path: root/library/fullcalendar/packages/multimonth/index.global.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/fullcalendar/packages/multimonth/index.global.js')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/fullcalendar/packages/multimonth/index.global.js b/library/fullcalendar/packages/multimonth/index.global.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bbafadad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/fullcalendar/packages/multimonth/index.global.js
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+FullCalendar Multi-Month Plugin v6.1.8
+Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io/docs/multimonth-grid
+(c) 2023 Adam Shaw
+FullCalendar.MultiMonth = (function (exports, core, internal$1, internal, preact) {
+ 'use strict';
+ class SingleMonth extends internal.DateComponent {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments);
+ this.buildDayTableModel = internal.memoize(internal$1.buildDayTableModel);
+ this.slicer = new internal$1.DayTableSlicer();
+ this.state = {
+ labelId: internal.getUniqueDomId(),
+ };
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { props, state, context } = this;
+ const { dateProfile, forPrint } = props;
+ const { options } = context;
+ const dayTableModel = this.buildDayTableModel(dateProfile, context.dateProfileGenerator);
+ const slicedProps = this.slicer.sliceProps(props, dateProfile, options.nextDayThreshold, context, dayTableModel);
+ // ensure single-month has aspect ratio
+ const tableHeight = props.tableWidth != null ? props.tableWidth / options.aspectRatio : null;
+ const rowCnt = dayTableModel.cells.length;
+ const rowHeight = tableHeight != null ? tableHeight / rowCnt : null;
+ return (preact.createElement("div", { ref: props.elRef, "data-date": props.isoDateStr, className: "fc-multimonth-month", style: { width: props.width }, role: "grid", "aria-labelledby": state.labelId },
+ preact.createElement("div", { className: "fc-multimonth-header", style: { marginBottom: rowHeight }, role: "presentation" },
+ preact.createElement("div", { className: "fc-multimonth-title", id: state.labelId }, context.dateEnv.format(props.dateProfile.currentRange.start, props.titleFormat)),
+ preact.createElement("table", { className: [
+ 'fc-multimonth-header-table',
+ context.theme.getClass('table'),
+ ].join(' '), role: "presentation" },
+ preact.createElement("thead", { role: "rowgroup" },
+ preact.createElement(internal.DayHeader, { dateProfile: props.dateProfile, dates: dayTableModel.headerDates, datesRepDistinctDays: false })))),
+ preact.createElement("div", { className: [
+ 'fc-multimonth-daygrid',
+ 'fc-daygrid',
+ 'fc-daygrid-body',
+ !forPrint && 'fc-daygrid-body-balanced',
+ forPrint && 'fc-daygrid-body-unbalanced',
+ forPrint && 'fc-daygrid-body-natural',
+ ].join(' '), style: { marginTop: -rowHeight } },
+ preact.createElement("table", { className: [
+ 'fc-multimonth-daygrid-table',
+ context.theme.getClass('table'),
+ ].join(' '), style: { height: forPrint ? '' : tableHeight }, role: "presentation" },
+ preact.createElement("tbody", { role: "rowgroup" },
+ preact.createElement(internal$1.TableRows, Object.assign({}, slicedProps, { dateProfile: dateProfile, cells: dayTableModel.cells, eventSelection: props.eventSelection, dayMaxEvents: !forPrint, dayMaxEventRows: !forPrint, showWeekNumbers: options.weekNumbers, clientWidth: props.clientWidth, clientHeight: props.clientHeight, forPrint: forPrint })))))));
+ }
+ }
+ class MultiMonthView extends internal.DateComponent {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments);
+ this.splitDateProfileByMonth = internal.memoize(splitDateProfileByMonth);
+ this.buildMonthFormat = internal.memoize(buildMonthFormat);
+ this.scrollElRef = preact.createRef();
+ this.firstMonthElRef = preact.createRef();
+ this.needsScrollReset = false;
+ this.handleSizing = (isForced) => {
+ if (isForced) {
+ this.updateSize();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { context, props, state } = this;
+ const { options } = context;
+ const { clientWidth, clientHeight } = state;
+ const monthHPadding = state.monthHPadding || 0;
+ const colCount = Math.min(clientWidth != null ?
