_shorthash(message, key);
+ expect(hash.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('ef589fb9ef4196b3');
+ message = 'This is short input1';
+ hash = await sodium.crypto_shorthash(message, key);
+ expect(hash.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('5e8f01039bc53eb7');
+ let random = await sodium.crypto_shorthash_keygen();
+ expect(sodium.CRYPTO_SHORTHASH_KEYBYTES).to.be.equal(random.getLength());
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_sign_seed_keypair', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let aliceKeypair = await sodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(
+ await sodium.crypto_generichash('sodium-plus')
+ );
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_sign_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ expect(alicePublic.getBuffer().toString('hex')).to.be.equals(
+ '292288efba3a33275d216f2e4d9014d330f3b2852d6b767de15e43839096d6e8'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(Buffer.alloc(31)),
+ 'Seed must be 32 bytes long; got 31'
+ );
+ // Should not throw:
+ await sodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(
+ new CryptographyKey(await sodium.crypto_generichash('sodium-plus'))
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_sign_{secret,public}key', async() => {
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_secretkey(new CryptographyKey(Buffer.alloc(16))),
+ 'Keypair must be 96 bytes'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_publickey(new CryptographyKey(Buffer.alloc(16))),
+ 'Keypair must be 96 bytes'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_sign', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let aliceKeypair = await sodium.crypto_sign_keypair();
+ let aliceSecret = await sodium.crypto_sign_secretkey(aliceKeypair);
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_sign_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ let plaintext = 'Science, math, technology, engineering, and compassion for others.';
+ let signed = await sodium.crypto_sign(plaintext, aliceSecret);
+ let opened = await sodium.crypto_sign_open(signed, alicePublic);
+ expect(signed.slice(64).toString('hex')).to.be.equals(opened.toString('hex'));
+ expect(opened.toString()).to.be.equals(plaintext);
+ let signature = await sodium.crypto_sign_detached(plaintext, aliceSecret);
+ let valid = await sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(plaintext, alicePublic, signature);
+ expect(valid).to.be.equals(true);
+ let invalid = await sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(plaintext + ' extra', alicePublic, signature);
+ expect(invalid).to.be.equals(false);
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign(plaintext, alicePublic),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of Ed25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_open(signed, aliceSecret),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of Ed25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_detached(plaintext, alicePublic),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of Ed25519SecretKey'
+ );
+ await expectError(
+ sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(plaintext, aliceSecret, signature),
+ 'Argument 2 must be an instance of Ed25519PublicKey'
+ );
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_sign_ed25519_to_curve25519', async function () {
+ this.timeout(0);
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let aliceKeypair = CryptographyKey.from(
+ '411a2c2227d2a799ebae0ed94417d8e8ed1ca9b0a9d5f4cd743cc52d961e94e2' +
+ 'da49154c9e700b754199df7974e9fa4ee4b6ebbc71f89d8d8938335ea4a1409d' +
+ 'da49154c9e700b754199df7974e9fa4ee4b6ebbc71f89d8d8938335ea4a1409d', 'hex');
+ let aliceSecret = await sodium.crypto_sign_secretkey(aliceKeypair);
+ let alicePublic = await sodium.crypto_sign_publickey(aliceKeypair);
+ let ecdhSecret = await sodium.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(aliceSecret);
+ expect(ecdhSecret.toString('hex')).to.be
+ .equals('60c783b8d1674b7081b72a105b55872502825d4ec638028152e085b54705ad7e');
+ let ecdhPublic = await sodium.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(alicePublic);
+ expect(ecdhPublic.toString('hex')).to.be
+ .equals('5a791d07cfb39060c8e9b641b6a915a3126cd14ddc243a9928c490c8e1f59e7c');
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.crypto_stream', async function () {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let key = CryptographyKey.from('8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex');
+ let iv = Buffer.alloc(24, 0);
+ let output = await sodium.crypto_stream(256, iv, key);
+ let testVector = '93D88C085B8433B1FBAD2221FAD718078D96119F727D27F0547F9F3D29DE1358' +
+ 'F3FE3D9EEACF59E894FA76E6507F567B4A0796DD00D8BFC736344A9906CB1F5D';
+ expect(output.slice(0, 64).toString('hex').toUpperCase()).to.be.equals(testVector);
+ testVector = '17FD2BD86D095016D8367E0DD47D3E4A18DAE7BB24F8B5E3E9F52C4A493BE982' +
+ 'ECA8E89A4DEC78467E31087A1ACDA83754BEFB273AB27EB396EB4957F7166C25';
+ expect(output.slice(192, 256).toString('hex').toUpperCase()).to.be.equals(testVector);
+ key = CryptographyKey.from('8080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080', 'hex');
+ output = await sodium.crypto_stream_xor('Test message', iv, key);
+ expect(output.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('1071d0355cb22c4c4e00303f');
+ key = await sodium.crypto_stream_keygen();
+ iv = await sodium.randombytes_buf(24);
+ let plaintext = 'This is a secret message';
