path: root/include/photos.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/photos.php')
1 files changed, 440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/photos.php b/include/photos.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9819c7ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/photos.php
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+<?php /** @file */
+function photo_upload($channel, $observer, $args) {
+ $ret = array('success' => false);
+ $channel_id = $channel['channel_id'];
+ $account_id = $channel['channel_account_id'];
+ if(! perm_is_allowed($channel_id, $observer['xchan_hash'], 'post_photos')) {
+ $ret['message'] = t('Permission denied.');
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_begin', $args);
+ /**
+ * Determine the album to use
+ */
+ $album = $args['album'];
+ $newalbum = $args['newalbum'];
+ logger('photo_upload: album= ' . $album . ' newalbum= ' . $newalbum , LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if(! $album) {
+ if($newalbum)
+ $album = $newalbum;
+ else
+ $album = datetime_convert('UTC',date_default_timezone_get(),'now', 'Y');
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * We create a wall item for every photo, but we don't want to
+ * overwhelm the data stream with a hundred newly uploaded photos.
+ * So we will make the first photo uploaded to this album in the last several hours
+ * visible by default, the rest will become visible over time when and if
+ * they acquire comments, likes, dislikes, and/or tags
+ *
+ */
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM photo WHERE album = '%s' AND uid = %d AND created > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 3 HOUR ",
+ dbesc($album),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ if((! $r) || ($album == t('Profile Photos')))
+ $visible = 1;
+ else
+ $visible = 0;
+ if(intval($args['not_visible']) || $args['not_visible'] === 'true')
+ $visible = 0;
+ $str_group_allow = perms2str(((is_array($args['group_allow'])) ? $args['group_allow'] : explode(',',$args['group_allow'])));
+ $str_contact_allow = perms2str(((is_array($args['contact_allow'])) ? $args['contact_allow'] : explode(',',$args['contact_allow'])));
+ $str_group_deny = perms2str(((is_array($args['group_deny'])) ? $args['group_deny'] : explode(',',$args['group_deny'])));
+ $str_contact_deny = perms2str(((is_array($args['contact_deny'])) ? $args['contact_deny'] : explode(',',$args['contact_deny'])));
+ $f = array('src' => '', 'filename' => '', 'filesize' => 0, 'type' => '');
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_file',$f);
+ if(x($f,'src') && x($f,'filesize')) {
+ $src = $f['src'];
+ $filename = $f['filename'];
+ $filesize = $f['filesize'];
+ $type = $f['type'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $src = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
+ $filename = basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
+ $filesize = intval($_FILES['userfile']['size']);
+ $type = $_FILES['userfile']['type'];
+ }
+ if (! $type)
+ $type=guess_image_type($filename);
+ logger('photo_upload: received file: ' . $filename . ' as ' . $src . ' ('. $type . ') ' . $filesize . ' bytes', LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $maximagesize = get_config('system','maximagesize');
+ if(($maximagesize) && ($filesize > $maximagesize)) {
+ $ret['message'] = sprintf ( t('Image exceeds website size limit of %lu bytes'), $maximagesize);
+ @unlink($src);
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ if(! $filesize) {
+ $ret['message'] = t('Image file is empty.');
+ @unlink($src);
+ call_hooks('photo_post_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ logger('photo_upload: loading the contents of ' . $src , LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $imagedata = @file_get_contents($src);
+ $r = q("select sum(size) as total from photo where aid = %d and scale = 0 ",
+ intval($account_id)
+ );
+ $limit = service_class_fetch($channel_id,'photo_upload_limit');
+ if(($r) && ($limit !== false) && (($r[0]['total'] + strlen($imagedata)) > $limit)) {
+ $ret['message'] = upgrade_message();
+ @unlink($src);
+ call_hooks('photo_post_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ $ph = photo_factory($imagedata, $type);
+ if(! $ph->is_valid()) {
+ $ret['message'] = t('Unable to process image');
+ logger('photo_upload: unable to process image');
+ @unlink($src);
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ $ph->orient($src);
+ @unlink($src);
+ $max_length = get_config('system','max_image_length');
+ if(! $max_length)
+ $max_length = MAX_IMAGE_LENGTH;
