path: root/include/diaspora.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/diaspora.php')
1 files changed, 815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/diaspora.php b/include/diaspora.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e089e3f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/diaspora.php
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+function get_diaspora_key($uri) {
+ $key = '';
+ logger('Fetching diaspora key for: ' . $uri);
+ $arr = lrdd($uri);
+ if(is_array($arr)) {
+ foreach($arr as $a) {
+ if($a['@attributes']['rel'] === 'diaspora-public-key') {
+ $key = base64_decode($a['@attributes']['href']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if($key)
+ return rsatopem($key);
+ return '';
+function diaspora_base_message($type,$data) {
+ $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_' . $type . '.tpl');
+ if(! $tpl)
+ return '';
+ return replace_macros($tpl,$data);
+function diaspora_msg_build($msg,$user,$contact,$prvkey,$pubkey) {
+ $a = get_app();
+ $inner_aes_key = random_string(32);
+ $b_inner_aes_key = base64_encode($inner_aes_key);
+ $inner_iv = random_string(32);
+ $b_inner_iv = base64_encode($inner_iv);
+ $outer_aes_key = random_string(32);
+ $b_outer_aes_key = base64_encode($outer_aes_key);
+ $outer_iv = random_string(32);
+ $b_outer_iv = base64_encode($outer_iv);
+ $handle = 'acct:' . $user['nickname'] . '@' . substr($a->get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(),'://') + 3);
+ $padded_data = pkcs5_pad($msg,16);
+ $inner_encrypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $inner_aes_key, $padded_data, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $inner_iv);
+ $b64_data = base64_encode($inner_encrypted);
+ $b64url_data = base64url_encode($b64_data);
+ $b64url_stripped = str_replace(array("\n","\r"," ","\t"),array('','','',''),$b64url_data);
+ $lines = str_split($b64url_stripped,60);
+ $data = implode("\n",$lines);
+ $data = $data . (($data[-1] != "\n") ? "\n" : '') ;
+ $type = 'application/atom+xml';
+ $encoding = 'base64url';
+ $alg = 'RSA-SHA256';
+ $signable_data = $data . '.' . base64url_encode($type) . "\n" . '.'
+ . base64url_encode($encoding) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($alg) . "\n";
+ $signature = rsa_sign($signable_data,$prvkey);
+ $sig = base64url_encode($signature);
+$decrypted_header = <<< EOT
+ <iv>$b_inner_iv</iv>
+ <aes_key>$b_inner_aes_key</aes_key>
+ <author>
+ <name>{$user['username']}</name>
+ <uri>$handle</uri>
+ </author>
+ $decrypted_header = pkcs5_pad($decrypted_header,16);
+ $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $outer_aes_key, $decrypted_header, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $outer_iv);
+ $outer_json = json_encode(array('iv' => $b_outer_iv,'key' => $b_outer_aes_key));
+ $encrypted_outer_key_bundle = '';
+ openssl_public_encrypt($outer_json,$encrypted_outer_key_bundle,$pubkey);
+ $b64_encrypted_outer_key_bundle = base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle);
+ $encrypted_header_json_object = json_encode(array('aes_key' => base64_encode($encrypted_outer_key_bundle),
+ 'ciphertext' => base64_encode($ciphertext)));
+ $encrypted_header = '<encrypted_header>' . base64_encode($encrypted_header_json_object) . '</encrypted_header>';
+$magic_env = <<< EOT
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>
+ $encrypted_header
+ <me:env xmlns:me="http://salmon-protocol.org/ns/magic-env">
+ <me:encoding>base64url</me:encoding>