+ Math.floor(clientWidth / (options.multiMonthMinWidth + monthHPadding)) :
+ 1, options.multiMonthMaxColumns) || 1;
+ const monthWidthPct = (100 / colCount) + '%';
+ const monthTableWidth = clientWidth == null ? null :
+ (clientWidth / colCount) - monthHPadding;
+ const isLegitSingleCol = clientWidth != null && colCount === 1;
+ const monthDateProfiles = this.splitDateProfileByMonth(context.dateProfileGenerator, props.dateProfile, context.dateEnv, isLegitSingleCol ? false : options.fixedWeekCount, options.showNonCurrentDates);
+ const monthTitleFormat = this.buildMonthFormat(options.multiMonthTitleFormat, monthDateProfiles);
+ const rootClassNames = [
+ 'fc-multimonth',
+ isLegitSingleCol ?
+ 'fc-multimonth-singlecol' :
+ 'fc-multimonth-multicol',
+ (monthTableWidth != null && monthTableWidth < 400) ?
+ 'fc-multimonth-compact' :
+ '',
+ ];
+ return (preact.createElement(internal.ViewContainer, { elRef: this.scrollElRef, elClasses: rootClassNames, viewSpec: context.viewSpec }, monthDateProfiles.map((monthDateProfile, i) => {
+ const monthStr = internal.formatIsoMonthStr(monthDateProfile.currentRange.start);
+ return (preact.createElement(SingleMonth, Object.assign({}, props, { key: monthStr, isoDateStr: monthStr, elRef: i === 0 ? this.firstMonthElRef : undefined, titleFormat: monthTitleFormat, dateProfile: monthDateProfile, width: monthWidthPct, tableWidth: monthTableWidth, clientWidth: clientWidth, clientHeight: clientHeight })));
+ })));
+ }
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this.updateSize();
+ this.context.addResizeHandler(this.handleSizing);
+ this.requestScrollReset();
+ }
+ componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
+ if (!internal.isPropsEqual(prevProps, this.props)) { // an external change?
+ this.handleSizing(false);
+ }
+ if (prevProps.dateProfile !== this.props.dateProfile) {
+ this.requestScrollReset();
+ }
+ else {
+ this.flushScrollReset();
+ }
+ }
+ componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.context.removeResizeHandler(this.handleSizing);
+ }
+ updateSize() {
+ const scrollEl = this.scrollElRef.current;
+ const firstMonthEl = this.firstMonthElRef.current;
+ if (scrollEl) {
+ this.setState({
+ clientWidth: scrollEl.clientWidth,
+ clientHeight: scrollEl.clientHeight,
+ });
+ }
+ if (firstMonthEl && scrollEl) {
+ if (this.state.monthHPadding == null) { // always remember initial non-zero value
+ this.setState({
+ monthHPadding: scrollEl.clientWidth - // go within padding
+ firstMonthEl.firstChild.offsetWidth,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ requestScrollReset() {
+ this.needsScrollReset = true;
+ this.flushScrollReset();
+ }
+ flushScrollReset() {
+ if (this.needsScrollReset &&
+ this.state.monthHPadding != null // indicates sizing already happened
+ ) {
+ const { currentDate } = this.props.dateProfile;
+ const scrollEl = this.scrollElRef.current;
+ const monthEl = scrollEl.querySelector(`[data-date="${internal.formatIsoMonthStr(currentDate)}"]`);
+ scrollEl.scrollTop = monthEl.getBoundingClientRect().top -
+ this.firstMonthElRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top;
+ this.needsScrollReset = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // workaround for when queued setState render (w/ clientWidth) gets cancelled because
+ // subsequent update and shouldComponentUpdate says not to render :(
+ shouldComponentUpdate() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // date profile
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const oneMonthDuration = internal.createDuration(1, 'month');
+ function splitDateProfileByMonth(dateProfileGenerator, dateProfile, dateEnv, fixedWeekCount, showNonCurrentDates) {
+ const { start, end } = dateProfile.currentRange;
+ let monthStart = start;
+ const monthDateProfiles = [];
+ while (monthStart.valueOf() < end.valueOf()) {
+ const monthEnd = dateEnv.add(monthStart, oneMonthDuration);
+ const currentRange = {
+ // yuck
+ start: dateProfileGenerator.skipHiddenDays(monthStart),
+ end: dateProfileGenerator.skipHiddenDays(monthEnd, -1, true),
+ };
+ let renderRange = internal$1.buildDayTableRenderRange({
+ currentRange,
+ snapToWeek: true,
+ fixedWeekCount,
+ dateEnv,
+ });
+ renderRange = {
+ // yuck
+ start: dateProfileGenerator.skipHiddenDays(renderRange.start),
+ end: dateProfileGenerator.skipHiddenDays(renderRange.end, -1, true),
+ };
+ const activeRange = dateProfile.activeRange ?