+ if($max_length > 0)
+ $ph->scaleImage($max_length);
+ $width = $ph->getWidth();
+ $height = $ph->getHeight();
+ $smallest = 0;
+ $photo_hash = photo_new_resource();
+ $visitor = '';
+ if($channel['channel_hash'] !== $observer['xchan_hash'])
+ $visitor = $observer['xchan_hash'];
+ $errors = false;
+ $p = array('aid' => $account_id, 'uid' => $channel_id, 'xchan' => $visitor, 'resource_id' => $photo_hash,
+ 'filename' => $filename, 'album' => $album, 'scale' => 0, 'photo_flags' => PHOTO_NORMAL,
+ 'allow_cid' => $str_contact_allow, 'allow_gid' => $str_group_allow,
+ 'deny_cid' => $str_contact_deny, 'deny_gid' => $str_group_deny
+ );
+ $r1 = $ph->save($p);
+ if(! $r1)
+ $errors = true;
+ if(($width > 640 || $height > 640) && (! $errors)) {
+ $ph->scaleImage(640);
+ $p['scale'] = 1;
+ $r2 = $ph->save($p);
+ $smallest = 1;
+ if(! $r2)
+ $errors = true;
+ }
+ if(($width > 320 || $height > 320) && (! $errors)) {
+ $ph->scaleImage(320);
+ $p['scale'] = 2;
+ $r3 = $ph->save($p);
+ $smallest = 2;
+ if(! $r3)
+ $errors = true;
+ }
+ if($errors) {
+ q("delete from photo where resource_id = '%s' and uid = %d",
+ dbesc($photo_hash),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ $ret['message'] = t('Photo storage failed.');
+ logger('photo_upload: photo store failed.');
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ // This will be the width and height of the smallest representation
+ $width_x_height = $ph->getWidth() . 'x' . $ph->getHeight();
+ $basename = basename($filename);
+ $mid = item_message_id();
+ // Create item container
+ $item_restrict = (($visible) ? ITEM_VISIBLE : ITEM_HIDDEN);
+ $title = '';
+ $mid = item_message_id();
+ $arr = array();
+ $arr['aid'] = $account_id;
+ $arr['uid'] = $channel_id;
+ $arr['mid'] = $mid;
+ $arr['parent_mid'] = $mid;
+ $arr['item_flags'] = $item_flags;
+ $arr['item_restrict'] = $item_restrict;
+ $arr['resource_type'] = 'photo';
+ $arr['resource_id'] = $photo_hash;
+ $arr['owner_xchan'] = $channel['channel_hash'];
+ $arr['author_xchan'] = $observer['xchan_hash'];
+ $arr['title'] = $title;
+ $arr['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow;
+ $arr['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow;
+ $arr['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny;
+ $arr['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny;
+ $arr['verb'] = ACTIVITY_POST;
+ $arr['plink'] = z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . $arr['mid'];
+ if ($width_x_height)
+ $tag = '[zmg=' . $width_x_height. ']';
+ else
+ $tag = '[zmg]';
+ $arr['body'] = '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/photos/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/image/' . $photo_hash . ']'
+ . $tag . z_root() . "/photo/{$photo_hash}-{$smallest}.".$ph->getExt() . '[/zmg]'
+ . '[/zrl]';
+ $result = item_store($arr);
+ $item_id = $result['item_id'];
+ if($visible)
+ proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", 'wall-new', $item_id);
+ $ret['success'] = true;
+ $ret['body'] = $arr['body'];
+ $ret['resource_id'] = $photo_hash;
+ $ret['photoitem_id'] = $item_id;
+ call_hooks('photo_upload_end',$ret);
+ return $ret;
+function photos_albums_list($channel,$observer) {
+ $channel_id = $channel['channel_id'];
+ $observer_xchan = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '');
+ if(! perm_is_allowed($channel_id,$observer_xchan,'view_photos'))
+ return false;
+ // FIXME - create a permissions SQL which works on arbitrary observers and channels, regardless of login or web status
+ $sql_extra = permissions_sql($channel_id);
+ $albums = q("SELECT count( distinct resource_id ) as total, album from photo where uid = %d and ( photo_flags = %d or photo_flags = %d ) $sql_extra group by album order by created desc",
+ intval($channel_id),
+ intval(PHOTO_NORMAL),
+ );
+ // add various encodings to the array so we can just loop through and pick them out in a template
+ $ret = array('success' => false);
+ if($albums) {
+ $ret['success'] = true;
+ $ret['albums'] = array();
+ foreach($albums as $k => $album) {
+ $entry = array(
+ 'text' => $album['album'],
+ 'total' => $album['total'],
+ 'url' => z_root() . '/photos/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/album/' . bin2hex($album['album']),
+ 'urlencode' => urlencode($album['album']),
+ 'bin2hex' => bin2hex($album['album']));
+ $ret['albums'][] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+function photos_album_widget($channelx,$observer,$albums = null) {
+ $o = '';
+ // If we weren't passed an album list, see if the photos module
+ // dropped one for us to find in $a->data['albums'].
