path: root/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag')
3 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/MultiDrag.js b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/MultiDrag.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4162037ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/MultiDrag.js
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+import {
+ toggleClass,
+ getRect,
+ index,
+ closest,
+ on,
+ off,
+ clone,
+ css,
+ setRect,
+ unsetRect,
+ matrix,
+ expando
+} from '../../src/utils.js';
+import dispatchEvent from '../../src/EventDispatcher.js';
+let multiDragElements = [],
+ multiDragClones = [],
+ lastMultiDragSelect, // for selection with modifier key down (SHIFT)
+ multiDragSortable,
+ initialFolding = false, // Initial multi-drag fold when drag started
+ folding = false, // Folding any other time
+ dragStarted = false,
+ dragEl,
+ clonesFromRect,
+ clonesHidden;
+function MultiDragPlugin() {
+ function MultiDrag(sortable) {
+ // Bind all private methods
+ for (let fn in this) {
+ if (fn.charAt(0) === '_' && typeof this[fn] === 'function') {
+ this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this);
+ }
+ }
+ if (sortable.options.supportPointer) {
+ on(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ } else {
+ on(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ on(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ }
+ on(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
+ on(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
+ this.defaults = {
+ selectedClass: 'sortable-selected',
+ multiDragKey: null,
+ setData(dataTransfer, dragEl) {
+ let data = '';
+ if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach((multiDragElement, i) => {
+ data += (!i ? '' : ', ') + multiDragElement.textContent;
+ });
+ } else {
+ data = dragEl.textContent;
+ }
+ dataTransfer.setData('Text', data);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ MultiDrag.prototype = {
+ multiDragKeyDown: false,
+ isMultiDrag: false,
+ delayStartGlobal({ dragEl: dragged }) {
+ dragEl = dragged;
+ },
+ delayEnded() {
+ this.isMultiDrag = ~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl);
+ },
+ setupClone({ sortable, cancel }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ for (let i = 0; i < multiDragElements.length; i++) {
+ multiDragClones.push(clone(multiDragElements[i]));
+ multiDragClones[i].sortableIndex = multiDragElements[i].sortableIndex;
+ multiDragClones[i].draggable = false;
+ multiDragClones[i].style['will-change'] = '';
+ toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements[i] === dragEl && toggleClass(multiDragClones[i], this.options.chosenClass, false);
+ }
+ sortable._hideClone();
+ cancel();
+ },
+ clone({ sortable, rootEl, dispatchSortableEvent, cancel }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ if (!this.options.removeCloneOnHide) {
+ if (multiDragElements.length && multiDragSortable === sortable) {
+ insertMultiDragClones(true, rootEl);
+ dispatchSortableEvent('clone');
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ showClone({ cloneNowShown, rootEl, cancel }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ insertMultiDragClones(false, rootEl);
+ multiDragClones.forEach(clone => {
+ css(clone, 'display', '');
+ });
+ cloneNowShown();
+ clonesHidden = false;
+ cancel();
+ },
+ hideClone({ sortable, cloneNowHidden, cancel }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ multiDragClones.forEach(clone => {
+ css(clone, 'display', 'none');
+ if (this.options.removeCloneOnHide && clone.parentNode) {
+ clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone);
+ }
+ });
+ cloneNowHidden();
+ clonesHidden = true;
+ cancel();
+ },
+ dragStartGlobal({ sortable }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag && multiDragSortable) {
+ multiDragSortable.multiDrag._deselectMultiDrag();
+ }
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ multiDragElement.sortableIndex = index(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ // Sort multi-drag elements
+ multiDragElements = multiDragElements.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.sortableIndex - b.sortableIndex;
+ });
+ dragStarted = true;
+ },
+ dragStarted({ sortable }) {
+ if (!this.isMultiDrag) return;
+ if (this.options.sort) {
+ // Capture rects,
+ // hide multi drag elements (by positioning them absolute),
+ // set multi drag elements rects to dragRect,
+ // show multi drag elements,
+ // animate to rects,
+ // unset rects & remove from DOM
+ sortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (this.options.animation) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl) return;
+ css(multiDragElement, 'position', 'absolute');
+ });
+ let dragRect = getRect(dragEl, false, true, true);
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl) return;
+ setRect(multiDragElement, dragRect);
+ });
+ folding = true;
+ initialFolding = true;
+ }
+ }
+ sortable.animateAll(() => {
+ folding = false;
+ initialFolding = false;
+ if (this.options.animation) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ }
+ // Remove all auxiliary multidrag items from el, if sorting enabled