+ <me:alg>RSA-SHA256</me:alg>
+ <me:data type="application/atom+xml">$data</me:data>
+ <me:sig>$sig</me:sig>
+ </me:env>
+ return $magic_env;
+ *
+ * diaspora_decode($importer,$xml)
+ * array $importer -> from user table
+ * string $xml -> urldecoded Diaspora salmon
+ *
+ * Returns array
+ * 'message' -> decoded Diaspora XML message
+ * 'author' -> author diaspora handle
+ * 'key' -> author public key (converted to pkcs#8)
+ *
+ * Author and key are used elsewhere to save a lookup for verifying replies and likes
+ */
+function diaspora_decode($importer,$xml) {
+ $basedom = parse_xml_string($xml);
+ $atom = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_ATOM1);
+ // Diaspora devs: This is kind of sucky - 'encrypted_header' does not belong in the atom namespace
+ $encrypted_header = json_decode(base64_decode($atom->encrypted_header));
+ $encrypted_aes_key_bundle = base64_decode($encrypted_header->aes_key);
+ $ciphertext = base64_decode($encrypted_header->ciphertext);
+ $outer_key_bundle = '';
+ openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted_aes_key_bundle,$outer_key_bundle,$importer['prvkey']);
+ $j_outer_key_bundle = json_decode($outer_key_bundle);
+ $outer_iv = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->iv);
+ $outer_key = base64_decode($j_outer_key_bundle->key);
+ $decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $outer_key, $ciphertext, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $outer_iv);
+ $decrypted = pkcs5_unpad($decrypted);
+ /**
+ * $decrypted now contains something like
+ *
+ * <decrypted_header>
+ * <iv>8e+G2+ET8l5BPuW0sVTnQw==</iv>
+ * <aes_key>UvSMb4puPeB14STkcDWq+4QE302Edu15oaprAQSkLKU=</aes_key>
+ * <author>
+ * <name>Ryan Hughes</name>
+ * <uri>acct:galaxor@diaspora.pirateship.org</uri>
+ * </author>
+ * </decrypted_header>
+ */
+ logger('decrypted: ' . $decrypted);
+ $idom = parse_xml_string($decrypted,false);
+ $inner_iv = base64_decode($idom->iv);
+ $inner_aes_key = base64_decode($idom->aes_key);
+ $author_link = str_replace('acct:','',$idom->author->uri);
+ $dom = $basedom->children(NAMESPACE_SALMON_ME);
+ // figure out where in the DOM tree our data is hiding
+ if($dom->provenance->data)
+ $base = $dom->provenance;
+ elseif($dom->env->data)
+ $base = $dom->env;
+ elseif($dom->data)
+ $base = $dom;
+ if(! $base) {
+ logger('mod-diaspora: unable to locate salmon data in xml ');
+ http_status_exit(400);
+ }
+ // Stash the signature away for now. We have to find their key or it won't be good for anything.
+ $signature = base64url_decode($base->sig);
+ // unpack the data
+ // strip whitespace so our data element will return to one big base64 blob
+ $data = str_replace(array(" ","\t","\r","\n"),array("","","",""),$base->data);
+ // Add back the 60 char linefeeds
+ // Diaspora devs: This completely violates the entire principle of salmon magic signatures,
+ // which was to have a message signing format that was completely ambivalent to linefeeds
+ // and transport whitespace mangling, and base64 wrapping rules. Guess what? PHP and Ruby
+ // use different linelengths for base64 output.
+ $lines = str_split($data,60);
+ $data = implode("\n",$lines);
+ // stash away some other stuff for later
+ $type = $base->data[0]->attributes()->type[0];
+ $keyhash = $base->sig[0]->attributes()->keyhash[0];
+ $encoding = $base->encoding;
+ $alg = $base->alg;
+ // Diaspora devs: I can't even begin to tell you how sucky this is. Read the freaking spec.