+ internal.intersectRanges(dateProfile.activeRange, showNonCurrentDates ? renderRange : currentRange) :
+ null;
+ monthDateProfiles.push({
+ currentDate: dateProfile.currentDate,
+ isValid: dateProfile.isValid,
+ validRange: dateProfile.validRange,
+ renderRange,
+ activeRange,
+ currentRange,
+ currentRangeUnit: 'month',
+ isRangeAllDay: true,
+ dateIncrement: dateProfile.dateIncrement,
+ slotMinTime: dateProfile.slotMaxTime,
+ slotMaxTime: dateProfile.slotMinTime,
+ });
+ monthStart = monthEnd;
+ }
+ return monthDateProfiles;
+ }
+ // date formatting
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const YEAR_MONTH_FORMATTER = internal.createFormatter({ year: 'numeric', month: 'long' });
+ const YEAR_FORMATTER = internal.createFormatter({ month: 'long' });
+ function buildMonthFormat(formatOverride, monthDateProfiles) {
+ return formatOverride ||
+ ((monthDateProfiles[0].currentRange.start.getUTCFullYear() !==
+ monthDateProfiles[monthDateProfiles.length - 1].currentRange.start.getUTCFullYear())
+ }
+ multiMonthTitleFormat: internal.createFormatter,
+ multiMonthMaxColumns: Number,
+ multiMonthMinWidth: Number,
+ };
+ var css_248z = ".fc .fc-multimonth{border:1px solid var(--fc-border-color);display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto}.fc .fc-multimonth-title{font-size:1.2em;font-weight:700;padding:1em 0;text-align:center}.fc .fc-multimonth-daygrid{background:var(--fc-page-bg-color)}.fc .fc-multimonth-daygrid-table,.fc .fc-multimonth-header-table{table-layout:fixed;width:100%}.fc .fc-multimonth-daygrid-table{border-top-style:hidden!important}.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth{position:relative}.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-header{background:var(--fc-page-bg-color);position:relative;top:0;z-index:2}.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-daygrid{position:relative;z-index:1}.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-daygrid-table,.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-header-table{border-left-style:hidden;border-right-style:hidden}.fc .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-month:last-child .fc-multimonth-daygrid-table{border-bottom-style:hidden}.fc .fc-multimonth-multicol{line-height:1}.fc .fc-multimonth-multicol .fc-multimonth-month{padding:0 1.2em 1.2em}.fc .fc-multimonth-multicol .fc-daygrid-more-link{border:1px solid var(--fc-event-border-color);display:block;float:none;padding:1px}.fc .fc-multimonth-compact{line-height:1}.fc .fc-multimonth-compact .fc-multimonth-daygrid-table,.fc .fc-multimonth-compact .fc-multimonth-header-table{font-size:.9em}.fc-media-screen .fc-multimonth-singlecol .fc-multimonth-header{position:sticky}.fc-media-print .fc-multimonth{overflow:visible}";
+ internal.injectStyles(css_248z);
+ var plugin = core.createPlugin({
+ name: '@fullcalendar/multimonth',
+ initialView: 'multiMonthYear',
+ optionRefiners: OPTION_REFINERS,
+ views: {
+ multiMonth: {
+ component: MultiMonthView,
+ dateProfileGeneratorClass: internal$1.TableDateProfileGenerator,
+ multiMonthMinWidth: 350,
+ multiMonthMaxColumns: 3,
+ },
+ multiMonthYear: {
+ type: 'multiMonth',
+ duration: { years: 1 },
+ fixedWeekCount: true,
+ showNonCurrentDates: false,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ core.globalPlugins.push(plugin);
+ exports["default"] = plugin;
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
+ return exports;
+})({}, FullCalendar, FullCalendar.DayGrid.Internal, FullCalendar.Internal, FullCalendar.Preact);