+ if (this.options.sort) {
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ dragOver({ target, completed, cancel }) {
+ if (folding && ~multiDragElements.indexOf(target)) {
+ completed(false);
+ cancel();
+ }
+ },
+ revert({ fromSortable, rootEl, sortable, dragRect }) {
+ if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ // Setup unfold animation
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ sortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: multiDragElement,
+ rect: folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect
+ });
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ multiDragElement.fromRect = dragRect;
+ fromSortable.removeAnimationState(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ folding = false;
+ insertMultiDragElements(!this.options.removeCloneOnHide, rootEl);
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverCompleted({ sortable, isOwner, insertion, activeSortable, parentEl, putSortable }) {
+ let options = this.options;
+ if (insertion) {
+ // Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
+ if (isOwner) {
+ activeSortable._hideClone();
+ }
+ initialFolding = false;
+ // If leaving sort:false root, or already folding - Fold to new location
+ if (options.animation && multiDragElements.length > 1 && (folding || !isOwner && !activeSortable.options.sort && !putSortable)) {
+ // Fold: Set all multi drag elements's rects to dragEl's rect when multi-drag elements are invisible
+ let dragRectAbsolute = getRect(dragEl, false, true, true);
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl) return;
+ setRect(multiDragElement, dragRectAbsolute);
+ // Move element(s) to end of parentEl so that it does not interfere with multi-drag clones insertion if they are inserted
+ // while folding, and so that we can capture them again because old sortable will no longer be fromSortable
+ parentEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ folding = true;
+ }
+ // Clones must be shown (and check to remove multi drags) after folding when interfering multiDragElements are moved out
+ if (!isOwner) {
+ // Only remove if not folding (folding will remove them anyways)
+ if (!folding) {
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ if (multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ let clonesHiddenBefore = clonesHidden;
+ activeSortable._showClone(sortable);
+ // Unfold animation for clones if showing from hidden
+ if (activeSortable.options.animation && !clonesHidden && clonesHiddenBefore) {
+ multiDragClones.forEach(clone => {
+ activeSortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: clone,
+ rect: clonesFromRect
+ });
+ clone.fromRect = clonesFromRect;
+ clone.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ activeSortable._showClone(sortable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverAnimationCapture({ dragRect, isOwner, activeSortable }) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ });
+ if (activeSortable.options.animation && !isOwner && activeSortable.multiDrag.isMultiDrag) {
+ clonesFromRect = Object.assign({}, dragRect);
+ let dragMatrix = matrix(dragEl, true);
+ clonesFromRect.top -= dragMatrix.f;
+ clonesFromRect.left -= dragMatrix.e;
+ }
+ },
+ dragOverAnimationComplete() {
+ if (folding) {
+ folding = false;
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ }
+ },
+ drop({ originalEvent: evt, rootEl, parentEl, sortable, dispatchSortableEvent, oldIndex, putSortable }) {
+ let toSortable = (putSortable || this.sortable);
+ if (!evt) return;
+ let options = this.options,
+ children = parentEl.children;
+ // Multi-drag selection
+ if (!dragStarted) {
+ if (options.multiDragKey && !this.multiDragKeyDown) {
+ this._deselectMultiDrag();
+ }
+ toggleClass(dragEl, options.selectedClass, !~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl));
+ if (!~multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl)) {
+ multiDragElements.push(dragEl);
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable,
+ rootEl,
+ name: 'select',
+ targetEl: dragEl,
+ originalEvt: evt
+ });
+ // Modifier activated, select from last to dragEl
+ if (evt.shiftKey && lastMultiDragSelect && sortable.el.contains(lastMultiDragSelect)) {
+ let lastIndex = index(lastMultiDragSelect),
+ currentIndex = index(dragEl);
+ if (~lastIndex && ~currentIndex && lastIndex !== currentIndex) {
+ // Must include lastMultiDragSelect (select it), in case modified selection from no selection
+ // (but previous selection existed)
+ let n, i;
+ if (currentIndex > lastIndex) {
+ i = lastIndex;
+ n = currentIndex;
+ } else {
+ i = currentIndex;
+ n = lastIndex + 1;
+ }
+ for (; i < n; i++) {
+ if (~multiDragElements.indexOf(children[i])) continue;
+ toggleClass(children[i], options.selectedClass, true);
+ multiDragElements.push(children[i]);
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable,
+ rootEl,
+ name: 'select',
+ targetEl: children[i],
+ originalEvt: evt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ lastMultiDragSelect = dragEl;
+ }
+ multiDragSortable = toSortable;
+ } else {
+ multiDragElements.splice(multiDragElements.indexOf(dragEl), 1);