+ $signed_data = $data . (($data[-1] != "\n") ? "\n" : '') . '.' . base64url_encode($type) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($encoding) . "\n" . '.' . base64url_encode($alg) . "\n";
+ // decode the data
+ $data = base64url_decode($data);
+ // Now pull out the inner encrypted blob
+ $inner_encrypted = base64_decode($data);
+ $inner_decrypted =
+ $inner_decrypted = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $inner_aes_key, $inner_encrypted, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $inner_iv);
+ $inner_decrypted = pkcs5_unpad($inner_decrypted);
+ if(! $author_link) {
+ logger('mod-diaspora: Could not retrieve author URI.');
+ http_status_exit(400);
+ }
+ // Once we have the author URI, go to the web and try to find their public key
+ // *** or look it up locally ***
+ logger('mod-diaspora: Fetching key for ' . $author_link );
+ // Get diaspora public key (pkcs#1) and convert to pkcs#8
+ $key = get_diaspora_key($author_link);
+ if(! $key) {
+ logger('mod-diaspora: Could not retrieve author key.');
+ http_status_exit(400);
+ }
+ $verify = rsa_verify($signed_data,$signature,$key);
+ if(! $verify) {
+ logger('mod-diaspora: Message did not verify. Discarding.');
+ http_status_exit(400);
+ }
+ logger('mod-diaspora: Message verified.');
+ return array('message' => $inner_decrypted, 'author' => $author_link, 'key' => $key);
+function diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($uid,$handle) {
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `network` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `addr` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ intval($uid),
+ dbesc($handle)
+ );
+ if($r && count($r))
+ return $r[0];
+ return false;
+function find_person_by_handle($handle) {
+ // we don't care about the uid, we just want to save an expensive webfinger probe
+ $r = q("select * from contact where network = '%s' and addr = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc($handle)
+ );
+ if(count($r))
+ return $r[0];
+ $r = probe_url($handle);
+ // need to cached this, perhaps in fcontact
+ if(count($r))
+ return ($r);
+ return false;
+function diaspora_request($importer,$xml) {
+ $sender_handle = unxmlify($xml->sender_handle);
+ $recipient_handle = unxmlify($xml->recipient_handle);
+ if(! $sender_handle || ! $recipient_handle)
+ return;
+ $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$sender_handle);
+ if($contact) {
+ // perhaps we were already sharing with this person. Now they're sharing with us.
+ // That makes us friends.
+ if($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) {
+ q("UPDATE `contact` SET `rel` = %d WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($contact['id']),
+ intval($importer['uid'])
+ );
+ }
+ // send notification?
+ return;
+ }
+ require_once('include/Scrape.php');
+ $ret = probe_url($sender_handle);
+ if((! count($ret)) || ($ret['network'] != NETWORK_DIASPORA)) {
+ logger('diaspora_request: Cannot resolve diaspora handle ' . $sender_handle . ' for ' . $recipient_handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ $r = q("INSERT INTO `contact` (`uid`, `network`,`addr`,`created`,`url`,`name`,`nick`,`photo`,`pubkey`,`notify`,`poll`,`blocked`,`priority`)
+ VALUES ( %d, '%s', '%s', '%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d,%d) ",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ dbesc($ret['network']),
+ dbesc($ret['addr']),
+ datetime_convert(),
+ dbesc($ret['url']),
+ dbesc($ret['name']),
+ dbesc($ret['nick']),
+ dbesc($ret['photo']),
+ dbesc($ret['pubkey']),
+ dbesc($ret['notify']),
+ dbesc($ret['poll']),
+ 1,
+ 2
+ );
+ // find the contact record we just created
+ $contact_record = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$sender_handle);
+ $hash = random_string() . (string) time(); // Generate a confirm_key
+ if($contact_record) {
+ $ret = q("INSERT INTO `intro` ( `uid`, `contact-id`, `blocked`, `knowyou`, `note`, `hash`, `datetime`,`blocked`)
+ VALUES ( %d, %d, 1, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', 0 )",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ intval($contact_record['id']),
+ 0,
+ dbesc( t('Sharing notification from Diaspora network')),
+ dbesc($hash),
+ dbesc(datetime_convert())
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+function diaspora_post($importer,$xml) {
+ $guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->guid));
+ $diaspora_handle = notags(unxmlify($xml->diaspora_handle));
+ $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$diaspora_handle);
+ if(! $contact)
+ return;
+ if(($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) || ($contact['blocked']) || ($contact['readonly'])) {
+ logger('diaspora_post: Ignoring this author.');
+ http_status_exit(202);
+ }
+ $message_id = $diaspora_handle . ':' . $guid;
+ $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ dbesc($message_id),
+ dbesc($guid)
+ );
+ if(count($r))
+ return;
+ // allocate a guid on our system - we aren't fixing any collisions.
