path: root/lib/htmlpurifier/tests/common.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/htmlpurifier/tests/common.php')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/htmlpurifier/tests/common.php b/lib/htmlpurifier/tests/common.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..223a5bf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/htmlpurifier/tests/common.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+if (!defined('HTMLPurifierTest')) {
+ echo "Invalid entry point\n";
+ exit;
+// setup our own autoload, checking for HTMLPurifier library if spl_autoload_register
+// is not allowed
+function __autoload($class) {
+ if (!function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) {
+ if (HTMLPurifier_Bootstrap::autoload($class)) return true;
+ if (HTMLPurifierExtras::autoload($class)) return true;
+ }
+ require str_replace('_', '/', $class) . '.php';
+ return true;
+if (function_exists('spl_autoload_register')) {
+ spl_autoload_register('__autoload');
+// default settings (protect against register_globals)
+$GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest'] = array();
+$GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PEAR'] = false; // do PEAR tests
+$GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PHPT'] = true; // do PHPT tests
+$GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PH5P'] = class_exists('DOMDocument');
+// default library settings
+$simpletest_location = 'simpletest/'; // reasonable guess
+$csstidy_location = false;
+$versions_to_test = array();
+$php = 'php';
+$phpv = 'phpv';
+// load configuration
+if (file_exists('../conf/test-settings.php')) include '../conf/test-settings.php';
+elseif (file_exists('../test-settings.php')) include '../test-settings.php';
+else {
+ throw new Exception('Please create a test-settings.php file by copying test-settings.sample.php and configuring accordingly');
+// load SimpleTest
+require_once $simpletest_location . 'unit_tester.php';
+require_once $simpletest_location . 'reporter.php';
+require_once $simpletest_location . 'mock_objects.php';
+require_once $simpletest_location . 'xml.php';
+require_once $simpletest_location . 'remote.php';
+// load CSS Tidy
+if ($csstidy_location !== false) {
+ $old = error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ require $csstidy_location . 'class.csstidy.php';
+ error_reporting($old);
+// load PEAR to include path
+if ( is_string($GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PEAR']) ) {
+ // if PEAR is true, there's no need to add it to the path
+ set_include_path($GLOBALS['HTMLPurifierTest']['PEAR'] . PATH_SEPARATOR .
+ get_include_path());
+// after external libraries are loaded, turn on compile time errors
+error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
+// initialize extra HTML Purifier libraries
+require '../extras/HTMLPurifierExtras.auto.php';
+// load SimpleTest addon functions
+require 'generate_mock_once.func.php';
+require 'path2class.func.php';
+ * Arguments parser, is cli and web agnostic.
+ * @warning
+ * There are some quirks about the argument format:
+ * - Short boolean flags cannot be chained together
+ * - Only strings, integers and booleans are accepted
+ * @param $AC
+ * Arguments array to populate. This takes a simple format of 'argument'
+ * => default value. Depending on the type of the default value,
+ * arguments will be typecast accordingly. For example, if
+ * 'flag' => false is passed, all arguments for that will be cast to
+ * boolean. Do *not* pass null, as it will not be recognized.
+ * @param $aliases
+ *
+ */
+function htmlpurifier_parse_args(&$AC, $aliases) {
+ if (empty($_GET) && !empty($_SERVER['argv'])) {
+ array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
+ $o = false;
+ $bool = false;
+ $val_is_bool = false;
+ foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $opt) {
+ if ($o !== false) {
+ $v = $opt;
+ } else {
+ if ($opt === '') continue;
+ if (strlen($opt) > 2 && strncmp($opt, '--', 2) === 0) {
+ $o = substr($opt, 2);
+ } elseif ($opt[0] == '-') {
+ $o = substr($opt, 1);
+ } else {
+ $lopt = strtolower($opt);
+ if ($bool !== false && ($opt === '0' || $lopt === 'off' || $lopt === 'no')) {
+ $o = $bool;
+ $v = false;
+ $val_is_bool = true;
+ } elseif (isset($aliases[''])) {
+ $o = $aliases[''];
+ }
+ }
+ $bool = false;
+ if (!isset($AC[$o]) || !is_bool($AC[$o])) {
+ if (strpos($o, '=') === false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ list($o, $v) = explode('=', $o);
+ } elseif (!$val_is_bool) {
+ $v = true;
+ $bool = $o;
+ }
+ $val_is_bool = false;
+ }
+ if ($o === false) continue;
+ htmlpurifier_args($AC, $aliases, $o, $v);
+ $o = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach ($_GET as $o => $v) {
+ if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+ $v = stripslashes($v);
+ }
+ htmlpurifier_args($AC, $aliases, $o, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ * Actually performs assignment to $AC, see htmlpurifier_parse_args()
+ * @param $AC Arguments array to write to
+ * @param $aliases Aliases for options
+ * @param $o Argument name
+ * @param $v Argument value
+ */
+function htmlpurifier_args(&$AC, $aliases, $o, $v) {
+ if (isset($aliases[$o])) $o = $aliases[$o];
+ if (!isset($AC[$o])) return;
+ if (is_string($AC[$o])) $AC[$o] = $v;
+ if (is_bool($AC[$o])) $AC[$o] = ($v === '') ? true :(bool) $v;
+ if (is_int($AC[$o])) $AC[$o] = (int) $v;
+ * Adds a test-class; we use file extension to determine which class to use.
+ */
+function htmlpurifier_add_test($test, $test_file, $only_phpt = false) {
+ switch (strrchr($test_file, ".")) {
+ case '.phpt':
+ return $test->add(new PHPT_Controller_SimpleTest($test_file));
+ case '.php':
+ require_once $test_file;
+ return $test->add(path2class($test_file));
+ case '.vtest':
+ return $test->add(new HTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorTestCase($test_file));
+ case '.htmlt':
+ return $test->add(new HTMLPurifier_HTMLT($test_file));
+ default:
+ trigger_error("$test_file is an invalid file for testing", E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ * Debugging function that prints tokens in a user-friendly manner.
+ */
+function printTokens($tokens, $index = null) {
+ $string = '<pre>';
+ $generator = new HTMLPurifier_Generator(HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(), new HTMLPurifier_Context);
+ foreach ($tokens as $i => $token) {
+ if ($index === $i) $string .= '[<strong>';
+ $string .= "<sup>$i</sup>";
+ $string .= $generator->escape($generator->generateFromToken($token));
+ if ($index === $i) $string .= '</strong>]';
+ }
+ $string .= '</pre>';
+ echo $string;
+ * Convenient "insta-fail" test-case to add if any outside things fail
+ */
+class FailedTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ protected $msg, $details;
+ public function __construct($msg, $details = null) {
+ $this->msg = $msg;
+ $this->details = $details;
+ }
+ public function test() {
+ $this->fail($this->msg);
+ if ($this->details) $this->reporter->paintFormattedMessage($this->details);
+ }
+ * Flushes all caches, and fatally errors out if there's a problem.
+ */
+function htmlpurifier_flush($php, $reporter) {
+ exec($php . ' ../maintenance/flush.php ' . $php . ' 2>&1', $out, $status);
+ if ($status) {
+ $test = new FailedTest(
+ 'maintenance/flush.php returned non-zero exit status',
+ wordwrap(implode("\n", $out), 80)
+ );
+ $test->run($reporter);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ * Dumps error queue, useful if there has been a fatal error.
+ */
+function htmlpurifier_dump_error_queue() {
+ $context = SimpleTest::getContext();
+ $queue = $context->get('SimpleErrorQueue');
+ while (($error = $queue->extract()) !== false) {
+ var_dump($error);
+ }
+// vim: et sw=4 sts=4