+ lastMultiDragSelect = null;
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable,
+ rootEl,
+ name: 'deselect',
+ targetEl: dragEl,
+ originalEvt: evt
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Multi-drag drop
+ if (dragStarted && this.isMultiDrag) {
+ folding = false;
+ // Do not "unfold" after around dragEl if reverted
+ if ((parentEl[expando].options.sort || parentEl !== rootEl) && multiDragElements.length > 1) {
+ let dragRect = getRect(dragEl),
+ multiDragIndex = index(dragEl, ':not(.' + this.options.selectedClass + ')');
+ if (!initialFolding && options.animation) dragEl.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ toSortable.captureAnimationState();
+ if (!initialFolding) {
+ if (options.animation) {
+ dragEl.fromRect = dragRect;
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ multiDragElement.thisAnimationDuration = null;
+ if (multiDragElement !== dragEl) {
+ let rect = folding ? getRect(multiDragElement) : dragRect;
+ multiDragElement.fromRect = rect;
+ // Prepare unfold animation
+ toSortable.addAnimationState({
+ target: multiDragElement,
+ rect: rect
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Multi drag elements are not necessarily removed from the DOM on drop, so to reinsert
+ // properly they must all be removed
+ removeMultiDragElements();
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (children[multiDragIndex]) {
+ parentEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, children[multiDragIndex]);
+ } else {
+ parentEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ multiDragIndex++;
+ });
+ // If initial folding is done, the elements may have changed position because they are now
+ // unfolding around dragEl, even though dragEl may not have his index changed, so update event
+ // must be fired here as Sortable will not.
+ if (oldIndex === index(dragEl)) {
+ let update = false;
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (multiDragElement.sortableIndex !== index(multiDragElement)) {
+ update = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ if (update) {
+ dispatchSortableEvent('update');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Must be done after capturing individual rects (scroll bar)
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ unsetRect(multiDragElement);
+ });
+ toSortable.animateAll();
+ }
+ multiDragSortable = toSortable;
+ }
+ // Remove clones if necessary
+ if (rootEl === parentEl || (putSortable && putSortable.lastPutMode !== 'clone')) {
+ multiDragClones.forEach(clone => {
+ clone.parentNode && clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone);
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ nullingGlobal() {
+ this.isMultiDrag =
+ dragStarted = false;
+ multiDragClones.length = 0;
+ },
+ destroyGlobal() {
+ this._deselectMultiDrag();
+ off(document, 'pointerup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'mouseup', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'touchend', this._deselectMultiDrag);
+ off(document, 'keydown', this._checkKeyDown);
+ off(document, 'keyup', this._checkKeyUp);
+ },
+ _deselectMultiDrag(evt) {
+ if (typeof dragStarted !== "undefined" && dragStarted) return;
+ // Only deselect if selection is in this sortable
+ if (multiDragSortable !== this.sortable) return;
+ // Only deselect if target is not item in this sortable
+ if (evt && closest(evt.target, this.options.draggable, this.sortable.el, false)) return;
+ // Only deselect if left click
+ if (evt && evt.button !== 0) return;
+ while (multiDragElements.length) {
+ let el = multiDragElements[0];
+ toggleClass(el, this.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements.shift();
+ dispatchEvent({
+ sortable: this.sortable,
+ rootEl: this.sortable.el,
+ name: 'deselect',
+ targetEl: el,
+ originalEvt: evt
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _checkKeyDown(evt) {
+ if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
+ this.multiDragKeyDown = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _checkKeyUp(evt) {
+ if (evt.key === this.options.multiDragKey) {
+ this.multiDragKeyDown = false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return Object.assign(MultiDrag, {
+ // Static methods & properties
+ pluginName: 'multiDrag',
+ utils: {
+ /**
+ * Selects the provided multi-drag item
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to be selected
+ */
+ select(el) {
+ let sortable = el.parentNode[expando];
+ if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || ~multiDragElements.indexOf(el)) return;
+ if (multiDragSortable && multiDragSortable !== sortable) {
+ multiDragSortable.multiDrag._deselectMultiDrag();
+ multiDragSortable = sortable;
+ }
+ toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, true);
+ multiDragElements.push(el);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Deselects the provided multi-drag item
+ * @param {HTMLElement} el The element to be deselected
+ */
+ deselect(el) {
+ let sortable = el.parentNode[expando],
+ index = multiDragElements.indexOf(el);
+ if (!sortable || !sortable.options.multiDrag || !~index) return;
+ toggleClass(el, sortable.options.selectedClass, false);