+ // we're ignoring them
+ $g = q("select * from guid where guid = '%s' limit 1",
+ dbesc($guid)
+ );
+ if(! count($g)) {
+ q("insert into guid ( guid ) values ( '%s' )",
+ dbesc($guid)
+ );
+ }
+ $created = unxmlify($xml->created_at);
+ $private = ((unxmlify($xml->public) == 'false') ? 1 : 0);
+ $body = unxmlify($xml->raw_message);
+ require_once('library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php');
+ require_once('include/html2bbcode.php');
+ $maxlen = get_max_import_size();
+ if($maxlen && (strlen($body) > $maxlen))
+ $body = substr($body,0, $maxlen);
+ if((strpos($body,'<') !== false) || (strpos($body,'>') !== false)) {
+ $body = preg_replace('#<object[^>]+>.+?' . 'http://www.youtube.com/((?:v|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+).+?</object>#s',
+ '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', $body);
+ $body = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>].+?' . 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+).+?</iframe>#s',
+ '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', $body);
+ $body = oembed_html2bbcode($body);
+ $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
+ $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
+ $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
+ $body = $purifier->purify($body);
+ $body = html2bbcode($body);
+ }
+ $datarray = array();
+ $datarray['uid'] = $importer['uid'];
+ $datarray['contact-id'] = $contact['id'];
+ $datarray['wall'] = 0;
+ $datarray['guid'] = $guid;
+ $datarray['uri'] = $datarray['parent-uri'] = $message_id;
+ $datarray['created'] = $datarray['edited'] = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$created);
+ $datarray['private'] = $private;
+ $datarray['parent'] = 0;
+ $datarray['owner-name'] = $contact['name'];
+ $datarray['owner-link'] = $contact['url'];
+ $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $contact['thumb'];
+ $datarray['author-name'] = $contact['name'];
+ $datarray['author-link'] = $contact['url'];
+ $datarray['author-avatar'] = $contact['thumb'];
+ $datarray['body'] = $body;
+ item_store($datarray);
+ return;
+function diaspora_comment($importer,$xml,$msg) {
+ $guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->guid));
+ $parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->parent_guid));
+ $diaspora_handle = notags(unxmlify($xml->diaspora_handle));
+ $target_type = notags(unxmlify($xml->target_type));
+ $text = unxmlify($xml->text);
+ $author_signature = notags(unxmlify($xml->author_signature));
+ $parent_author_signature = (($xml->parent_author_signature) ? notags(unxmlify($xml->parent_author_signature)) : '');
+ $text = $xml->text;
+ $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$msg['author']);
+ if(! $contact)
+ return;
+ if(($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) || ($contact['blocked']) || ($contact['readonly'])) {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: Ignoring this author.');
+ http_status_exit(202);
+ }
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ dbesc($parent_guid)
+ );
+ if(! count($r)) {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: parent item not found: ' . $guid);
+ return;
+ }
+ $parent_item = $r[0];
+ $author_signed_data = $guid . ';' . $parent_guid . ';' . $text . ';' . $diaspora_handle;
+ $author_signature = base64_decode($author_signature);
+ if(stricmp($diaspora_handle,$msg['author']) == 0) {
+ $person = $contact;
+ $key = $msg['key'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $person = find_person_by_handle($diaspora_handle);
+ if(is_array($person) && x($person,'pubkey'))
+ $key = $person['pubkey'];
+ else {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: unable to find author details');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(! rsa_verify($author_signed_data,$author_signature,$key)) {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: verification failed.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if($parent_author_signature) {
+ $owner_signed_data = $guid . ';' . $parent_guid . ';' . $text . ';' . $msg['author'];
+ $parent_author_signature = base64_decode($parent_author_signature);
+ $key = $msg['key'];
+ if(! rsa_verify($owner_signed_data,$parent_author_signature,$key)) {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: owner verification failed.');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Phew! Everything checks out. Now create an item.
+ require_once('library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php');
+ require_once('include/html2bbcode.php');
+ $body = $text;
+ $maxlen = get_max_import_size();
+ if($maxlen && (strlen($body) > $maxlen))
+ $body = substr($body,0, $maxlen);
+ if((strpos($body,'<') !== false) || (strpos($body,'>') !== false)) {
+ $body = preg_replace('#<object[^>]+>.+?' . 'http://www.youtube.com/((?:v|cp)/[A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+).+?</object>#s',
+ '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', $body);
+ $body = preg_replace('#<iframe[^>].+?' . 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+).+?</iframe>#s',
+ '[youtube]$1[/youtube]', $body);
+ $body = oembed_html2bbcode($body);
+ $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
+ $config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
+ $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
+ $body = $purifier->purify($body);
+ $body = html2bbcode($body);
+ }
+ $message_id = $diaspora_handle . ':' . $guid;
+ $datarray = array();
+ $datarray['uid'] = $importer['uid'];
+ $datarray['contact-id'] = $contact['id'];
+ $datarray['wall'] = $parent_item['wall'];
+ $datarray['gravity'] = GRAVITY_COMMENT;
+ $datarray['guid'] = $guid;
+ $datarray['uri'] = $message_id;
+ $datarray['parent-uri'] = $parent_item['uri'];
+ // No timestamps for comments? OK, we'll the use current time.