+ let ciphertext = await sodium.crypto_stream_xor(plaintext, iv, key);
+ let decrypted = await sodium.crypto_stream_xor(ciphertext, iv, key);
+ expect(decrypted.toString()).to.be.equals(plaintext);
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.randombytes_buf', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let a, b;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ a = await sodium.randombytes_buf(64);
+ b = await sodium.randombytes_buf(64);
+ expect(a.toString('hex')).to.not.equals(b.toString('hex'));
+ }
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.randombytes_uniform', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let a, b;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ a = await sodium.randombytes_uniform(0x3fffffff);
+ b = await sodium.randombytes_uniform(0x3fffffff);
+ expect(a).to.not.equals(b);
+ }
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_bin2hex', async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let buf = await sodium.randombytes_buf(32);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_bin2hex(buf)).to.be.equals(buf.toString('hex'));
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_add', async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let foo = Buffer.from('ed000000', 'hex');
+ let bar = Buffer.from('01000000', 'hex');
+ let baz = await sodium.sodium_add(foo, bar);
+ expect(baz.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('ee000000');
+ bar = Buffer.from('ff000000', 'hex');
+ baz = await sodium.sodium_add(baz, bar);
+ expect(baz.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('ed010000');
+ foo = Buffer.from('ffffffff', 'hex');
+ bar = Buffer.from('01000000', 'hex');
+ baz = await sodium.sodium_add(foo, bar);
+ expect(baz.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('00000000');
+ bar = Buffer.from('02000000', 'hex');
+ baz = await sodium.sodium_add(foo, bar);
+ expect(baz.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('01000000');
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_compare', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let a = Buffer.from('80808080', 'hex');
+ let b = Buffer.from('81808080', 'hex');
+ let c = Buffer.from('80808081', 'hex');
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(a, a)).to.be.equals(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(b, b)).to.be.equals(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(c, c)).to.be.equals(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(a, b)).to.be.below(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(b, a)).to.be.above(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(a, c)).to.be.below(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(c, a)).to.be.above(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(b, c)).to.be.below(0);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(c, b)).to.be.above(0);
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_hex2bin', async () => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let buf = await sodium.randombytes_buf(32);
+ let hex = buf.toString('hex');
+ let bin = await sodium.sodium_hex2bin(hex);
+ expect(Buffer.isBuffer(bin)).to.be.equals(true);
+ expect(bin.toString('base64')).to.be.equals(buf.toString('base64'));
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_increment', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let a = Buffer.from('80808080', 'hex');
+ let b = Buffer.from('81808080', 'hex');
+ await sodium.sodium_increment(a);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(b, a)).to.be.equals(0);
+ a = Buffer.from('ffffffff', 'hex');
+ b = Buffer.from('00000000', 'hex');
+ await sodium.sodium_increment(a);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_compare(b, a)).to.be.equals(0);
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_is_zero', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let buf;
+ buf = Buffer.from('00', 'hex');
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_is_zero(buf, 1)).to.be.equals(true);
+ buf = Buffer.from('01', 'hex');
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_is_zero(buf, 1)).to.be.equals(false);
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_memcmp', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let a, b, c;
+ a = await sodium.randombytes_buf(32);
+ b = await sodium.randombytes_buf(32);
+ c = await Util.cloneBuffer(b);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_memcmp(a, b)).to.be.equals(false);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_memcmp(a, c)).to.be.equals(false);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_memcmp(b, c)).to.be.equals(true);
+ expect(await sodium.sodium_memcmp(c, b)).to.be.equals(true);
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_memzero', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let buf = await sodium.randombytes_buf(16);
+ expect(buf.toString('hex')).to.not.equals('00000000000000000000000000000000');
+ await sodium.sodium_memzero(buf);
+ expect(buf.toString('hex')).to.be.equals('00000000000000000000000000000000');
+ });
+ it('SodiumPlus.sodium_pad', async() => {
+ if (!sodium) sodium = await SodiumPlus.auto();
+ let buf, size, padded, unpadded;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ buf = await sodium.randombytes_buf(
+ await sodium.randombytes_uniform(96) + 16
+ );
+ size = await sodium.randombytes_uniform(96) + 5;
+ padded = await sodium.sodium_pad(buf, size);
+ unpadded = await sodium.sodium_unpad(padded, size);
+ expect(unpadded.toString('hex')).to.be.equals(buf.toString('hex'));
+ }
+ });