+ multiDragElements.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ },
+ eventProperties() {
+ const oldIndicies = [],
+ newIndicies = [];
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ oldIndicies.push({
+ multiDragElement,
+ index: multiDragElement.sortableIndex
+ });
+ // multiDragElements will already be sorted if folding
+ let newIndex;
+ if (folding && multiDragElement !== dragEl) {
+ newIndex = -1;
+ } else if (folding) {
+ newIndex = index(multiDragElement, ':not(.' + this.options.selectedClass + ')');
+ } else {
+ newIndex = index(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ newIndicies.push({
+ multiDragElement,
+ index: newIndex
+ });
+ });
+ return {
+ items: [...multiDragElements],
+ clones: [...multiDragClones],
+ oldIndicies,
+ newIndicies
+ };
+ },
+ optionListeners: {
+ multiDragKey(key) {
+ key = key.toLowerCase();
+ if (key === 'ctrl') {
+ key = 'Control';
+ } else if (key.length > 1) {
+ key = key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.substr(1);
+ }
+ return key;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function insertMultiDragElements(clonesInserted, rootEl) {
+ multiDragElements.forEach((multiDragElement, i) => {
+ let target = rootEl.children[multiDragElement.sortableIndex + (clonesInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
+ if (target) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(multiDragElement, target);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(multiDragElement);
+ }
+ });
+ * Insert multi-drag clones
+ * @param {[Boolean]} elementsInserted Whether the multi-drag elements are inserted
+ * @param {HTMLElement} rootEl
+ */
+function insertMultiDragClones(elementsInserted, rootEl) {
+ multiDragClones.forEach((clone, i) => {
+ let target = rootEl.children[clone.sortableIndex + (elementsInserted ? Number(i) : 0)];
+ if (target) {
+ rootEl.insertBefore(clone, target);
+ } else {
+ rootEl.appendChild(clone);
+ }
+ });
+function removeMultiDragElements() {
+ multiDragElements.forEach(multiDragElement => {
+ if (multiDragElement === dragEl) return;
+ multiDragElement.parentNode && multiDragElement.parentNode.removeChild(multiDragElement);
+ });
+export default MultiDragPlugin;
diff --git a/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/README.md b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7cb4d596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+## MultiDrag Plugin
+This plugin allows users to select multiple items within a sortable at once, and drag them as one item.
+Once placed, the items will unfold into their original order, but all beside each other at the new position.
+[Read More](https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable/wiki/Dragging-Multiple-Items-in-Sortable)
+Demo: https://jsbin.com/wopavom/edit?js,output
+### Mounting
+import { Sortable, MultiDrag } from 'sortablejs';
+Sortable.mount(new MultiDrag());
+### Options
+new Sortable(el, {
+ multiDrag: true, // Enable the plugin
+ selectedClass: "sortable-selected", // Class name for selected item
+ multiDragKey: null, // Key that must be down for items to be selected
+ // Called when an item is selected
+ onSelect: function(/**Event*/evt) {
+ evt.item // The selected item
+ },
+ // Called when an item is deselected
+ onDeselect: function(/**Event*/evt) {
+ evt.item // The deselected item
+ }
+#### `multiDragKey` option
+The key that must be down for multiple items to be selected. The default is `null`, meaning no key must be down.
+For special keys, such as the <kbd>CTRL</kbd> key, simply specify the option as `'CTRL'` (casing does not matter).
+#### `selectedClass` option
+Class name for the selected item(s) if multiDrag is enabled. Defaults to `sortable-selected`.
+.selected {
+ background-color: #f9c7c8;
+ border: solid red 1px;
+Sortable.create(list, {
+ multiDrag: true,
+ selectedClass: "selected"
+### Event Properties
+ - items:`HTMLElement[]` — Array of selected items, or empty
+ - clones:`HTMLElement[]` — Array of clones, or empty
+ - oldIndicies:`Index[]` — Array containing information on the old indicies of the selected elements.
+ - newIndicies:`Index[]` — Array containing information on the new indicies of the selected elements.
+#### Index Object
+ - element:`HTMLElement` — The element whose index is being given
+ - index:`Number` — The index of the element
+#### Note on `newIndicies`
+For any event that is fired during sorting, the index of any selected element that is not the main dragged element is given as `-1`.
+This is because it has either been removed from the DOM, or because it is in a folding animation (folding to the dragged element) and will be removed after this animation is complete.
+### Sortable.utils
+* select(el:`HTMLElement`) — select the given multi-drag item
+* deselect(el:`HTMLElement`) — deselect the given multi-drag item
diff --git a/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/index.js b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2507117e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/Sortable/plugins/MultiDrag/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export { default } from './MultiDrag.js';