+ $datarray['created'] = $datarray['edited'] = datetime_convert();
+ $datarray['private'] = $parent_item['private'];
+ $datarray['owner-name'] = $contact['name'];
+ $datarray['owner-link'] = $contact['url'];
+ $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $contact['thumb'];
+ $datarray['author-name'] = $person['name'];
+ $datarray['author-link'] = $person['url'];
+ $datarray['author-avatar'] = ((x($person,'thumb')) ? $person['thumb'] : $person['photo']);
+ $datarray['body'] = $body;
+ item_store($datarray);
+ return;
+function diaspora_like($importer,$xml,$msg) {
+ $guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->guid));
+ $parent_guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->parent_guid));
+ $diaspora_handle = notags(unxmlify($xml->diaspora_handle));
+ $target_type = notags(unxmlify($xml->target_type));
+ $positive = notags(unxmlify($xml->positive));
+ $author_signature = notags(unxmlify($xml->author_signature));
+ $parent_author_signature = (($xml->parent_author_signature) ? notags(unxmlify($xml->parent_author_signature)) : '');
+ // likes on comments not supported here and likes on photos not supported by Diaspora
+ if($target_type !== 'Post')
+ return;
+ $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$msg['author']);
+ if(! $contact)
+ return;
+ if(($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) || ($contact['blocked']) || ($contact['readonly'])) {
+ logger('diaspora_like: Ignoring this author.');
+ http_status_exit(202);
+ }
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ dbesc($parent_guid)
+ );
+ if(! count($r)) {
+ logger('diaspora_like: parent item not found: ' . $guid);
+ return;
+ }
+ $parent_item = $r[0];
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `guid` = '$s' LIMIT 1",
+ intval($importer['uid']),
+ dbesc($guid)
+ );
+ if(count($r)) {
+ if($positive === 'true') {
+ logger('diaspora_like: duplicate like: ' . $guid);
+ return;
+ }
+ if($positive === 'false') {
+ q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ intval($r[0]['id']),
+ intval($importer['uid'])
+ );
+ // FIXME
+ // send notification via proc_run()
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if($positive === 'false') {
+ logger('diaspora_like: unlike received with no corresponding like');
+ return;
+ }
+ $author_signed_data = $guid . ';' . $parent_guid . ';' . $target_type . ';' . $positive . ';' . $diaspora_handle;
+ $author_signature = base64_decode($author_signature);
+ if(stricmp($diaspora_handle,$msg['author']) == 0) {
+ $person = $contact;
+ $key = $msg['key'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $person = find_person_by_handle($diaspora_handle);
+ if(is_array($person) && x($person,'pubkey'))
+ $key = $person['pubkey'];
+ else {
+ logger('diaspora_comment: unable to find author details');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(! rsa_verify($author_signed_data,$author_signature,$key)) {
+ logger('diaspora_like: verification failed.');
+ return;
+ }
+ if($parent_author_signature) {
+ $owner_signed_data = $guid . ';' . $parent_guid . ';' . $target_type . ';' . $positive . ';' . $msg['author'];
+ $parent_author_signature = base64_decode($parent_author_signature);
+ $key = $msg['key'];
+ if(! rsa_verify($owner_signed_data,$parent_author_signature,$key)) {
+ logger('diaspora_like: owner verification failed.');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Phew! Everything checks out. Now create an item.