+ // If all else fails, load it.
+ if(! $albums) {
+ if(array_key_exists('albums', get_app()->data))
+ $albums = get_app()->data['albums'];
+ else
+ $albums = photos_albums_list($channelx,$observer);
+ }
+ if($albums['success']) {
+ $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('photo_albums.tpl'),array(
+ '$nick' => $channelx['channel_address'],
+ '$title' => t('Photo Albums'),
+ '$albums' => $albums['albums'],
+ '$baseurl' => z_root(),
+ '$upload' => ((perm_is_allowed($channelx['channel_id'],(($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : ''),'post_photos'))
+ ? t('Upload New Photos') : '')
+ ));
+ }
+ return $o;
+function photos_list_photos($channel,$observer,$album = '') {
+ $channel_id = $channel['channel_id'];
+ $observer_xchan = (($observer) ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '');
+ if(! perm_is_allowed($channel_id,$observer_xchan,'view_photos'))
+ return false;
+ $sql_extra = permissions_sql($channel_id);
+ if($album)
+ $sql_extra .= " and album = '" . protect_sprintf(dbesc($album)) . "' ";
+ $ret = array('success' => false);
+ $r = q("select resource_id, created, edited, title, description, album, filename, type, height, width, size, scale, profile, photo_flags, allow_cid, allow_gid, deny_cid, deny_gid from photo where uid = %d and ( photo_flags = %d or photo_flags = %d ) $sql_extra ",
+ intval($channel_id),
+ intval(PHOTO_NORMAL),
+ );
+ if($r) {
+ for($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x ++) {
+ $r[$x]['src'] = z_root() . '/photo/' . $r[$x]['resource_id'] . '-' . $r[$x]['scale'];
+ }
+ $ret['success'] = true;
+ $ret['photos'] = $r;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+function photos_album_exists($channel_id,$album) {
+ $r = q("SELECT id from photo where album = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1",
+ dbesc($album),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+ return (($r) ? true : false);
+function photos_album_rename($channel_id,$oldname,$newname) {
+ return q("UPDATE photo SET album = '%s' WHERE album = '%s' AND uid = %d",
+ dbesc($newname),
+ dbesc($oldname),
+ intval($channel_id)
+ );
+function photos_album_get_db_idstr($channel_id,$album,$remote_xchan = '') {
+ if($remote_xchan) {
+ $r = q("SELECT distinct resource_id as from photo where xchan = '%s' and uid = %d and album = '%s' ",
+ dbesc($remote_xchan),
+ intval($channel_id),
+ dbesc($album)
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $r = q("SELECT distinct resource_id from photo where uid = %d and album = '%s' ",
+ intval($channel_id),
+ dbesc($album)
+ );
+ }
+ if($r) {
+ $arr = array();
+ foreach($r as $rr) {
+ $arr[] = "'" . dbesc($rr['resource_id']) . "'" ;
+ }
+ $str = implode(',',$arr);
+ return $str;
+ }
+ return false;
+function photos_create_item($channel, $creator_hash, $photo, $visible = false) {
+ // Create item container
+ $item_restrict = (($visible) ? ITEM_HIDDEN : ITEM_VISIBLE);
+ $title = '';
+ $mid = item_message_id();
+ $arr = array();
+ $arr['aid'] = $channel['channel_account_id'];
+ $arr['uid'] = $channel['channel_id'];
+ $arr['mid'] = $mid;
+ $arr['parent_mid'] = $mid;
+ $arr['item_flags'] = $item_flags;
+ $arr['item_restrict'] = $item_restrict;
+ $arr['resource_type'] = 'photo';
+ $arr['resource_id'] = $photo['resource_id'];
+ $arr['owner_xchan'] = $channel['channel_hash'];
+ $arr['author_xchan'] = $creator_hash;
+ $arr['allow_cid'] = $photo['allow_cid'];
+ $arr['allow_gid'] = $photo['allow_gid'];
+ $arr['deny_cid'] = $photo['deny_cid'];
+ $arr['deny_gid'] = $photo['deny_gid'];
+ $arr['plink'] = z_root() . '/channel/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/?f=&mid=' . $arr['mid'];
+ $arr['body'] = '[zrl=' . z_root() . '/photos/' . $channel['channel_address'] . '/image/' . $photo['resource_id'] . ']'
+ . '[zmg]' . z_root() . '/photo/' . $photo['resource_id'] . '-' . $photo['scale'] . '[/zmg]'
+ . '[/zrl]';
+ $result = item_store($arr);
+ $item_id = $result['item_id'];
+ return $item_id;