+ $uri = $diaspora_handle . ':' . $guid;
+ $activity = ACTIVITY_LIKE;
+ $post_type = (($parent_item['resource-id']) ? t('photo') : t('status'));
+ $objtype = (($parent_item['resource-id']) ? ACTIVITY_OBJ_PHOTO : ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE );
+ $link = xmlify('<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $parent_item['id'] . '" />' . "\n") ;
+ $body = $parent_item['body'];
+ $obj = <<< EOT
+ <object>
+ <type>$objtype</type>
+ <local>1</local>
+ <id>{$parent_item['uri']}</id>
+ <link>$link</link>
+ <title></title>
+ <content>$body</content>
+ </object>
+ $bodyverb = t('%1$s likes %2$s\'s %3$s');
+ $arr = array();
+ $arr['uri'] = $uri;
+ $arr['uid'] = $importer['uid'];
+ $arr['contact-id'] = $contact['id'];
+ $arr['type'] = 'activity';
+ $arr['wall'] = $parent_item['wall'];
+ $arr['gravity'] = GRAVITY_LIKE;
+ $arr['parent'] = $parent_item['id'];
+ $arr['parent-uri'] = $parent_item['uri'];
+ $datarray['owner-name'] = $contact['name'];
+ $datarray['owner-link'] = $contact['url'];
+ $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $contact['thumb'];
+ $datarray['author-name'] = $person['name'];
+ $datarray['author-link'] = $person['url'];
+ $datarray['author-avatar'] = ((x($person,'thumb')) ? $person['thumb'] : $person['photo']);
+ $ulink = '[url=' . $contact['url'] . ']' . $contact['name'] . '[/url]';
+ $alink = '[url=' . $parent_item['author-link'] . ']' . $parent_item['author-name'] . '[/url]';
+ $plink = '[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $parent_item['id'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]';
+ $arr['body'] = sprintf( $bodyverb, $ulink, $alink, $plink );
+ $arr['private'] = $parent_item['private'];
+ $arr['verb'] = $activity;
+ $arr['object-type'] = $objtype;
+ $arr['object'] = $obj;
+ $arr['visible'] = 1;
+ $arr['unseen'] = 1;
+ $arr['last-child'] = 0;
+ $post_id = item_store($arr);
+ // FIXME send notification
+function diaspora_retraction($importer,$xml) {
+ $guid = notags(unxmlify($xml->guid));
+ $diaspora_handle = notags(unxmlify($xml->diaspora_handle));
+ $contact = diaspora_get_contact_by_handle($importer['uid'],$diaspora_handle);
+ if(! $contact)
+ return;
+// if(($contact['rel'] == CONTACT_IS_FOLLOWER) || ($contact['blocked']) || ($contact['readonly'])) {
+// logger('diaspora_retraction: Ignoring this author.');
+// http_status_exit(202);
+// }
+function diaspora_share($me,$contact) {
+ $a = get_app();
+ $myaddr = $me['nickname'] . '@' . substr($a->get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(),'://') + 3);
+ $theiraddr = $contact['addr'];
+ $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_share.tpl');
+ $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array(
+ '$sender' => myaddr,
+ '$recipient' => $theiraddr
+ ));
+ $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$me,$contact,$me['prvkey'],$contact['pubkey']));
+ post_url($contact['notify'],$slap);
+ $return_code = $a->get_curl_code();
+ return $return_code;
+function diaspora_send_status($item,$owner,$contact) {
+ $a = get_app();
+ $myaddr = $owner['nickname'] . '@' . substr($a->get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(),'://') + 3);
+ $theiraddr = $contact['addr'];
+ require_once('include/bbcode.php');
+ $body = xmlify(bbcode($item['body']));
+ $public = (($item['private']) ? 'false' : 'true');
+ require_once('include/datetime.php');
+ $created = datetime_convert('UTC','UTC',$item['created'],'Y-m-d h:i:s \U\T\C');
+ $tpl = get_markup_template('diaspora_post.tpl');
+ $msg = replace_macros($tpl, array(
+ '$body' => $body,
+ '$guid' => $item['guid'],
+ '$handle' => xmlify($myaddr),
+ '$public' => $public,
+ '$created' => $created
+ ));
+ logger('diaspora_send_status: base message: ' . $msg, LOGGER_DATA);
+ $slap = 'xml=' . urlencode(diaspora_msg_build($msg,$owner,$contact,$owner['uprvkey'],$contact['pubkey']));
+ post_url($contact['notify'],$slap);
+ $return_code = $a->get_curl_code();
+ logger('diaspora_send_status: returns: ' . $return_code);
+ return $return_code;